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    At 2:25:22 PM on 11/12/2000, North2000 said:
    They also went to a college to test the confusing ballots and 50% of the people who used these ballots picked the wrong person.

    At 2:22:39 PM on 11/12/2000, North2000 said:
    Everyone should've been given the same ballot in Florida. To give confusing ballots to just one county in Florida seems wrong and unfair.

    At 12:38:06 AM on 11/12/2000, RealHeeroYuy said:
    There are 100 + militas ready to kill Gore if he takes any gun rights away. Heres a quote from gore. "The constitution dosen't give any american the right to own or bear arms" i will feel sorry for his sad ass if he wins

    At 12:02:32 AM on 11/11/2000, tsplano said:
    To further emphasize this simplicity of the ballot, read this -

    It pretty much sums it up for the ballots. It just trips me out that the 3 out of 71 kids who didn't follow the directions exactly at least had the initiative correctly display their choice in one form or another. -

    And this one.

    My sympathies go to this poor woman. The crap that her own party has put her through - it wouldn't surprise me if she becomes Republican after this blows over.

    At 9:56:50 PM on 11/10/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    Ha Ha Ha nice fuckin picture, your so cool Dan, i plan to be just like you and make my own jurassic park website. Bush 2000 he has already won, the rest is after the fact.

    At 7:34:59 PM on 11/10/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Boy Dan, this has caused the most arguing and controversy since the days of TVbrains13 and Ian.

    At 4:19:20 PM on 11/10/2000, PoloMan said:
    The real fact of the matter is that the Democrats in Florida are complaining about something they could have easily fixed before the election, except for some reason, they only began to complain about it now because their losing the election to Bush. I wonder if they'd make a big deal about this whole ballot thing if Gore were leading.

    What I really can't believe is that some bleeding-heart liberals are saying that Florida should have a re-vote. I swear we should have an IQ test for voting. People are so stupid (or blind for those old folks in Florida) that they can't even put the pin in the punch card! Give me a break. These democrats are trying to sound like their fighting for the people when in reality they’re fighting for their own agenda. If these democrats really wanted to have a fair race, they'd admit Bush won and leave it at that.

    At 2:51:12 PM on 11/10/2000, tsplano said:
    LOL!!! Good pic, Dan! I admit that is funny, especially if you put Clinton face over Dr. evil and Gore's over Mini-me. If you want some more good laughs on W's account, go here:

    Ok, let's follow that line of logic about misaligning your ballot card - even if you did misalign it, how would you have known? How would the old folks have known when they got home? If they had suspicions at they voting booth about their ballot layout, why did they not raise the issue with the election reps or even ask them for help? Did these people knowingly punched the wrong hole on the card, pulled it out of the voting booth, then stood there dumb-founded while telling themselves "DOH! I punched the wrong hole!" then still stuck their ballot in the box? It still doesn't explain why those people didn't ask then and there about the ballots. All your reasonings imply recognition of the problem AFTER the fact. How would you feel if half of the voters who voted for Gore suddenly had a change of conscious about Bush and decided to raise questions about their ballots and demand to have their votes be changed for Bush? Dan, you're really reaching for conclusions there. I mean REALLY reaching….

    At 12:47:05 PM on 11/10/2000, Dan said:
    <center><img src=minibush.jpg width=281 height=448></center>

    At 12:38:08 PM on 11/10/2000, Dan said:
    No, the holes line up fine on the ballot, but the way the system works it that you slide it into this machine, then punch through the hole of the person you want. The problem here is that if someone doesn't slide the card all the way down (which is apparently easy to do), the person will punch a hole for Gore since the arrow is pointing to that hole, BUT the hole isn't for Gore since the card isn't in the machine correctly. Get it?
    -Dan, a pushing-things-though-holes expert. ;)

    At 11:12:33 AM on 11/10/2000, tsplano said:
    Well, Dan, it's obvious to me that you haven't even seen the ballot if you think the holes aren't even lined up with their respective black arrows. Even Jay Leno last night made fun of the whole ballot snafu (much to my surprise) I wish I had the transcripts from this morning's from Paul Harvey commentary who noted a Democrat politician from Chicago (Mayor Richard Daley I think it was) who criticized the ballot layout in Palm Beach until a reporter pointed out to him that the ballot they used for his own election (in which he won) had the same layout. Gee, what next Dan? You gonna convince all of us that they sky is colored red?

    Let's see…the Bush lead increased from 249(?) to 327 (assuming the AP wire knows what the hell they're reporting) That still puts Bush in the popular majority vote in Florida. Not to mention their absentee ballots have not come in yet. California's and Washington absentees have yet to be counted. What would everyone say when ALL of the votes are tallied and Bush turns out to win both electoral AND popular votes? Hmmm?

    I can just see Dan making that same expression as Hammond right about now - "I really hate that man…."

    At 8:01:07 AM on 11/10/2000, Dan said:
    I think it's fun watching Bush's lead dwindle down to a few hundred votes. I mean, the majoirty of the Amercain people don't want him to be president, and even if he does win, he'll have to deal with that for the rest of his administration.

    As for the ballot, the big black arrows don't mean anything if they didn't line up with the correct holes.. It's a stupid ballot. If they wanted to make it easy for seniors, they should have listed them down each side with big spaces between them. Whoever is in charnge, democrat or repuiblican, was stupid to use these ballots.


    At 1:39:33 AM on 11/10/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    I hope Bush wins! :-)

    I live in Texas, and with our technically enhanced-lethal injection nowadays, we'll take care of the education problem in NO TIME! :-) j/k

    At 11:35:37 PM on 11/9/2000, North2000 said:
    That is not true, Gore never said he wanted to take away all guns. He is for some gun control laws.
    Not only were the ballots in Palm Beach confusing to alot of people but on TV some people are saying that they are illegal ballots according to a Florida law. This could end up in court.

    At 11:14:17 PM on 11/9/2000, RealHeeroYuy said:
    You Gore people are blind.
    This man wants to take away all guns, raise taxes for gas
    and alow wemen to murder defenseless baybys that havent even been born yet

    Do you really want that on youre back that you voted to let the US go down the drain

    At 11:12:08 PM on 11/9/2000, Seige_6 said:
    I have nothing to say anymore about this. Except that this is getting way to out of hand, and people are starting to insult each other over this. It's not really in our hands on who the next prez will be anyway, so everyone should just lay off each other.

    At 11:04:09 PM on 11/9/2000, tsplano said:
    jpisfordorks said:nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say shut the fuck up Bush2000

    hmmmmmmmm...I think you made my point.

    I agree. This thread is dead. Bush wins. Democrats will continue to whine.

    At 10:44:51 PM on 11/9/2000, Carter said:
    Did you see that, it was me trying to break the ice by mooning the lot of ya.

    C'mon settle down, this is pointless, the votes have been cast this isn't gonna change anything.

    At 10:31:43 PM on 11/9/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say shut the fuck up Bush2000

    At 9:44:31 PM on 11/9/2000, tsplano said:
    Boy, you know when people are not reading your posts when no one contests obvious mistakes in them. Anyone pick up on the last 2 of mine?

    At 9:14:07 PM on 11/9/2000, TS146 said:
    Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush

    At 7:08:55 PM on 11/9/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    Bush will win, all those dumbass whiny emocrats including the idiot jesse jackson are just being bitches about it. Jesse Jackson puts his ass where it doesnt belong he is such a shithead. Bush 2000

    At 6:16:55 PM on 11/9/2000, Chapter_11 said:
    I think it was wrong to put the polictical things on a Jurassic Park web site. You make people mad and it might even make people not want to come back.

    At 5:53:07 PM on 11/9/2000, tsplano said:
    Dan - thanks for that link. An interesting read. Although the ship is in port, we're making the assumption that only a significant number of the military vote comes from this single ship alone. It really doesn't represent all military personnel in all 4 branches of the military at installations around the world who claim Florida residence. Given the lack of state income tax in Florida, I'm sure quite a bit the military personnel have claimed residence there. Given the increased turnout rates for both side of the party, you can likely bet the turnout rate has increased in the military as well. As the article states, 1996 absentee numbers were about 2300. Even if you take this year's 1000 votes away from 1996 numbers, it would leave Bush with 300. The assumption here of course is that ALL 1000 votes are for Gore and ALL 2300 for Bush, but even if you give a deducted percentage of, say 30% minority from each vote estimates, Bush still has the lead. Given the morale of the military under Clinton I wouldn't count on that much more votes going to Gore from the military, and especially the way the military vote traditionally swings toward the Republican Party.

    As for the ballots, if there are suspicions in the layout then they should be pointed to the 'Democrat' elections supervisor and none other. The reasoning for the layout is understandable as the supervisor's intentions were to make it easier for senior citizens to read the selections with large print. This defined the layout as it stands and the number of seniors residing in Palm Beach justifies the need for the difference of the ballot layout from other counties of lesser amount of senior citizens. So ultimately, the elections supervisor's intent was to ensure that the senior citizens were able to read whom they were voting for and more than likely the supervisor was hoping they could read the names Gore/Leiberman clearly. The butterfly ballot concept can only be blamed on the equipment that can actually reads the cards. I'm sure the design was for efficiency purposes of tallying votes and no other.

    Ultimately, the complaints do not address why the senior citizen did not follow the big black arrows pointing to the hole-punch of the candidate they were voting for.

    As for the black vote, I haven't heard anything about this and can only assume this has something to do with Jesse Jackson making a visit to Florida. If so, then I can only conclude that Jessie Jackson's specialty is to bring the race card into any situation. But then a similar claim can be made on illegal immigrants in California placing votes for Gore. It truly disgusts me that anyone could try and trump their opponent with a last ditch effort to bring race into the matter. Don't you agree?

    At 4:23:56 PM on 11/9/2000, Dan said:
    tsplano: The Israel thing was mentioned in <A href=>this</a> story. Another interesting fact in this story is that one of Florida's biggest military vessels is in port at the moment, so those military would have been able to vote in person on Tuesday.

    At 4:17:57 PM on 11/9/2000, Dan said:
    I think the ballot is confusing. And it seems a little suspicious that Bush was the first one on the list, with Buchanin second (why?) , and Gore third. Sure, people had time to study it, but I still think it's poorly designed.

    There are other factors at work here too.. what about the alligations that black voters were turned away in the middle of the day with word that they were out of ballots?


    At 4:01:21 PM on 11/9/2000, tsplano said:
    To North2000-

    Confusion of the ballot in Palm Beach situation is NOT a big issue. Rather, it is a humorous attempt at placing doubt in the mind of voters in the validity of the election process in Florida. The potential situation I see here from the Democrats is to try and place enough doubt in the minds of enough Florida residents so that they demand another election process in an effort to support the attempts of Gore's campaign people to 'litigate' their way into office via the federal courts. Just a theory, but I know won't work. You state '' I feel sorry for the people who mistakenly voted for someone they did not want to see elected." And I completely agree with that statement in the sense that anyone with common sense, who couldn't figure out that ballot, you would certainly had to feel sorry for. How much more simple can it be? Did they want election officials to hold their hand and guide it to their ballots? (I bet Gore would love that idea)

    Now you're starting to see morning news shows gather Palm Beach residents and asking them if they felt there we misled by their ballot. Of course they say they were misled - their candidate of choice is losing. It's always got to be someone else's fault for their mistakes. Hell, I wouldn't surprised if soon other voters claim to have thought they voted for Gore but may have voted for Bush. - Gimme a break!

    Consider this - The new ballot design was publicly offered for review in the newspapers well in advance prior to the elections, yet no one objected to it. In a sense, you had a chance to study the ballot and know how you should punch your selection.

    Now, these supposed senior citizens had a lifetime of experience in taking part in the electoral process. You can't possibly tell me they didn't know what they were doing. You can't possibly tell me this is their first time voting. In fact, every voting location had representatives there to ask questions if you were confused about the ballot. That's what they were there for. I have yet to hear any of these complaints state that they were 'misled' by these representatives about the ballot, which further implies that they didn't even bother to ask them about it.

    You have to wade through all the hypotheticals that the news networks are trying to bandy about regarding the ballots and realize this - Wexler "claims" to have gotten phone complaints. In reality, he just had to raise the question of vote fraud and all of the angry Gore supporters had to do was 'claim' they fell victim to this ballot. All ballots are ANANYMOUSLY submitted. Try proving who actually 'accidentally' voted for Buchanan instead of Gore considering, if my memory serves me well, that 62% of the Palm Beach voters voted for Gore. Who is Wexler to claim that he 'knows' there aren't as many as 3,000 Buchanan supporters in Palm Beach? You, as an independent, ought to be quiet pissed about this claim.

    As for bias in Rush Limbaugh, you're going to find bias from every source you get your information from. The more reliable sources are the ones that give you their sources along with the bias - as in the case of Limbaugh, he does. At least you can see the evidence yourself, not just take someone else's word for it.

    At 3:36:34 PM on 11/9/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    I'm not Northamerican, I'm a Puertorrican, but still, I want a shot at this. I may get attacked by some, but I feel I can give an opinion. I really want Al Gore to win this election, even though it doesn't look that way. This is long...and it's not a Northamerican you may want to skip it if you don't care at this point. In Puerto Rico(most know that we're a commonwealth)we have two political parties. The Popular Democratic Party and the New Progresist Party. Three really, if you count the Puertorrican Independentist (sp?) Party. This year's election was won by the PDP (thank God) and now we have our first woman governor in our history.Thhis party is the one that has given Puerto Rico all our political glories, the first elected governor,to name the most important of the many, and now the first woman governor.The NPP however,is the most corrupt party ever, and their achievements include stealing millions of dollars and the first-ever difamation of a politician in 1969.I won't say any more of the things this corrupt party has done because it is simply too much.But you get the idea.Anyways,now,the new governor is left to save a failing government (something that,mark my words,she WILL achieve).Now,quick history lesson.The PDP wants to stay commonwealth (I'm with them) and the NPP wants statehood, wich is just not for this country.And I've had american friends tell me so, and I'm convinced it is not.Now,this guy Bush said that if the PDP won the election, he wouldn't work at his best with the new government, he'd only do so if the NPP won the election, like his advisors told him they would. That's not the best way to be President of the US, I guess, right,Dan?Gore on the other side, is more than prepared to work with new governor Sila Maria Calderon. Bush won't even allow the NAVY to get out of Vieques, and I'm sure most of you have heard about that.Anyways,just so you see a LITTLE BIT of why I'd really hate it for Bush to win...the new governor might not be able to do the job she promised to do if this man wins.So, that's how it is.Dan,I'd love to hear from you on this.

    At 9:08:34 AM on 11/9/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    North have you ever even listend to Rush??? El Rushbo is the man.

    At 9:05:45 AM on 11/9/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    I have seen this ballot that everyone is so upset about, and if you can READ then there should be no problem!!! It has arrows pointing to the holes you are supposed to punch!!!

    At 7:56:17 AM on 11/9/2000, Gambler Ruined said:
    I always liked Clit-on. He always knew how to get a head.
    Dan! This is a JP site!
    How about the poll on Spino vs Rex?

    At 6:47:56 AM on 11/9/2000, Ed Regis said:
    Define biast. He either is a republican and supports bush or he isn't.
    Calls people names? Ha! So does Dr, Lauara! But she's hardly what I call immoral. They both kick people in the pants for saying or doing something stupid.
    Sarcastically-just take them both off the air because they say "mean" things about the poor gays.

    At 5:01:59 AM on 11/9/2000, North2000 said:
    I'm a ''independent'' person not just a liberal, I like some Republicans but not George W Bush very much.
    Rush Lim. is a very biast Republican, he calls lots of people names constantly.
    If the ballot was confusing it is a big issue. A election was once overturned because the ballot was so confusing. It should be as simple as possible. It is odd that only 1 county in Florida used this ''confusing'' ''Butterfly'' ballot.'' I feel sorry for the people who mistakenly voted for someone they did not want to see elected.

    At 1:43:12 AM on 11/9/2000, goat_be_gone said:
    No affence to you Dan but Al Gore is not a person that I see running a great country like ours. I beleinve that Republicans made this country. I still belive that Bush will win Florida. Bush 2000!

    At 12:31:11 AM on 11/9/2000, tsplano said:
    Have you folks read about the Palm Beach county elections or seen the actual ballot from Palm Beach county? If not, head over to to see the story and the ballot card.

    Quick summary of the situation: Palm Beach senior citizens claim that a confusing ballot card layout led them to believe they voted for Gore when in fact they voted for Buchanan. Congressman Wexler gets hundreds of calls with complaints from the senior citizens (yeah, right).

    First, my opinion is you would have to be a complete moron to not correctly punch your candidate of choice with this ballot card. In Texas you see ballots like these in just about every local election. Really a no-brainer.

    Second, the ballot was designed by a Democrat supervisor of elections. This debunks any potential cries of conspiracy from Democrat supporters.

    Third, the most that could come of this is all 3,000 votes are tossed in the can. Thus no one benefits but Wexler, who gets media time for political showmanship.

    Fourth, for jpisfordorks - tone down on the vulgarity there, bud. It does you no better than some the liberal name-callers in these threads. Just a suggestion.

    Fifth, for Seige 6 - Like the stove calling the kettle black.

    Sixth, for Dan - You said "About the fact that the absentee FL ballots will be all military - not true.. I just read something that said that several thousand registered voters for FL residents live in Israel, who are die-hard Democrats." A) I didn't say ALL of the absentees, I said MOSTLY, B) Please do share your source for that fact about the residents in Isreal. I can't find it anywhere. (seriously, not being sarcastic here)

    At 11:47:32 PM on 11/8/2000, Raptorgirl said:
    I happen to live in Florida, and I also happen to intern at a local news station. All night, EVERY WACKO IN THE STATE and their mother has been calling me to complain about some polling mistake or other: registered voters turned away, missing absentee ballots, confusing ballots, e-mail hoaxes. I even had some guy who claimed to be a "doctor" scream and rant at me for ten minutes because I couldn't find the phone number for MSNBC over the Internet for him. As a Floridian, this truly embarrasses me. As if our state doesn't look dumb enough in the eyes of America, with our Mickey Mouse and weird sex criminals. As an intern, I just want this whole bloody election to be over.

    At 10:51:39 PM on 11/8/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    No No, My screen name stands for junior partnership is for dorks-my bad for the confusion.Oh Yeah, Bush is still king and Gore is still a soft money whore who fucks pigs.

    At 10:38:37 PM on 11/8/2000, theY2Jrevoution said:
    Al Gore still sucks!!!

    At 10:38:26 PM on 11/8/2000, PoloMan said:
    Well North, I would have to disagree with you there. Both the candidates are in an almost dead even race (at least in the Popular vote), so there has to be something attractive about Bush to muster all those votes. And of course, there will be a trial or some form or committee formed to deal with this situation. Typical liberal democrats have a problem with accepting the truth; and usually, they stoop to their usual level of complaining that they didn't win because of an unfair factor, instead of blaming themselves. However, when everything goes their way, they say nothing.

    And who says that having 24 years of "experience" in politics makes you a good president? That's just means you've spent a long time in bureaucracy. If I'm not mistaken, we'd like to have someone as unaffected by politics as possible, so we don't have another big government bully like Clinton in the White House. Of course, if you like having the government taking half or more of what you have to give to everyone else, pay exorbitantly high taxes, and have the government control you instead of you controlling the government then good for you, you want to live in a socialist nation J

    At 10:19:21 PM on 11/8/2000, North2000 said:
    Even if the recount shows Bush the winner of Florida some people are planning on protesting and suing for unfair and irregular election practices in Florida.
    Bush Jr. is like his father and not many people liked him, Clinton beat him in 1992.

    At 9:23:15 PM on 11/8/2000, TS146 said:
    Your right Mr Goodbytes. We do have a pretty weak military training program. BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH

    At 9:15:02 PM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    Gore has served in public office for 24 years.. only the last 8 as VP in the white house.. He was a Congressman from 76-85 and then a Senator from 85-92. When you add it all up, Gore has far more political experience than Bush.

    At 8:20:10 PM on 11/8/2000, PoloMan said:
    What I'm worried about is that the recount will be rigged. Knowing the media and the desperation Gore has to get into the White House, I wouldn't be surprised if we later found out someone changed votes or added some. And Dan, the majority of the absentee votes are from out of seas, which means 99% are form military personnel. And we all know who has support from them.

    I just can't believe how many people all of a sudden began to support Gore. How does he have any more experience than Bush?! He's sat as the President of the Senate for 8 years and did NOTHING but watching and listen to old politicians yack away. I don't see how that make's him more qualified. Oh, does flying in Air Force 2 and using up out tax dollars for trips to campaign fundraisers and out of country resorts make him more qualified? I thought not. Gore has lied for the past 8 years and will do so for the next 4 if he's elected (which will definitely not happen).

    At 8:12:07 PM on 11/8/2000, Mess said:
    Why are yo comparing Gore to Clinton, just because Clinton had a bad military that doesn't mean gore will, its not like he is going to follow exactly in clintons foot steps, oh and don't pay atention to jpisfordorks, your just giving in to what he wants, just ignore him.

    At 7:58:44 PM on 11/8/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    If Al Gore wins, this country will oficially be in Hell. Under Clinton, we have the weakest military, as far as training, since the Cival War. This trend of A weak military will continue under Gore, IF GORE IS ELECTED. It is pretty bad when most of our men and women of the military are on welfare!!!

    At 7:38:48 PM on 11/8/2000, Seige_6 said:
    JPisfordorks, whats your problem? This isn't a site where you just come on and start stuff, and also insulting others beliefs, just because some people vote for Gore doesn't mean we're wrong. It's just our opinions.You can't hold that against us, and the JP movie thing. Thats your problem if you think JP is for dorks, and if you really do truly think that, then this is the wrong site for you pal.

    At 7:30:30 PM on 11/8/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    DOES YOUR INITIALS STAND FOR JURASSIC PARK IS FOR DORKS!!!!!!! Dan, I think you should ban him.

    At 7:24:05 PM on 11/8/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    Recount means jackshit, Gore still sucks penis and will lose, if he does by some miracle win, he can still lick a sweaty nutsack

    P.S. Lieberman is a wanker

    At 7:22:01 PM on 11/8/2000, jpisfordorks said:
    Gore will lose, Bush will win, so sorry Gore fans looks like a new era to me

    At 7:18:07 PM on 11/8/2000, LodownRaptor said:
    ok listen this crap about whos better bush or gore which group lies and tells the truth democrat or republicans it has to stop i mean lets face it the two party systems a load of crap but ifi have to pick one i gotta say gore becuse when dubbyas daddy was in charge that was the worst 4 years this damn country ever had to so unless u want a sequal to a bad movie you better hope dubbya dosent win and by the way no matter what anyone says clinton soooooooo rocked

    At 7:16:05 PM on 11/8/2000, Anklyosaurus said:
    I'm glad theirs been a recount; for a moment I thought Bush would win, at least now Gore still has a chance.

    At 6:03:55 PM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    Sorry, Ed, but no.. you could have always voted for Ralph Nader, Harry Browne, or any of the many third party candidates. I voted for Gore, though I did vote for a Libertarian for Senator.

    At 4:43:44 PM on 11/8/2000, Ed Regis said:
    He's still pro bush, Hammondrulz, he was being sarcastic.
    Dan says " I never told anyone who to vote for."
    Gee-what about "For God sake-don't vote for Bush!" Saying not to vote for someone is just saying to vote for someone else.

    At 3:39:42 PM on 11/8/2000, #1Samfan said:
    RECOUNT!!! Yeah! Let's go GORE!

    At 3:24:19 PM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    About the fact that the absentee FL ballots will be all military -- not true.. I just read something that said that several thousand registered voters for FL residents live in Israel, who are die-hard Democrats.

    At 3:17:49 PM on 11/8/2000, Mess said:
    I'm sorry but i can't belive the american people can vote for Bush. I mean, Dole, he was a smart man, i can see why people would vote for him, Geroge(Not W) Bush, i can see why people can vote for him, but W. Bush, I haven't a clue to why someone would vote FOR HIM. IT MAKE MY EYES HURT JUST THINKING ABOUT IT.

    At 3:17:04 PM on 11/8/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Florida always has to have all of the attention. And in my school we held a mock election and Gore won that. Maybe, hopefully, it will hold true for the real thing.

    At 3:14:56 PM on 11/8/2000, Mess said:
    Huh, lets see the states that voted for Bush, Gerogia, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. Huh, i think i remember these countries coming together for something else.

    At 1:28:01 PM on 11/8/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    Last night you were on Bushes side. Now your in favour of Gore. Why did you change your minds?

    At 1:03:53 PM on 11/8/2000, tsplano said:
    Uh...huhuhuh...he like, said 'eat bush' huhuhuhuhuh

    At 12:31:22 PM on 11/8/2000, RexMan said:
    There should be a scene in JP3 where the Spinosaurus eats Bush. Now, that would be worth the price of admission alone!

    At 12:15:06 PM on 11/8/2000, tsplano said:
    What an interesting situation we have with Florida! Who would have thought that state would be the one to host a deciding factor in this election? I'm counting on the absentee votes myself to push W over the top. Key points to consider -

    1. From what I understand, the absentees are mostly from the military. As the military have been traditionally Republican in vote and given the fact that current military morale has not been very high I'm willing to wager that this will be the deciding factor to have Florida's electoral votes go to Bush. But then again, votes from Dade(?) county has yet to be tallied as well. Even though those votes may come in favor for Gore, I still think the military vote is by far a larger factor.

    2. Given that Gore has conceded, then rescinded his concession is pretty much a good indication of his decision-making skills in a crunch time situation. The man has his political career all on the line and already gave up! You folks who think Gore is more 'experienced' in matters of foreign affairs should be worried if Gore does win. Can you imagine this situation? - "The peace talks have failed, right? Uh….send in the troops. No, WAIT! Don't send in the troops! CRAP! Push the red button then! No WAIT! Don't push the red button! WHAT!?!? The peace talks haven't concluded yet!?!? CRAP! Did I push the red button? Someone call them and tell them I didn't mean it!"

    3. You folks concerned about censorship in the entertainment industry - do you realize Tipper Gore headed a commission way back (when Gore was a senator) to censor language in the music industry? Did you folks not hear the campaign rhetoric Gore/Lieberman spewed in the debates and on the campaign trail about how he would 'force' the entertainment industry to abide by federal censorship laws. Bottom line is this - if people 'buy' the stuff then it tells the industry to keep making it. If people want change in the industry it has to be done at the consumer level, not the federal level.

    For those pulling for Bush - Don't worry. I believe he'll pull it off and win. But even if he doesn't we'll have the House of Representatives to keep Gore's butt in check.

    For those pulling for Gore - If he does win then I give my congratulations. You got what you asked (voted) for. Four more years of 'feel' good sentiments, but no snese of leadership. After four years you will be disappointed in the man.

    At 11:49:37 AM on 11/8/2000, Gallimimus said:
    600 000 votes are separating the political parties., in favor of Bush.

    At 9:46:35 AM on 11/8/2000, Carter said:
    Why do they call her Tipper (does she drink too much), is she always pissed as a fart or what. Oh and is there really only 2000 votes in it.

    At 8:39:29 AM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    That's right, I never told anyone who to vote for. And that includes Gore. WHy? Because Gore doesn't do much for me. I think he's kinda boring actually. But I KNOW that the country CAN NOT elect Bush! He is not fit to hold office. And the rapidly-growing Gore lead in the popular vote just confirms that the majority of the country feels the same way... Down with the electoral college!

    At 8:19:34 AM on 11/8/2000, hatcher said:
    BUSH DIDNT WIN YET. it was too close to call, he better win though. I dont want that lying creep to be president. him and his screwy wife "Tipper"

    At 6:47:37 AM on 11/8/2000, Ed Regis said:
    We exist because we STAND UP for our principles. It's based on keeping faith in God (for a lot of us) and not selling out to other options just because they're there. Example. Guns. We have the RIGHT to them. The system has kept guns on the street by democrats not passing bills that will prosecute gun offenders. Dont deny it! And because Clinton for the last eight years would not enforce the laws we already have or prosecute criminals and get CRIMINALS off the street! Then-only the law abiding citizens who have a right to them will have them. That's just one of a thousand issues we stand up for.
    Anyway-as of right now-it depends on Florida. And Bush is ahead in Florida.
    REALLY, Ingen Agent. And you liberals, Dan, accuse US CONSERVATIVES of being narrow minded. I can be open minded to MURDER-that doesn't mean it's right! Well...same goes for GAY RIGHTS and things like that. Being open minded on your convictions just means you loose you convictions.

    At 5:09:21 AM on 11/8/2000, Procompsognathus said:
    well dans forgetting 1 little thing-he cant pass laws all by himself, a whole different branch has to agree too...


    At 4:18:35 AM on 11/8/2000, Compsognathus said:
    Wait...wait.....wait.....theres still votes to be counted!! Gore might still make it!

    At 3:31:55 AM on 11/8/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Great! Now NY is doomed. The USA is doomed, and varying reports/opinions on hint that JP3 is doomed. What a happy new millennium we're to enter.

    At 3:08:09 AM on 11/8/2000, Trespasser said:
    Oh wow, Dan I SO agree with you on this one. How do conservative Republicans even exist nowadays? It just doesn't make sense to me... oh well, maybe by the time I'm old enough to vote, there will be more compitent people in the race and voting. Oh wait, when I turn 18, Bush will still be in office :'(

    At 3:03:57 AM on 11/8/2000, Ingen Agent said:
    I'm sorry but I just had to mention that your post for " election 2000 and election 2000 part two" summarize what you liberals are like, negative. All you did in both your posts was bash Bush. Negative, negative, negative. Attack, attack , attack. You never hardly mention why we should vote for Gore. As if I ever would anyway. Try to be a little more positive. I dont know why I am waisting my time and effort writing this message. Its over. Lets stop this.

    At 2:59:33 AM on 11/8/2000, Ingen Agent said:
    Haha, well, I dont know what you mean by that comment, but I appreciate your pride in being a yankee liberal. But it seems the "souther conservatives/northwestern conservatives" will be running this country for the next four years. And I dont think ANY of that will affect Jurassic Park three. So lets just get back on topic and come together as Jurassic Park fanatics!!

    At 2:57:51 AM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    FYI, I don't know where you got 2/3rd's from, but the race was incredibly close, only about 300,000 votes separated the two candidates

    At 2:50:13 AM on 11/8/2000, Dan said:
    Uhh, yes, I am a "yankee liberal", as you say, and proud of it. It boggles my mind how Republicans even exist in this day and age.

    At 2:47:05 AM on 11/8/2000, Ingen Agent said:
    Man, you are such a loser. C'mon Dan, only 2/3 of the country voted for him!! Are you a yankee liberal or something? That seems to be the only morons who voted for lying, incompetent, unqualified Gore. I'm sorry Dan, I love ya and I love your site, but you shouldn't have gotten involved with American polotics on a Jurassic Park fan site. Deal with it, Bush won. At least be a respectable American and honor him as the 43rd President of the United States. Thank you.

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