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    In JP, the triceratops' sickness is supposedly caused by berries ingested with stones for use in their gizzards. Apparently the writers were unaware that ceratopsians did not have gizzards. (From: 'Rancor')
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    At 7:36:24 AM on 12/9/2000, spinoking said:
    maybe it is maybe it isn't just rember the logosaur

    At 4:45:18 AM on 11/14/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I hope this is true. We need more dino attack dino action.

    At 12:27:38 AM on 11/14/2000, D.Marcos said:
    sounds fake

    At 12:13:04 AM on 11/14/2000, Embryo said:
    Well, we can only guess....

    At 9:38:53 PM on 11/13/2000, Anklyosaurus said:
    I was just on counting down.com, and someone named "Mother_Raptor"(he is the same person who says he has the script, and has read 70 pages of it) says that there will be a, And I quote"a little tank guy with a hard back and a nob on his tale" of course when he says "guy" he means dino. And he is of course describing some kind of anklyosaur. This news is all starting to add up, maybe their is some truth to this after all.

    At 8:18:14 PM on 11/13/2000, Danfield78 said:
    Anyone here notice that the Security Guard post said something about a species of dino that was never bread by the scientists? Hmmm, anyone also notice that the toy line lists also listed a Spinosaurus/Baryonix toy? I'm saying that the movie is going to say that Spinosaurus is actually a MALE BARYONIX. They do look very similar (except for the spine) the toy is probably a baryonix with a pop up spine! whaddya think??

    At 7:42:03 PM on 11/13/2000, giganotospinotaurus said:
    I agree with tembogonnahuntUdown. That Dilophosaurus would be awesome.

    At 7:30:02 PM on 11/13/2000, TS146 said:
    TembogonnahuntUdown your right this does sound like that scene in The Lost World where Sarah got chased up that tree.

    At 7:25:25 PM on 11/13/2000, giganotospinotaurus said:
    This sounds like an awesome scene. It will look tight with all the special effects and everything.

    At 7:21:04 PM on 11/13/2000, TembogonnahuntUdown said:
    Anybody think to have more from the Dilophosaurus? After one scene in JP, they disappeared! What the hell? At least show some predatory behavior in them. Have Grant and his "group" come across a pack of dilophosaurs ambushing a plant-eater. That would be an awesome scene.

    At 7:17:57 PM on 11/13/2000, TembogonnahuntUdown said:
    right let's think about this. TLW introduced several new dinosaurs, but that was ok. JP3 is going to have so many new dinosaurs that the movie is going to be centered around them. Ankylosaurus? None of those in JP!!! Jurassic Park 3 is going to seem like an entirely different movie if you watch the other movies, JP and TLW. Think, at least JP and TLW had decent storylines! I mean, I realize these are all just rumors, but how the hell do people come up with them?

    At 7:04:04 PM on 11/13/2000, TembogonnahuntUdown said:
    This better be true. This will resemble the scene from the book "The Lost World", where the raptors chase after a herd of hypsilophodonts, and instead are distracted by Sarah and go after another dinosaur. This scene helped to explain the raptors' ferocious behavior, even to their own offspring.

    At 6:59:51 PM on 11/13/2000, MegaRaptor500 said:

    At 6:55:31 PM on 11/13/2000, Carter said:
    I agree, even if the guy's full of it, there just has to be a scene like this in JP3.

    At 6:41:49 PM on 11/13/2000, Anklyosaurus said:
    Yes Yes Yes, I hope this is true, it is the best news I've heard in a long time. Please be true. Can anyone verify this?

    At 6:10:02 PM on 11/13/2000, Gladiator6k said:
    i think this is shit...

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