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    At 12:31:59 AM on 5/17/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    OK, heeheemonkey you're on my good side. The funny thing about this is, the internet is nice but it can be very difficult actually getting your point across and likely if this had been an actual conversation we would both have come out agreeing. Fin.

    At 10:50:58 PM on 5/16/2000, heeheemonkey said:
    GoldBlumRules i am done arguing with you. We both want jp3 to be good and come out as soon as possible. By the way i think Goldblum Rules too.

    At 5:24:15 PM on 5/15/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I never said that they were making JP3 three years ago! ARGHH!! I only said they were planning on it! It got confirmed in June '98. So this has been in DEVELOPMENT for 2 years now. I'm pretty familiar with the production process. Besides, the report from Cannes that I expect Dan to post sometime today is out and we can stop quibbling about the release date. It's coming out next summer. Also, a production start of August leads me to believe that at the most we will only see Alan Grant in a cameo. Expect an unknown cast with a couple cameos by the original cast.

    At 4:42:49 PM on 5/15/2000, heeheemonkey said:
    Oh and another thing Goldblumrules i never said it was 3 years since they started making the lost world.I said it has NOT been 3 years since they started maiking jp3. You dont make sequels after the first movie ocmes out!

    At 4:39:43 PM on 5/15/2000, heeheemonkey said:
    Oh,Goldblumrules,i agree with you and UtahRaptor.There are alot of problems here. Speilberg saw this vision and its his. Johnston,in my opinion, doesn't know what to do. He is going to get it all wrong by speilbergs standards. He is going to make up this stupid plot. If this is not done right,it might as well not be a movie at all. I am a dinosaur nut and i am not as excited about this movie as the other 2.

    At 7:47:45 PM on 5/14/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    OK, OK, OK, heeheemonkey. I never even said that it had been three years since they started making The Lost World. I said 3 years SINCE the last one, and in that I meant since it came out. There have been four notable recent instances where they waited a lot of time before making another sequel: Godfather 3 (16 yrs.), Indy 3 (5 yrs.), Lethal Weapon 4 (6 yrs.), and Episode I (a prequel but the same idea; 16 yrs.). Since so many people became fond of the predecessors they were disappointed of the result because so much time had passed (with the exception of Indy 3). All I'm saying is, if this doesn't come out summer 2001, it'd compete with Episode II in 2002 (which is just stupid), and God knows if Indy 4 is in theaters summer 2003 (I hope). As for no one having a clue JP3 would be made when Lost World came out, that's an overstatement. When everyone was being interviewed during the Lost World craze, no one denied it would happen, which basically meant, "yep, we're making another box office bonanza." As for "You dont start making a sequel as soon as the first or second movie comes out", this is contradictory to most Hollywood sequels. Re: Batman & Robin, Scream 2, every Friday the 13th sequel of the 80's, ditto Nightmare on Elm Street, I Still Know What I Saw Last Summer During Halloween... I'm not saying RUSH JP3, no I'm not! But Utahraptor and I both agree that there seems to be some problems here, and maybe that idea is Spielberg's concept itself! If you can't make the concept work, don't try to hire every known writer in the Guild to try and fix it! Start fresh! I can't count how many writers have given a crack at JP3, the drafts or revisions or whatever, so I'll just point back to JP1: Spielberg hired three writers total on it, one of whom didn't even have any impact on the film. Hiring 5 writers to work out a script does not mean they're just making little refinements. They are scared with what they have and know it won't work. With JP1 they had a great concept within a novel to begin with, so writing the script was more of a breeze. It's just that you can't turn dirt into gold, and this is what we fear may be going on with JP3.

    At 6:33:46 PM on 5/14/2000, heeheemonkey said:
    Well,Goldblum rules,I disagree with you for disagreeing with me for disagreeing with you!! It has not been 3 years since they started making this film. It was 3 years since the lost world came out. You dont start making a sequel as soon as the first or second movie comes out. You give it sometime. No one had a clue that this was going to be a movie as soon as The Lost World came out. But you and I both agree on one thing...This movie better be as good as the other 2!

    At 5:26:51 AM on 5/14/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Well, I'm not sure there are too many chefs spoiling the brew. Perhaps everytime soemone writes a new version, Speilberg says it sucks, and after several attmepts, he gets somebody better. OR else he ahs several versions going on to chosoe the bets one. My feeling is eveyrbody is following Joe's story too much. And if it's Spielberg's idea for an indepandant, self contianed film, well, there's the problem, right there. The very idea they want to do is what's screwing thigns up. I said it before, and I'lls ay it again. We need a real Jp3 sequel, then do TV Movies for ideas like a prequel, and newbies stranded on Site B. Poeple don't wnat to spend 10 bucks to see these things. But on TV, eveyrbodyc na enjoy it. And occassional TV movies will keep the franchise alive, with no overkill. We can have a prequel, newbies only, even what happened between films. Heck, some people want to see the events leading to the letting loose of dinos on Site B during JP's events. TV Movie is best way to go. Besides, this idea they're plannign, sounds like what was happening during thsoe 4 years when a few people found their way to the island. Not a good, new idea. Wat's the real diff? We'r eon an island with dinos. Shouldn't be, VS, we'reon that dino island. Heck, theyc na use this diea for a series. Giliigan's ISland meets Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Lost world (Already a TV series.) BUt this idea for a movie, won't work.

    At 12:35:08 PM on 5/13/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    And likewise I disagree with you about disagreeing with me, heeheemonkey. They have ALREADY taken a lot of time on it. 3 years this summer, going on 4, since the last one... you don't want to test the durability of a franchise too much. Star Wars was able to do that, between Jedi and Phantom, but that's partially because Lucas did such a tremendous job keeping it in the public conscience, with the video games, books, video editions, etc. etc. I wouldn't recommend waiting past 4 years to get this one into theaters, both because of this, and it is well-known in the industry that most projects that have five+ writers working on drafts of the script tend to suffer from TOO MUCH looking over; you have to take chances if you want to win an audience, and this time-consuming rewriting or reviewing the script for JP3 tells me that this is not what they plan to do. Damn dirty apes! (no pun intended)

    At 8:39:29 PM on 5/12/2000, heeheemonkey said:
    I disagree with you GoldblumRules. I think that Jurassic Park 3 should be taken alot of time with(Since Speilberg is not working on it).You cant put a movie like that in theaters in 1 year!

    At 5:01:29 PM on 5/12/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Mary Parent, I have one suggestion to you that you will not recieve: please have this movie done by summer 2001, that is all I ask for now. As for what JP3 will be about and who's NOT going to be in it, well, running and screaming comes later...

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