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    Thirteen stunt-people worked on JP, while 50 were used for TLW. (From: 'Alisha')
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    At 1:53:27 AM on 9/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    HMT that's COOL!!!! thank's for all the great news and photos :)

    At 12:41:14 AM on 9/3/2000, HMT said:
    My personal opinion, just from watching what is going on here on Kauai, is that they are going back to Nublar. That is just a personal opinion, nothing confirmed.


    At 9:17:12 PM on 9/2/2000, Ed Regis said:
    THEIR stuff. Now shut up about spelling.

    At 8:13:37 PM on 9/2/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    God learn how to spell, i cant understand shit you are saying sometimes

    I think that it should involve extinction. Like the lost world book. And they should learn more about the dinos like when they observed them in TLW book

    At 7:45:57 AM on 9/2/2000, Ed Regis said:
    Right Right. I KNOW they're not gonna stick with Crichton's ideas, but I think it would make the best film. I think it counts. WISH they wouldn't have added it so it COULD be on Nublar, but....
    Ingennet gets there stuff from the same kind of sources as this site. I agree-they really need the aviary. I'd like to see it with Pteranodons STILL IN the aviary. Even it they could escape-just as a teratorial thing. It would have a better look. Obviously-there were some out in the second movie, but maybe the Aviary is still inhabited. Maybe a different kind of Terrosaur. They weren't Pterranodons in the book. I don't know. Probably not, but I think it would look cool.

    At 3:43:30 AM on 9/2/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Since Crichton isn't writing it, expect nothing of the sort. If the cut scene was aire,d ti officially counts. Most people count a cut scene shown only online as existing. There's no way FOX could air it withotu Universal's approval, menaing they acknowledge it, and would expect it to still be true for JP3. Ludlow wouldn't lie about JP. he went to Sorna to get dinos. Once he took over InGen, he'd have goen straight to Nublar to get the dinos, not wiat until epople kept fidning the secodn island, andsuddenly be like "OH wow, dinos still exist. I know, let's move them to San Diego as origianlly palnned." That's not profitibale with Nublar dinsostilla round. And he wanted big profits, hence being very ahppy with just two Rexes.
    Even if Ingennet says there's no aviary, they're not an opfficial source, and can be wrong. There's no reason to suspetc they'd show it. And yes, there is one soempalce, where else do you think the Pterasaurs lived until released? And it'd have to be site B, becasue there's now ay the JP ones coudl get out and fly to Sorna.

    At 12:22:32 AM on 9/2/2000, Ed Regis said:
    Right-it was site B-not Nublar. Man-some of these guys don't know many of the details-no offense to all of you. I think it must count if it was aired IN the movie-even if it was originally cut. And him LYING about it-that seems a little......uncreative or whatever. Bad enough-a lot of people thought it was stupid "OH-the'another island trick'". To just say he was lying....I don't know. I still think you could make an equally interesting story on site B anyway as long as you see new stuff, not repeat stuff and be really creative. River scenes, there could be an aviary ON SORNA (even if Ingennet said there isn't really one that's been constructed), Scenes with water and jungle and--more or less-take all those good unused ideas from the first book!
    Wow-I just figured out why JP seems more adventureous than TLW. JP was in a more safari-ish junglish,exciting, animated setting, and TLW was more of a camping-ish setting. With just fields, and high teck equiptment, red woods, and the characters made the whole adventure setting seem more routine. There weren't a lot of surprises in TLW. It looked like a bunch of campers confronted with dinos rather than adventurous epic heros like Alan Quartermain, Indiana Jones, the characters in King Kong and the Original Lost World. It was.....well like I said-Routine. First movie was-WOW-DINOSAURS-in this COOL park with fences and tranq guns and big structures! And in the second one....wooooow (sarcasticly)--they go to catch the dinosaurs. They wreck there equiptment. OOOOOOO! Godzilla in the city! It involved outside intervention too much. The first one---they were stranded with no communication to the outside world-no one knew they were there-they were isolated. Second one. Suits in San Diego-SEND a group to catch dinos (with Satalite com links and TV cameras!) and bring them back. They get their corperate help and take a dino to the mainland so the OUTSIDE world can interact. That's not what anyone wants to see. I could go on-but I don't want to fill everyone's screens. So if the next one follows the pattern of the first on, it should be good. That's the way most of Crichton's books are. Scientists isolated form the rest of the world in their quest or study. Jurassic Park, Sphere, Andromeda Strain, Congo, And even The Lost World. So that's how I think it should be. What do you guys think?

    At 9:30:04 PM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    No he said the Hurricane wiped out thier facilty on Site B not Nublar.. Site B is on Sorna.

    At 8:46:56 PM on 9/1/2000, The Hatchling said:
    Don't forget, in TLW Hammond said Hurricane Clarissa wiped out their facilitiy on Nublar, wich is why he sent the team to document the dinos on Sorna instead; it is plausable that the island has recovored by now...
    Oh, I must say this group has really done it again. Jumping to major conclusions with so little to go by, and showing a clear preference between fictitious islands, has proved once again that we take sci-fi WAY too seriously, and that we have little if any lives at all.
    Not that I'm complaining; after all, people in glass houses...

    At 5:52:06 PM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    But they didn't show the scenes seperately... but that doesn't mean anything.. the scenes still may not supposed to count. or like I said Ludlow could have been lying.. for some reason.

    At 5:49:18 PM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Here's all of what ludlow said in the cut scene.. and yeah they actually said there would be cut scene in the previews before the movie aired..

    Here's what Ludlow said:

    " Damaged or destroyed equipment ,17.3 million. Demolition , De-Construction , and Disposal of Isla Nublar facilities, organic and inorganic, 126 million dollars.. The list goes on research funding , media payoffs. Silence is expenisve. "

    At 5:21:21 PM on 9/1/2000, Ed Regis said:
    Oviraptor---what EXACTLY did Ludlow say? It was on FOX right? I say-if the public has seen it-and it wasn't just them showing one of the scenes seperately saying-"this was cut"-then-We have to take their word for it and JP was destroyed.
    Really-what EXACTLY did he say, to whom was he speaking, and what evidence did he have? I never saw that cut part so I don't know and I'd like to hear the details.

    At 4:45:54 PM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well Ludlow said everything on Nublar was destroyed .. but that was a cut scene in TLW.. and we all know how Ludlow liked to lie and cover stuff up.. so I'd say they never did anything on Nublar.

    At 4:41:11 PM on 9/1/2000, EVA01 said:
    Well they didnt show Nublar being destroyed in the film and never said it was,only in the book and the movies are different from the books so..........

    At 4:40:32 PM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well the scouts probably actually told them more than what they posted.. and Neo they say " the old park. " not " the old island. " and I'm sure those guys know a little bit about the movies.. since they were filmed in Hawaii. So I say it's Nublar they are talking about since Sorna wasn't even a Park..

    At 4:26:26 PM on 9/1/2000, TS146 said:
    Yes!!!!!!!!!! Jurassic Park here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If this news is true we get to see how the the island looks now. Nublar ROCKS!!!!

    At 2:27:50 PM on 9/1/2000, Neo_Maze said:
    You should keep in mind that the guys from HMT arent JP freaks and when they say "the old island" they most likely have no idea what island theyre talking about...

    At 11:02:40 AM on 9/1/2000, serjoi7 said:
    hmmm. . . all this speculation is very intriguing. I don't know what to think, as far as the plot goes. Keep in mind Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar aren't exactly right next to each other.

    At 9:37:52 AM on 9/1/2000, kolohwa said:
    hey, i don't know if this comment has been posted previously but maybe they go to site b and end up on nublar thinking they're safe when in fact the dino on the logo terrorizes them. maybe when they destroyed nublar they missed the dino on the logo!

    At 5:09:25 AM on 9/1/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    As long as they are not on bloody sorna again

    At 3:37:20 AM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    cause the dinosaurs on Nublar were never destroyed thats why.. and they mean Jurassic Park when they say the "old park. " they don't mean Sorna..

    At 3:32:51 AM on 9/1/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Now, how cna dinos still be on Nublar? IU hope thye didn't mean Site B, and just called it the Park. maybe they'll flashback to the dinos trashing the place. Love to see that. Oh well, maybe they all leave Siite B ont he boat and hang out on Nublar until help cna arrive. Goddy, two islands hopefully. That'll make a much better plot than 2 hours on 1 island again.

    At 2:44:08 AM on 9/1/2000, movieboy3 said:
    YEAH!!!!! Going back to NUBLAR! wooohoooo!!!

    At 1:09:49 AM on 9/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    well it looks like it's a Return to Isla Nublar!!! where it all began..

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