The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    It's been said that director Steven Spielberg only takes on films where the plot can be described in one sentence.
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    At 5:51:42 PM on 4/17/2001, HoccioHocculli said:
    <font style="font:1000pt arial"> Y </font>

    At 8:25:12 AM on 3/10/2001, Big Razzie said:
    I saw the Lost World Blue Peter show where they went to Universal Studios and one of the presenters spoke to Vanessa Lee Chester.

    All the JP3 thing was was a quick mention :(

    At 3:48:25 PM on 3/9/2001, m2k said:
    well i missed it cuz i went to watch HANIBAl and there was a trailer for The Mummey Returns which looked excellant i also looking forward to tomb raider, AI, Pearl harbour as well.

    At 3:10:43 PM on 3/9/2001, Compyraptor said:
    I reckon those Harry Potter clips looked kinda cool. Anyway I am very disappointed that Newsround had nothing about JP 3 apart from this "One of the biggest movies this summer is Jurassic Park 3". It was really helpfull. (I was being sarcastic by the way).

    At 2:52:04 PM on 3/9/2001, Ed Nygma said:
    Channel 5 does suck, especially since they stopped showing the late night porn they used to love so much.

    At 1:20:32 PM on 3/9/2001, Dan said:
    Guys, calm down.

    At 12:59:43 PM on 3/9/2001, robter said:
    fuck u overaptor(dammit) you are a wiered fucker who has to get his own way about everyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thing

    I do love your art things with the figures though

    At 12:50:35 PM on 3/9/2001, ParkerP82 said:
    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,why didn't they show anything from JPIII!!!!!???TombRaider looked very cool though but I'm still pissed!!!That dragon from Dungeons and Dragons looked horrible and The Mummy Sucks sucks.

    At 12:44:41 PM on 3/9/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Fuck off you twit!</i>

    At 12:41:14 PM on 3/9/2001, robter said:
    shut it you jelous piece of shit!!!

    ps the brits kicked the us's arses in robot wars

    At 12:39:39 PM on 3/9/2001, Oviraptor said:

    At 12:36:08 PM on 3/9/2001, robter said:
    sorry to disapoint you all but there was nuffin on newsround about JP3, it only said that alot of work was being done on it as well as many other films this year. no pics, no story, just hHARRY SHITTY POTTER, what a load of crap. check my below post for some news from FILM magazine


    At 12:25:23 PM on 3/9/2001, robter said:
    this will be cooshdi(wicked). i live in the uk and cant wait, only 7 mins to go then i will be tellin you guys what jp3 is about(or not i think)

    ps. in this months edition og FILM there is a bit about JP3 it basicly says:it takes place on sorna after jp3, with the hangliding incident happening and Grant being hired out to fetch the kid back. the pic of the plane crash is there as well as a pic of the spino's foot/arms. it says it is fillmed in Hawaii and callifornia, shooting dates august 2000- january 2001. the spino wrighs 26,000 pounds and there are 10 species of dino in the film including the spin and t-rex and pteranadon, it also states there is going to be a fight between the spino and t-rex.

    most of this is old news but i thought i would post it, may confirm a few things now i must go watch newsround bye


    At 11:38:55 AM on 3/9/2001, InGen said:
    <font color=red>Right I'll be watching this tonight and i'll be writing a report on it and posting it on the message board entitled as JP3 from Newsround<font color=white>

    At 11:08:51 AM on 3/9/2001, Compyraptor said:
    Hey m2k I agree Channel 5 daoes suck.

    At 10:52:11 AM on 3/9/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    They also make cool programmes like The weakest link, Red dwarf, the fast show and the league of gentlemen.

    At 5:04:01 AM on 3/9/2001, m2k said:
    BBC is the UK's tv broadcaster (first one) they don't have adverts you have to buy a TV licencein the UK and the bbc get the money from it. They make programs like EASTERENDERs, ROYAL FAMILY, WALKING WITH DINO'S, OP OF THE POP's ETC ETC

    It doesn't suck (CANNEL 5 SUCKS)

    At 9:07:35 PM on 3/8/2001, gribblikk said:
    ummm what is bbc and why does it suck

    At 8:02:36 PM on 3/8/2001, sPitter said:
    AGH! God! I can't stand all these freakin' Lost World & Journey 2 the Center of the Earth remakes! They should do a film version of Edgar Rice Burroughs "At The Earth's Core" That book was awesome! It makes the other 2 look like shiznit!

    At 5:10:42 PM on 3/8/2001, Carter said:
    BBC does suck. But I'm watching it tomorrow. HELL YEAH!!!!

    At 5:02:15 PM on 3/8/2001, m2k said:
    do you know the bc are making a new dino drama that uses the walking with dino dinosaurs and real cast as explorers head off to some rainforest wher ethere are rumours of dinos dtill living it is based on a book and is called the lost world and has some bug name actors in it. plus Pierce Brosnan is staring in a new film about dinos awher ethey go back in a time machine for some reason to teh ino period and they tread on an incect but when they go back treading on that one incect has cahnged the world completly. shooting on that fim starts in april.

    At 4:33:46 PM on 3/8/2001, Cyros said:
    Oviraptor your just jealous
    and any way my friend might get it all on the web soon so you wont be missing anything anyways!


    At 4:31:03 PM on 3/8/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>The BBC sucks!</i>

    At 4:26:56 PM on 3/8/2001, ParkerP82 said:
    A lot of great news today!!!I will be taping the show,I usually watch it so....I will leave earlier from work to get a glimpse!!

    At 4:24:53 PM on 3/8/2001, Oviraptor said:

    At 4:23:56 PM on 3/8/2001, Cyros said:
    wow the english might get some info before the americans (no Offence ) IM soo Orgasmically Happy !!!!!


    At 4:22:48 PM on 3/8/2001, Savior said:
    I can't believe all of the good news we are hearing, this is awesome!

    At 4:19:06 PM on 3/8/2001, ParkerP82 said:
    CCCCCCoooooooooooooolllLLLLL,I'm going to watch that one!!!!

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