Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    TLW earned a record $90.1 million during it's first weekend (which included the Memorial Day weekend) -- experts said that rainy weather across the country coupled with the recognizable JP brand helped TLW break records.
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    At 4:39:29 PM on 11/4/2011, juniorx eternal said:
    Jurassic Park is the best family movie ever. The things presented in the movie could actually happen...

    now.. SW... A huge pile of sci-fi crap

    At 12:56:57 PM on 10/28/2011, mrprongs said:
    After reading the article, all I can say is, Briggs and Kelber-Kaye need to read the book or watch the movie. The females don't reproduce without men. Some turn into men to reproduce (which nature actually allows for.)

    "Jurassic Park had 55 computer-effects shots; The Phantom Menace, released six years later, had around 2,000."

    JP was AWESOME. TPM: Why do you hate us so, George?

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