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    The idea for the Dilophosaurus' fan in Jurassic Park was based on the Frilled Lizard of Australia, which is known to take a bipedal stance and run while displaying it's fan as a means of defense and intimidation. (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    At 7:14:38 PM on 11/21/2000, wjw said:
    ih8wasps... I'm an idiot. I meant herbivore, don't ask me where carnivore came from.

    At 7:22:18 AM on 11/20/2000, Gallimimus said:
    ih8wasps: you are an ignorant.

    At 8:58:22 PM on 11/19/2000, D.Marcos said:
    Hey to all of you who I see from Robert Muldoon's MB (ih8wasps greeted me).

    This is a travesty. FOX is only contributing to the chaos of buying valuable specimens that caused the "Sue" fiasco and contributed to the Archaeoraptor lianoningensis screw up. There is nothing wrong with amateurs digging fossils, and being the discoverers, but the issue coems when the museums are robbed of the precious finds. THE SCIENCE SHOUlD STAY WITH THE PALEONTOLOGISTS! This will spiral into a horrible trade of fossils crucial to the field that will never see a museum (as if that doesn't happen already). They will all become coffee tables for the rich and ignorant. Fossils shouls stay in the museums!

    And FOX should stick to making awful TV, what it does best, and stop ruining science.

    At 8:35:35 PM on 11/19/2000, MegaRaptor500 said:
    Just 800,000; no problem.$(

    At 3:00:23 PM on 11/19/2000, Joxer said:
    The winner apparently gets the actual material, plus a mounted cast of the skeleton. Frankly, selling something like this at auction makes me sick. I just might contemplate considering a boycott against all Fox shows ;)

    At 10:28:49 AM on 11/19/2000, Dan said:
    Out of all the dumb stuff FOX does ( "Who wants to marry a millionare", anyone?) this one seems pretty tame in comparison..

    At 9:52:19 AM on 11/19/2000, ih8wasps said:
    FIRST, Pachycepholosaurus is an HERBIVORE, NOT a carnivore OR omnivore.

    SECOND, rare fossils such as type specimens, shouls not be sold to private collecters. if it is the only actual skeleton(the others might be casts) then it should remain in a museum where it can be researched by any and all paleontologists who want to see it, and the public should be able to see it.

    and welcom D Marcos.

    At 9:37:38 AM on 11/19/2000, wjw said:
    This *&%$! me off so much. There is a huge problem in this country when it comes to the fossil trade. Amatuers are digging valuable dinosaur fossils up any selling them to the highest bidder. These fossils belong to everyone, not just some private collector. The Discovery Channel did the same thing a while back, and it caused an uproar among paleontologists, as should this. We should complain to Fox. By the way, the dinosaur they desribe was not an omnivore, but a carnivore.

    At 3:23:04 AM on 11/19/2000, Utahraptor said:
    $1Mill o have a palque with my name on it at the museum, cool. Now, can someone break a $10 Mill bill? it's the smallest I have.

    At 9:52:10 PM on 11/18/2000, Dan said:
    I think it's the actual bones, and I don't think they're mounted.. If you go to the site you can see a detail, and it shows them in some sort of wooden boxes. It also says that the winner needs to donate them to a museum.. WTF, if I pay a million bucks for dino bones, I'm gonna set them up in my house! :)

    At 7:39:45 PM on 11/18/2000, Tango said:
    Hmm, this news bite is a little confusing to me. I've seen a total of 3 Pachycephalosaurus skeletons in my day, so I know that this one isn't the only one, unless these are the ACTUAL bones. If its the actual bones then I doubt its a mounted skeleton. Plus this animal was not an omnivore, but an herbivore. Kind of funny, I work at an actual store in Cocoa Beach, FL called "The Dinosaur Store" as seen on CNN. For a long time we had a mounted pachy skeleton in our window. Our website is www.dinosaurstore.com.

    At 5:43:22 PM on 11/18/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Thats stupid, Fox is Stupid.

    At 5:22:09 PM on 11/18/2000, D.Marcos said:
    yeah, you did. there were fourteen comments.

    At 4:31:43 PM on 11/18/2000, Dan said:
    OOps, I forgot to give this story a comment thing. Sorry!

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