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    Jeff Goldblum once directed a short film called "Little Surprises" which was nominated for an Academy Award. (From: 'Troodon')
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    At 6:39:36 AM on 3/25/2005, Jaab said:
    Good point...

    At 5:24:05 PM on 3/24/2005, raptor2000 said:
    No....after 12 years the DNA is no good as well. The only reason the original DNA was still good is because it was preserved in the mosquito and the amber. The DNA in the shaving can has been exposed to nature for 12 years.

    At 2:22:19 PM on 3/24/2005, Jaab said:
    The shaving can won't be searched for the baby embryo but for the DNA, that is still usable. And with amber being illegal and probably hard to get it might be an easy way to get some dino DNA.

    At 4:45:51 PM on 3/23/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Jewelcase version is just a less expensive copy that comes without a box and with a smaller manual. I personally think it is a really good game (even though it takes forever to get started on my computer).

    As for the shaving can....like mrprongs said, it can only keep the embryos cold for 12 hours, after which they all die, and it has been 12 years (assuming they go along with the four years between movies thing again, and even if they don't the embryos are long dead), plus only Nedry and Dodgson knew about the can, and Nedry is dead (Dodgson too in the book). They can't logically use that in the story for JP4, unless the movie takes place a few minutes after the original JP.

    At 12:02:16 PM on 3/20/2005, Jaab said:
    *YAWN* so little news nowadays...

    However, I've just ordered JP:Operation Genesis. I have no idea if it's a good game, so what do you all think. I've ordered the JewelCase version, cause it was cheaper. Does anyone know what the difference is between the JewelCase and the original version of the game?

    At 3:49:07 PM on 3/17/2005, jamie said:
    Mrprongs you are right, but i'm still not eliminating it from my options.


    At 6:36:42 AM on 3/17/2005, mrprongs said:
    >realistically i think the >JP4 plot will centre around >the shaving foam can which >nedry lost.

    How is that realistic? It's been 12 years, and the thing could only last for 12 hours. Nobody even knows about it. In all likelihood, if it was found, it was thrown out, because nobody would think to look for a secret compartment.

    At 5:46:08 PM on 3/16/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Agreed, raptor. I really don't think George's lack of dialogue writing abilities could screw this up.

    Everyone has known that he's had this one in the bag since the beginning. It's so exciting!

    At 9:09:33 AM on 3/16/2005, jamie said:
    Thorne, i think your ideas are great, nother plot that comes to my mind: is that before the initial park was made, ingen knew of non-extinct dino's and tried to keep them quiet and hidden before they had the money/technology to gain control over them. So as soon as they got the power they took advantage and built the park.

    But realistically i think the JP4 plot will centre around the shaving foam can which nedry lost. And a hunt for it, i think the film will be miles more difficult to understand than the previous 3.

    jamie :)

    At 12:23:31 AM on 3/12/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I saw those and the new trailer for Revenge of the Sith and all I have to say is....wow. I soooo can not wait for that movie now. I don't think even a crappy George Lucas Star Wars prequel script could screw this one up.

    At 3:12:01 AM on 3/11/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Soo did anyone see the two wicked cool trailers Fox aired tonight? Sin City and Everything's Fucked..... Dude, I need a cigarette.

    At 1:07:51 AM on 3/10/2005, raptor2000 said:
    If the dinosaurs were not extinct, where exactly have they been hiding for the past 65 million years? Sorry, but in terms of dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park franchise, they have to be clones, that's what the first half of the first JP and certain parts of TLW and JP3 are all about. If the dinosaurs ended up not being extinct in the movies, not only would it be extremely unbelievable but it would defeat the entire idea of Jurassic Park itself.

    At 8:29:06 PM on 3/9/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    Oh Porter, I'm going nowhere. I just think JPIV is dead, and most of the comments below prove that it is.

    And if it isn't, it should be.

    Unless they do JPX: Dinos in SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 6:14:10 AM on 3/9/2005, mrprongs said:
    Sounds like the JP comics Return To Jurassic Park.

    What mysteries hinted at in JP3?

    >And were the dinosaurs ever >really extinct?

    No. Some went into deep space, some wore human disguises, some heaed into the center of the Earth, and some live 6ft below ground, All named Bort.

    At 8:12:48 PM on 3/8/2005, Thorne said:
    Another aspect of my idea (which I still don't want to reveal yet) pertains to the employment of Denis Nedry in JP, his theivery of the embryos, and way in which Isla Nublar was quickly abandoned, leaving it vulnerable, and supposedly destroyed. The last two movies centered on Isla Sorna and kept trying to expound on what was already known from the first movie; my plot reaches deeper and farther back, revealing things and projects not known to the original characters that were happening during and immediately after the first film. This script takes Jurassic Park back to Nublar and beyond and also contains some very BIG plot twists and revelations pertaining to the whole series. It even puts the first film into a new perspective.

    I will give a few small plot hints: Everyone thought that Byosin had failed in the first film, but did they actually? Was it really InGen creating all those mysteries hinted at in JP3, all those "experiments," or was it someone else?

    What about the Lochness Monster and those
    'sauropods' supposedly seen by African hunters in the deep, hidden areas of the rain forest?

    And were the dinosaurs ever really extinct?

    At 7:55:58 PM on 3/8/2005, Thorne said:
    I've structured a script that entails dinoasurs on the mainland, yet still in the jungle (use your imagination and you might figure it out); the return of Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, Billy Brennan, Lou Dodgeson, & a cameo by John Hammond; and finally, a fantastic cameo of Isla Nublar.

    The script takes Jurassic Park to a whole new level in terms of evolution, extinction, and migration - instead of rehashing previous ideas already used. The plot involves cryptozoology and reaches back into the roots of InGen, Byosin, and the days before the first film when Jurassic Park was being constructed and the dinosaurs were being "grown."

    No this is not a prequel, it is set about thirteen years after the original. And yes, the reasons for the return of the main characters make complete sense and flow well with the characters themselves.

    While there are many new dinosaur species, there are many what I believe to be fresh and new ideas involving creatures already well-known like pteranadon, t-rex, velociraptor, and triceratops.

    I really think this idea would redeem the Jurassic Park franchise.

    At 6:17:18 PM on 3/8/2005, raptor2000 said:
    There's not even a Dan's JP4 page yet. You essentially just described the plot of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, having alot of the old main characters working together. It won't happen. If you recall, Ellie is now an author/mother, Malcom is a teacher, and Grant is only interested in digging up fossils.

    At 9:11:23 AM on 3/8/2005, mrprongs said:
    >get into a situation in >which they all face >dinosaurs again when they >all should already know >better.

    You do realize, if you were in the JP Universe, and just said the above, you'd soon find yourself facing the dinos, in a situation you should have known better to have avoided. In other words, no matter how much they know better, you'd be surprised how many ways can get them back to facing dinos again (though not on the island, as claimed). Whether the audience buys it, is the question.
    The easiest reason is their recruited by some shadow Gov. for some reason. Perhaps it's to stop someone from making dino soldiers (and they succeed, so we never have to see them). Grant is a dino expert, tops in his field, who has 2 previous experiences with live dinos. Malcolm also has the same experience, and having figured out JP would fail, you'd want his brain working for you. Hammed is ultimately responsible, so he'd have to be involved, even if it's any info on dino behavior he saw, or use of his alleged imprinting on them. Lex would do something with computers. If Tim returns, you know he's a big wig dino expert too, and two experts are great for dividing into teams. Maybe Sarah returns for a third. Ellie can use plants to deliver poisons, tranqs etc. to the plant dinos. Tembo can tranq the meat eaters. Nick, well, what good is he really? he was dino rescue/photographer in TLW. Unless he mans satellite spying oft he dinos, perhaps in concert with Lex, I don't see him being much use. The Kirby's make no sense, neither does Kelly. Unless they want the dinos to die of embarrassment at another one falling to her gymnastic routines.

    The real question is, will this idea to get em back be believable to the majority? Because if it is, and the movie's a success, prepare for Dan's JP5 Page. If not, say good bye to the franchise.

    At 8:04:38 PM on 3/7/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I think we all hope that, regardless of whether it's the last movie or not, it is good.
    With the "original script" (trained military dino's, etc) there was no way it could be. With the possible new one, with a number of characters from the first 3 JP's coming back, there is a possibility that it could be good, however I am still struggling to understand how a group of people who have been to the island(s) once (twice in Grant and Malcom's case) will either return to either Sorna or Nublar or get into a situation in which they all face dinosaurs again when they all should already know better.
    I don't want to see a completely new cast without any of the veterans but in terms of them all supposedly being smart (having survived previous JP movies while so many others died) and having escaped the dinosaurs once before, why would they get back into that situation? (plane crash won't work, that's already been done. Plus why would they all be on the same plane?)
    It's really a sticky situation. Can't not have the veterans because people don't want a totally new cast, yet can't have them back as main characters without making them look like complete dumbasses.
    Oh well, if Spielberg is indeed involved (which is also hard to believe), it should be at least decent.

    At 10:50:02 AM on 3/7/2005, darthraptor52 said:
    Personally, I do feel like the JP series needs closure, JP3 was a bit of a crime, a complete wasted opertunity, the 'Extinction' Posters of the DVD just made me feel angry and frustrated as to what the film COULD have been. Of course I don't want it to turn into another 'Alien' series, but then to a degree it already has and it never needed to. I still hope it goes ahead, I I sure as hell hope it's done well.

    At 9:46:50 PM on 3/6/2005, Vinsfeld said:
    wait a second... you dont suppose its a collaboration?

    Indiana Park IV: The Holy Dinosaur?

    At 9:22:36 PM on 3/6/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Supposedly Indy 4 will begin production withing a year and a half to two years. That's what Spielberg said recently, anyways.

    At 7:02:38 PM on 3/3/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    I persomally don't think it's ever gonna happen, like Indy 4 and the Red Dwarf movie (but not Serenity, that pretty's being made). But I still come to the site cos.... well, we're a fun group sometimes. Meaning you can't leave either, Drive, because.... well I said so. We still need the generals in our daring movement for JPX:


    It has everything! Dinos! Space! More Dinos! A Fantastical Delectable Array of Cinema-sweeping Musical Numbers the likes of which you have never even imagined!

    It's a CLUB!
    For fans of RIC OLIE!
    Who are DIE HARD!"

    At 4:35:35 PM on 3/3/2005, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    ::Yawn:: Does anybody really give a flying Raptor shit anymore about JPIV?

    I'm kinda over it now.

    At 11:45:02 PM on 3/2/2005, Thorne said:
    I think Jurassic Park IV should only be made if both Sam Neil and Jeff Goldblum return as well as Speilberg. And a decent script that's not a rehashing or totally off-the-wall would be nice, too.

    At 7:24:12 PM on 2/28/2005, raptor2000 said:
    I was so mad John Williams didn't win the Oscar last night for his music in Harry Potter.
    Granted, the Oscars are pretty much a waste of time but I do think that he deserved to win that Oscar over the other 4 people.

    At 6:14:54 PM on 2/27/2005, emanresu00 said:
    Greetings fellow Jurassic Park die hard fans.

    I have asked my screenwriting instructor here at Vancouver Film School
    (www.vfs.com) his opinion on the JP4 Script review by Moriarty, at

    He thinks it is very unlikely this is the real script. It is too crazy.
    And my instructor knows this guy. Just an opinion, all are entitled to
    theirs, but so you know.

    Anyway, any fellow filmmakers/fans do not hesitate to cantact me for
    further comments/discussion.


    P.S. Go Steven (Spielberg)! And get John (Williams) to add his magic
    musical touch to the movie!


    At 12:14:46 AM on 2/26/2005, PorterM7Z said:
    Even if it's kinda non-news, I'm still glad to see a new post here. If for no other reason than my posts are usually light-hearted and I felt kinda awkward posting under the tsunami post, hence my long time away.

    Anyhowdyhoo- I decided I'm gonna actually write JPX:


    But, obviously, with a diferent title. It'll be the movie based on my saturday morning cartoon idea. And, if it's okay with the lot of you, side characters may have names and personalities that are similar with the good folk here. So if you object, speak now or forever hold your piece. And wish me luck.

    It'll have everything! Dinos! Space! More Dinos! A Fantastical Delectable Array of Cinema-sweeping Musical Numbers the likes of which you have never even imagined!


    At 1:56:03 AM on 2/24/2005, Thorne said:
    Damn, from reading some of these posts, Speilberg's gonna get a lot of unwanted action if he screws this one up. <i>Hehe,</i> "screws".

    Anyways, this is the best "news" I've heard on JPIV, uumm... ever. I hope it gets confirmed and actually becomes reality on the silver screen.

    Also, I know a way they could bring all the characters back, have it make sense, and mainatin a good plot; something that would literally redeem the franchise. I put together a script and plot idea that does just that. Though I'm hesitant to post it on the internet. Speilberg and Universal might literally kick Monahan off the bandwagon and steal my script without giving me credit, if by some act of God they ever actually read it. Or someone working on JPIV.

    At 6:24:31 PM on 2/17/2005, raptor2000 said:
    Well I would be glad if this was true...but it is extremely hard to believe...and I'm afraid I won't until I hear it from an official source...or at least from more than one source.

    Even if this was true without a doubt....how are they going to get a bunch of people who already know better (especially Malcom and Grant) back on the islands...or even back into an area where they would be in confrontation with the dinosaurs yet again, some of them for the second time, and some of them for the third time.

    At 11:17:56 AM on 2/17/2005, Danny_Gold said:
    This really isn't news, hell we havn't really had anything resembling real news since September 8th.

    At 10:06:17 AM on 2/17/2005, hunter2.0 said:
    i will anally rape spieldberg if it isnt....bitch.

    At 7:21:57 PM on 2/16/2005, DJ Jerm said:
    "(Thanks 'PocketAssReturn', among many others) "

    Yes, thank you very much for the info, 'PocketAssReturn'. :D

    DJ Jerm

    At 6:45:07 PM on 2/16/2005, Raptor Dude said:
    Funny how much news is created just from SCRIPT RUMOURS. Ill be glad when we start seeing it take shape..

    At 10:42:27 PM on 2/15/2005, Phily said:
    LOL that is a funny sn

    back to the subject, i also hope its a good script...or i will unleash my wrath on spielberg(but first let me spend a night with him ;})

    At 4:10:41 PM on 2/15/2005, LittleMo said:
    i hope the script is good...

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