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By Michael Crichton
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    TLW was nominated for an Oscar for Best Special Effects in 1998, but lost to "Titanic". (From: spiny1000)
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    At 4:25:01 AM on 9/8/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Embryo, give us the president's name.

    At 7:56:53 PM on 9/7/2000, PaLeoFrEak said:
    all of the LW was filmed in the red wood forests or at least most of it, the other locations were kawii for the beach scene at the begining, the other was in california for the long grass scene and the rest is in studio and Eureka. I would know, I have The Making of TLW book. I mean DUH!

    At 8:56:30 AM on 9/7/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Embryo, please don't pass around information like this. Don't ask us to swallow that you ran across both this Australian news report that no one seems to be able to confirm and you somehow know from an Amblin "president" that the logo may change. An Amblin PRESIDENT? Did you mean an Amblin spokesman or executive or something? Either way I'm not buying it this time.

    At 7:17:43 AM on 9/7/2000, Ed Regis said:
    Who says it will bomb? I mean I was skeptical, but...
    And it seems like it would be a big waste of an opportunity if they didn't EXPLAIN something. I think the should save Sorna so that if....say you were watching them in the order they take place, there wouldn't be any surprise in them. Nothing would be saved for the Lost World.
    I'm not SURE it'll be on Nublar, but it seems like a more interesting concept. Having BOTH islands would be totally predictable.

    At 4:08:33 AM on 9/7/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I seriosuly doubt with allt he script problems they cna have one that'llimprove TLW. Expect it to be even worse as a prequel,a dn it';s not going to be on Nubalr. At leats only a cameo at best, and I doubt it.
    And I originally said ti was a lousy concept. Hence allt he problems. I think Spielberg is demanding so much money becuase he knows it's gonna bomb, and he wnats what eh would ahev gotten with a good sequel.
    And Sma gave way too much info. Ditto Hawaii. I think ti's liek thsoe fake movie scritps that are psoted to be stolen. expetc the Unexpeted. Runmors confirm it's botha prequel and a sequel. Rumors confirm the dinso will eb ont he mainland and won't be. We've got two entirely idfferent movies. I feel like I've become unstuck and am quantum leaping about the multiverse here.
    I just hope it';s not a lame plot.

    At 8:01:22 PM on 9/6/2000, TS146 said:
    HEAH if this is true Alen Grant is coming back. He was my favorie character in any JP movie.

    At 5:48:49 PM on 9/6/2000, Ed Regis said:
    I thought a prequel was a REALLY stupid idea at first, but then I started to think....WAIT-this could really bridge the gap and improve the Lost World story as well. If it's done right-it could be REALLY good. The Lost World didn't make sense to a lot of people. This will help it make sense. I guess the trilogy (if they don't make a fourth) is all right ending with the dinosaurs alive. I guess they don't HAVE to be destroyed. I still think TLW was disappointing, but this new one might improve it.
    And remember guys?---I'M the skeptic.

    At 5:15:00 PM on 9/6/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I believe I have every right to think this MIGHT not be what I was hoping for. If it is good, I will like it, if it's not, I won't. Storywise I don't think making this a prequel to LW is a good idea. I don't think there's a whole lot of ground to cover there. And I wish they would take this film to a different location, and film it in New Zealand, just to give it a different look than the first two- with some second unit done on Kauai like TLW. I really want them to film in New Zealand. I want this to be a good movie, but given all the script problems they had before they hired the Election writers, isn't it possible this wasn't a great concept to begin with? No matter how good you write something, a good product starts with a good concept. What would Michael Crichton do? (think the Brian Boytano song from South Park!).

    At 4:28:45 PM on 9/6/2000, TyrannoRaptor said:
    I think malcolm is gonna be in it - a cameo role anyway. i think we will see him being interviewed on TV and Grant will be watchin it shakin his head.

    At 2:30:13 PM on 9/6/2000, Seige_6 said:
    I hope this article is true. And is that why Neill didn't sign on TLW? Because the script was bad? And is Goldblum going to be in this one? Or is it just different stories, like what happened to Goldblum in TLW? Still so many questions.

    At 7:26:10 AM on 9/6/2000, Ed Regis said:
    I don't know. If it's a prequel it could be on Nublar. Besides-if it's a prequel, then it might deal with the destruction of Jp and that means it'll probably all on Nublar. IF it's a prequel. There's no reason to bring in Site be yet.
    As as for it being better thna TLW-it will most likely. I mean-if it's good it'll help seal in the gap between films and make TLW seem look better too.
    And after all that-Grant doesn't need to have all these conections with Malcolm. They could be entirely seperate stories all together.

    At 3:50:27 AM on 9/6/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Well, I trustt he first part of Sam's comments. HEck, eveyr big name had ahs itrewritten. As for a prequel, I hope not. BUt oen thing that cna't be is the enw people. Apart form MIles, how is anyoen gonna stop them from speaking? MIles won't be believed, he's a kid. Nobody believed Malcolm. A kid,w ho likes dinos no less, is even less believable,a nd living a fnatasy. THere's no Nublar, and there's now ay to silence everybody (Grant, again,a nd with no previous non disclosure agreement.) And if they backe dup Malcolm, especially Grant, Ludlow would ahve atced sooner, and not wait for Cathy Bowman's accident. Now, maybe they'll kill the Logosaurus and hence non in TLW, but I doubt it. How cna you keep these people quiet without InGen's involvement?
    As for sucking, notmuchc na happen like Is aid. Nobody could talk. So not much cna happen. Only 2 deaths, so few lawsuits, if any.
    I can also say how much this movie will suck before even seeing it, brcasue, Mr. Philbin, that is NOT my final answer. I actually posess a rare mutant ability. It's called changing my mind. Tou all should try it sometime.
    Yes, TLW can end (Not gretaly) with the dino panarama. But seriosuly, you knwo one more group will tyr to steal them, or sell tickets there, or jsut go study and need help.

    At 3:28:25 AM on 9/6/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well I believe you Embryo :)

    At 1:21:47 AM on 9/6/2000, Embryo said:
    And I disagree with you on the closure to TLW, GoldblumRules. I thought that ending was great. And a president of Amblin Ent. said the logo might change before the movie is released anyway.

    At 1:19:24 AM on 9/6/2000, Embryo said:
    Everyone, you can confirm this is true if you trust me, because I'm Paul Lamont, the guy who e-mailed Dan this stuff. I can assure everyone this is NOT A LIE! THIS IS CONFIRMED!


    It's like telling everybody you know exactly what your baby will look like after you've had 'it'! If you get what I mean.


    You people are just complaining because you don't like the idea of a prequel to TLW. I think it's a great idea! It'll clear up soooo many plot holes!

    At 12:19:50 AM on 9/6/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Mmm maybe but it still might end up being better than the LW or even being better than JP or at least just as good as JP was!

    At 12:06:44 AM on 9/6/2000, Ed Regis said:
    I'm just not into seeing the three END in the city-Rex thing. BUT-if this is all true-my OLD idea I wrote out in that REALLY long comment thing a few weeks ago could work....except for Hammond dying. I still think that was a cool idea. Well-you guys probably don't remember, though. Wow. And if it is a prequal...which I AM a little weary to Niel disclosing this much this early.....It could be true, though. But with TLW-huh-you know how much secracy there was with that?!
    Maybe they'll still make a fourth one to end it. ACTUALLY-I think Spielburg is just making this one so everyone will think TLW was a little better...I mean-one of the BIG critiques about it was-THERE WERE holes! Especially between the first and second films themselves. So--if this one's a good movie-I think it'll really make the Lost World seem better. If that's what he's doing-I think he has the right idea! I mean-I actually think the story line would really improve and the Lost World-if you were to watch JP, JP3, and the Lost World-in that order-it would probably present a good-or better-storyline. Do you agree-Oviraptor?

    At 11:28:09 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    please just give JP3 a chance it deserves that much..

    At 11:26:32 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Look all I was saying is give it a chance.. and just cause you can't find it there doesn't mean anything.. it might not be on the site.. just in the paper.. you ever think of that?

    At 11:23:48 PM on 9/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Was that a "what-ever" the way cheerleaders say it or... Hmm, I'll stop.

    "Arr-rar-har-har-har-har-har-har!" (Ian Malcolm, JP1)

    At 11:22:10 PM on 9/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I just scowered through the search engine for Herald Sun and was unable to find this "interview." I found several other Sam Neill articles, but only ones saying stuff we already know, like that he's signed on. Take this as you will, but I doubt the validity of this.

    At 11:21:55 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    ugh! whatever..

    At 11:04:46 PM on 9/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Oviraptor, I know you are obviously just dying to pick something here, so I'll keep my comments as neutral as possible. I didn't think they would make this a prequel because a) Michael Crichton's comments and b) it didn't fit into the continuity already established so clearly between the first two. It also ruled out the possibility that this could be a traditional trilogy, and Spielberg could have ended the story like he did with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade- at the end, you are satisfied with it, you feel closure, you don't feel that annoyed sense that you got with the end of Godzilla. I also find it interesting that you take issue with some of us thinking it MIGHT not be good and yet you're adament that it will be awesome- we're both prejudging, are we not? Can't argue with that. I haven't yet said that JP3 will suck, but my reasons for thinking it might are justified. I love film, I'm an independent movie director, and I like sequels when they don't cheapen the original film (or the original two)- when they go for a more artistic film that brings closure to a story. A LW prequel simply cannot bring closure to this series, and while I liked the ending for TLW, it didn't bring any sense of closure for me. I loved the written ending in the disgarded Lost World draft and I was hoping they would have put that in JP3, but the chances of that happening are very little. I may have been wrong about this not being a prequel, but that's not at all why I am worried about this film. I loved these movies and I was hoping this could be a true trilogy sequel, and I have every right to be disappointed that it may not be that. Given your persistence in lamblasting me or others for our comments, be careful so that one day these comments don't come right back at you.

    At 8:10:13 PM on 9/5/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Jurassic Park and The Lost World were both filmed on Kawaii. They just added the redwood forset for another scene. So filming on kawaii does not specify what island it is because both movies were fimed there. JP Animal Control over and out!

    At 6:20:40 PM on 9/5/2000, Rake said:
    I don't know about anyone else, but I can sure as hell forget TLW exists...

    At 6:06:58 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah it's gonna be like what we did for TLW but JP3 is actually gonna be alot better than TLW.. maybe even better than JP!

    At 6:05:53 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:
    personaly I cant wait for the toys to come out, that was always the best pert of any jp movie, please let them be like the original toy with the dinos with all soft skin that is realy relistic, woops I babbled on to long

    At 6:04:03 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:
    its going to be fun when we have all seen the movie and go back and read wht we wrote

    At 6:04:00 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I actually like all of Sam Neill's movies! So I'll like JP3!

    At 6:02:29 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:
    I go and see ant movie he is in , I dont like horrar movies but I went and saw event horizen because he was in it

    At 6:02:27 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I guess they wanna film places that they didn't visit on Sorna.. It won't look like Nublar.. and they may film in The Red Wood Forest I dunno.

    At 6:00:34 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Just Alan Grant returning in the movie.. will make it an AWESOME movie alone.. cause he's such a GREAT chracter!

    At 5:59:32 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:
    I am just wondering why this is on sorna yet they are filming it on kuoia ( nublar) will they also be filming in eureka were they filmed LW

    At 5:58:56 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    only reason people think it's a bad idea as a prequel.. are just mad cause they were wrong about it being a sequel!

    At 5:57:41 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:

    At 5:56:59 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Nothing is wrong with it being a prequel.. nothing at all!!! I'm actually glad it's a prequel.. cause if it was a sequel.. it'd probably be dinosaurs on the stupid mainland.. and those people that wanted it to be a sequel.. wanted dinosaurs on the stupid mainland!

    At 5:45:40 PM on 9/5/2000, Digalot said:
    what is so wrong with it being a perquel anyways, so far this plot for grant matches perfectly with the lost world malcom says"havent you heard all those stories of mutilation and death, werent you paying attention" to sarah harding so that is pretty neat, and I always good when they leave out somthing in the second movie and place it with the third star wars jabba the hutt was in the first tatoinne was in the firstand then the brought them backk for the 3rd and you were like oooh well this place looks familer, plus there is a perfect time slot inbettween jp and the lw they might even add info to this chapter that will make the lW seem alot better, plus it gives a place to putt in ian malcom to at least for a cameo but that is all I want from him, I also like the idea off adding all new charecters that we can grow found of like the ones in the first one, plus the great actters they pulled in for this one, i dont know about you but ever sense I saw william H. macy on ER i always injoyed watching him I especilly liked him in magnolia

    At 5:40:46 PM on 9/5/2000, DH4! said:

    At 5:34:33 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah TLW is the great end for the Trilogy and I dunno they may change the name.. you never know! and I think JP3 will be AWESOME!!! maybe even better that JP! you never know..

    At 5:25:49 PM on 9/5/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    One other thing: Does this mean that the movie title might be changed from Jurassic Park 3 to something else? Or will they leave it like that even though it is a prequel? JP Animal Control over and out!

    At 5:19:29 PM on 9/5/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    I think it is an awsome idea to make JP3 a prequel to TLW and a sequel to JP. I don't think it has ever been done this way before. I also think the way TLW ended was a perfect ending for the series.( even though I would like a JP4) I think it is so cool how Hammond says "Life will find a way" and it shows all the dinosaurs together. So in my oppion, JP3 is going to rule!!! JP Animal Control over and out!

    At 5:17:24 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    thank you The Hatchling for backing me up!

    At 5:09:40 PM on 9/5/2000, The Hatchling said:
    Personaly, I must say that I am not a member of the "JP3 will suck club", I just feel that it is STILL too early to judge; it's like saying you have already seen the movie, and you know exactly what will happen. But let me not preech my ways to the converted, Instead I'd like to throw out a few ideas based on what we CAN assume from the limited information we have. One of the reasons I am intrigued by a JP3 prequel is that there is the possibility of a not-so-happy ending; I loved the fate that Crichton originally wrote for Grant, so who knows what may happen here! I'm definately glad to hear Neil say that he didn't like the original script he was sent, and that he is satisfied with the current version; you have to admit, that sounds promising! (umm... not that the $15mil. had anything to do with it) Also, having the movie take place before TLW is like we get a fresh start for a JP sequel!

    At 4:55:54 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are starting to really PISS ME OFF! STOP judgeing a movie before you've even seen the DAMN thing! Like I've said before even movie critics don't do that, they at least wait until they see it to judge it.. you people make me sick.. if you don't like the idea of it being a prequel.. then you better just stop going to the JP3 web pages all together and not even go see the movie..UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! why don't you give it a chance it deserves that much.. but Nooooooooooooooooo you gotta say it sucks before you've even seen it! You guys have no respect for nothing and never will!

    At 4:38:46 PM on 9/5/2000, VelociYoshi said:
    Argh... I was hoping it wouldn't be a prequel. But still as I said before, let's not judge this movie quite yet, I mean, many movies that went on to be blockbusters looked bad at first. Take X-Men, the costumes turned off many fans, but it ended up probably the best movie this summer, or one of them anyway. While this news dissapoints me, and yeah it will screw up the storyline as far as we know, hey, you never know. Besides, If we ignore The Lost World, this movie could be a better sequel then it. Just a thought.

    At 4:26:54 PM on 9/5/2000, robter said:
    shut up tyranorapter lol

    At 4:21:34 PM on 9/5/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    I myself couldn't have put it any better,GoldblumRules.
    This is very very dissapointing...and it doesn't even make sense with the character list.

    At 4:19:15 PM on 9/5/2000, TyrannoRaptor said:
    Of course Dinosaurs can still make it to the mainland. InGen could have paid a lot of money to cover it up...making the Lost World seem more interesting. Maybe the dinos were always on the mainland (as in beginning of JP book). This shows promise

    At 4:01:46 PM on 9/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Argh!!! Spielberg and Johnston need to get their heads out of their arses!

    This is the first time a semi-reliable source has checked in with this being a prequel to TLW- from Sam Neill's own lips if we are to believe. Why disappointing?

    Because the existing timeline between JP and TLW, while it did not exactly rule out the possibility of a prequel, it didn't really need one. The events of JP3 cannot be all that big or meaningful. Dinos cannot make it to the mainland now. Malcolm will have a cameo at best, therefore throwing out any kind of conclusion to the series with Chaos Theory or Gambler's Ruin as a main theme (unless they cheapen the story by putting in some OTHER chaotician- ooh, Malcolm's forgotten god-daughter!). And Hammond... gosh, will he even be in it? Obviously Tim and Lex are now a minute possibility. And Hammond cannot die at the end of the film like he did in that LW draft, which would have brought closure to the series and made it a quality trilogy instead of a bunch of cheap knockoffs. And it's going to have to take place almost immediately after JP to make any sense if it's on Nublar again- they DID dismantle the darn place and they DID kill the dinos (probably how this will end), that we KNOW already. Why do we need a prequel to tell us this when TLW already did? Forget any dinos taking on Utah if this is to be believed as well.

    I'm still going to hold my vote out on whether this will suck, but I'm beginning to liken to Utahraptor's comments... JP3 will suck, so they'll make JP4, a good installment to make up for the third, then they'll make JP5, still OK, then JP6 will do in the series.

    At 4:00:36 PM on 9/5/2000, Varan101 said:
    Thats why Malcolm isnt in JP3. And Hammond knows about Site B obviously.

    I still think we will witness the destruction of Nublar, even if most of the movie takes place on Sorna.

    At 2:53:18 PM on 9/5/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    I think Neills role will be set before jp2 and will occupy half the film. I then think the second half of the film will be set after jp2 and will bring in the other characters like william H macy e.t.c.

    At 1:32:53 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    cause Grant kept hush hush about what happened in JP so why not what happened in JP3?

    At 1:31:45 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well Hammond might of kept it all hush hush.. and Grant also. It's possible Hammond was in the hospital.. cause we know he was sick in TLW.. maybe it was worse before that. Maybe Hammond isn't even in JP3.. I mean the rest of InGen knows about Sorna also.. and Malcolm could have been in an looney bin.. or in the hosiptal also. It doesn't say how long after JP it is.

    At 12:51:25 PM on 9/5/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    I posted about it on inGenNET...it's there,on the JP3 forum,under another post concerning this prequel bussiness.Read it,and you'll see...apparently,Hammond and Malcolm suffer amnesia.A VERY VERY bad type of amnesia.

    At 12:47:06 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    How does it disrupt anything? tell me...

    At 12:41:40 PM on 9/5/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    If this is gonna be a prequel...This disrupts the whole timeline and events COMPLETELY.I'm throwing my towel in early...this is going to suck.

    At 12:34:53 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I knew it would be a prequel.. but hardly no one else did!

    At 12:29:33 PM on 9/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well I infact believe it.. and he didn't say he didn't know what a prequel is.. he was just saying that cause it's kinda between movies.. thinking maybe it should be called a midquel.. lol but I believe it..

    At 11:15:03 AM on 9/5/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    This sounds fake to me. As if Sam Neill wouldn't know what a prequel was. JP3 will most likly take place both before AND after LW.

    <img src= http://www.dansjp3page.com/jp3logo_sm.jpg>

    At 11:01:26 AM on 9/5/2000, skeksis said:
    You got that right! This is wonderful news. All the action will take place on the island, no dino's on the mainland..thank god! (so far, all the info has led me to believe that) This movie sounds like it will be almost better than JP1. We'll wait and see.

    At 10:21:51 AM on 9/5/2000, DH4! said:

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