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By Michael Crichton
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    Crichton's TLW novel describes sloth's as also inhabiting the islands along with the dinosaurs. (From: Cloner)
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    At 5:26:53 PM on 1/8/2005, NHR said:
    It sucked.

    At 12:02:11 AM on 12/21/2004, raptor2000 said:
    >>HEY! where is JIMMY 345?!?!?<<

    Burning in hell for all I care. In reality though, his mom probably put him in the time out corner for not washing his hands.

    At 2:50:43 PM on 12/20/2004, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    So ummmm, how 'bout them Broncos?

    At 4:52:04 PM on 12/18/2004, conor said:
    i agree that LA times was a shitty source. HEY! where is JIMMY 345?!?!?

    At 4:52:03 PM on 12/18/2004, conor said:
    i agree that LA times was a shitty source. HEY! where is JIMMY 345?!?!?

    At 3:43:03 PM on 12/18/2004, Stealth Raptor2 said:
    I just recently finished the book. I found it to be quite good, and interesting. It was weird, I manged to finsih it in only 3 days, and it's nearly 600 pages long:P

    I've never been that fast of a reader before.

    At 2:58:31 PM on 12/17/2004, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    i've enjoyed Crichton's recent works like Prey and Timeline, so I doubt I will be disappointed in State of Fear.

    At 11:18:57 PM on 12/16/2004, raptor2000 said:
    I agree with Matthew. LA Times? Come on. And Dan's views are pretty darn apparent.
    And by the way, when you say you aren't going to say something, you dont say someone sucks.
    I can still see you are all sore Bush won, but it's time to fucking get over it. He is this country's leader for the next 4 years so you better just fucking accept it.

    At 9:03:33 PM on 12/16/2004, conor said:
    i like how you put global warming in quotations. you pro bush retards are so blind. yes, fuckin global warming is not real. god you're a dumb fucking idiot.

    At 8:18:09 PM on 12/16/2004, Matthew said:
    Yeah, well, count on you to quote the LA Times of all sources, Dan. Not exactly the most UNBIASED paper in the world, eh? Great pick. Your own views come out so clearly in your article it's pathetic.

    I would expect liberals to praise Crichton for his liberal use of obscene language, but I suppose his spreading the truth about so-called "global warming" outweighs his characters' filthy mouths, at least in the minds of morally depraved (read pro-infanticide, pro-euthanasia) liberals.

    Just my 2 cents! Don't worry... I don't expect much change.

    At 7:12:06 PM on 12/15/2004, closer said:
    SoF started out well enough(Granted, you didn't know what the hell was going on), but by the time things really fall into place, and it becomes clear just what it is you're reading, it's nothing more than a facilitated commentary- and a bad one at that.

    At 1:10:59 PM on 12/14/2004, Driveshaft 2.0 said:
    That's one of the greatest things about Crichton: his books aren't so far fetched.

    That was the best thing about Prey I thought: nanotechnology is so new and amazing it's hard to see the limits to it, I personally enjoyed that book the most and am looking forward to reading State of Fear later this week.

    And yeah, Lost in Translation was awesome. Different but awesome.

    That's the best part about FINDING OUT, you can make your own judgment.

    At 11:21:47 AM on 12/14/2004, raptor2000 said:
    Crichton's books are so filled with statistics and other stuff that you really have to be into the stuff to really get into it. Jurassic Park, the Lost World, Sphere, and Congo were the only books of his I even wanted to finish reading, and even they had tons of charts, statistics, graphs, etc. I did like in JP how it showed the charts with the # of dino's on it and it kept rising hehe.

    At 11:10:24 AM on 12/14/2004, Agent Bad Ass said:
    Okay, You'll probably flame me, but I have read the book and I think it sucks. Big time. The characters are flat, you basically know nothing about them after reading the book. And a super-high-specialised-intelligent-handsome-whatever-agent-genius who works for the ultra-top-secret NSIA (national security intelligence agency) who has to stop some bad eco-terrorists take a nepali ex-military-officer, a lawyer and the assistant of a dead guy with him to stop them - and nobody else besides these three people?!

    At 10:52:51 PM on 12/12/2004, Phily said:
    i love all michael crichton's books, except for the great train robbery, it just did'nt have the pace and it seemed like it wouldnt be him writing it(maybe a ghostwriter)

    At 9:31:12 PM on 12/12/2004, Dan said:
    I will say nothing however if you think Lost in Translation sucked then you, in fact, suck.

    At 2:13:10 PM on 12/12/2004, raptor2000 said:
    Most of the time, movie/book critic reviews are BS. They will say a book or a movie sucks yet when I go see it it's awesome. For example, the critics claimed Lost in Translation to be a "masterpiece", but after I saw it I wished I hadn't cuz it sucked. So yeah, never believe the critics until you've seen it/read it for yourself.

    However, I can't deny some of Crichton's latest works aren't quite up to par with some of the older ones. Not that I can really complain, I haven't read this book and I'm sure it's far better than I could ever do. But I just noticed some of the great authors - like Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy - newest books aren't as good as the older ones. But then again, that's all probably because their previous books were so good they set the bar unreachably high for these.

    At 12:45:08 PM on 12/12/2004, jajawarrior said:
    I love how those who review books act like they're such great writers themselves, the whole language of the reviewer is structured as if they are somehow above the author and the reader - that they can see every flaw.

    Also, it comes as no surprise that the media is jumping all over Chricton's right-wing leanings; as the election proved the media is great at that.

    I'll wait until I read the book before I pass judgement, but its obvious the media has it out for any conservative writers who may simply want to express their views (in a fictional book, no less!) and laud the left-wing drivel that is constantly being spewed.


    At 12:22:29 PM on 12/12/2004, Aragorn said:
    I never listen to reviews. EVERY single review I read of Timeline and Prey said that quite frankly, they sucked big time. I was a tad scared to read them, but did anyway and Prey is my second favorite book by him (Jurassic Park being first), and Timeline is tied with Congo for 4th. (After The Lost World).

    At 12:13:18 PM on 12/12/2004, Smarr said:
    I like Michael Crichton as much as the next guy..but with his recent works, he's lost his flair. Maybe he should just write a Jurassic Park III...

    At 11:23:40 AM on 12/12/2004, Amber said:
    I hate reading reviews before reading a book or seeing a movie. It always puts ideas in my head before i even view them. So now, when I read the book, it'll already suck in my mind, even though ?I have never read a crichton book I didn't like.

    I hope it's good... I think it can be.

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