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    While the male T-rex seems to be bigger than the female in TLW, in reality scientists believe the female was the bigger of the two. (From: 'Rancor')
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    At 2:54:17 AM on 8/18/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Ian doesn't haveto knwo whta ahppened. He could ahve bene in the hospitla the whole time. But neither could InGen, or else after the detahs, no one sued InGen. THen again,supposedly Ludlow hints at more lawsuits, so..
    But nah. No prequel. Can't include Utah dinos if it is. Not unless Utah's citizens cna be bought off, and heck, Malcolm signed a non disclosure agreement, and disclosed all he knew. Soemhow, I doubt eveyrbody whos aw the dinso in Utah will eb differnet.

    At 4:34:49 PM on 8/17/2000, TS146 said:
    JP3 can't be a prequal because if Grant is in the movie it has to take place after TLW. It can't take place before TLW and after JP
    because in the movie TLW Ian onley mentioned 3 deaths (Dennis,Robert,Gennero). The
    onley way it cauld happen before TLW is if Ian was completly oblivious of an other team going to JP.

    At 10:46:24 AM on 8/17/2000, Ed Regis said:
    I checked out that Utah news report. It SAYS there's gonna be a chase with dinosaurs and cops. Now--whether that's true or just misinformed media (never heard of a reporter that wasn't misinformed)-I don't know. Hope to God they're wrong. AND--maybe many of these rumors getting spread are the work of producers-to throw the public's perception of the film off. Maybe Johnston just said it was going to take place in the city so that people would think that and be surprised when it doesn't! Ya never know.

    At 10:40:06 AM on 8/17/2000, TS146 said:
    I agree we'v seen too many dinosaurs in the city flicks.
    I want to see the dinosaurs on Sorna or Nublar. Its cooler to see them in a natural setting. No dinosaurs on the mainland. Maby the cops go to get Grant from a dig or from his home. Maby Ingen wants to make sure all the dinos on Jurassic Park are dead and they want someone who knows jurassic Park the best.

    At 7:47:06 PM on 8/16/2000, indianajones said:
    I don't care if its a prequel or a sequel, if they put dinosaurs back on the mainland its going to SUCK! If I want to see a monster movie I will go see Godzilla. Putting dinosaurs in the city just takes away from the adventure.

    At 4:48:11 PM on 8/16/2000, Creed said:
    Don't you mean PREquel?

    At 11:38:02 AM on 8/16/2000, PaLeoFrEak said:
    First,Speilberg didn't have anything to do with the Raptors escaping at the begining. Micheal Chrihton did.
    Second, if it was a prequel, than it would be a prequel to TLW not JP.
    Third, it is not going to be a sequel so it doesn't matter any ways.

    At 9:33:08 AM on 8/16/2000, Creed said:
    Damn, #1 we all know that if its a prequel... oh my god. He saw this coming! That bitch ( sorry Speilberg fan's) remember at the very begining of JP? There was a raptor lose and they caught it!! He planned to make a prequel. Dammit! If this true I am going to be so pissed! But where does grant fit in??

    At 8:00:10 AM on 8/16/2000, Ed Regis said:
    It was an ornitholestes in the lost world. Not raptor-anyway-that's an idea.

    At 3:30:27 AM on 8/16/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Why wouldn't Grant dig? For starters, no one cna study the dinos. Secondly, when finding enw bones, Grant cna betetr identify them, wehr ethye go, and tell how thye were actualyl used, and speed, and muscles,a nd everytnign else. even if JP suceeded, Pelontologists woudl have to help the vets. Harding wa sguess working his way through the park. Honetsly, how do you heal a creature who;s been dead for 65 million years? And which still hasn't been fully classiifed yet (Bird, lizard, reptile, it's own genre,e tc.)

    At 2:28:13 AM on 8/16/2000, Gladiator6k said:
    um, it could be something about the velicoraptors that got to the mainland like in the lost world novel, where they burn the dino... i dunno just a thought....

    At 10:31:09 PM on 8/15/2000, JurassicRaptor said:
    Gosh-dang it! More bad publicity for us Mormons. I thought the girl on "The Real World" was bad enough, but dinosaurs running around BYU, eating Mormons?!? Johnston's freaking nuts! My church's gonna get swatted for YEARS! I can imagine missionaries (Those 2 guys you always see in matching suits and nametags.) getting pounced by Raptors. INSANE! (still kinda funny though) but IN-SANE. This is THE antithesis of the first amendment.

    I am Mormon, I don't cuss, drink caffeine or alcohol.

    Atheists need not reply.

    At 10:19:30 PM on 8/15/2000, Pol said:
    But you've got to figure, after "Jumanji" Johnson may not be able to resist an urban dinosaur rampage.

    At 10:16:41 PM on 8/15/2000, Pol said:
    Woah, Oviraptor. I certainly hope this is just another case of another mistaken news peddler. But wait a minute, this article doesn't make any sense. If it's a prequel then why are there dinosaurs on the mainland? And why Utah? Utah is fossil country, it just doesn't make any sense. It’s weird

    At 8:15:45 PM on 8/15/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Guys check out this link....

    At 5:04:24 PM on 8/15/2000, TyrannoRaptor said:
    perhaps it'll be like that scene in armageddon and loads of cops will get him and whisk him away to the islands or wherever. why the hell is he digging again after JP? perhaps, like (mentioned) in TLW book, he denied it for so long. Perhaps he just blocked it out of his mind

    At 11:52:01 AM on 8/15/2000, Chapter_11 said:
    I read a rumor on a web site a few weeks ago where Johnston said that they would have another rampage on the mainland. I hope not. they would need at least 100 uniforms to do that.It problably is where Grant is gigging in the Utah wastelands.

    At 3:17:48 AM on 8/15/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Yes, minland scenes. OK, possibly another nightmare rumor? Seems weird to copy them, not just use them. Anyway, the uniforms seem a bit differnet. Darker coloring, and purple tie is new to me. Maybe it's the city's colors. Do cities even have colors? Guess the cops want Grant to stop maurauding dinos from eating the citizens. Or maybe the Roby body gaurd worked as a polcie officer before being hired, say to guard a certain soemone and unknowingly, his son from dinos on an island. Did somebody say flashback?

    At 1:05:56 AM on 8/15/2000, Mess said:
    Oviraptor, it doesn't mean the plot has to be involved with digging, it could just be grant back to his old job, and the police want him for some reason.

    At 12:49:28 AM on 8/15/2000, Tiger12 said:
    I saw this report while visiting my parents from Wyoming. A little detail missed in the message posted here was that the prop department was interested in the exact details of the police uniforms and patrol cars (in other words, every little symbol unique to the Utah highway patrol) They also said that the scene was going to be a real small one. So maybe like Mess said, we're going to get a peek at Grant digging again. Much like the beginning of the first film.

    At 12:21:19 AM on 8/15/2000, Oviraptor said:
    How would it have something to do with the dig?

    At 12:17:04 AM on 8/15/2000, Pol said:
    I agree with Mess, it's gotta be for a Utah dig. That's fossil heaven over there. That's the only thing this could mean. So that means no confirmed sign of dinosaurs on the mainland just yet.

    At 11:27:47 PM on 8/14/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I just hope this doesn't mean it's the mainland.. and the cops are pulling the dinosaurs over and giving them tickets LOL.. please no dinos on the mainland..

    At 11:17:42 PM on 8/14/2000, JP Animal Control said:

    At 11:14:59 PM on 8/14/2000, Mess said:
    Utah, huh, looks like we are going to catch grant digging. And i guess the police will be blocking something off and they wanted to know the polices uniforms. I guess

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