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    'Moveable feast' is a rarely-used phrase that refers to a holiday that can fall on a different date each year (like Easter). So when Roland yells 'Let's get this movable feast underway!', refering to his large group of potential T-Rex snacks, TLW scribe David Koepp is ironically changing the definition.
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    At 8:58:06 PM on 8/23/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    UPDATE: They are redressing TLW set for JP3 I found that out on

    At 6:24:32 PM on 8/22/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    I went to Universal Studios a month ago and there is no whit wall and, TLW visitor center is called the Operations Building, which they are right now making it look different because alot of stuff from that building is gone.

    At 3:48:06 AM on 8/22/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Apparently part of the Grinch movie, and not JP3.

    At 5:26:30 PM on 8/21/2000, Ed Regis said:
    What the heck is the white wall anyway. The Explorer over the wall thing? Excuse me for living under a rock.

    At 3:25:29 AM on 8/21/2000, Utahraptor said:
    The shoot can't count 1998 because they did nothing for a year but sit and twiddle their thumbs, allt he while going doot doot dootle doot doot doot dootle doot . They'r eprobably counting actual days of actually doing actual work,a nd not announcing it and forgetting about it for a year.

    At 9:53:22 PM on 8/20/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Dan: He said SHOOTING SCHEDULE. What kind of shooting schedule includes all three phases of the production? Above all, JP3 preproduction was officialy given the green light in June of 1998 by Universal and Amblin. This would make well over 700 total days including post! I'm telling you, I smell a fish here regarding the shooting log, and it's as big as a pleisiosaur!

    At 6:46:55 AM on 8/20/2000, GoldblumRules said:

    At 3:30:07 AM on 8/20/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Well, the white wall's out. s for TLW VC, why not? FI the Roby;s and CO are on an island, it'd be Site B. And as such, it;s a short hop, skip, and a jump to the VC.

    At 2:16:28 AM on 8/20/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    By the way... Dan, unless I can't read, he specifically implied that they have almost done 200 days! I don't think he's very legit. I'm an indie director and from all the work I have done I've never once heard of taking pre-production, production and post production and then clocking them in together. Even if he did mean that, JP3 has been a greenlight for preproduction ever since June of 1998.

    At 2:13:36 AM on 8/20/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Nice picture.

    At 8:20:43 PM on 8/19/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    Do you realize that 667 is about 70 days before 2 years??? That's too long.

    GoldblumRules said it best.

    Aren't you guys going to say ANYTHING about my picture? You completely ignored it!

    At 7:33:08 PM on 8/19/2000, Dan said:
    Hmmm, 667 does seem pretty long.. I'll ask my source to explain that. And he doesn't make it sound like filming has begun, he specifically said it hasn't. Personally, I'm assuming that this 667 number includes pre-production, production, and post-production.

    At 6:54:32 PM on 8/19/2000, Loric said:
    I just thought about it.. They're starting in Hawaii at the end of the month, right? Well, that's supposed to be in Hawaii, say for about a half a month, then they goto the Studio for green/blue screen(whatever color they use) shots abd other stuff they can do on a sound stage for another month or so, then they end in October (probably late october) in Orlando, that's about 60-70 something days, right?

    At 6:50:16 PM on 8/19/2000, Loric said:
    Maybe it's a typo and he meant to say 67 or 66 days? And this just made me think of all the locations for the shooting.. there's a bunch.. the Studio (or course), Hawaii, Orlando, and possibly soem stuff in Utah right?

    At 6:28:05 PM on 8/19/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    The guy is full of BS or he didn't read the shooting schedule right. NO FILM HAS A SHOOTING SCHEDULE OF 667 DAYS. Titanic was one of the biggest shoots in recorded history and it clocked in at about 160 days. What we really need to look at are two things: 1, the first two took little more than 70 days to shoot (even with post production included, they took far less than 365 days to make) and 2,the film's release date is scheduled for next summer, probably July- less than a year away.

    Loric: you have an interesting idea but I've never heard of them doing that on a film shoot, except for maybe some second unit stuff shot outside the principal stuff at the same time, if they're way, way behind schedule. 2nd unit is usually done after or before the shoot, but certainly not on the studio lot as this "insider" fellow suggests.

    Also this "Universal insider" makes it sound like filming has already begun; the trades have confirmed filming will not start until later this month.

    At 6:09:51 PM on 8/19/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    Why are they filming JP3 on the same ground as the Lost World Visitor's Center set?

    I hope this picture works:

    See that wood to the left of the picture? That's the White Wall. They're filming right next to the blasted Lost World Visitor's Center for pete's sake!

    P.S. I took that picture you see above, if you can see it. I'm not good w/HTML. :-)

    At 5:48:09 PM on 8/19/2000, hix said:
    Loric, that is what i was going to post. I agree with ya

    At 1:41:48 PM on 8/19/2000, Loric said:
    Maybe that's the schedual for all shoots. Don't they measure filming time in hours of film they record? If they have all those different locations and sets they can be recording various scenes at the same times, right? Just a thought..

    At 12:00:54 PM on 8/19/2000, Oviraptor said:
    that's when JP3 is suppose to come out.. 2001

    At 11:27:58 AM on 8/19/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    If that log was right, then that means JP3 won't be comming out in 2001. I think that part is fake! JP Animal Control over and out!

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