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    The only dinosaurs to appear in all three JP movies are Velociraptor, T-Rex, Triceratops and Parasaurolophus. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    At 3:52:04 PM on 9/23/2000, vanillawafer69 said:
    My god! It's foliage, run! But don't go into the long grass! That's the most frightening leaf I've seen in my life!

    At 8:06:11 AM on 9/20/2000, TimMurphy said:
    In the trailer it it just looks like a darker mark, or branch.

    An earlier post said that we are convincing ourselves its a dinosaur, and I there right cause for some weird reason I can see a sharks head :). And everytime I look at it its a sharks head, even though I know it isnt. Hmmm

    At 9:39:43 AM on 9/18/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    I think if you watch the teaser trailer again, perhaps you'll latch onto the idea that what you see is a dinosaur's POV of lumbering through the forest.

    At 7:27:25 AM on 9/18/2000, Ed Regis said:
    WHATEVER color pachys were-I'm just making a point. Just because they made a TOY before that's a certain way doesn't mean the big corporate producers and writers will say "oh- well-there was already a toy out, and it wasn't like that, so I guess we can't make it chemeleon-like."

    At 3:57:39 AM on 9/18/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I doubt toys cna be chameleonlike, so there's nor eason any existing dino toy not yet shown cna't be chameleonlike.

    At 2:56:46 AM on 9/18/2000, vanillawafer69 said:
    It's not a Rex, Raptor, Sucho, Baryonx, Mystery Dino, or a Logosaur it's one of them rare Twig-osaurus Rex dinos that commonly inhabit the sets of Universal Studios Hollywood, also known to some as Steven Spielberg's backyard. If you look hard enough you may catch a glimps of another Dino believed to be the Leafomimus and if you look really really close a Vinoraptor is visible.

    At 10:23:38 PM on 9/17/2000, Rancor said:
    I had to watch the friggin' thing five times before I saw it and when I did, it looked like a BRANCH. Not a dinosaur, no eye, just a boring ol' BRANCH. And judging from all the photos of the animatronic pachycephalosaurs I've seen, they were neither. They were brownish-green and brownish-gray.

    At 9:14:28 PM on 9/17/2000, vanillawafer69 said:
    Umm Ed, the Pachy's in tlw were brown.... and making something a camoflauging dino is a lot different then changing a skin color.

    At 8:33:15 PM on 9/17/2000, Ed Regis said:
    I KNOW it wasn't really chemeleon-like. Or probably not. Jeeze-don't insult me. That's like thinking a dilophosaurus really spit. They won't have a camoflauged carnotaurus in the movie because the toy makers made it red and black after the first it. Phht! Ok-and a green and gray pachycephalosaurus was never in TLW because the toy from the first JP was red. Yyyyyyeah. Give me a brake.

    At 7:09:23 PM on 9/17/2000, vanillawafer69 said:
    Ok a Carnotaurus isn't a Chameleon type dinosaur that can camoflauge itself, the book just portrayed it as that. There will never be a camoflauged Carnotaurus in the JP movies because they came out with a Carnotaurus toy for JP already that was redish-brownish colored.

    At 6:37:57 PM on 9/17/2000, Ed Regis said:
    There's not even enough there to think it's anything. If anything it looks like a fake CG cartoon.
    I'm SURE there will be new dinos in it, but no "Mystery" dinos. I still want to see a carnotaurus (chemelion dino).
    Mr.-DNA-there was no T-rex in The Lost World-1925... Allosaurus. Sauroposiedon-I taped it off Turner Classic Movies a couple years ago. Try . I Think they have it. Or Sure you can find it at one of those. On TCM they said a bunch was cut in the 30's and the footage was lost for good-so it's about half as long as the original. Sucks-I know.

    At 2:11:26 PM on 9/17/2000, vanillawafer69 said:
    Yeah I bet that's Ernie in the trailer....

    At 9:38:04 AM on 9/17/2000, cgimage said:
    Mystery dinosaur? Don't tell me they're going to "create" a dinosaur that never existed. I would prefer they stick to creatures that actually existed, rather than create fantasy ones.

    At 9:21:16 AM on 9/17/2000, Chapter_11 said:
    It's not a dinosaur, it's a bird Flying next to a branch!

    At 8:33:54 AM on 9/17/2000, JP3 MAN said:
    I'm sorry but I don't see any dinosaur in that.

    At 7:14:43 AM on 9/17/2000, fuzzbubble said:
    i think it's nothing ad that a lot of people r gettin' their hopes up!!

    At 5:53:38 AM on 9/17/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    I think mr-dna from jp will escape from the confounds of virtual reality and stalk his human counterparts in a terminator like movie

    At 4:14:59 AM on 9/17/2000, Oviraptor said:

    At 4:11:46 AM on 9/17/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Looks like a snake if anyhting. Most likely a blurred branch or leaf. Too dark, grainy, and blurry to tell. Nothing to even indictae a new dino from an old one. Where is the evidence that it's the Logosaur? As opposed to T-rex?
    I got it. It's the Blair Witch! Run! AHHHH!

    At 3:40:14 AM on 9/17/2000, Dilophosaurus said:
    Uh, well if this was a dinosaur, wouldn't the legs be visable from farther back below the leaves? Maybe it's just a certain part of a sauropod's anatomy, they had frog DNA too? If it's part of a dinosaur that's what is is, Joe Johnston wrote me an e-mail telling me so. He also said the logosaur will have a lisp and wear clothes designed by Versace. He will also start the film by saying, "Hiiii, I'm suchomimus, I'm sssssuper, thanks for asking." Okay, that was too immature, I'm going to bed...It's 3:30 AM.

    At 12:58:59 AM on 9/17/2000, parasaur32 said:
    i know this has nothing to do with JP but... have u ever seen any of tose movies about commandos, and they r so decked out in camo paint that all u could see was the white of their eyes? thats what it looks like to me. SEE i TOLD u it had NOTHING to do with JP.

    At 12:47:50 AM on 9/17/2000, movieboy3 said:
    Directors love putting stuff in movies that you only pic up if you are looking hard. Its part of the fun. But i see a sorta raptor looking dino just with a longer snout. It could be nothing but i gotta admit it realy really looks like a dino. BUt then again who knows, we all would like to see a dino even if there is one there.

    At 12:31:07 AM on 9/17/2000, North2000 said:
    Lnyx we don't all agree it took 2-3 hours to make, speak for yourself. Also stop acting like you saw the trailer clearly and in high quality because you didn't. If people watched the Jurassic Park movie on the screen the JP3 trailer was on they would have more negative reactions than if they saw it at a movie theater most likely.
    Stuff is hidden in movies quite frequently, they could've put a dinosaur or a dinosaur's eye in the trailer.

    At 12:25:48 AM on 9/17/2000, Jurassic Punk said:
    I think the picture is a load of crap. U are makeing nothing into something. GIVE UP theres nothing there.

    At 10:51:12 PM on 9/16/2000, Tyler-2000 said:
    Sorry about my post. The picture I was trying to show is here:

    At 10:48:14 PM on 9/16/2000, Tyler-2000 said:
    <IMG SRC="" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240" ALT="Pic">

    At 10:17:32 PM on 9/16/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    Did anyone see a teaser poster today? Isnt today the day that theater manager said he was suppose to put it up? I looked today and i didnt see any poster... or was that just a lie or rumor?

    At 9:56:01 PM on 9/16/2000, Lynx2000 said:
    Guys! We all agree that this teaser trailer was thrown together in about 2-3 hours. As if Universal would bother putting in a dinosaur.

    The first time I saw the trailer I thought the trees looked CGI-ish. And they still do. Right when you first see the trees, the leaves look flat. Almost looks like Trespasser graphics (which are good, mind you - just still not motion picutre quality)!

    There is no way there is a dinosaur in there. If Universal intended for a dinosaur to be there, they would have made it more obvious.

    I do agree with Oviraptor though, it is fun to make everything a mystery! :)


    At 9:40:57 PM on 9/16/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    its cool to discuss stuff about jp but face it, its just a branch. And does anyone know where i can get the first lost world? the 1925 one?

    At 9:32:42 PM on 9/16/2000, North2000 said:
    It looks like it could be an eye. If you think it's just a branch, then that would make it a branch with an eye in it.

    At 9:05:56 PM on 9/16/2000, Embryo said:
    Oh my god! THIS IS SUCH A STUPID PIECE OF NEWS! That is NOT a dinosaur, dinosaur eye, dinosaur head, or anything to do with those creatures that dies out 65 million years ago! It's a stupid branch.


    At 9:05:11 PM on 9/16/2000, Chapter_11 said:
    Jpanimacontrol is right, I mean all it is, is trees! It is the lock Ness monster thing, take an out of focus shot of a cat, and call it the T-rex!

    At 8:53:47 PM on 9/16/2000, Allan said:
    It looks like the half-closed eye of a... RAPTOR!!! Definatly not a "new" dino.

    At 8:35:21 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:
    thats true.. I say we wait for the DVD's.

    At 8:28:58 PM on 9/16/2000, North2000 said:
    How many times does someone have to say you guys saw it on computers, not the highest quality.

    At 8:12:31 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:
    and yeah it's fun to make a mystery out of everything... lol

    At 8:10:50 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:
    actually you don't know what it is.. but like I said that doesn't mean it's a dinosaur.

    At 8:03:43 PM on 9/16/2000, JP3 MAN said:
    I agree with Rexoraptor.

    At 8:02:46 PM on 9/16/2000, JP3 MAN said:
    Its just something they put in to make people do exactly what your doing.Its nothing.

    At 8:01:28 PM on 9/16/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    ITS A TREE BRANCH! god, does evry JP fan have to make a mystery out of evreything!?,
    its really annoying!

    At 7:49:47 PM on 9/16/2000, Dilophosaurus said:
    It's called fog.

    At 5:50:21 PM on 9/16/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    It's to wind people up. Anyway, teaser trailers are always a load of rubbish - except for the Godzilla ones, where it turned out that the teasers were better than the overall film.

    At 5:37:43 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:

    At 5:28:42 PM on 9/16/2000, Ed Nygma said:
    Whats the point in putting a dinosaur hidden in the teaser if no one can see it?

    At 5:09:59 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:
    wait there looks to be something there... but that doesn't mean it's a dinosaur. I can't tell what it is..

    At 5:03:56 PM on 9/16/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    No, I've changed my mind again. It reality, this whole thing is called clutching at straws : )

    At 5:02:53 PM on 9/16/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    Actually, in all honesty, it looks like the clay T-rex from the 1925 version of The Lost World. Or the Rex in one of those King Kong films from the 1930's.

    At 4:18:55 PM on 9/16/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I don't see anything... sorry.

    At 4:15:22 PM on 9/16/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    Ok, so it's probably not an eye. It's probably nothing at all (though if you look at it from further a field it looks like a Baryonx head in the distance). And despite all this 'new dinosaur' stuff, whoever made that teaser resorted to using the now-common T-rex roar. Hmm, perhaps logosaur is a hybrid! Afterall, Mrs T-rex was alone on Nublar (lets keep in with the films here) and she may have been molested whilst wading through a swamp! You don't need to tell me how absurd that sounds, cause I already know : )

    At 3:26:25 PM on 9/16/2000, Glen said:
    The funn ting is when the picture fades to black, the "eye" stays visible in one frame although the rest of the screen is black, so it doesn't belong to the woods! However it's possoible that its a video encoding error (an artifact), just funny that te artifacts occupies 4-5 frames

    At 3:21:06 PM on 9/16/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    You guys are so gullable. There is no eye in that photo. I could take a photo of my back yard ( which has trees in the back) and say that there is a T-Rex in the middle and you would believe it. You could stare at the photo long enough untill your mind convinces you that it is there. You are seeing something that your mind has made up. So, there is no dino in those trees. Universal did not put one in. Think carfully about what I have said. JP Animal Control over and out!

    At 3:12:46 PM on 9/16/2000, Varan101 said:
    go to for and interesting picture

    At 2:45:06 PM on 9/16/2000, mrContica said:
    There is something about the pic that seems wrong. BUt it could be leaves or something.
    What it reminds me of tho is the beak of some sort of pterodactyl.

    At 2:39:21 PM on 9/16/2000, Glen said:
    I apologize for the mess I'm doing, here's the pic:-)
    <img src="">

    At 2:37:59 PM on 9/16/2000, Glen said:
    MMmm, the "post an image" code doesn't seem to work:
    <img src="" width="62" height="90">

    At 2:36:12 PM on 9/16/2000, Glen said:
    I'm not sure what it is, but it doesn't seem to belong to the woods. Here's an enlarged pic:
    <img scr=">

    At 2:11:46 PM on 9/16/2000, Gallimimus said:
    Well, it's ridiculous. I can't see anything. I wish I would see it.

    At 1:56:29 PM on 9/16/2000, Mr-DNA said:
    It's an eyeeeeeeeee!!! It's a 'slitty'eye, no doubt of the so-called logosaur, hiding behind some leaves he found in the jungle

    At 1:07:26 PM on 9/16/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    thats just leaves not a dinosaur

    At 1:02:17 PM on 9/16/2000, MegaRaptor500 said:
    I'm going to join the club because I peronaly can't see it either.

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