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    The JP ride at Universal Studios is loosly based on the infamous "river" sequence in the novel. (From: 'rexyraptor')
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    At 7:41:27 PM on 1/10/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    hun ?

    At 5:45:57 PM on 1/10/2001, t-rex enthusiast said:
    Goat be Gone doesn't know a damn thing.

    'Nuff said...

    At 5:36:39 PM on 1/10/2001, mcdino said:
    jp3 rules(but i dout we'll see the trailer superbowl sunday)
    case closed

    At 5:34:55 PM on 1/10/2001, mcdino said:
    they did it! the really did it! those goddamned bastards blew it up! get your hands off me u filthy stinkin dino

    At 4:15:42 PM on 1/10/2001, The Hatchling said:
    While we're at it, There better be a teaser for Tim Burton's 'Planet of the Apes' too, cuz if I watch the entire superbowl and don't see anything for JP3 or POTA than I'm just gonna have to start taking hostages.

    At 2:16:35 PM on 1/10/2001, BD said:
    Bascially what I'm saying, a lot of people haven't heard of JP3 yet. I think they'll go with JP3, even if it's like TLW trailer, they'll want it known.

    At 2:11:49 PM on 1/10/2001, BD said:
    You have to think, TLW was probably the biggest sequel ever, having the highest grossing opening in history. I'm sure they'll be hoping for a repeat. But we'll see what happens. I did like The Mummy, but I've already seen the trailer in theaters. Has anyone seen a JP3 trailer in theaters yet? There's your answer

    At 11:45:03 AM on 1/10/2001, TrikeSerabian said:
    It's the same as TLW! I've got my VCR ready. It will be a saver. I think that they've done enough filming to make a pretty good trailer. No way that I'll miss the Super Bowl this year!

    At 8:58:14 AM on 1/10/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    WIN JP ! WIN JP !

    At 2:30:55 AM on 1/10/2001, goat_be_gone said:


    At 2:27:58 AM on 1/10/2001, goat_be_gone said:
    Why spend millions of dollars to show a tralier of a movie that will most likely hit rock bottom in the first week.

    JP3 desirves a spot after that shity trailer on the DVDs


    At 2:24:16 AM on 1/10/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Since JP/// was so delayed, I doubt they'll have a teaser ready. Plus, the Mummy Returns come sout first,a nd thye'llw ant to hype it alot over othe rmovies coming out the same time. And I'd bet we don't even so much as hear the Spino's name mentioned until JP/// comes out, like the San Diego Scene. I think ti was a msitake for Winston to show what he did. Maybe we'll ehar Grant sya somehting like,"And I thought the T-rex wa sbad enough, but this...this is too muhc." Seems foolsih for Universal to blow thebig new baddie like that. Then again, showing the aliens before ID4 opened seemed to have helped it, so who knows.
    A slogn as soemone posts a JP/// trailer on the web, I'll be happy.

    At 1:06:08 AM on 1/10/2001, ellersaur said:
    Just like TLW baby!!!!!

    I would like to make a counterpoint to M@ge:

    1)The Mummy also proved it could make money, 2)it might be JP3 because that franchise isnt as fresh in people's minds as The Mummy, and 3)I don't think a JP movie is a sure fire blockbuster. A lot of people I know HATED The Lost World. JP3 doesnt have as much of a head of steam as TLW did.

    I aint no expert or nuttin, but those are my thoughts.

    At 11:27:45 PM on 1/9/2001, Embryo said:
    Well, I'm pretty sure filming is finished, so all Universal have to do is show some footage of the main attack, and some of the CGI teaser trailer (hopefully to be released soon) and bada-bing, bada-boom, we're done! But, I think if I worked at Universal (and seeing as they spent $8million on it), the Spinosaurus would be the main feature of the trailer...

    At 9:36:25 PM on 1/9/2001, LodownRaptor said:
    i think they should chose jp3 but if they do i imagine the trailer will turn out much like the lost world one short sweet and to the point...

    At 9:27:10 PM on 1/9/2001, eggy said:
    Damn, do I have to sit through the whole stupid superbowl to catch these trailers? Oh well...anything for JP

    I'm just gonna be super stoked getting to see dinosaurs on the big movie theater widescreen whenever it comes out!!

    At 8:40:30 PM on 1/9/2001, JP Maniac said:
    I hope the promote both movies then i'd have a good reason to watch the super bowl.

    JP Maniac Signing off.

    At 8:08:50 PM on 1/9/2001, M@ge said:
    I feel that it will be The Mummy Returns, basically because Universal wouldnt want to take to much focus of other major releases that are going to hit the screen first. Also the JP franchise has already proven that it can make money, so why bother promoting it so heavily, surely now Universal can pretty much count on the fact that if the title has the words "Jurassic Park" its gonna make money no matter what. So wouldn't it make sense to air a trailer for another movie which could realy benefit from the extra adverts. And dont forget there is still one more Universal trailer flying around the net and that is "The Fast and the Furious".

    At 6:29:35 PM on 1/9/2001, North2000 said:
    If the commercial is around 30 seconds they probably won't show alot of dinosaurs. I remember TLW trailer, you didn't see much but it was a very effective trailer.

    At 5:37:21 PM on 1/9/2001, Varan101 said:
    Well I have never seen a movie advertised during the Super Bowl that has not been advertised in theaters first. TLW trailers began to spring up in December...

    Of course they would certainly want to advertise the Mummy Returns before they would advertise JP3. If they advertise JP3 too soon, they would be taking a lot of excitment out of "The Mummy Returns", which looks like a good moive

    At 5:36:12 PM on 1/9/2001, t-rex enthusiast said:
    I've seen the trailer for The Mummy Returns, and I'll bet it will have a spot during the SuperBowl, especially since the first one did. I'll bet JP3 will have one though too. I want to see both, but I have this aching fealing that fans of both (and I am) will be pleased. Not to mention football fans (again, me).

    At 5:18:35 PM on 1/9/2001, Carter said:
    The studio has to realise that most people don't even realise that a JPIII exists, this is a big event, they have an opportunity to show millions of people that it IS being made, and coming soon.

    Granted, a thirty second spot is not enough to see a complete JPIII trailer, should it be complete at the time, but it is enough for a sneek peek. Just enough to get us all excited.

    For the complete trailer, Hannibal is the event we should be looking forward to.

    At 5:05:00 PM on 1/9/2001, Ed Nygma said:
    a lot of people don't even know that a JP3 is being made, so i reckon they'll go for the big audience for that

    At 4:52:06 PM on 1/9/2001, JackMuldoon said:
    I think they will promote JP3 because they have shown the trailer for The Mummy Returns in theaters already.

    At 4:49:51 PM on 1/9/2001, Dan said:
    Well the article did say "at least one", so maybe they'll promote both films..

    At 4:21:37 PM on 1/9/2001, Oviraptor said:
    more than likely it'll be " The Mummy Returns." since it does come out before JP3.

    At 3:46:38 PM on 1/9/2001, The Hatchling said:
    I remember back in '97 when I missed TLW commercial!! Hopefully history will not repeat itself this time...
    However, I went online a few days later to see if there was any LW info there, and guess who I found!

    Geez, 4 years since I stumbled accross Dan's TLW page!!

    At 2:55:30 PM on 1/9/2001, Varan101 said:
    I dont think its jp3

    At 2:52:38 PM on 1/9/2001, Varan101 said:

    At 2:26:14 PM on 1/9/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    GO JP 3 !!! GO !!!

    At 1:30:24 PM on 1/9/2001, Carnotaur3 said:
    I know it'll be JP3!!!
    YEAH BABY. And it beter show a lot of dinos.

    At 12:43:55 PM on 1/9/2001, Tango said:
    It'll most likely be JP3 since the Mummy Returns is already being shown before movies.

    At 11:34:41 AM on 1/9/2001, RexMan said:
    Universal will either promote JP3 or The Mummy Returns. Personally, I hope it's JP3.

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