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    Ariana Richards released a pop music CD entitled "First Love" in Japan back in December 1993. (From: 'jurassiraptor')
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    At 11:19:31 PM on 10/5/2006, Crisco said:

    At 9:25:05 PM on 9/6/2006, juniorx eternal said:
    Noooooo!! i want FAKE news at least.. so we would arguew, complain, comment about it and live our lifes just like we were doing since 1993!

    im going bananas without news.

    plz dan f. give us fake news

    At 12:50:03 AM on 9/6/2006, LowRidin24s said:
    Nothing to do now but wait and see........

    At 1:33:23 PM on 9/5/2006, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    We've missed you, Porter. Life just hasn't been the same!

    At 2:23:13 PM on 9/3/2006, PorterM7Z said:
    Wow..... I've really really missed this place.

    At 12:54:08 PM on 8/23/2006, Maester said:
    Atleast it isn't Uwe Boll

    At 6:22:27 AM on 7/23/2006, juniorx eternal said:
    Joe johnston on JP4 ???


    if jp4 has a good text and script even UWE BOLL can direcet it!!!

    At 7:48:03 PM on 7/18/2006, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    pack raptor, I think you will find a lot of these people got their starts on Star Wars.

    David Fincher, as an example, is another such case.

    At 8:43:50 AM on 7/18/2006, pack raptor said:
    This doesn't have much to do with the topic, but I found out yesterday while watching the bonus features on my Star Wars DVD that Joe Johnston was a production designer for the original Star Wars trilogy. He made the concept designs for Boba Fett, the probe droid and the wampa beast.

    I don't know, I just thought that was kind of interesting.

    At 6:42:47 AM on 7/18/2006, Trainwreck said:
    Why not? The JP franchise is fresh out of dignity anyway...

    At 1:12:07 AM on 7/18/2006, raptor2000 said:
    Well this doesn't give us any new information about when the movie will come out, or if the movie has even begun to enter the extreme early stages of pre-production yet....heck it doesn't even say who the director will be, just who Spielberg thinks would be good for the job. However, at least we finally have some news from a reliable source, and the fact that he is even talking about it hopefully means something is going on or getting ready to happen.

    At 9:47:32 PM on 7/17/2006, Compy01 said:
    Johnston's not so bad, but I'd feel much more comfortable with Speilberg at the helm. JPIV definatly needs a good plot if we have that I'm sure it'll be brilliant no matter if Johnston directs it.

    At 8:16:12 PM on 7/17/2006, Carter said:
    My opinion of Johnston the last time around was pretty much summed up with this comment just a couple of weeks before JP///’s release.

    “this film has more dinosaur shots, both CG and animatronic, than the other two Jurassic Parks combined. What is the hang-up with the running time?”

    Because to me it was like saying; who cares if there’s no story, no character development, no plot twists, attempts at building suspense, or even any real point to the film at all… because there’s 10 kajillion effects shots! And you’re all gonna sit back in your seats and go “WOW” and forget about stupid, petty little things like that.

    Well I want better for JPIV. I don’t want to see another director come in, accept their fat pay check, pump out a few new action sequences, slap on a new logo with a new gimmick dinosaur and then have the nerve to call it a Jurassic Park film. The chair should be given to someone who actually wants it. Who wants to come in and do their utmost to make this the best film they possibly can. If Johnston’s not prepared to do that he shouldn’t be given the job, but if he is, and he’s willing learn from the mistakes of his last effort (and there was a lot), then all power to him. I want him to prove me wrong this time.

    At 6:38:31 PM on 7/17/2006, Mark said:
    Personally, i think he did a good job at directing, just the plot etc was just totally screwed, with a good plot, better writing etc he could make a good film. Consider me intrigued and looking forward to more news.

    At 6:17:28 PM on 7/17/2006, MartinRandle said:
    Pooh! Still I think he is aware that he has a reputation to repair and maybe this time he will do a decent job with a great script.

    But personally I doubt it. The last one's plot was crap, but the whole pacing was ludicrous!

    At 2:47:47 PM on 7/17/2006, Oviraptor said:

    At 2:13:39 PM on 7/17/2006, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Well, at least an Eisner won't helm the film!

    Not sure how I feel about Johnston, but I'm willing to give him one more try.

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