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    TLW and JP were finally released on DVD on October 10, 2000.
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    At 11:33:54 AM on 10/22/2005, Jaab said:
    Oh well...

    At 10:14:33 AM on 9/8/2005, Jaab said:
    The idea that everyone is secretly observing me.... it makes me kinda paranoid.

    At 9:54:59 AM on 9/7/2005, Brickman said:
    i'm kind of glad jj is gone. he had his go, it wasn't the best it could be, step aside and let someone else pick it up, hopefully in a new, different, and better direction.

    At 9:16:33 AM on 9/2/2005, mrprongs said:
    Zombie Dinosaurs? Dino Victims becoming Zombies in a Three For All?

    At 12:07:20 AM on 9/2/2005, Danfield78 said:
    --Well a mercinary guy training talking dinosaurs to fight drug lords sounds just as over the top as any Adam West Batman episode.
    --I know i'm alone here but Alien 4 wasn't as bad as 3. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Winona Ryder (god i hope not)
    --If only they could find a way to get as much social commentary out of dinosaurs as Romero gets out of his zombie movies, then the franchise could be saved.

    At 7:14:40 AM on 9/1/2005, mrprongs said:
    Not to mention, how'd Grant know how much air to blow out? sure, when Billy did it, he flshed back, but you kinda can't tell during a Post Traumatic Stress moment how much a guy is blowing.

    "What does total camp mean?"
    If you ever watched Adam West as Batman, think slightly better. That's total camp.

    "Needless to say Alien 3 is thought of by the general public as crappy."
    Yeah, but it still beats number 4, which should have gone the 3 is a dream way.

    At 9:49:51 PM on 8/31/2005, raptor2000 said:
    What does total camp mean?

    It's not the slashing 3 in the JP3 opening I didn't like. It's the fact that it didn't have a real title, like the Lost World did.
    When sequels are made that just have the name of the original movie followed by a number, instead of a unique title, it usually isn't very good, though there are plenty of exceptions both way.

    As for the raptor call, yeah there is no way that would have worked. First of all, grant had no idea what he was saying, and secondly he was making the call with a fake fossil of a velociraptor, lacking the vocal chords and other parts made of tissue and muscle that would have been needed to speak, even if he did know what he was saying.

    At 9:14:38 PM on 8/31/2005, Danfield78 said:
    I think john sayles was right in taking the JP franchise into total camp. It's the only way to stay fresh, since it's impossible to regain credibility in movie franchises.
    Look at Alien 3. The second movie turned the alien idea into an action movie, then the third tried to go back to the psychological horror of the first movie. Needless to say Alien 3 is thought of by the general public as crappy.
    When whats her face did the gymnastic flips in the Lost World it doomed the entire franchise to camp.
    You knew JP3 was going to be mostly camp after the crappy slashing III animation in the opening titles.
    Now there's nowhere to go except total camp, which I'd be fine with if I wasn't in the tiny population who adores the first JP so much.
    Hell I slapped down 7 bucks to see Seed of Chucky.

    At 7:49:56 AM on 8/31/2005, mrprongs said:
    "Kelly in the infamous/incredibly stupid gymnastics scene"

    Because that's entirely plausable.

    What I didn't buy were the raptors accepting these strange creatures as one of their own to listen to the Raptor Call. I mean, for supposedly smart saurians, they just accept what these starnge creatures say? Creatures who already stole their eggs?

    In the JP Book, you couldn't shoot them, because they had such redundancy systems built in. Muldoon shot one with a rocket launcher, and her feet still continued on like a headless chicken. Adding to the problems, you couldn't go shooting the dinos with such weapons, as their redeaths kinda cut into InGen's profits.

    Dinos in a city need to eb done right. Ratpors opening doors, sauropods smashing cars. Trikes charging tanks. What we don't need is a T-rex demoloting buildings because of a tiny flash. The JP one didn't mins staring into Lex's flashlight. A quick camera flash to a barely undrugged dino isn't going to mean much.

    Tespassing, kidnapping, assualt and batter of Grant, death of most of their crew. Endangering multiple lives. Yeah, the Kirby's are realy in for it now. Course, one could argue nearly being eating by dinos for several days is punishment enough. And yet one little boy survives for 8 weeks, and gets a jar o' T-rex pee. Yeah, that's entirely plausable.

    At 6:15:40 PM on 8/30/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Yeah, as dumb and unbelievable as TLW's ending might have been, at least it had an ending, and went out with kind of a bang. JP3 had nothing at the end. The raptors came, then they left, then the humans run to the beach to find a guy standing there calling their names (why?) followed by a large portion of our armed troups that the government for seem reason thought was worth sending to rescue a very small group of people who were breaking the law by going there in the first place and are probably now all serving some hard time. (The adult Kirby's, anyway. Grant and Billy didn't were under the impression they had permission and they didn't think they were going to land). Then to finish it, they did a JP1 style return to civilization, with the pelicans replaced by pterydactyls (or whatever they were). That is no way to end a movie, especially a Jurassic Park movie.

    TLW's T-rex in the city ending was ok (I think the original raptors and/or pterydactyls attacking the helicoptor ending would have been better) but that was all the dinosaurs in the big city that I want to see. I would never want to see an entire movie with dinos in the city.

    At 3:22:20 PM on 8/30/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    I totally agree with you raptor. I liked TLW's raptors way more than JP3 (that dream sequence makes me laugh when the raptor says "A-Lan!"), as mystery seemed to be added.

    I like TLW because it's darker, and more mysterious. JP3 seemed just kind of like an action flick, and I still don't understand why some of the people on this board like it WAY more than TLW. The ending of TLW was cool/ridiculous, but overall I think it's a better movie than JP3 could have ever been.

    At 12:31:56 PM on 8/30/2005, raptor2000 said:
    My mistake.

    I kind of liked the raptors in TLW more than those in JP3 because they seemed alot more real. They attacked in groups, hid in the grass, and new how to dig under doors (I guess they didn't gain the knowledge on how to open doors from their Isla Nublar cousins), but that was pretty much the limit to their intelligence. It was cool, but JP3 took it a little too far. Yes we know little about dinosaurs but they were still animals and I think it is safe to assume that they would not hunt down a group of people just to get two eggs back, when in reality a lot of the dinosaurs eggs were stolen by oviraptors and other smaller carnivores.

    Also, I think it is safe to say it is a waste to take guns to either of the dinosaur islands, because in three movies worth of people toting lots of guns and ammunition, not once does anyone ever succeed in shooting a dinosaur. (Grant nailing the spinosaur with the flare gun doesn't count, nor do the dart guns used on the T-rexes in TLW)
    I mean honestly....in JP Muldoon and Grant both try to shoot raptors and both miss (Muldoon waited too long), in TLW, all the hunters have guns, and in the end the only person who ends up killing a dinosaur is Kelly in the infamous/incredibly stupid gymnastics scene, and in JP3, the mercenaries bring all kinds of guns, and yet again, never manage to hit a target even as large as the spinosaur.

    But then again, you can make up for all those unshot dinosaurs if you play Trespasser. ;-)

    At 10:42:37 AM on 8/30/2005, mrprongs said:
    "the only reason I think he did TLW is because while TLW was a sequal to JP, it had it's own book and that book was different from JP), "

    Actually, he only did TLW becuase he hadn't done a movie in 4 years, and wanted to get his feet wet. Parpahrased from what he said once.

    TLW was better executed, but JP3 had the better plot. TLw ahd idiot Raptors, and even dumber hunters. All those guns, and the Raptors pick them off like kids in a candy shop. And we just see their tails. JP3 just needsd a real ending, and awe factor. We had running and then scresming, but where was the Ooh and Ahhh to start it all with?

    At 9:15:24 PM on 8/29/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>JP great? YES! TLW:JP great? NO! JP3 great? YES, but not as great as JP.<<

    I used to say that too but upon further viewings, TLW, while not very good, is a better made movie. At least it attempts to follow a story and is not just one blatant action scene after another, with nothing tieing them together but *gasp* another action scene. At least it's script, however bad, was done before they started making the movie.
    I agree Grant was better in JP3 than Malcom was in TLW, and I would have preferred Grant be in TLW, but that's just not how things played out.
    While I like both, being a die-hard JP fan, and much more of a Grant fan than a Malcom fan, I have to admit that while both aren't very good, TLW is better made than JP3.

    At 5:49:25 PM on 8/29/2005, JPFan14 said:
    "JP great? YES! TLW:JP great? NO! JP3 great? YES, but not as great as JP."

    Yeah well thats your opinion Ovi.

    At 5:15:46 PM on 8/29/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>At 4:21:58 PM on 8/29/2005, Oviraptor said:
    Spielberg's the one that ruined it, Johnston saved it.<<

    I agree Spielberg somewhat ruined it, but I think Johnston helped continue ruining it, as JP3 had about as much quality as TLW, it was just more action packed.
    If Spielberg returns to do JP4 (which I doubt, since he rarely does sequels, even to movies for which he did the original...the only reason I think he did TLW is because while TLW was a sequal to JP, it had it's own book and that book was different from JP), I hope he turns around makes a JP movie of the quality of, say, the orignal Jurassic Park, or War of the Worlds. If it's bound to be of the same quality as the movie version of TLW, I do not want to see him involved with Jurassic Park again, and I definately don't want to see Johnston back unless he can make major changes to the way he made JP3. Personally, I would like to see a new to the JP franchise but experienced film maker brought in to do JP4, in association with Michael Chrichton, thus resulting in a quality stand alone movie and worthy sequel to the original Jurassic Park. I know that won't happen in the Hollywood of today, though.

    At 4:56:51 PM on 8/29/2005, Oviraptor said:
    JP great? YES! TLW:JP great? NO! JP3 great? YES, but not as great as JP.

    At 4:38:20 PM on 8/29/2005, JPFan14 said:
    JP and TLW were great, JP/// was...*snores*

    At 4:37:53 PM on 8/29/2005, JPFan14 said:
    For me, in my 0-p-i-n-i-o-n for those that feel the need to tell me to shut up or something, it's Steven had the series very excellent but then made a bad decision by getting Johnston as director.

    At 4:21:58 PM on 8/29/2005, Oviraptor said:
    Spielberg's the one that ruined it, Johnston saved it.

    At 2:11:36 PM on 8/29/2005, carnosaurus said:
    My opinion is that Spielberg should change his mind and come back to save what he started!

    At 4:40:14 AM on 8/28/2005, mrprongs said:
    >Yeah there have been lots of kid dino movies. Land >Before Time spawned more sequels that, heck, even >Police Academy.

    Yeah. 11 movies total, plus 2 song compilations.

    At 11:17:19 PM on 8/27/2005, DarthRex said:
    "Just like the movie tornado, wich has the same story as twister. Horrible."

    But it has Bruce Campbell in it.

    "Cone Of Silence"


    At 2:55:15 PM on 8/27/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Yeah there have been lots of kid dino movies. Land Before Time spawned more sequels that, heck, even Police Academy.

    At 6:02:35 AM on 8/27/2005, Jaab said:
    I thought all the shark movies after Jaws were a shameless piece of work. It just means that the director and screeenwriter have no imagination of their own. Where do they get gradification from? Just like the movie tornado, wich has the same story as twister. Horrible. By the way, there have been some kids dino movies.

    At 3:27:41 AM on 8/27/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    I know ABC tried it as a miniseries and then a failed TV show, but I'd still like to see a properly-done Dinotopia movie. Never read the books, but the artwork's simply brilliant.

    Lessee, Sound of Thunder comes out next month finally. I'm curious about it, but I'm not gonna have high hopes or anything. But yeh I'd love to see more dino-movies. How to Keep Dinosaurs would make a hilarious mockumentary.... but I can tell right now that it would flop horribly. And one day, years from now, I do plan on


    being the plot for the movie adaptation for my Saturday morning cartoon idea.

    And now it's time for a shameless Serenity plug:

    Go see Serenity. September 30th. Best movie I've seen all year. Yippee-skippee.

    "If a pack of nazis stormed into your room, and told you they had to kill one of you closest friends, who would you pick?"

    At 4:13:32 PM on 8/26/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>At 2:39:32 PM on 8/26/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    I've always wondered why someone doesn't come up with a DIFFERENT dino movie. JP was awesome, what's so difficult about making another movie that's similar but not the same (and not in the same franchise)? I mean seriously, I could come up with some half-baked ideas, and I'm no Hollywood screenwriter. Is there no solution?<<

    I agree. I used Jaws as an example last time, and it fits here too....sure the sequels were crappy and after 1 good movie and 3 bad, that particular franchise died, yet look at how many other non-Jaws shark movies they have been, literally all about the same thing - sharks eating people - just with different plot twists thrown in. I don't see why it shouldn't or hasn't been the same with dinosaur flicks. I mean, they shouldn't be made if they are bound to be shitty but still, with the fanbase and popularity Jurassic Park alone created, let alone the audiences the two sequels drew in, you'd think there would be more demand for and likewise more production of dinosaur related movies.
    Oh well. That's Hollywood for ya.

    At 2:39:32 PM on 8/26/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    I've always wondered why someone doesn't come up with a DIFFERENT dino movie. JP was awesome, what's so difficult about making another movie that's similar but not the same (and not in the same franchise)? I mean seriously, I could come up with some half-baked ideas, and I'm no Hollywood screenwriter. Is there no solution?

    At 12:31:14 PM on 8/26/2005, raptor2000 said:
    (continuing from last comment)
    I guess, if history repeats itself, that means JP4 is the franchise's, as John Hammond would say, last redemption.
    So please...for the sake of the quality of the original Jurassic Park, and for the sake of all of us fans...please dont give us a Jurassic Park: The Revenge.

    At 12:29:10 PM on 8/26/2005, raptor2000 said:
    JP3 and TLW both had alot of potential too. They just didn't use it. Oh well. Hopefully the filmakers will learn from their mistakes, but I doubt it. It took the makers of Jaws three shitty sequels to realize the movies they were making were crap, and by then it was too late for them to learn from their mistakes, cuz no one wanted to see another one.

    At 9:13:50 PM on 8/25/2005, JPFan14 said:
    New JP movie for me, JP IV has a lot of potential, the only question is, will they treat that potential well and make a good, fresh JP movie? NONE of us know, we'll just have to wait and see until 2006 or 2007, whenever its released.

    At 1:22:22 AM on 8/25/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Actually, I would much rather see the types of effects used in the first (and second) JP films in JP4 because they looked so much more real than they did in JP3.
    I don't think King Kong will tire people of dinosaurs. Firstly, because King Kong isn't all that much about dinosaurs, nor is sound of thunder. King Kong is about a giant gorrilla, who yes, originally lives on a dinosaur island, and fights a t-rex in a famous scene, but that's really it, and Sound of Thunder is about time traveling, and more so, the consequences of altering the past.
    Secondly though, dinosaurs are a subject that facinates humans, because we have proof they existed, yet we have never seen one alive, and still know very little about them. I don't think audiences could ever totally tire out on dinosaurs (unless the movies were complete shit, which is a distinct possibility)

    At 12:30:20 AM on 8/25/2005, Danfield78 said:
    Hate to say it but JP4 is gonna be a long way off. I'm guessing the public will be sick of dinosaurs after King Kong comes out this christmas, and that horrible looking bastardization of A Sound of Thunder.
    Besides that even if it does get made the story will be lacking. Everything that made the first one great and cutting edge is very very dated right now. We're all bored of the CGI that blew us away in the first one. Genetic cloning bores us to tears (check the BO reciepts for the Island). I guess the question is: Do we want a new JP movie or a new kick-ass dinosaur movie?

    At 3:42:20 PM on 8/14/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Not to mention there was alot more news around because there actually was a movie being produced, where as now they are usually just impatient fans trying to make news out of a meaningless rumour.

    At 2:18:03 AM on 8/14/2005, JPFan14 said:
    "Yes, but did the public have access to news like we do now? No..."

    No, true, but they also would have just gotten nothing but rumors like were getting because the announcement wasn't officially made by Universal until like I said.

    At 9:55:23 PM on 8/13/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>At 4:36:19 PM on 8/13/2005, lostluc said:
    Really it isn't the fould for those who made the movie, everybody expected the movies to be the same as the first, nobody can make a sequel or triquel better than the first story, besides that to story was to unbeliveble<<

    First off, it's still called a sequel, regardless of which number it is.
    Secondly, I don't think people expected TLW and JP3 to be the same as the first. In fact, I think they wanted them to be different, and they were too similar and thats why people didn't like them as much. I mean, think if TLW or JP3 had come out before JP. They would have been glorified by JP fans then and become the standard for JP sequels to come.
    The point is, while not the case with JP3, TLW did have another book to follow that was different from the first book but in my opinion just as good, but they chose instead to come up with a relatively different story for the movie than was in the book, and as a result, the quality of the movie suffered.

    Regardless, I am sure that a JP4 will be made eventually. Maybe next year, maybe the year after that, heck maybe even 20 years from now like George Lucas did with Star Wars, but regardless, I am sure there will be one eventually. (as I am sure there will someday also be a Jaws 5 ;-))

    At 7:44:32 PM on 8/13/2005, Quasar said:
    "I also noticed, that the public didn't know if a second film was even going to be considered until after princable photography had tooken place. This could be the case for JP IV."

    Yes, but did the public have access to news like we do now? No...

    At 4:36:19 PM on 8/13/2005, lostluc said:
    Really it isn't the fould for those who made the movie, everybody expected the movies to be the same as the first, nobody can make a sequel or triquel better than the first story, besides that to story was to unbeliveble

    At 1:01:07 PM on 8/13/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Spielberg didn't do that great a job with TLW either. That was just poor writing than, and not enough interaction with Michael Crichton on the script.
    If they do a JPIV, he should either write or help to write the script on JPIV, and they should have some test readings of the script by fans, just as they have test screenings of the actual movie.

    At 9:10:08 AM on 8/13/2005, mrprongs said:
    HA HA! Even Joe couldn't stand that stupid, implausable script.

    >I mean, just cuz they were involved in one (or three) doesn't mean they will be involved in the next, plus it's hard to get news on a movie that isn't even in pre->production yet.

    Not to mention, with all these re-writes, anybody who would know, probably doesn't take anything seriously enough to even bother remembering. Or repeating. It's just going to be wrong eventually anyway.

    They need to let us fans write the script.

    >I wish Joe Johnston never did JP3. He totally fecked it up.

    >If only Spielberg did it.

    And Micheal Crichton wrote it.

    At 4:58:14 AM on 8/13/2005, DarthMaulSithLord said:
    I wish Joe Johnston never did JP3. He totally fecked it up.

    If only Spielberg did it.

    At 1:07:34 AM on 8/13/2005, JPFan14 said:
    I was reading the 'Making Of Lost World' book today for the very first time and compared a lot of mentioned things to how it could be for JP IV during the making process, many people involved with TLW hadn't even known much if any news when they had heard about it, all they knew was that the movie would be made, Spielberg would direct, Koepp would write and that they would be helping out with the making of the film. Thats it. I also noticed, that the public didn't know if a second film was even going to be considered until after princable photography had tooken place. This could be the case for JP IV.

    At 12:58:58 AM on 8/13/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>At 10:32:12 PM on 8/12/2005, JPFan14 said:
    Why did JPIV 'God Down the crapper'? Johnston isn't directing, so what, i'm happy actually, give the chance for someone else good to direct. Or this news may not even be true, many past articles have been false and unless confirmed, i'm not taking it too seriously.<<

    I agree. Johnston had his chance at JP, and he didn't do a very good job. I mean, he directed the crappy script as well as he could, as the actors acted the roles as best they could, however it just shouldn't have been made if it was going to be that poorly written (and that short).
    I would either like to see Spielberg back, or another good director.

    But it doesn't suprise me people associated with previous JP movies don't know any new news. I mean, just cuz they were involved in one (or three) doesn't mean they will be involved in the next, plus it's hard to get news on a movie that isn't even in pre-production yet.

    At 11:09:22 PM on 8/12/2005, JPFan14 said:
    and when I say didn't handle things well, he wasn't organized, the script wasn't even done, he cut many scenes out that could have contributed perfectly into the third film and could have also contributed to the running time.

    At 11:07:52 PM on 8/12/2005, JPFan14 said:
    Wow, immature.

    Anyways, I admit, Johnston did pretty well with JP///, better than I had expected, but I still want another director to go at it to maybe give JP IV a different feel (and for the better) than what Johnston gave which was too bright and cheerful most of the time though he did do a good job on the Aviary scene, he just didn't handle things well.

    At 11:00:41 PM on 8/12/2005, Oviraptor said:
    Shut up, JOHNSTON rules! :P

    At 10:32:12 PM on 8/12/2005, JPFan14 said:
    Why did JPIV 'God Down the crapper'? Johnston isn't directing, so what, i'm happy actually, give the chance for someone else good to direct. Or this news may not even be true, many past articles have been false and unless confirmed, i'm not taking it too seriously.

    At 9:25:28 PM on 8/12/2005, Quasar said:
    This sucks...

    At 9:25:27 PM on 8/12/2005, Quasar said:
    This sucks...

    At 9:07:19 PM on 8/12/2005, Oviraptor said:
    JPIV just went down the crapper!

    At 9:02:06 PM on 8/12/2005, Oviraptor said:

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