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    Before joining Stan Winston Studios in 1988, Mark "Crash" McCreery spent most of his time playing guitar in local bands. (From: 'Oviraptor')
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    At 12:35:59 AM on 12/19/2000, Embryo said:

    At 2:39:12 PM on 12/18/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    Danfield78 is correct.
    The film itself is fine its just the production that is a problem.

    At 9:39:48 AM on 12/18/2000, Carnotaur said:
    Macy has done one other film that comes up to the calaber of big budget movies....."Air Force One" anybody.......granted the budget for that one will not match the one allocated for jp3, however....just wanted to throw that into the hat of things!

    At 6:24:08 AM on 12/18/2000, maoli said:
    The movie isn't finished yet. Maybe based on the dialogue so far, it sucks. If that's the case, didn't Macy help rewrite the script? If so he only has himself to blame. Besides, a lot can be done in post-production to clean-up a bad movie. Add violence, action, blood, and a lot of special effects and you don't even have to pay attention to the dialogue(Titanic and Perfect Storm come to mind). We shouldn't expect thought provoking content to be a strong point if Crichton isn't writing it. Macy shouldn't grumble, there's no doubt he's going to make bank after this movie. Crap or not, I'm still going to watch it. It can't be worse than Waterworld. Also, I wouldn't take the NY Post seriously. They're a slight step above the National Enquirer.

    At 5:43:49 AM on 12/18/2000, dinolvr79 said:
    Maybe he will do a better job acting on this movie now that he is mad, that might bring out his character. At least I hope so....Because some of the time the acting can get bad if they are upset..

    At 1:59:30 AM on 12/18/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Macy can't leave. He signed a contract. The traielr is not the final one. it is not meant to hint at the island. it was amde before a final script was written for production, barring the sudden junking of it. Plus, no dinos on Nublar. There wrre 3 adult Raptor, one abby, and at least a nest full of babies. You should all be happy with this news. Apparently there's that awe of the Brachio's again. besides, we all know the making fo his has been a joke. 1 year plus without any serious workings on it from announcement. delays dealys delays. Firigns, rewrites, Hawaii problems galore. I'm surprised no one's said they wish they could leave. As for Macy's reviosu love of JP3, it cold have been patter from Unviersal, or else something major's just happen.

    At 1:30:07 AM on 12/18/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    Macy is a stupid actor and the second i found out he was gonna be in JP3 i knew instantly that he killed it right there, i mean hes an idiot actor, errrggggggg!!!!and now hes bashing JP3! sheesh, if that movie hits the box office big time (which i'm sure it will) he'll be singing a different tune, trust me, thats the way actors and actresses are.

    At 1:18:21 AM on 12/18/2000, getupkid said:
    I don't think Macy was kidding. He wouldn't bash a movie he is in as a joke because it could really hurt its success. I wonder what he's gonna say on Leno. Besides, he should be glad that they're going back and fixing stuff. It will make it a better movie and that's what we all want, isn't it?

    At 12:45:19 AM on 12/18/2000, Danfield78 said:
    I believe the film itself is fine. It is just the filming of it that is unprofessional. i'm a film student and i've been on a lot of shoots where the actors were really pissed at the unprofessionalism of the director, but the finished version of the film has been pretty damn good. If he's pissed about the hawaii reshoot, he should notice that they are actually taking the time to go back and correct their screw up.

    At 12:44:48 AM on 12/18/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    The big-budget action movie is a departure for Macy. "This is the biggest movie I've ever done, and I had trepidation doing the third of a franchise," he says. But then he saw some footage and was "astounded. It's going to be relentless. You're going to have to step outside to catch your breath."

    At 12:36:45 AM on 12/18/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    Macy: "We land on the island, and wham.. and we're running.. running until the end of the movie.. it's intense. This is phenemonial filmmaking and it's simply astounding to be a part of."

    At 12:29:13 AM on 12/18/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    Macy said this...

    "We've seen about 45 minutes of cut footage, and it rocks. Joe Johnston is directing it. It is intense and tight. So much so that they might put some air in it just to make it palatable for the younger kids. But there are some new dinosaurs, and I am not allowed to tell you, or a spinosaurus will have to come kill you... I am running from dinosaurs. Action, action. It's very intense. "

    At 12:23:11 AM on 12/18/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    yeah but why did he just have a positive view about it the other day and now he changes his mind? why?

    At 12:15:05 AM on 12/18/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Well actually... if the rumors are true Macy has every right to blast the film. I'm sure you'd be concerned over the health of a film if you signed on as an ACTOR then flew all the way to Hawaii to find out that, yes, YOU will be doing some rewrites of the script ON LOCATION.

    Still.... this article is vague at best. His description of the 'Capra' moment especially.

    At 11:57:27 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    Yes it's been confirmed to be on Sorna..

    At 11:55:48 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    He better not start running his mouth about JP3 on Leno!

    At 11:54:15 PM on 12/17/2000, sal2 said:
    No it is on Sorna. That was confirmed on the JP3 Hotlink by Stan Winston and a while back in USA TODAY.

    At 11:44:43 PM on 12/17/2000, ellersaur said:
    This worries me, but it doesn't. I mean, these kinda comments are hard to ignore, but on the other hand, has he done ANY special f/x-heavy films?
    And another thing: why did he even sign up? I know it took him a while anyway, but couldn't he possibly see some of these problems coming?
    One more comment: It is Isla Nublar. I don't mean to come off like a nerd, but the island in the trailer is shaped liked Nublar, not Sorna (which is rounder).

    At 11:28:06 PM on 12/17/2000, sal2 said:

    At 11:15:31 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    Except for the Raptor's born in the wild in JP.. the eggs Grant and the kids found were raptor eggs.

    At 11:05:50 PM on 12/17/2000, Carnotaur said:
    Ok this post should put to rest the Nublar/Sorna debate. How many raptors are there In JP?? The correct answer is three, two adults and one juvenile. As we all remember the two adults were smashed by the great T-Rex....so that leaves just the one helpless youngster. NOW in JP3 there are said to be raptors......IE...more than one! The only place that would still have raptors would be.....Sorna!! So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
    (the preceding was tototally off the subject, BUT was something that needed to be said, sorry for any confusions)

    At 10:59:39 PM on 12/17/2000, Carnotaur said:
    Macy's funny.

    At 10:42:29 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    I wonder what the JP3 crew thinks about what Macy said? Do they even care?

    At 10:22:38 PM on 12/17/2000, Embryo said:
    Yeah, this doesn't make sense. He is suddenly negative. What has happened? Is he joking?

    At 9:06:45 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    Actually Macy is the one who should be shot!

    At 8:28:21 PM on 12/17/2000, Spinosaurus aegypticus said:
    I don't believe this shit.. first Macy is all positive about JP3 and now he's a negative asshole about it.

    At 8:14:50 PM on 12/17/2000, sal2 said:
    I was thinking the same thing, Gallimimus, he was acting as if he was very excited about the project. What happened?

    At 7:50:46 PM on 12/17/2000, Danfield78 said:
    I have a feeling that this movie will have a lot of the best parts of the whole franchise and contain a handful of the worst parts of the whole franchise. I think it will be way better than lost world, and far worse than the origional.

    At 7:21:47 PM on 12/17/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:

    At 7:07:07 PM on 12/17/2000, Gallimimus said:
    A few days ago (and also during the webcast introduction) Macy was very positive about the movie. Now he's contradicting his comments. It's strange.

    At 6:49:23 PM on 12/17/2000, PeteDogg007 said:
    To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi: "I have a bad feeling about this..."

    At 6:43:05 PM on 12/17/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    Why does this film sometimes look as if it is going to save the series... then at other times, it looks like this IS the final blow to it.
    Has anybody ever asked themselves that ?

    At 6:41:24 PM on 12/17/2000, Loric said:
    Just food for thought.. it's spelled "Thespian" not "Thesbian"..

    At 6:40:24 PM on 12/17/2000, JP3MAN said:
    Ha Ha Ha!!!!!! You guys don't even know these people and your acting like you do. I wonder what this movie will be like......

    At 6:24:15 PM on 12/17/2000, Ed Nygma said:
    Neill is being quite cause hes a nice guy. Hes been here before, seen JP get him fame and money and stuff and he respects it even if he dosn't like it, which he may well anyway.

    At 6:06:41 PM on 12/17/2000, Varan101 said:
    Him and Tea Leoni have formed the JP3 bashers association. But seriously why do a movie if you cant take it seriously? Leoni seems to have a problem taking it seriously, while Macy doenst like the plot. Then LEAVE!

    Neill is only being quiet because they paid him his millions.

    At 5:38:12 PM on 12/17/2000, Dan said:
    I think the only thing he's joking about is in that last comment.. why would he go through the trouble of bashing the film then say something like that? It seems like he's obviously pandering to the Universal execs. Anyway, I doubt we'll see another interview like this after Universal gets wind of it.

    At 5:24:06 PM on 12/17/2000, Deechie said:
    i think he was just joking guys... remember this is the guy who said that if he said anything else a spino wouldhave to come and kill you...

    At 5:09:30 PM on 12/17/2000, Varan101 said:
    Macy is an idiot. All of them are idiots. They should listen to the fans for once and find out what they want to see, but who cares apparently.

    At 4:45:52 PM on 12/17/2000, Ultraraptor said:

    At 4:40:53 PM on 12/17/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    Oh God.

    At 3:46:39 PM on 12/17/2000, Glen said:
    Funny that he's allowed to talk in such a way about the productioon without getting in trouble with the studio execs.

    At 3:42:47 PM on 12/17/2000, Savior said:
    I never really liked him though, just by looking at him you can tell he thinks that nothing is good enough for him.

    At 3:35:18 PM on 12/17/2000, Dan said:
    Though I must say, his comments are alarming.. what could have gone so wrong to make him to think someone should be shot over it?!

    At 3:35:10 PM on 12/17/2000, Ed Nygma said:
    And how can we trust anything he says. I mean, just look at his mustache.

    At 3:32:08 PM on 12/17/2000, Dan said:
    Yeah, really... He knew what he was getting in to when he signed on. This is no "Fargo". I hope he doesn't plan to use JP3 to rant about what's wrong with Hollywood, and what happened to all the art films, and the studios are too bloated, blah blah blah blah

    At 3:18:20 PM on 12/17/2000, Ed Nygma said:
    Macy just aint used to productions this big.

    At 3:13:08 PM on 12/17/2000, pachysaur said:
    I completely respect William H macy as an actor and as an incredible thesbian, but who the hell is he to make fun of a production that he's in!? I understand that JP3 might be having some problems and that universal really cares more about the money they're going to get as opposed to the franchise they're going to kill, but don't any of the actors care about it's product. Maybe this is simply a theater hting, but I was always thoroughyl ingrained with the concept of loving the production you're in for the sake of it and yourslef. Some might think it sucks and is going nowhere, but if you start acting that way it will turn out that way. The only chance it has isd for you to try your best and look at each problem as an obstacle you're to overcome. I love William H macy and was siked that he was signed on to JP three. Now all I can do is say shame on him for being hypocritical to his "anti money making" beliefs. This is a dismall day for a JP fan.

    At 2:47:14 PM on 12/17/2000, Savior said:
    oh god don't let the kid kill the spino with a soccer ball.

    At 2:33:27 PM on 12/17/2000, Danfield78 said:
    I think we all know that this movie is a hastily thrown together money maker. The only reason we're all seeing it is for the dinosaurs. I enjoyed the lost world after i decided not to compare it to the first one. I'm doubting that there will be any gymnastics in this either.

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