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    James Van Der Beek's character in "Dawson's Creek" is an aspiring filmmaker who admires Steven Spielberg. Posters of several Spielberg films can be seen in his bedroom, including JP and TLW. (From: jurassicraptor)
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    At 5:41:47 AM on 7/8/2013, MartinRandle said:
    Dieter..."Maybe it is finally time to change the name of this site to DansJPIV page..."

    It has been available on for months - do try and keep up!

    Dan isn't going to change the graphics of the site until the new ones are available. No point in doing it twice. And I do wish Horner would butt out of JP movies - JPIII was terrible. Especially the introduction of pointless vignette dinosaurs that did little more than a walk on part - am looking at you guys Ceratosaurus, Ankylosaurus, compies etc. Pointless and irrelevant!

    At 11:45:28 PM on 7/6/2013, juniorx eternal said:
    HORNER likes the 2004 script?

    the one with dino with guns?

    i hope not

    At 1:05:13 AM on 7/6/2013, dieterstark said:
    "Joe allowed me to be much more involved in 3 than I had been in 1&2, so I got to have more input on the script and the animals, as well as watching and advising on editing. I also got to spend quite a bit of time with the actors on all three movies, and of course with the ILM and Stan Winston crews."

    Damn. That explains a lot.

    At 12:53:36 AM on 7/6/2013, dieterstark said:
    The guys from the Trespasser site got an interview?

    Dan, I think you deserve an interview; it is time. Maybe an interview with Trev himself; you deserve it.

    Maybe it is finally time to change the name of this site to DansJPIV page...

    At 12:49:29 AM on 7/6/2013, jurassiraptor said:
    I wonder, then, if Horner's earlier comments and teases about JP4 refer to this old, scrapped script from 2004 and are not relevent.

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