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    At 7:22:27 AM on 7/12/2005, BigM said:
    Yes i have seen the trailer of KingKong and i have (for some people)sadly to say:
    Spielberg from the dino's of Peter Jackson you can learn something!! Damn what a monsters!! The T-rex like dino has a mounth thats f%$#@ng unbeleaveble!! BTWay: The release date is no more findeble of JP4 at http://movies.go.com/. whats the new release date?

    At 2:11:11 PM on 7/7/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Just extra JP stuff, nothing that cool....and that DVD set is over 4 years old....
    Not to mention the DVD's themselves aren't even special, they are just the original JP trilogy DVD's packaged with another disk.

    At 2:09:39 PM on 7/7/2005, raptor2000 said:

    At 1:11:00 PM on 7/7/2005, Neelis said:
    That DVD set looks very, very cool! What does that fourth DVD contain?

    At 2:40:49 AM on 7/7/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I live in a suburb of Kansas City, and it is 6.50 for a ticket (well, free for me since I work at a movie theater).
    Like I said though, if they included DVD/VHS sales, I'm sure the top ten movies would be siginificantly better. Sometimes, it's not the quality of the movie that sells tickets, but rather the hype that precedes it. People are all excited about it, then they go to see it, think "that's crap" and don't go see it again or buy it on home release, yet so many people got caught in the hype and went to see it that once that it became a box office hit, even if it sucked. Take The Phantom Menace vs. A New Hope for instance. TPM did extremely well in box office because it had 20 years of hype backing it up, so that moviegoers went to see it because of that, not because it was itself a good movie (which they soon found out it wasn't).
    ANH on the other hand only had a few monthes of hype leading up to it and even then no one had experianced Star Wars yet, and it had no fan base yet, however it was so good that it made ordinary moviegoers come back over and over again. So really, while a quality movie will sell well, it's really marketing that makes or breaks it. Cinderella Man is probably one of the best movies I've ever seen, however crap like House of Wax sold many times more tickets because it had better marketing.

    At 5:34:08 PM on 7/6/2005, MCHammer said:
    You know, the reason all these new films are breaking box office records is because the theatres have significantly increased their prices over the past ten years. I remember going to see Jurassic Park during an evening showing for only five dollars. Now evening showings are almost nine dollars here in Reno, and I'm sure they're even more expensive in bigger cities. The real way to look at how a movie does in relation to other movies from every generation is to look at how much money was made in regards to inflation. Last I checked, looking at every movie ever made and looking at the prices of the movies when they came out, Jurassic Park was number 24 all time. Number one was Gone With the Wind.

    At 9:43:15 AM on 7/6/2005, Ed Regis said:
    I've been following ROTS's progress since premier (I sent Dan the heads-up about bumping JP), and it should still climb one or two more spots before it has been phased out of theaters. However-you guys should give Jim Cameron some credit-he is a master film maker right beside Spielberg. BAD movies don't win eleven acadamy awards and make over 600,000,000 dollars domestically. As per which movie "deserves" this and that-the public is what decides. We're talking about money taken in during a pictures run-not which epic film deserves *if that's possible* to have made the most money. If PEOPLE enjoy the movie and/or are interested in it-they watch it. Multiple times as with many. Box office charts only show the appeal of a film-not the quality (though, obviously, they often go together). That's what makes an epic picture. That and, as another poster pointed out, there are a miriad of other factors that go into how successful a film will be at a given time. We are currently in the worst box office slump since 1968 I believe.

    At 3:14:12 PM on 7/4/2005, Jimmy 345 said:
    Comment on the IMAX dino movie is I really hope its better then T-rex Back to the Cretatious was. That was an hour of my life I will never get back.

    At 4:21:00 PM on 7/3/2005, JPFan14 said:
    Damn, that's said, Jurassic Park definetly deserves to be in the top ten, as well as ROTS.

    At 12:59:42 PM on 7/3/2005, raptor2000 said:
    We all knew how Revenge of the Sith was going to end as well, but it was still awesome. I am not in any way saying Titanic was a good movie, or that it deserves being in the top 10 at all, let alone at #1, but the sinking part was pretty cool. Not to mention that evilly satisfied feeling you got when Leonardo DiCaprio died and sunk into the deep.

    I wonder what movie will eventually, if ever, knock Titanic out of the top spot...

    At 4:29:16 AM on 7/3/2005, mrprongs said:
    >and Titanic,

    Everybody knew how it was going to end for crying out loud. The ship sinks. Almost everybody dies.
    And the band played on.

    At 10:03:48 PM on 7/2/2005, Jimmy 345 said:
    Revenge of the Sith deserves it. What an amazing powerful and dramatic film. Anakins fall was done perfectly. Loves a bitch I can tell ya that. Effects were awsome, Natalie Portman still sexy as hell (Even when 9 months pregnant), the end battle was the best battle ever by far. "You were the choosen one." I only had one dissipointment. Grievous. Anyone who watched the Clone Wars cartoons knows that Grievous was shown to be the ultimate Jedi killing badass. Grievous in the movie never gets a chance to do much. He runs like a coward in the beginning and then looses to Kenobi after only a few minutes then dies without killing a single Jedi. Grievous was still cool but after watching the cartoon I kind of expected more. Still it doesn't diminish one amazing masterpeice.

    At 12:50:49 PM on 7/2/2005, raptor2000 said:
    ROTS and A New Hope deserve to be in the top ten.
    Phantom Menace, on the other hand, does not. If any Star Wars movie other than ROTS and ANH is going to be in the top ten, it should be The Empire Strikes Back and/or Return of the Jedi. To be realistic though, the only reason Phantom Menace is in the top ten is because it had 20 years of hype and waiting behind it to get people to go...it had nothing to do with how good it was. (Attack of the Clones on the other hand, only had 2 or 3 years, and was also not very good, which is why it never made top ten)
    As for JP....I wish it was still in the top 10, but 11th place isn't all that bad.
    Of the ones that are currently in the top 10 though, I think most of them deserve it, with the exception of Phantom Menace, of course, and Titanic, which I thought sucked except for the ship sinking at the end which was awesome.
    Shrek 2 was good but I thought the original was just as good, and it shouldn'd be all the way down at 27th while the sequel is at #3.
    E.T. was good. Both Spider-mans good. Return of the King was awesome (and Two Towers and Fellowship aren't that far away from top ten), and Passion of the Christ was good. Looking through that list, there are sooo many movies I think should be higher up, but oh well. Such is life in the industry. Just depends on the time it is released and the amount of people willing to pay money to go see it. If they factored in DVD/VHS sales on all of those I have a feeling the top 10 might be a little different.

    At 7:07:55 AM on 7/2/2005, mrprongs said:
    Hopefully JP4 will clobber the competition.

    At 11:34:26 PM on 7/1/2005, Raptor Dude said:
    Theres a few movies on the top ten that I'd disagree with though... At least its 7th world wide though.

    At 11:15:03 PM on 7/1/2005, Ostromite said:
    This is sad when the only news we have about JP4 is the promise of news in the future.

    At 11:13:24 PM on 7/1/2005, Oviraptor said:
    ROTS deserves it, and it is a better movie than JP anyway.

    At 9:08:06 PM on 7/1/2005, Raptor Dude said:
    No more top ten for JP... Sad times...

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