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    In the JP comic series, Muldoon is alive and well -- according to the comic, Muldoon survived the raptor attack and we never saw his body. (From: Aki)
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    At 2:39:20 PM on 1/17/2001, Carnotaur said:
    I dont have a DVD :(

    At 7:39:52 PM on 1/15/2001, TRex2001 said:
    Nutty Professor II: The Klumps was out before the end of the year, and if it was 6 months, it'd be January. It had a lot of great features and a good movie.

    At 4:05:29 PM on 1/15/2001, TRex2001 said:
    Yeah i mean look at The Replacements. That came out 3 1/2 months later after its August 11th release date.

    At 4:02:13 PM on 1/15/2001, TRex2001 said:
    They should do like they did with the Independence Day CE DVD. Get all the cut footage and put it in the film and you could select the theatrical one or the bonus one not seen in theaters. And, instead of having one trailer for each movie, they should have each and every teaser trailer.

    At 3:07:24 PM on 1/15/2001, sal2 said:
    I agree with Raptismo and eyesore, it doesnt really take forever to make a good DVD.

    Its not like they are going to wait until the end of the theatrical run to begin working on the DVD, they will probably start working on it while its in theaters.

    At 7:38:51 AM on 1/15/2001, Raptismo said:
    You fools! Gladiator was out in the beginning of summer...and it has a KICK ASS dvd package. Who knows, That flick was done by Dreamworks and Spielberg has a little to do with that. Maybe JP3's producer will make sure that the package for the jp3 dvd and its extras is pretty solid. Plus the market for dvd's is getting a lot stiffer and movies have to be released with a few features for them to be a good seller. Plus the existing two JP dvd's are pretty sweet so im sure the third time will be a charm.......knock on wood.

    At 12:58:17 AM on 1/15/2001, eyesore98 said:
    People...you must not think about what happened last year with movies and the like! JP3 WILL be on DVD before the end of 2001. For example, X-Men was released on DVD/VHS on November 21, 2000. Only 4.5 months after the theatrical release. Don't be so surprised. It happened last year. All the big summer movies are already out on DVD/VHS. So, JP3 will be out in time for Christmas, maybe even Thanksgiving. But don't expect too many special features. These quick releases never have that many. They'll go back and make a better DVD for all the real fans to buy. VHS release depends solely on the company. For example, The Perfect Storm came out on the same day with a DVD and VHS release. Whereas, The Patriot came out with the DVD and rental VHS on the same day. The purchase VHS has yet to come out, at least to my knowledge. Sorry people, but they are gonna cater to ppl who will pay the higher prices for the DVDs, way before the VHS buyers will be catered to. Besides the great sound and video quality, and the extras, that's the other advantage of DVD: early availability.

    At 12:52:54 AM on 1/15/2001, sal2 said:
    For rent for the first 6 months or so I mean...

    At 12:41:21 AM on 1/15/2001, sal2 said:
    Don't VHS and DVD of a movie come out at the same time, but only the DVD is for sale and the VHS is for rent?

    At 1:22:48 PM on 1/14/2001, Gladiator6000k said:
    it will probably atleast have a making of documentry... they could have a making of documentry done before the movie comes out. the movie is MADE before it comes out (duh) so that means they could make it before its released... than trailers will be out before the movies out so they can jsut use them, so im saying, it wouldnt take that long to make it... but yeah that is really fast

    At 5:14:23 AM on 1/14/2001, Embryo said:
    Universal delayedthe date. It isn't their fault. Look, we're talking about DVD here, not VHS. VHS will be out before 2001 ends, but if they release a DVD before 2001 ends, I doubt it will have a great deal of bonus features, and a decent documentary about 50 minutes long, which they had for the previous two. Let's hope they get the same people back for the third!

    At 2:56:25 AM on 1/14/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Sounds like Universal doesn't have much faith in this movie. If they do new JP/TLW they need Spielbeerg's commentary, and all the cut parts, in their proper places.
    Course, this palce once said Jp/TLw would eb out X-Mas 99, and thye were nearly a yera off.

    At 1:43:08 AM on 1/14/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    They will definitly bring it out on VHS. But, it might take a little longer than the DVDs. I am really starting to hate DVDs.

    At 12:54:52 AM on 1/14/2001, scooter1598 said:
    it doesnt take that long to put a dvd together, even a good one. sure jp3 is late july, but in november of this year was: MI2, perfect storm, gladiator, chicken run and they all came out summer. plus, shaft, scary movie, gone in 60 seconds were all out in july, and hollow mam came out this week and that was released in august. so i am sure a jp3 disc will be out before xmas. maybe this director will even feel like doing a commentary. as long as there arent new versions of jp and lost world to coincide so we have to buy new discs like they are doing with the mummy this year. ok, enough rambling. i am sure it will be out by xmas.

    At 10:43:35 PM on 1/13/2001, sal2 said:
    It was released on video in Nov 1997, i meant

    At 10:42:27 PM on 1/13/2001, sal2 said:
    Wasnt the Lost World released in November of 1997, the same year it was released in theaters in May? I think it MIGHT be possible

    At 10:04:18 PM on 1/13/2001, Embryo said:
    I'm sure it'll be out on time. They've probably already started collating photos and concept art for the DVD. I'm just worried that on most DVDs released not long after the movie, they don't have many special features and stuff. ESPECIALLY a moking ofdocumentary. Both the ones for JP and TLW was about an hour, but JP3 will probably get the muck that is a "five-minute featurette" :(

    At 7:20:36 PM on 1/13/2001, Thorne said:
    Well, I'll admit it would be nice for the movie to be released on VHS/DVD that quick, but I don't believe it will happen.
    But I have been wrong before.

    At 3:07:54 PM on 1/13/2001, dinosniper said:
    that's bullshit, no way they'd release a DVD or a VHS of a movie that's still in theaters.

    At 2:09:34 PM on 1/13/2001, Jsigna said:
    they betta have a VHS ver or imm gonna have to run out a nd buy a DVD player!

    At 1:43:37 PM on 1/13/2001, Gallimimus said:

    At 1:12:47 PM on 1/13/2001, Tango said:
    Man, getting JP3 under the Christmas tree would kick so much ass.

    At 1:05:02 PM on 1/13/2001, Ultraraptor said:

    At 1:04:44 PM on 1/13/2001, Ultraraptor said:

    At 12:12:19 PM on 1/13/2001, Gallimimus said:
    Great! I hope they do a VHS version of it.

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