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    There were 75 CGI shots in TLW, while JP had 59.
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    At 6:07:21 PM on 3/26/2001, tyrannoking said:
    Well cmpyraptor, Metricanthosaurus is a Spinosaurid, ya want info go to the Dinosuricon

    At 12:47:48 PM on 3/6/2001, Tango said:
    Its been confirmed that JP3 is a sequel to The Lost World.

    At 6:36:42 PM on 3/5/2001, The Host said:
    "Sequel probably isn't the right word. . ."

    I've only skimmed over the comments here, but have found no reference to that line. Aside from the film's location, does this confirm it's place within the trilogy? Does this indicate it takes place between the first two films? (Granted, I've been pretty busy with university life and debating for the past couple of months, but I don't think <i>this</i> debate has yet been entirely put to rest.)

    Anyway, my guess is that it does. I've said from the beginning this movie will likely be a 'midquel' -- is there anybody left that agrees?


    At 12:25:09 PM on 3/5/2001, Compyraptor said:
    Oh gribblikk I was on about how many Rexes were on Nublar when it was a theme park not after it was abolished. Anyway I've come to my senses and probably thought JP3 is on Sorna even though personly I want to see Nublar.

    At 12:12:30 PM on 3/5/2001, Compyraptor said:
    I've heard loads about a Dinosaur called Metricanthosarus but what the hell is a Metricanthosaurus ?

    At 3:33:38 AM on 3/5/2001, Utahraptor said:
    And you won't care because you'll know it's Sorna.

    At 12:56:31 PM on 3/4/2001, Trodon said:
    Sorna is kind of desertic, Nublar is cooler!!!

    At 8:07:06 AM on 3/4/2001, Dr_Alan_Grant said:
    Thanx Utah. I think theyll do fine. And those that still insist on Nublar, dont fret. Im sure theyll show a new side to Sorna.
    *Alan Grant voice*
    Sure, at the moment you worry about what island its on. But as soon as that logo hits the screen at the beginning, itll grab your attention, it will GRIP your mind with its images and action, it will entertain the hell out you. Your mind will be enshrouded with scenes of thick vegetation and incredible animals chasing VERY frightened humans in INTENSE action scenes. It will both thrill and excite you, and before you even know whats happened, before you can register it all in, *smile* you will cease to even care.

    At 5:45:19 AM on 3/4/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Kid gets marooned on SORNA
    They go and rescue him from SORNA

    = Jp3 set on SORNA

    Isla Nublar is no more

    At 5:20:03 AM on 3/4/2001, Neelis said:
    Reddog, you are right, but I haven't seen the movie for a while. Anyway, the dino's on NUblar are dead, but mabey they go there before they go to Sorna, you know, to investigade.

    At 3:51:19 AM on 3/4/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Neelis, it doesn't matter if Nublar had 50 T-rexes, they're all dead now.
    THe building is old, and therefore on Sorna. We never saw all fo Sorna to say, Hey, that building wasn't there, it could be on Nublar, though.
    Why is everyone sayign Sorna if it's Nublar?
    Dr_Alan_Grant, I agree with you. Animatronics can do more, and it'll have CGI also. Just not all CGI.

    At 3:34:04 AM on 3/4/2001, Dr_Alan_Grant said:
    Yeah were all going to see it anyway.
    About the cgi: I think that it will be cool to see animatronics a little. Its stan Winstons love to create creatures like that, and i guess not just controlling one at a time, but actually getting two HUGE dinos to interact, even better yet to actually lock together in combat is an even bigger dream come true. Nothin like this has been accomplished before, at least on a scale THIS big, and itd be great for him. UItll be eye popping. However i too am saddened at the possible lack of CGI, (not that im saying there definately will be,) beacuse animatronics at the moment cant really be made to jump and lunge and move quikly in general to cgi, no way. uh uh. But Stan did say that TLW had its improved technology since JP and the same goes for JP3 compared to TLW, so who knows? I mean we have a toy raptor that can move, imagine what this millions of dollars worth of technology can now perform? Weve seen so much cgi recently in films, who knows what theyve secretly been creating and testing in defense against cgi. However, i am saddened cus i believe cmplete cgi would probably been a million and on times more realistic and dramatic. i hope it aint, circle, snap, circle, snap, lunge, jerk, etc. But then, they WILL surprise us. i know it. (Also, in defense of animatronics, they can create flesh wounds quite surpriningly realistically, so i dont think you have to worry about seeing grisly exposed foam and latex Josh. And about the weight, Heh heh, Rex trips the Spino over. Spino- "help ive fallen, and i cant get up!")
    But honestly, all in all, i really hope theres more cgi. Itd be sooooo much smoother. Im sure theyll do there best. *crosses fingers*

    And its on Sorna for those who still dont believe. As much as Id love to see Nublar again 4 years later, you gotta admit, that continuality is much more important. We cant be selfish.
    (Possible spoilers)
    But who knows, maybe at the start, maybe through a story of what happened during and after the incident by Grant to Macy and Tea, we may have a flshback. where the camera pans past bits of buildings and backgrounds from Nublar. Or maybe as they fly over Nublar (if they do, to Sorna,) Grant perhaps might just day dream, reminising. Then again, probably not. who knows.

    At 1:49:47 AM on 3/4/2001, reddog said:
    I have to agree. Let's all wait till the movie comes out.

    At 1:13:09 AM on 3/4/2001, ellersaur said:
    Dudes, WHO CARES!!!!! Its an island!! It has Dinos!! Stan Winston is involved!! ILM is involved!! CAN WE PLEASE PUT THIS TO REST!!!!!

    At 12:36:36 AM on 3/4/2001, reddog said:
    Hey Neelis, I think Hammond said that the T-rex was clocked at 32 mph.

    At 2:25:28 PM on 3/3/2001, Tango said:
    I doubt it. By the way, please put a spoiler warning before posting things like this.

    At 1:41:06 PM on 3/3/2001, DH4! said:

    This is the way I see it!

    The group goes to document on Isla Sorna and then after Cooper gets eaten on the runway the dinosaur attacks the plane but it still has a chance to take off. Then it crash lands on Isla Nublar where the group will be forced to stay for the entrie movie!

    At 1:30:06 PM on 3/3/2001, Neelis said:
    i got the proof that there is only one rex on Nublar.
    Ellie asks Hammond how fast the dinosaurs are, and he explains that t-rex can run 50 miles a hour. I'm not sure if that is the right speed, but he didn't mention to another rex, and when it would be there they would have show it in the movie, unless there is a directors cut with two rexes.

    It is probably a test, or a shot that will be finished with CGI. Don't worry, it will be good. I bet on t-rex, by the way.

    At 12:37:17 PM on 3/3/2001, Tango said:
    One other thing, I also doubt that InGen is even in business anymore after the San Diego incident. They needed animals to bring InGen's wealth back up after the incident at Jurassic Park. So one secret incident that cost millions upon millions of dollars occured (not to mention that it cost millions upon millions to make the park and its inhabitants), but then they tried to fix it and instead caused themselves another accident, which most likely put them out of business permanently. And the second incident was no secret either. Can you imagine the lawsuits that they suffered? Besides the "InGen lab breeding dinos" rumor, has InGen been mentioned at all in this story?

    At 12:31:07 PM on 3/3/2001, Tango said:
    "Oh and Tango if the Ingen lab rumour isn't true then explain the pictures of the lab."

    Just because we see pictures of a building doesn't mean that InGen is breeding dinosaurs within it. No doubt that building will be in the movie, but it doesn't prove anything otherwise.

    I believe people who didn't pay as great of detail to the movie just made up a rumor of dinos being bred in order to explain the Spinosaurus being on Sorna, along with other new dinos we'll see. We don't need a new explanation for this however because Hammond himself said "there are dozens of species on the island." I just seriously doubt that InGen/Biosyn could come to Sorna and rebuild facilities and clone dinos, given the hassle Sorna's current landlords (the dinosaurs). Plus when you take a look at that picture of the lab, do you really think cloning would be going on in there? It's filthy, rustic, overgrown with vegetation, and looks like it could probably collapse at any time.

    At 10:16:59 AM on 3/3/2001, gribblikk said:
    oh, compyraptor there are "currently" no rexes on nublar
    tyrannosaurus 0
    parasaurolophus 0
    metriacanthosaurus 0
    brachiosaurus 0
    stegosaurus 0
    velociraptor 0
    dilophosaurus 0
    gribblikkosaurus 0
    velociraptor o
    gallimimus 0

    At 10:13:53 AM on 3/3/2001, gribblikk said:
    u no we never realy got into biosyn in the movies and biosyn is a large part o jp now sorna is probally a nature reserve guarded and such so biosyn would have trouble getting in BUT the "new" dinos WOULD BE 4 YEARS OLD which would put it, if it was biosyn, at 4 years ago probally a few weeks before ingen returned to sorna. they could have gotten the samplings of dna which would still be there and be viable because sorna IS RUN ON GEOTHERMAL that colud offer a tie in with crichtons tlw

    At 5:54:27 AM on 3/3/2001, Compyraptor said:
    All you lot are saying that there's only one Rex on Nublar, well there's very, very little proof of that . With that Ingen lab how could it be on Sorna ? They can't just build a new lab on Sorna because there's loads of Dinos runing wild there so they would have to build it on Nublar because there are no Dinos there and they could easily breed Dinos there in peace in 8 years. Oh and Tango if the Ingen lab rumour isn't true then explain the pictures of the lab.

    At 2:37:34 AM on 3/3/2001, Utahraptor said:
    We won't see Nublar because there's no reason to, because there's no dinos. There is nothing to indicate only 1 rex. There's at least 2, if the Spino kills one. They're redoing the building to save on cost, as a whole enw building, sso thta's not a reaosn for Nublar. Once again, TLW prove dno dinos lef ton Nublar. As for clonign enw ones, I hope so, I hope it's BioSyn, but really, why go to Nublar, whent he breeding facilities are on Sorna, and there are known dinos there. If anything, they made new dinos to keep Dino Soars open all the more longer.
    Now,c na anyone (Oviraptor) please tell me why realisitically (read, not lying to trick/fool us), everybody and their clone keeps saying Sorna if it's really on Nublar.
    And an animatonic only fight will rock, but nothing's lead us to believe it's only robots. Just that robots will br used as oppose dto all CGI. Let's not read too much into things. Take it as is.

    At 11:58:33 PM on 3/2/2001, JPExpert said:
    umm...this still doesnt mean we wont be seeing nublar in the movie

    At 10:58:59 PM on 3/2/2001, Tango said:

    At 10:37:55 PM on 3/2/2001, Raptor Hunter said:
    The "Life will find a way" line was in JP, not TLW. Oh and why would they be covering the building in TLW with a new outer shell for JP3? If it was in LW they would just take a chunk out of it, make some more cracks, or cover it with moss. So I'm saying they wouldn't cover it unless it was different, so it has to be on Nublar.

    At 9:20:40 PM on 3/2/2001, Tango said:
    Another thing. Its not possible that JP3 is on Nublar! What more has to be said?

    At 9:10:27 PM on 3/2/2001, Tango said:
    I doubt the rumor of InGen breeding dinos is true. I can't imagine that they could start all of that over with everything like it is, plus wild dinosaurs on the loose.

    At 5:00:14 PM on 3/2/2001, Compyraptor said:
    Wait a minute, 4 years are supposed to be between TLW and JP3 right? Well then that would make it 8 years between JP & JP3 & the report about the Ingen lab said they are secretly breeding Dinos. So it is possible that Ingen guys made a lab & bred Dinos in 8 years on Nublar. Basically all I'm saying is that it's possible that JP3 is on Nublar.

    At 3:48:51 PM on 3/2/2001, Rake said:
    I've always thought CGI on moving, breathing creatures has looked fake as hell, especially when they start walking. Ugh! The Rex robot in JP was excellent, and he was used for most of the Jeep attack scene. Sometimes you can see his head jerk back and forth in close-ups, but that's easily forgiveable considering the movie is 8 freaking years old! Don't be so quick so hang the JP3 team, in other words, 'cause the only dino's they haven't made look real were the Raptors in TLW. Those were sh1t, but no where near as bad as then CGI shots.

    At 2:44:14 PM on 3/2/2001, gribblikk said:
    clothes i

    At 2:11:57 PM on 3/2/2001, gribblikk said:
    nublar is dismantled erevey thing biological and all buildings oviraptor is just nuts oh, we know its sorna and not nublar but there still is the fact that there seems to only be 1 rex and if you look at the close it is a gray rex. nublar had a green rex and sorna had a brown and greenish rex and the baby was greenish-brown so a gray rex doesnt fit!?!? ohh, maybe the pair bond of rexes had a nother infant and maybe the spino killed the other rexes leaving the proposed 4th rex alone as the only rex on the isle and killing the spino would then be its way of avenging its familys deaths.

    At 1:26:07 PM on 3/2/2001, Tango said:
    My God, who has the time to sit down and punch the same button 331 times in a row?

    At 12:07:44 PM on 3/2/2001, Dan said:
    Actually, someone voted for it 331 times.
    I fixed the totals.

    At 12:02:35 PM on 3/2/2001, T-rex vs. Spinosaurus said:
    How did the poll totals change so much? Just the other day over 50% of the people who voted said it was the 'most important-what the heck is Universal waiting for?' But now it's changed to where 'Most important' is only 39% and 'Not important' has 41%. How the heck did it change that much in just a couple days? Did somebody sit down and vote for 'Not important' about 100 times?

    At 11:50:27 AM on 3/2/2001, Carnotaur said:
    Does this mean there is going to be a dinosaur fight!??! jk

    At 11:16:16 AM on 3/2/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Yeah, the fact that there are no dinosaurs on Nublar would probably make it difficult to set a movie there.

    At 11:14:42 AM on 3/2/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Animatronic dinos, they're gonna look great.
    They won't look fake and computery like they would if they were CGI but instead they'll look 100% real.


    At 8:52:06 AM on 3/2/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Damn, that a heavy ass robot.

    JP Maniac signing off.

    At 8:46:08 AM on 3/2/2001, jp3chaos said:
    It around $15.00 now!

    At 8:43:25 AM on 3/2/2001, jp3chaos said:
    hey if any ones interested a JP3 sleeping bag is for sale on ebay!

    At 8:14:37 AM on 3/2/2001, Tango said:
    Nublar was not bombed, but was completely dismantled. Here is why it is not Nublar:

    1)The boardroom scene in fact telling us that its Nublar. It was cut for time constraint, not that Speilberg didn't want it.

    2)TLW took place on Sorna. Why? Because there was nothing on Nublar. "life will find away" like Malcolm said.

    3)Why would Hammond jump at the opportunity of sending Malcolm and his team to Site B, if there were dinos on Nublar? Because there were no dinosaurs.

    4)Why would there be a Site B in the first place when they could have just used Nublar again? Because they wanted to go by the book, and if they didn't, TLW would be nothing like its book.

    5)Why would Malcolm be surprised that there were dinosaurs still alive somewhere? Because he knew that they were all destroyed on Nublar.

    6)Why would InGen go hunt dinosaurs on Site B? Because there were none on Nublar.

    Come on stragglers, there's no chance of using Nublar. It makes no sense at all. Going back to Nublar would have totally destroyed a major part of the JP storyline.

    At 8:04:14 AM on 3/2/2001, Carnotaur3 said:
    Utah- how do you know that, you just expect it ot be dinoless or something...
    It's impossible at this point to tell us that Nublar was bombed. It never said that in the LW movie. SO howe would you know?

    At 2:42:19 AM on 3/2/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Well, confirmation at last on Sorna. It's always outnumebred Nublar, since their are no dinos on Nublar, cut scene or no cut scene. TLW said two things. life Will find A Way, and Nublar is dinoless.
    Oviraptor, you're either in denial, or you're channeling Riverworld. Give it uo man, nothing's gonna make it on Nublar. It's dinoless. Unless BioSyn clones some there (a great idea), no dinos. Sorry.
    As for the ultra cool fight, it merely said aniamtronics will eb sued. Like others pointed out, not only animatronics. Meaning, rather than just CGI it, it'll be with animatonics. probaly them walkign and attacking and missing, and closeups. One damage is done, CGI. Unless they put CGI wounds in. Which seems much harder to do.
    I'm more upset over the Sequel not the right word. At least nobody's insisting on a midqueal. no, Joe Johnston's whole ina nd of tiself movie idea still held through. It's not much of a tLW follow up other than eveyrbody knows dinsoa re there. It's the Kirby's saying, "Eric's ont he dino island." Not "Eric's on an island with, gulp, live dinos? What!" It's now stand alone. Apart form how the dinso got there, and Grant's involvement. And for all we know, they choose Grant for his dino fame, not previous experience, and add a short exposition of cloning, sorta how Malcolm's sumamry of events made TLW Book much more stand alone. Like a movie where people find live dinos, and turns out some dang company cloned them, and lost control.
    Oh well, I guess the climatic fight will be even more beautiful with the animatronic/CGI mix. Goody for us. More eye candy.

    At 12:07:14 AM on 3/2/2001, josh said:
    p.s. It would be impossible to make animatronic creatures move well enough to have a full fledged fight scene... PLUS, where would the wounds appear without CGI? It's only foam rubber that the dinos have for skin... it doesn't bleed, and if you took a chunk out of it you'd have to do a lot of work to fix that w/o it being obvious... probably a whole new coat. It's just not possible that there could be a realistic fight... plus, do you know how HARD it would be to pick one of those things up when it fell over?!! What if they had to reshoot the scene?? There is almost no doubt that a 26,000 lb machine would be damaged if it fell too. It can't happen and won't happen. If it does then I'm convinced that they've abandoned animatronics, recreated the dinosaurs, and trained them how to fight without killing each other.

    At 12:02:06 AM on 3/2/2001, josh said:
    It simply has to take place on Isla Sorna... we have been made aware of all the dinos that exist on nublar through the JP book and movie... Think of Nublar as the zoo, and Sorna as the wild. Sorna was where all the experiments were done and so there's bound to be more diversity... Nublar was kind of like the final showing room. So unless they brought more dinos to Nublar, I think it's highly unlikely that it takes place there.

    At 11:57:17 PM on 3/1/2001, Dan said:
    Trike: Or, it'll look like crap.

    At 10:06:19 PM on 3/1/2001, MegaRaptor500 said:
    Its most likely just going to be for close-ups!

    At 10:03:45 PM on 3/1/2001, Carnotaur3 said:
    That too, and not to mention we have had magazines say it's on Nublar and Sorna and all this crap which indeed menas Universal is trying to confuse us to surprise.
    It might be Nublar, for all we know!

    At 9:57:55 PM on 3/1/2001, TrikeSerabian said:
    All I have to say is...Wow! If it is all anamatronic, that means two things:

    1. More close-ups of the dinos.

    2. Stan Winston has now brought his robots to the next and possibly greatest level.

    Part 2 I think we all knew, but part one I think will make the film a bit more interesting. Anyway, I'm really excited about all this.

    At 9:29:00 PM on 3/1/2001, Gallimimus said:
    Oviraptor, I would like to know why you maintain your point of view. You really still think that it's on Nublar? Why? Because of that quote under the promotional picture?

    At 9:16:20 PM on 3/1/2001, GoldblumRules said:
    I'd say 80% of the time the animatronics were completely realistic in the first 2 films and I see no reason why this equation wouldn't get and higher in JPIII. The fact is, what they USE animatronics for tend to be just fine, I mean the animatronic raptors in JP were completely real-looking with exception of Muldoon's death. CGI has yet to look actually MORE real than something in the flesh and blood so to speak; it's mere fact.

    At 9:14:02 PM on 3/1/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Godzilla isn't animatronic, Godzilla is poor actor in rubber suit.

    At 9:02:43 PM on 3/1/2001, sPitter said:
    Yes, Sorna woulda made a lot more sense. Otherwise TLW woulda been pointless, making it an even worse film. And whats wrong with Animatronic fights? It'll B just like Godzilla!

    At 8:56:41 PM on 3/1/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Yeah, TLW used both CGI and animatronics for the Trailer/Mercedes scene. And you really don't get the fluidity and realism of two dinosaurs going at it unless you can show it walking without an extension cord coming out of it's ass.

    At 8:50:06 PM on 3/1/2001, Rexoraptor said:
    alright that sounds cool! but, an ANIMITRONIC fight???? how, i mean HOW, shouldn't it be CGI???

    At 8:26:36 PM on 3/1/2001, Rancor said:
    Oviraptor, accept reality.

    CGI dinosaurs always look better than animatronic. The puppets just don't look as real.

    The Good. The Bad. The Rancor.
    <a href=> Gondolend </a>
    <a href=> Exploding Head Comics </a>

    At 8:14:36 PM on 3/1/2001, reddog said:
    The spino may take the first round, but T-rex will regain its thrown.

    At 8:02:51 PM on 3/1/2001, spinorex said:
    Yeah, JP3's happenin on Sorna, which is cool, I dunno why you're all dissin' it, but i suppose Nublar would have been cool, y'know, see how much things have changed since JP1, but oh well. Now, obviously, the entire sequence of the fight ain't gonna be animatronix, coz, like Dan said, two giant robots is almost always gonna look like two giant robots, so probably just the really close up shots, and/or the loser's body will no doubt be animatronic. The victor (hopefully the rex, rex is always gonna be the best) will, i think, have a cool CG pose, reminiscint of the Rex in Jurassic Park, after she beat the hell outta those raptor bastards.

    But thinking back to that scene, it seems kinda stupid to do the pose again in JP3, so perhaps the old Spino is gonna kick rexy's ass. Or maybe, something unexpected will ahppen, y'know, like an air strike on the dino's, or maybe they'll both kill each other, either way, we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

    At 8:00:24 PM on 3/1/2001, reddog said:
    A point there, Tango. There are probably more rexes on the island. At this point the baby rex should be already grown up (not fully) by now since it's been 4 years and like you said we might have only one in the movie (the full grown adult maybe).

    At 7:50:58 PM on 3/1/2001, Tyrannical King said:
    Ooops, let me clarify that I don't know for sure if the Spinosaur was last batch or not. But my speculation. Because if not, the creature would have been known of in The Lost World and Hammond would have warned Malcolm, Sarah, Eddie, and Nick about it.

    At 7:45:09 PM on 3/1/2001, Tyrannical King said:
    I must start off saying it would have been interesting and enjoyable to return to Nublar, but... Beggers should not be choosers. But then again, should look at it this way. Nublar didn't have many of the dinosaurs Sorna has. The Spinosaur, the compies, the Pteradons, Memenchasaurus. Now, I'm not saying they weren't there, but then again, Site B was the back up. And of course Hammond wouldn't send out the Spinosaur into his pretty park because maybe he hadn't recreated it by then, or because he wouldn't have made every single birth of his dinosaurs on Sorna.... The Spinosaur was one of the final hatches. Because if four years is what it takes for a dinosaur to grow..... Well, perhaps the Spinosaur was in the last batch. And as the evaquated the town, the Spinosaur never was discovered, a reason why (s)he was not in The Lost World. Anyway....enough rambling on that subject... And unless they've made the animatronics to the point they are so fluid and fully continted like the baby Tyrannosaurus rex in The Lost World...don't expect it all robotic. Because they can't show more than just torso up, or torso back on the dinosaurs, because of weight limits and other technical BS I don't understand. lol. Just simply unable to do it. So...I think we'll see an awesome CGI sequence.

    At 7:28:57 PM on 3/1/2001, Nick Van Owen said:
    a couple of months ago i remember reading something about the t-rex being from nublar. i don't know, i'm probably wrong.

    At 7:25:55 PM on 3/1/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Isla Nublar, Isla Nublar, Isla Nublar here we come!</i>

    At 7:11:16 PM on 3/1/2001, Boricua Prowler said:
    It would've been cool to see that filmed. Very cool...

    At 7:11:13 PM on 3/1/2001, Boricua Prowler said:
    It would've been cool to see that filmed. Very cool...

    At 7:08:48 PM on 3/1/2001, Carter said:
    Where's Utahraptor, he should be here to witness the occasion. Sorna it is. Its been confirmed for ages but there was still a few people who....... nevermind. :)

    Anyway, about the use of animatronics. Theye'll still use plenty of CGI. They'll just use the animatronics to add to the realism. Close ups, better sense of contact, tangability etc.

    At 6:28:40 PM on 3/1/2001, Tango said:
    Hey reddog, truthfully there could be quite a few more T-Rexes on that island that we don't know about. But I really don't think we'll see anymore than two Rexes (excluding baby), and from what I've heard it looks like we're only seeing one in the movie. Who knows though.

    At 6:26:57 PM on 3/1/2001, Tango said:
    Lol, you're joking right? Come on man the answers are right in front of you. If it took place on Nublar, it would have totally ruined the story continuity of the movies. Going back to Nublar would not have made any sense.

    At 6:13:25 PM on 3/1/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>No it doesn't, JP3 takes place on Isla Nublar.</i>

    At 6:04:48 PM on 3/1/2001, Tango said:
    Phew, I hope this finally convinces people that it is INDEED on Sorna. This sounds awesome!!!!

    At 5:38:07 PM on 3/1/2001, reddog said:
    When there's Sorna, there are 3 T-rexes.

    At 5:34:41 PM on 3/1/2001, JP3MAN said:
    They will probobly do most of it in CG just some of it will use the animatonic dinos for some of it. They never said it was going to be the entire scene.

    At 5:33:49 PM on 3/1/2001, Dan said:
    I'm personally of the opinion that animatronics should be used as little as possible -- CG almost always looks better. Two giant robot dinos fighting will look like two giant robot dinos fighting. No way could animatronics been used for the raptor fight in TLW...

    At 5:25:12 PM on 3/1/2001, Glen said:
    I guess it's for promotion...

    years ago, making a movie with computer visual effects was something new (especially when creating dinosaurs). But nowadays, most movies use CG effects here and how can you create hype again? by doing something new...something big...building huge animatronics is one idea, especially as they say it's one of the biggest robots ever built for a hollywood set. However, how the hell are they going to shoot a dino-only battle with animatronics?

    At 5:23:18 PM on 3/1/2001, t-rex enthusiast said:
    I believe there'll be plenty of CG in the scene, but I guess they decided to film certain shots full scale. Or, it is possible we're just misenterpreting the author. Maybe it's a British/USA language gap - they do talk quite a bit different than we do.

    At 5:16:32 PM on 3/1/2001, Mallon said:
    I'm not crazy out the whole animatronic thing. I always thought the CGI looked much better.

    At 5:05:43 PM on 3/1/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Oh and Isla Sorna sucks dinosaur balls.</i>

    At 5:04:39 PM on 3/1/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>I'm sure there'll be CGI in there also.</i>

    At 5:00:33 PM on 3/1/2001, jp3chaos said:
    I want it to be on island neblar

    At 4:58:18 PM on 3/1/2001, firebird said:
    sorna all the way! i luv sorna!

    At 4:56:48 PM on 3/1/2001, masterful demon said:
    Wow! Pure anamatronics here. That's quite amazing! Stan Winston and his team must have really nailed the dinosaurs to do a battle sequence like this. But it puzzles me too as to why cgi isn't being mentioned. Maybe to save money? lol

    I just hope it looks good, and that it doesn't look cheesey, because we all know anamatronics aren't capable of rabid movements like cgi is. Ah well, I remember Winston saying that if you can shoot the scene live, you should do it. I guess we should just trust Johnston on this one until we actually see the footage.

    At 4:52:42 PM on 3/1/2001, m2k said:
    there have probaly used a combination of both. It was me who posted the story and it is from one of teh UK's Top film magazines. Total Film

    At 4:46:43 PM on 3/1/2001, Dan said:
    Guys, the Sorna/Nublar debate has been finished for awhile. We know it's on Sorna.

    The story here is that they're using animatronic dinos for an entire scene! Why would they do that and not use CGI?


    At 4:45:06 PM on 3/1/2001, Ultraraptor said:
    I've been saying Sorna!

    At 4:43:13 PM on 3/1/2001, Compyraptor said:
    I knew it would be on Sorna all along. And all you fools said it would be Nublar.

    At 4:42:32 PM on 3/1/2001, DH4! said:

    At 4:39:44 PM on 3/1/2001, Ultraraptor said:

    At 1:57:42 PM on 3/1/2001, vanillawafer69 said:
    Uhh Test?

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