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    The animatronic Tyrannosaur built for TLW was very strong -- it was actually used to pull Eddie out of the car and Burke out of the waterfall. (From: 'Kevy Mac')
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    At 4:20:32 AM on 4/21/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Yeah, me thinks this is not true either. Yet another example of how all the JP3 news seems to come on TV in every country BUT America... convenient hmm?

    At 3:49:58 AM on 4/21/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Well, I don't believe her. Besides doubting she'd ever let it slip out prematurely (she'd get a lot more flack and questions from that then from a sex scene), many a teen amle claimed to have read, or is to read the par tof Anakin in SW2 even though Lucas's people already went on recor dsaying nor eadings were due then, Lucas wanted an unknown (many a known claimed this), and never met any of these people.
    And wha tdoes blonde have to do with it? Not like the JP Movies only use blondes. JP, OK, not TLW.

    At 1:03:58 AM on 4/21/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Francis O'Connor eh? Is she blonde?

    At 8:06:45 AM on 4/20/2000, movieboy3 said:
    ok i know this has nothing to do with the new writer but i did i was watching a show here in australia called the panel and it had a guest on it called Francis O'connor. she is a little known actor from australia who is in the new movie called Mansfield park and she accidently let is slip that she has just been cast as the lead for Jurassic Park three. She slipped it out to avoid questioning about the sex scene she has done and then tried to cover up what she said. I was so happy to here it. So there you have it. Francis O'conner is the lead female in JP3 which will start shooting relativly soon because she was only cast about a week ago.
    thought you might wanna know.

    At 3:42:20 AM on 4/18/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I just hope the rumor where Johnston rewrites it is true, because if none of these rumors are true, then he's killing the series big time.

    At 9:12:22 AM on 4/17/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    I agree, let us hope that this is all B.S.

    At 12:53:50 AM on 4/17/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    If you're familiar with the film process, these script rewrite-revision-re-whatever rumors just stink. I personally hope these are NOT true, and JP3 is primarily a one-man work with INPUT, not revisions, coming in from different people.

    They did not have this trouble with the first two, primarily because they always had a book to go back to when in doubt.

    My suggestion: Rosenberg should finish it, give it to Johnston, have him read it, then forward it to Spielberg and last but not least Michael Crichton for FINAL approval. He could make a lot of useful input, he is a producer, and they need to close this series with respect that it all began in his head (or hand).

    At 3:16:32 AM on 4/16/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I agree with Dan. Maybe somebody normal will do a real sequel, with lots of returnees, not some newbies in an indie film.

    At 11:23:29 AM on 4/15/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    This means they have a few put-downs by some idiots at uh uh uh the whole other peoples that we hate! But good riddance!

    At 9:36:49 AM on 4/13/2000, Dan said:
    I think its bad news. The only reason so many writers are being brought in is that the script stinks. Anyway, I guess there's the chance that one of them will do something to make it better. I really liked Devils Advocate, but it's a completely different kind of film than JP.

    At 3:36:34 AM on 4/13/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Well, typing even my can come out all wrong. Not sure Crichton ever wrote anyhting for this one. Everything said producing only. So with Spielberg writing the basic story (read plot summary), we've only got Johnston and Craig Rosenberg, and my understandign was Rosenberg was the big write ron it, with Johnston helping out. Now we've got two newbies suppsoedly going ove rit. Well, Crichton wrote JP Movie screen paly, and it was updated afetrwards. We all read it. Hammond dies at the end. You know the one. So witht he suppsoed rewrite, we get basically 1 perosn doing it. And peprhaps after Goldman rewrpte it, it's getting looked at by Gilroy. Only if these rumors are true. In otherwaords, whatever Johnston was planning, everbody important (read not us) told him "It Stinks!"

    At 2:43:23 AM on 4/13/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    All I'm saying is that scripts with more than two writers tend to suffer big time, because instead of one coherent vision on the screen, you have about three to five (or more) trying to get the same point across. Some examples of this: Alien 3, Supernova and The Flintstones.

    At 8:48:32 PM on 4/12/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    I think that it means they are trying for a better script than TLW. This may be the best JP.

    At 7:19:10 PM on 4/12/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Well, the wisecrack dialogue was one of the few good things about Armageddon, and The Devil's Advocate was a decent effort. Gosh, how many writers is this now? Spielberg-story, Johnston, Craig Rosenberg, William Goldman (though I'd doubt it), Michael Crichton (characters)... sounds like they've been having a lot of trouble writing the script. I don't mean to diss on them, but how hard can it be to write "ROAR!"?

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