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By Michael Crichton
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    When TLW was filmed in 1997, satellite phones were complicated pieces of technology that required a brief-case full of equipment. The satellite phone in JP3, however, is only slightly larger than most cell phones (and works much better too).
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    At 9:38:17 PM on 7/27/2005, Ceratosaur said:
    I can't believe it was real. :\ it looked like some b movie I would see on Sci-Fi Channel

    At 7:03:22 AM on 7/4/2005, ELSIE said:
    SuperJonk that site is really funny!
    Thanx for the laugh!

    To change topic (sorry guys) has anyone read the new Crichton, State of Fear? I know it came out way back in October but I only managed to get my paws on it recently. I enjoyed it because I love Crichtons writing style, but at times it did feel slightly rushed. The two JP books are definately his best work in my opinion though! Although I loved Prey too! (not as much though)

    Sorry for all the !!! marks - my first ever posting though I found this site years ago and read the postings as often as I can!

    At 4:23:22 PM on 6/30/2005, Jaab said:
    Haven't seen batman yet, but didn't like sin city though. Anyone seen War of the Worlds? Looking forward to that one for sure!

    At 10:01:05 AM on 6/30/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    yes! i loved BATMAN BEGINS!!

    but the teaser of KING KONG caught my attention. and expectations

    At 10:01:05 AM on 6/30/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    yes! i loved BATMAN BEGINS!!

    but the teaser of KING KONG caught my attention. and expectations

    At 5:09:51 PM on 6/29/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Indeed Batman was the best movie I saw this year.... Until Thursday when I drove to Austin (six-hours away from me) to see a sneak preview of Serenity.... which, even without the support of my unrequitted love, was a great awesome wonderful faboo movie. Everyone must see it on September 30th. Trailer does it no justice. But yes indeed, as far as officially released movies go, Batman Begins is the best so far.

    At 4:55:25 PM on 6/18/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Super Jonk, that site is hilarious.

    So I think Batman Begins is probably in the top 5 movies I've ever seen (definitely best of this year).

    What do you guys think?

    At 3:15:22 AM on 6/14/2005, SuperJonk said:

    At 1:12:31 PM on 6/11/2005, andre1879 said:
    It's off Topic but HAPPY 12 years to I feel old

    At 4:45:28 AM on 6/5/2005, mrprongs said:
    I think they arrived too early in the day fir something that big to be a powered up cold blooded animal. It'd have to be warmblooded to have that much energy so early. Maybe it moved in a certain way tat only warm blodoed animals do.

    At 2:38:51 PM on 6/4/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I suppose he just knew what to look for, since he is an expert. Keep in mind is just a movie. :-P

    At 8:04:31 AM on 6/4/2005, Jaab said:
    Off topic but, I suddenly wondered: How did Grant see that the Brachio was warm-blooded? I mean it was a warm day, a cold-blooded animal could walk around like that. There's probably an easy awnser here, so if anyone could tell me, please...

    At 9:35:14 PM on 6/3/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Actually, Operation Genesis was not about them returning to Nublar. It wasn't related to the movies at all. Hell I'd even prefer they make Trespasser into a movie than use the current script. And all that was was shooting dinosaurs, no other humans, and alot of bugs because the game was released to early. However, as I've already let be known, I would love to see another JP movie about returning to Nublar, and let all that Nublar-already-destroyed crap just be a book thing, and let it still exist for the movies.
    Like Porter said though, we were talking about Star Wars. :-P

    At 6:18:45 PM on 6/3/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Uh, excuse me, 007. We were talking about Star Wars here. Who brought up Jurassic Park? (looks at site name) Er, oh yeh.


    I really doubt an Operation Genesis style movie (i.e.- park actually being opened and running) would ever be made since it sounds too mundane (pitch-wise). But I would absolutely love it. Daily life in the park, a wrangle here and there, visitor problems, lots of character work. It would actually probably be my favorite movie of the bunch, but let's not count our baby chickens before they're out of their embryotic form.

    Screenwriter: "So here's what I'm thinking, Mr. Universal. I got this idea for a new Jurassic Park film."
    Mr. Universal: "The Alliance has gone to enormous trouble to find your friend."
    Screenwriter: "Uhh, what?"
    Mr. Universal: "Oh, sorry, bad Serenity joke. So what's your idea?"
    Screenwriter: "Okay, here goes. We set the next Jurassic Park in-"
    Porter's Fan Club: "IN SPAAAACE!!!!"
    Screenwriter: "I told y'all to wait in the car!.... Anyway.... my idea.... for the next Jurassic Park film.... we set the movie.... IN THE PARK!"
    Mr. Universal: "What?!? That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard! A PARK?!?! I'm calling security! Hector! Achilles! Get in here!"
    Hector and Achilles: "RRRAAAARR!!!"
    (Hector and Achilles maul the screenwriter and then take him out to bury him with the terrorists and drug-dealers they thwarted earlier that afternoon.)
    Mr. Universal: (huffs) "A park, please! What the hell kind of idiot would set a dinosaur movie in a park?!?!" (notices the film's title) "Ah. Crap."

    At 2:39:30 PM on 6/3/2005, 007defender said:
    the jp movie, should be about the old characters returning to Nublar. kind like JP operation Genensis

    At 12:37:07 PM on 6/3/2005, raptor2000 said:
    With his mother, the Tusken Raiders killed her, so he got revenge on the Tusken Raiders by killing all of them. Padme is not the same. Number one, the Jedi and the Seperatists had no part in her demise, and number two, at the time he killed them, Padme was perfectly fine and in good health. The only person he has any right to take revenge on for Padmes death is himself, since him force choking her plus going back on everything he had ever said to her broke her heart. Like you said though, that should not have killed her. She did still have two children to take care of.

    I really wish in Episode III they had showed Yoda landing on Dagobah and Obi-wan and/or Yoda talking to Qui-gon's ghost.

    At 10:59:54 AM on 6/3/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Oh Porter, you crack me up! Good way to tie in the old SW movies too, and JPX.

    As for murdering, when Anakin's mother died, it was obvious he wanted revenge, and so for him to murder the Jedi and Separatists, I don't think is that far fetched, considering he didn't want Padme to become the truth that was in his dreams. If the incident hadn't taken place with his mother, I think the believability would have been shot.

    I don't think I would murder to save my loved ones, but people have time and again, so it's not impossible or even unlikely.

    At 8:51:19 AM on 6/3/2005, mrprongs said:
    >Would you really murder all >the Seperatists and Jedi, >including children, in >order to MAYBE prevent the >POSSIBLE death of a loved >one?

    I wouldn't murfer, but I'd definitley seriously injure anybody and eveyrbody (while declaring why I'm doing so), to force the hands of those who can save a love done to save my loved one.) When it comes to my love dones, everybody else is highly expendable. When my love dones are safe, then I'll look into the best interests of others.

    At 5:10:29 AM on 6/3/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    I decided to write some new dialogue into Sith to help explain Padme's death since alot of people have a problem with her 'losing the will to live' despite having two babies to take care of:

    Nursebot: "Medically, she's in perfect health. But for some reason we can't explain, we're losing her. She's lost the will to live."
    Obi-Wan: "She's dying?!?"
    Nursebot: "Yep. We'll need to operate quickly to save the babies."
    Bail: "Babies?!?"
    Obi-Wan: "Well get them the hell outta there! I wanna see my kids survive!"
    Bail: "Your kids?"
    Obi-Wan: "Shhh."
    Darth Annie's Super Hearing: "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY, KENOBI?!?!"
    Obi-Wan: "Uh, nothing, Darth Annie. Everything's fine here now.... How are you?"
    Darth Annie's Super Hearing: "I'm not the baby's daddy?.... NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! IN SPAAAACE!!!!"
    Obi-Wan: (to Nursebot) "So you're sure you can't save her? I mean, I really don't wanna take care of these kids on my own."
    Nursebot: "Nope, she lost the will to live. Nothing we can do.... Well to be honest we're kinda crappy doctors when it comes to humans."
    Obi-Wan: "You what now?"
    Nursebot: "Oop! Can't talk now! Gotta go deliver those babies with this here ice cream scoop!"
    (Nursebot wonders off. Everyone looks at me like I'm on drugs.)

    At 12:52:39 AM on 6/3/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I thought Revenge of the Sith was awesome....some cheesy parts, lots of bad acting with the exception of Ewan McGreggor (sp) as Obi-wan, and some of the other minor characters. Mace Windu was ok til the end, when I think he kinda freaked out a little too much. Not to mention those other 3 Jedi Masters that went to help him arrest Palpatine died awful quickly for being on the Jedi Council. Padme and Anakin I thought were terrible acting-wise in that movie, just like Episode II. And not just the love scenes. They were bad pretty much the whole time, except maybe for after Anakin goes Vader and starts killing everyone. Palpatine was good with a few exceptions. My biggest problem was what drives Anakin to the dark Would you really murder all the Seperatists and Jedi, including children, in order to MAYBE prevent the POSSIBLE death of a loved one? I just didn't think that was believable enough. But aside from that and some of the acting, I thought the movie was great. Definately the best of the prequels, though I still say all three of the originals are better than any three of the prequels.

    At 4:42:24 PM on 6/2/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Yeh, "Fuck these Jedi whores" would've gone down as the greatest movie quote in the long prestigious history of great movie quotes. Actually, the more I hear it and see it, the "Nooooo!!!" doesn't bother me all that much, could'be been done better, sure, but not as horrid as some people make it out to be. But c'mon, it's still fun to lovingly mock. Like Ric Olie.

    "Y'all got on this boat for different reasons. But you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Sure as I know anything, I know this.... I aim to misbehave."

    At 3:38:22 PM on 6/2/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    I'm with you, raptor: Make JPIV into a remake of TLW book and I might be satisfied.

    As for Batman, what a badass!

    And Porter, even though I didn't get a chance to respond earlier to your SW Vader comment, is it really that far-fetched that he would be so distraught after hearing the news of Padme? I mean, think about it. The guy joins the dark side to "save" her, which killed her, thus fulfilling a prophecy he set out to make sure wouldn't come true. I think it's believable that he would yell "NO!" But the bodily movements I think detracted from it a little bit, sure. He should have fallen on his knees and said "Fuck these Jedi whores"

    At 2:16:49 PM on 6/2/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Actually the Batman Superman Adventures was just a running of their two cartoons back to back. However if WB wanted to make a proper World's Finest movie (forget this silly 'vs' crap), I think it might be okay.

    At 1:22:35 PM on 6/2/2005, raptor2000 said:
    There wouldn't be a Batman Vs. Superman, they are both good guys.
    As for Batman meets Superman, that's happened a bunch of times on TV. There was even a TV show one time called the Batman Superman Adventures.

    At 9:19:53 AM on 6/2/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    and how about


    At 1:22:49 AM on 6/2/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Somehow, X-men 3 will still be good. The first two were. And if it's not, we still have Spider-man 3 to keep us happy.

    At 5:02:03 PM on 6/1/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Oy! Speaking of wacky occurances in the world of sequels, Matthew Vaughn's left X3! And Bryan Singer is still doing Superman and Joss Whedon's next project is Wonder Woman. So X3 is kinda screwed. This is sad. I go cry now.

    "If I wear a dress, I want something with a little slink in it."
    "You want a slinky dress? I'll get you a skinky dress. Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?"

    At 2:50:46 PM on 6/1/2005, RezSez said:
    Well, I've always said it was real, so screw all the naysayers! Also, It doesn't matter what the script was at that point, because it would have been through a slew of changes. Hell, like someone already said, JP3 was completely different than the original scripts. In fact, even the next to last draft before shooting had some way better things than what we got- a great mix of drama and so called comedy, and instead all that survived was the comedy.

    But I am pissed, I wanted to see The Shield with Raptor as Vic Mackie!

    At 1:01:40 PM on 6/1/2005, raptor2000 said:
    If they are bound to make a new JP movie and they can't come up with any (good) original ideas, heck, just remake TLW in the image of the book or something like that. It would be more welcome than that bullshit.

    At 11:15:13 AM on 6/1/2005, Illiteration said:
    they are complete morons though if they thought that script as a jurassic park movie would make money

    At 1:57:48 PM on 5/31/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    as if thay care about self-respect...


    At 11:31:55 PM on 5/30/2005, raptor2000 said:
    >>At 2:49:57 PM on 5/28/2005, ellersaur said:
    Ladies and gentleman, THE GREATEST HACKER EVER! I believe he (or perhaps she) derailed that train-wreck of a script.

    I personally belive this movie will never be made, but I hope I'm wrong. Wait...let me say it this way...if it's a crappy script, I hope I'm RIGHT, if it's a good script, I hope I'm wrong. Yeah, that's better.<<

    I wish that were so but fan opinions aren't going to deter them from making a movie they think will make them alot of money.
    Hopefully though, the potential makers of this movie will realize how incredibly stupid it is and either revise it or don't make it so they can keep at least some self-respect.

    At 4:13:26 PM on 5/29/2005, Gigantasaur said:
    By the way, thank God for the hacker.

    At 4:06:28 PM on 5/29/2005, Gigantasaur said:
    Tiffany Taira = Samfan over at

    At 2:30:32 PM on 5/29/2005, Rick Arnold said:
    One of the greatest members this site has ever seen...

    At 4:15:19 PM on 5/28/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    EDGAR WHO the hell is tiffany tara?????

    At 2:49:57 PM on 5/28/2005, ellersaur said:
    Ladies and gentleman, THE GREATEST HACKER EVER! I believe he (or perhaps she) derailed that train-wreck of a script.

    I personally belive this movie will never be made, but I hope I'm wrong. Wait...let me say it this way...if it's a crappy script, I hope I'm RIGHT, if it's a good script, I hope I'm wrong. Yeah, that's better.

    At 9:45:06 AM on 5/28/2005, Edgar said:
    <img src="">

    At 7:21:02 PM on 5/27/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    oh! yes harrypotter17" and im sure they would get to your JURASSIC PARK X: DINOS IN SPAAAACE!!! a $200 million budget!

    At 3:43:12 PM on 5/27/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    The scary thing is, going with the idea that that script was real, I'm quite relieved that actual paid screenwriters don't peruse these boards (that we know of). Otherwise we might really have gotten JPX:


    And I wouldn't even have gotten a story credit!

    "I wanna be held like I was by the lake on Naboo."

    At 1:43:33 PM on 5/27/2005, Trespasser said:
    yeah, the fact that someone took this script seriously enough to even propose it gives me some serious serious goosebumps. Hollywood has gone down the tubes even more than I'd realized.

    At 10:21:49 AM on 5/27/2005, juniorx eternal said:
    raptor2000 i think YOU ARE RIGHT! (only this time)


    At 1:18:06 AM on 5/27/2005, raptor2000 said:
    There are alot of movies out there that had horrible first drafts of their scripts but the final product was entirely different and sometimes very good. Let's just hope that is the case with JPIV.

    At 8:00:55 PM on 5/26/2005, Rick said:
    The fact that the script was even penned and proposed in the first place deeply disturbs me. However, the fact that production is on hold lifts my spirits a tad bit. Perhaps there's hope for an end product that betters the series afterall.


    At 7:57:03 PM on 5/26/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    And raptor, that's the exact reason why I believe the franchise is dead.

    And if it's not already, it needs to die.

    A 4th movie would bear negatively to an already milked franchise.

    At 2:03:05 PM on 5/26/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Hell I would even prefer an uber-prequel to JP set in the time before dinosaurs were extinct when they were really running around with Grant's extreme ancestors running from them to this proposed shit.

    Hopefully though, this shit will be dumped for something that will truly make a great addition to the JP franchise. That's just a hopefully though. It seems to me right now they are so obsessed with making more money, they will forget good stories and just make crappy movies with good franchise names to earn themselves pretty pennies.

    At 8:44:47 AM on 5/26/2005, mrprongs said:
    I think he got it backwards. It was stolen after it was read and sent to AICN, to prevent it from being made. That idea wouldn't fly in and of itself, let aloen for JP. and how is thta an idea Spielebrg loved so much, he thought it took the series in a new direction? Should ahve been #3? Best idea for a dino flick since JP oriignal Reciepe? Maybe as another Grant nightmare, OK. A fantasy sequence as some dumb idiot spouts his rubbish on how useful dinos can be to homeland secuirty, sure. Otherwise, bomb city. I'd rather see them turn JP into the Flintstoens that this. I'd rather see that stupid JP ice age crud come true. Because JP Dinos For Hire (which it toally ripped off basically), was not a good nor believable idea. Nor could anyone be serious about it as a real script. Better do Conquest Of The Planet of the Apes and have the dinos be slaves and learn to talk than carrying bombs into battle. JP Dino Riders just don't fly.

    I think the guy's still insisting it's real to make him look like a good writer (cough) and it's a fake script. No one could possibly write that as a serious script willingly.

    PS In case you can't tell, I really hated that idea. In case you can, I can't say it enough. It sucked.

    At 10:30:28 PM on 5/25/2005, Cameron1 said:
    I am happy the script was real, in a way.

    At 8:32:44 PM on 5/25/2005, Carnotaur3 said:
    Haha, I told you guys it was real.

    At 7:04:50 PM on 5/25/2005, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    If that was the actual script, I am glad JP4 is on hold.

    At 4:55:15 PM on 5/25/2005, Aragorn said:
    I doubt that would be filmed the way it was. Jurassic Park 3's early script had a completly different plot then the finished movie. The only thing that didn't really change was Billy, and the father, son, mother idea, although their names changed.

    At 4:51:23 PM on 5/25/2005, Amber said:
    Well, it's on hold... hopefully it'll result in more rewriting, and a better version of the script.

    At 4:28:03 PM on 5/25/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I think we can be thankful to that hacker....hopefully, by us reading (and hating) the new script, we can convince them to ditch it in favor of something better, whereas if that hacker hadn't got it and released it, we would have found out after production had already started, when it would have been to late to do anything.

    At 3:48:26 PM on 5/25/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    And almost a whole year archived on one page on this site? Wow, I didn't realize things were THAT slow!

    At 3:46:09 PM on 5/25/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Well on the bright side perhaps that script getting intercepted was the best thing to happen to JPIV!

    At 3:22:35 PM on 5/25/2005, Aragorn said:

    And stupid hackers should burn in hell.

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