Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    TLW earned a record $90.1 million during it's first weekend (which included the Memorial Day weekend) -- experts said that rainy weather across the country coupled with the recognizable JP brand helped TLW break records.
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    At 2:20:28 PM on 5/6/2001, Wendy17fairy said:
    Well as old as this thing is, and I doubt anyone will read this but i'll feel a lot better saying this anyway. Trevor is a very talented actor and has worked hard to get where he is today. He has been working and working at it for almost 10 years now, and definatly deserves more credit then you people are giving him. He is also a very nice and caring person, and would be very upset to read all these terrible things you people are saying about him. Before you go judging people you've never met, maybe you should get all the facts first. Think about what you're saying before you say it. Thanks

    At 6:12:18 PM on 8/16/2000, Creed said:
    Little shit ball kid!!

    At 8:12:07 PM on 8/14/2000, TS146 said:
    I dont like that kid either.
    I hope to see him get attacked by the new dinosaur.

    At 8:05:26 PM on 8/11/2000, giginotosaurs said:
    by the way, oviraptor, kelly malcom kicked that raptor over with sutch ease because it simply lost its balance on that narrow ledge, not because ov an inertial disadvantage. thought you'd like an explanation ;)

    At 7:58:10 PM on 8/11/2000, giginotosaurs said:
    I hate that kid! His acting abilities are limited to "I see dead people", and I want him in jurassic park III as much as I want Leonardo DeCaprio in the next star wars episode. I am 15 years old and have a wealth of acting experince. I could safely bet my life that I could do a much better job than him, regardless of my age

    I also agree with Pol on his views with why children and women are not eaten. Hope you dont feel like a total jerk, Pol:)

    At 7:54:55 PM on 8/11/2000, giginotosaurs said:
    I hate that kid! His acting abilities are limited to "I see dead people", and I want him in jurassic park III as much as I want Leonardo DeCaprio in the next star wars episode. I am 15 years old and have a wealth of acting experince. I could safely bet my life that I could do a much better job than him, regardless of my age

    At 12:42:38 PM on 8/10/2000, Micheal Jackson said:
    I cracked up when I saw the spoof about 6 sense! There was a little boy in this bed and he said,( I see white people.)HA!!HA!!!

    At 12:26:23 PM on 8/10/2000, Micheal Jackson said:
    Hello all of my cyber friends. If you have questions about me I have anwers. My faverite part of Jurassic Park is when that dude got eaten by the rex when he was taking a dump.

    At 6:33:25 PM on 8/9/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Hey Micheal Jackson. What is your favorite part of Jurassic Park?

    At 5:46:16 PM on 8/9/2000, Micheal Jackson said:
    I see dead people.

    At 2:27:38 AM on 8/9/2000, Baryonyx said:
    I know Oviraptor is rite!!!! ;[ IDont think A 80 or 90 pound girl coud kik a raptor like its lite as a fether! It's madness! That raptor woud take her leg rite off! many things. The raptor coud have juped on her while on the bars, Bit her and pinned her on the ground and had its way like the other one did with Muldoon. Just the bones whigh enough! just think the musul,guts,blood skin and all sorts of other things! Madness.

    At 2:04:42 AM on 8/9/2000, Baryonyx said:
    I know how about we post 300 measages on a borad!;)

    At 2:02:30 AM on 8/9/2000, Baryonyx said:
    I agree!!! That little brat is a real CRAP ASS! I dont like him.

    At 11:31:18 PM on 8/8/2000, bob said:
    trevor morgan sucks........he was bad in the sixth sense and he was bad in the patriot............please god dont let them cast him.

    At 12:27:27 PM on 8/8/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    That sounds like a cool game! Did anybody here on darkhorizons about the Aviary being built beside the visitor center in Hawaii? I hope that's what it is!

    At 9:23:12 AM on 8/8/2000, Digalot said:
    They should make simjurassic park like sim safari, you have three diffrent things you need to build up

    1 is the village were you buy people but instead it is were you have to mine for amber

    2 is were you build the camp for the tourists, but for simjp it could be the visitor center,lodge and things like
    that, and were you can hatch the animals

    3 were you can actualy biuld the park and relese the animals

    then you would get new and improved buildings every time you got a new indorsment and the final indorser would be ian malcom wich would be the hardest.you could plant resent plants or grow prehistorich plants and you hade to have animals to feed the predetors

    You could also build a fleet of men (mouldon) and cars were you could go out and have to capture dino's if they get loose, help sick dino's with gary harding,restore computors with ray arnold, and tour the park with your investors.

    this would be a sweet game now I hope somone from maxis is a member on this page

    At 12:39:05 AM on 8/8/2000, jpmaster said:
    what is up with the gohip advertisements. Did dan run out of grant money?

    At 12:08:03 AM on 8/8/2000, PaLeoFrEak said:
    I don't care what they name would be. I just want a game where I can build a park with prehistoric creatures. I don't care if it's called sim Jurassic Park or Jurassic Park Tycoon or Who Wants To Build a Dinosaur Park.

    At 9:51:49 PM on 8/7/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    I can't stand the kids in JP movies they hinder the plot. I liked them in the first movie, Lex and Tim where cool. But the kids get in the way all the time.

    At 9:25:21 PM on 8/7/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    visit my crappy Jurassic park data base page at http://www.hometown.aol.com/sauroposiedon/myhomepage/profile.html

    At 8:16:39 PM on 8/7/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    i mean guys, and i meant velociraptors

    At 8:15:18 PM on 8/7/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    it would be so wierd, but they could make it like starcraft or something where you can train fuys for emegencies then click on them and they could either shoot or try to capture the dinos, because if it were first person how are you gonna capture a t-rex, you need to control more than one person. Or they should have helcopter guys with tranquilizers for bigger dinos, and the hummers from the lost world to catch smaller dinos, or shock troopers for veloceraptors

    At 8:11:41 PM on 8/7/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    no, it should be called "Jurassicpark Tycoon" like rollercoaster tycoon game just Jp

    At 7:25:25 PM on 8/7/2000, Pol said:
    You'll get no argument from me, PaLeoFrEak. Maybe JP3 will create enough interest to make it real. I was thinking that in SimJurassic Park when a dinosaur breaks free, the game could switch to a first person mode were you must recapture the dino with minimal damage. You should also be able to walk around and tour the park in first person mode.

    At 7:09:37 PM on 8/7/2000, PaLeoFrEak said:
    I still think the best game would be SimJurassic Park. That would be so much fun.

    At 4:41:58 PM on 8/7/2000, Pol said:
    It is a good idea, JPAC. Personally, I've always been partial to aquatic prehistoric life (in fact, I'm currently writing a novel that involves Eurypterids). I just think your concept isn't quite right for a Jurassic Park movie. There would be a big question as to how they would get the DNA, for one thing. If you tinker around with a different origin for the creatures, I think it would work really well. It wouldn’t be connected to JP either, so you could write it yourself and publish it without those pesky copyright laws. We need more underwater prehistoric beasts! The more the better, can ya dig it?

    .... sorry

    At 2:17:28 PM on 8/7/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    I still think my Jurassic Sea idea is still good. Well that is just my oppinon.

    At 3:36:45 AM on 8/7/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Post pics i by img src="location/filename.extension" with less than
    and greater than signs surrounding that.
    Perhaps Site C is an island where the none dinos were put, and hence the underwater creature.

    At 10:52:08 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    i think it was right before they caught the parahorn thing and i saw this little thing in front of the car, it looked like a protoceratops running on its hind legs, but i can never tell what it is.

    At 10:44:54 PM on 8/6/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Sauroposiedon, I just went to your webpage and when in TLW did you see the baby Protoceratops. Are you talking about when they gathered all the dinos in the begining? What part of that gathering did you see it? Was it far off in the distance?

    At 10:39:33 PM on 8/6/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Talking about Deep Blue Sea, I just saw that yesterday for the first time. It is a pretty good movie, but the shark alot of times you can tell is CG. They make it go to fast, that is what I think is the problem.

    At 10:36:06 PM on 8/6/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    That would be a cool game! I don't know how to post pictures either but I would really like to know how too. I have this photo I have wanted to post for the longest time but I don't know how to do it. If anybody knows how, PLEASE tell me and Sauroposiedon.

    At 10:34:00 PM on 8/6/2000, Oviraptor said:
    JP Animal Control that sounds to much like Deep Blue Sea.. we need the dinos in there.. and those animals that you was talking about also would be cool!! A JP movie isn't a JP movie with out dinos.

    At 10:31:48 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    i hope they make a computer game where you make your own jurassic park and you have to keep the dinos from escaping and eating tourists, that would be cool

    At 10:09:10 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    just so you know my site is pretty gay

    At 10:08:17 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    how do you post pictures here

    At 10:07:45 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    its just too different.... but it could work

    Oh and everyone, i cant make a site on angelfire and all those things so i made one on aol so here: http://hometown.aol.com/sauroposiedon/myhomepage/profile.html

    At 9:47:16 PM on 8/6/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Here's an idea! Ok, Jurassic Park 3 we know will have land dinosaurs, flying dinosaurs (but really flying reptiles) and possibly underwater monsters. How about a JP4 going a totaly different way! Instead of being land animals it could be an all water monster movie. It could be called, Jurassic Sea. You know how disneyland in tokyo is building Disney sea this could be Jurassic Sea. It could be that there was a site C ( only if there isn't one in this movie) that John Hammond made just with underwater monsters. There could be a varity of them. Megalodon and Pleasisaurus( spelling?) as an example. There could be a huge lake on the island that houses them meaning they can't escape the island. People could somehow get to the island, and I don't know what could happen but universal could think of sometihng. So what do you guys think? JURASSIC SEA (2005)??

    At 9:03:29 PM on 8/6/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Welcome Sauroposiedon! I hope you enjoy it here.

    At 8:45:57 PM on 8/6/2000, Sauroposiedon said:
    Hi im new here. I screwed up and my email address is sauroposiedon@aol.com

    At 10:10:52 PM on 8/5/2000, Mess said:
    Wow, thank JP animal control. I didn't even think it as that good.

    At 9:15:17 PM on 8/5/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    I know my story needs work. Maybe the next one I write will be better. Mess great story! Also to add to the list of older peolple playing younger people, how about Natalie Portman! She was 18 when they made Episode 1 but she was playing a 14 year old. Well thats all I have to say.

    At 6:01:31 PM on 8/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    No it looks nothing like a Trike..

    At 4:55:51 PM on 8/5/2000, mrjoanofarc said:

    the "Flying Creature" in the background is actually a commercial airliner. Sorry about that... it looked like a Pteranodon... guess not...

    A lot of people aren't believing that that's a triceratops at the front there, but, doesn't it look like one?

    I don't know... I just don't know...

    I got the pics off the site: www.travel-kauai.com

    At 3:22:18 PM on 8/5/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    *Correction on the name of the flying creature: Pteranodon


    At 3:18:34 PM on 8/5/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    Oh, rrrrreeeeaaaaalllyyyy...


    GO TO MY PAGE HERE TO SEE THEM: http://www.geocities.com/jurassicparkiii/

    I found it on a Kauai Tour website. It was on the movie sets page... and it showed a picture from where they filmed for "Jurassic Park", and "The Lost World". They labeled both the pictures "Jurassic Park".

    However... the picture with the triceratops and flying creature in the background (with cameramen in the front, it was a behind the scenes pic)'s title was only listed as "Movie Set", not "Jurassic Park".

    You can clearly see that this is a picture of a triceratops and something in the background in the sky... but what? A Pteranon, maybe... as seen at the end of the "Lost World"... except...



    Check it out: http://www.geocities.com/jurassicparkiii/

    At 3:27:57 AM on 8/5/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Surrrreeee Jonofarc aka Mr. Hammond whatever you say.. UniversalAgent isn't gonna send you any pics cause he doesn't have any and won't be getting any.. unless he steals them from ingennet's once Neo gets some pics..

    At 3:26:43 AM on 8/5/2000, Utahraptor said:
    JP Animal Control, good for you for being the mature one. Perhaps you should end it JP Animal Control No Lnger Over and Out.
    The most memorbale line to me was when Ellie talks about the Raptors, and she says unless thye figured out how to open doors, and they cut to he Raptor doing just that. It's a great underscoe to the illusion of control. That was something never predicted, not even by Malcolm. The door advantage is gone.
    Life will find a way is good for TLW. The dinos survive, they learn to co-exist (in the fact carnivores aren't roaming the island ike wild dingos. Even the t-rex drinking from the pool (No chlorene problems?) JP only showed this in the hatched eggs. Just not enough.

    At 3:10:54 AM on 8/5/2000, mrjoanofarc said:
    I hated that kid in "The Sixth Sense"!!!!!!

    I can't believe they locked that poor lil boy in the attic, and just stood there while he screamed!!!! Ahhhh!!!

    It was the first film I ever saw him in, so now EVERY time I see that kid's "sad look" face or whatever, it makes me SICK! Ahhhhh... echhhh....

    He was good in "The Patriot", though. Poor kid had to kill all those guys with his daddy :(

    Anyways... overall, I think he's a good actor. I was flipping around channels, and came across that "Genius" show... I thought it was stupid... BUT I didn't know that was him! He was like a completely different person.

    Ok, bye!


    P.S. Pictures from the JP/// set in Kauai, Hawaii? Might happen on my site (and NOT Dan's... sorry, Dan!)! http://www.geocities.com/jurassicparkiii/

    At 2:48:05 AM on 8/5/2000, Baryonyx said:
    I think the most memarable line in the JP films and the most important was "life findes a way"

    At 1:06:15 AM on 8/5/2000, PaLeoFrEak said:
    First I want to say:
    Sucho1, if Eddie was a girl, we would all have problems. I mean the bald head, the beer belly, ewwwwwww. Don't get me wrong, I think Richard Shiff is a great actor but, if he was a girl....I'll leave it at that.
    Second I ant to say:
    By the way, JPAC, your story under the workshop section.... it needs work. Not that your a bad writer but.... I'll leave it at that.
    Third i want to say:
    Actually it is kind of a question. I was wondering which line was the most memorable out of the JP MOVIES. Personally mine was "When you gotta go, you gotta go"

    At 12:24:19 AM on 8/5/2000, VelociYoshi said:
    Whoa, a little harsh about it not being fair, but I do agree. I mean, if a guy punches a girl, he's an evil maniacal idiot that should go to jail, but when a girl slaps or kicks a guy for the same reason as the guy, it's self defense because the guy "always somehow starts it". Oh please, a little harsh, but correct.

    At 11:16:53 PM on 8/4/2000, Baryonyx said:
    Woud you people STOP DOING THIS TO THE COMMENT BORAD! It's madness! Plus it's annoiing! Sorry. I don't know about you people, but I don't like to have to scrool like this.

    At 8:41:46 PM on 8/4/2000, Oviraptor said:
    The Sauropods in TLW are Mamenchiasauruses

    At 6:10:27 PM on 8/4/2000, sucho1 said:

    I think that carmen electtra should be in jp3 and she should be running from the raptors. Then they tear off her clothes and she starts doing cart wheels.

    Now that would be cool!

    At 6:06:12 PM on 8/4/2000, sucho1 said:
    i hate how those gay girl things are always having women save men like that barbie commercial where she saves ken, or that 1-800-COLLECT one where the women lifts the wait that the bodybuilder cant and she lifts it with one arm, come on, and George Bush says Women are treated equelly!! I see so many commercials where men or dumb idoits and girls are smarter, well you know what i mean...

    At 6:02:10 PM on 8/4/2000, sucho1 said:
    how come every1 trys to prove that females are better than men, i am sick of those girls rule buys drool shirts that girls where or things like SHE wins the game, i even saw a shirt that said "When God made Man SHE was only kidding" that pissed me off.

    And why do they make a big deal when a girl makes it on a boys sports team, they brag and get cheered even when they suck. Wait a sec, guys cant go on a girls team no matter how bad they are. Oh, and what pisses me off is that men sports teams with women coaches are forced to let the women coach in there locker room, even if it means they are gonna be revealing their nakedness, but women teams wont allow men coaches to go in the locker because they say its sexist!!!!! Sexist my ASS!!!

    Every1 knows if Eddie in the Lost World was a women they would make it R.


    At 5:52:04 PM on 8/4/2000, sucho1 said:
    are the sauropods in The Lost World siesmosaurus', diplodicus, or Apatasaurus (same thing a brontosaurus but brontosaurus was just a mix up so the real name is apatasaurus)

    At 1:20:56 PM on 8/4/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    What happend to TS146?

    At 1:19:23 PM on 8/4/2000, Mess said:
    Oh, their are a lot of misstakes in this one. but you don't have to point out the fact that instead of poped out of the trees i put pooped. I know i fell stupid.

    At 1:05:12 PM on 8/4/2000, Mess said:
    I just finished part 2 of my story read it and tell me what you think.

    At 11:53:00 AM on 8/4/2000, Pol said:
    Dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the earth. :P

    At 11:30:17 AM on 8/4/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    I wrote the message below out of anger. I have calmed down now. KryptDaNight if you go to the Speilberg geting 20% board you will find a better message. Please read it.

    At 10:37:06 AM on 8/4/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    You know what! I have thought about this very hard and to stop all of this fighting, I will retire" JP Animal Control over and out". This phrase will never be on one of my messages again. Bye the way KryptDaNight, about saying " I will go play with my dad's gun"! That is just awful to say, is that suposed to be a threat? How can you flip out over one little thing? The only reason I am going to stop saying this phrase is because you are being annoying! Grow up! Who cares how I end my message. This is a Jurassic Park 3 message board, meaning the stuff on this board should be JP3 related! Now I don't know how to end my message! Bye!!

    At 3:16:16 AM on 8/4/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Trevor Jones or Trevor Morgan whats the kids real name???

    At 3:11:57 AM on 8/4/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I'd hate to say this, but while Lex was 12 in JP, Ariana Richards was 12 for only 18 days of shooting. And Timwas 9, but for 28 days, Joseph Mazzello was 8. LIke it's said down below, people cna paly other ages. I've seen a 26 year old play 17. And I think we all saw how well the 90210 cast worke dout for a while.
    TLW was a good movie, but nto a good JP sequel. I think, ratehr than do a JP sequel, thye did a sequel to JP, as in JP Sequel is a true sequel. A sequel to JP is just that. A second movie. Not really related.
    Kids are fine with a purprose, and not stupid Raptor kicking tricks. I doubt Spielberg will elt nayoen be hired thta eh doesn't approve of, so any kid would have to be good.
    And I hope if Lex does have more than a cameo, she does more than scream the whole way through. Good for a 12 year old, not a 20 year old.
    But there is stil some time to cast, so there can still be a rumor. I expect in a week or two to have more names/charatcers revealed. I think returnees will be the last. It's too improtant to hit the newbie,s than bother trying to get a returnee to do a cameo. Unless its a big part, expect them last.
    Women not being kille disn't so much as child bearer, as child raiser. Men aren't traditionally child care givers. Bets to elt the womenfolk live tor aise them, so their svae dlies aren't wasted with inept fathers. Sure, nowadays fathers are good, but still, in movies, tradition holds up. When was the last timw you saw an action heroine save the scared guy? When was the last time you saw a scared guy, main charatcer wise? TLW"s Burke, perhaps?
    Well, ellie did promise a sexism in survival debate wiht Hammond afetr she returned. Too bad it didn't happen. Guess we're picking up the slack for her. : )

    At 2:32:51 AM on 8/4/2000, Pol said:
    Again, the time has come for me to admit my error. I rewatched the Rex chasing the hunters scene in TLW tonight and from the look of things, the shots fired couldn't possibly hit the Rex. The hunters were too busy running to get a clear shot, I suppose. I'm really not a Lost World hater, it's just such an easy target :) TLW definitely had it's Spielbergian moments, like the glass cracking under Sarah's weight, the lines in the grass the raptors made in their approach, the compys stalking their prey, so forth. But there was no coherent plot to link it all together and the intelligence of the first film was just plain missing. The Lost World doesn't stand up as a true sequel to Jurassic Park, but if you look at it just as a dinosaur showcase I feel it can be quite enjoyable on it's own merits. The parts were just better than the whole, like the individual scenes were planed first before a thin string of plot was used to hold them together. I can't help but wonder with all the script problems JP3 has apparently been having, that it'll be in that same vein. But it's still better than nothing. As long as there aren't any smart-mouthed lemers in this one, I'm happy!

    At 1:49:09 AM on 8/4/2000, Mess said:
    Of my story I mean.

    At 1:48:32 AM on 8/4/2000, Mess said:
    Oh, and tell me what you though about the first half

    At 12:54:23 AM on 8/4/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    And Oviraptor... very well said about KryptDaKnight. I find it hard to believe that JP Animal Control is trying to pick any arguments by posting "JP Animal Control over and out." So let's just all get along!

    At 12:51:00 AM on 8/4/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Isn't it ironic that so many dislike that trailer scene, the same people say the movie should have been more like the book, and that was the one scene that made it into the movie from the book faithfully? I'm not picking anything here, but you have to laugh at that.

    At 12:49:07 AM on 8/4/2000, Oviraptor said:
    KryptDaNight why don't you SHUT UP already and get off JP Animal Control's case if he wants to say that let him say it, it doesn't bother me and it seems like it doesn't bother anyone else but you so just mind your own f**cking business... thats your problem if you don't like it not his..

    At 12:48:57 AM on 8/4/2000, Mess said:
    I just finshed the first part of my story, please everyone read it. And don't worry this one isn't to action filled, in fact their is none but part 2 will be covered in action but you have to read part 1 to understand the plot. Mess Under and In!!! (Sorry JP animal cotrol but that is getting annoying.)

    At 12:36:12 AM on 8/4/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    You annoy me so much JP ANIMAL CONTROL. I think I will go rip my hair out of my skull because I ams sick and tired of hearing you say: Over and Out. Maybe I will go play with my dad's gun.

    At 12:30:27 AM on 8/4/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    They could easily use him because he is 14. Neve Cambell was 22 playing a 15 year old in SCREAM. Jennifer Love Hewitt was 24 playing a 16 year old in I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. Hollywood always does that. I think someone who is 2 years older could easily play a 12 year old if a 24 year old could play a 16 year old.

    At 11:44:21 PM on 8/3/2000, Mess said:
    Hey JP animal control, Itwas o.k. I don't like the idea of a hybrid dino though. And why did he call grant. It would have been better if grant had a reason to go their.

    At 11:31:55 PM on 8/3/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Ohh, and sucho1 I'm sorry about your movie. That is just awful of what they did! JP Animal Control over and out! (c) 2000

    At 11:29:23 PM on 8/3/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I have just wrote a story under the fan fiction section! It is called Hybrid. But I misspelled Hybrid, I spelled it Hybred. One little flub!! There is a couple of flubs in it but I still think it is a desent story. Please tell me what you think! JP Animal Control over and out! (c) 2000

    At 10:37:51 PM on 8/3/2000, sucho1 said:
    so, hows it goin'

    At 10:36:41 PM on 8/3/2000, sucho1 said:
    ok, what the fu&k, i rented the new journey to the center of the earth and it has this cool giganotasaurus thing and raptors but in the video they didnt have any, the big carnivore is the biggest thing on the cover, and all they had was a raptasaur, whatever that is and one pterasaur. In the tv one there was a scene sith thousands of pterasaurs attacking the people and raptors going after them and i didnt see all of the tv one but there was suppose to be a t-rex like dino, why the hell did they edit it out of the video and have the rex and raptors on the cover?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Damn piece of shit movie, they ripped me off, i payed 4 dollers for the new release and they edit out about 2 hours!!!!!




    At 9:49:58 PM on 8/3/2000, Chapter_11 said:
    Really the kid in the second one was because they needed to have a kids, because of the frist one.If it has a kid in the movie it attracts kids. She didnt even have her own action figure, except with the trailer.

    At 7:32:46 PM on 8/3/2000, skeksis said:
    I really dont mind the kids in the JP movies IF THEY HAVE A PURPOSE! Lex and Tim, they had a purpose. They showed us a childrens view of JP. They were magnificent! On the other hand, in The Lost World, Kellie? That was a bunch of shit. I didnt like her from the beginning! Her acting was aweful and what the hell was with that uneven bar thing? That scene in particular made me ashamed I was somewhat enjoying that movie. You should have heard the groans of pain in the theatre I was in. Now if this new kid dosent do anything dumb like do cart wheels and kung fu on the dino's he should be ok.

    At 7:19:24 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Your right the trailer probably would have fell over the cliff long before that , but the front end of the trailer probably weighed alot more than the end and would of held it up for as long as it did.. tit didn't hold it up very long in the movie anyway. Also about the bullets hitting the T-Rex it doesn't look like those guys are actually have the T-rex in thier sites , they are just aiming in the air and not many shot were fired off anyway the way it looked. Also if the T-Rex in JP could survive the raptor attack.. ( thats if it did survive..it might have bled to death but probably not. ) it can survive a few bullets.. the raptor claws would have added alot more damage than the bullets.

    At 6:57:41 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    I totally agree about the glass cracking, that was one of those brilliant "Spielberg moments" that even his sub-par films have. I still say the scene as a whole was a little too unrealistic for my tastes, with Eddie running back and forth, tying and retying knots when the trailer should have fallen a long time ago.

    I'll buy that a couple of bullets from a machine gun wouldn't be enough to kill the Rex, but a number of people firing consciously at her should have had SOME effect.

    And lastly I am with you 700% on Lex. Heck, they could base an entire movie around her (maybe at some point she should inherit the park). I can only hope that Joe Johnson brings her in for a cameo and then realizes her full potential. Just as long as they don’t kill her! lol

    All right, this is my last post for the day. It’s been fun. Later

    At 6:25:24 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah bring back good ol Tim.. he'd be cool in JP3 and so would Lex... she's a HOTTIE! but don't bring her back just for her beauty... she's a very talented actress..

    At 6:22:54 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    so you'd probably have to have a much bigger bullet than you do for an elephant to hurt or even kill a big animal like a T-Rex..

    At 6:19:35 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Also about the machines gun bullets hitting the Rex... who said none hit the Rex.. T-Rex is a big animal and probably has some thick skin... much like an elephant... you can't kill an elephant with any ol gun or bullet.. u gotta have an elephant gun and those big ol bullets... to be able to penatrate the skin..

    At 6:19:13 PM on 8/3/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Pol, I'll agree that was an "absurd" scene, but I still liked it. It was well-staged for being so unrealistic. And the part with Sarah on the glass is the scariest part of the whole movie- and it doesn't even have any dinos in it!

    At 6:17:00 PM on 8/3/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    As long as they don't eat Ellie in JP3, a woman can die in JP3, that's OK... I sure hope Morgan does not snag this part. He just LOOKS like a brat. The casting sheet put out a few months back would suggest that Miles is a very large part, second only to Grant in the movie, so they had better find a kid with more range than Morgan. I can't really picture myself cheering for him. Now, on the other hand, if they would just put their heads together and have Tim Murphy come back as a college student, that would eliminate the need to even have a Miles and he wouldn't even be all that young any more!

    At 6:15:38 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    why was the trailer scene absurd?

    At 6:13:35 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    But I think the whole trailer hanging over the cliff scene was the most absurd in the movie.

    At 6:11:13 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    Your right, it was stupid. Just as stupid as none of machine guns hitting the T-Rex as he chased after the hunters. There's all sorts of impossible action like that in TLW.

    At 6:09:11 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    And dinosaurs not dying is just as unrealistic as woman not dying. I'm not sure they would cry sexist, but they might say it encourages violence against woman. Either way it would be ridiculous, but some people just get their buttons pushed rather easily (like me) :)

    At 6:06:17 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Also one thing that was just stupid in the movie is when kelly kicks the raptor out the window and kills it.. I think a raptor is much stronger than kelly and could have took that kick standing up.. it should have took the kick and ate her...

    At 6:04:21 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    That's cool. Sorry about that, I was just starting to wonder for a minute. I guess in my line of business I've gotten a little over sensitive on the issue.

    At 6:04:15 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Also the reason I don't want the dinosaurs being killed is because they're the stars of the movie not the people.. people go see the JP movies for the dinosaurs not the people.

    At 6:02:02 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Also if women got killed in movies all the time like men do they'd be yelling SEXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the men that make the movies...

    At 5:58:58 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Hey it's just a movie and it's not like they are really dieing.. and about me saying I'df cry if the dinosaurs would get killed.. I was kidding about the crying part.. I'm 21 years old I'm not gonna be crying because of that... I just think women and kids should be killed in it because .... they always show men get killed all the time and it's just getting old.. I like women and kids also.

    At 5:44:12 PM on 8/3/2000, Pol said:
    I’m sorry, but wait just a second, Oviraptor. The other day you said you would cry if they showed dinosaurs dying, and now you’re calling for the death of woman and children in JP3?

    The sad fact is, the population in general considers the death of woman and children more tragic than us men. I’m not saying it’s right, that’s just the way it is. Children have not yet had a chance to live their full lives, and woman are the child bearers, making their deaths a little more difficult for most people to stomach.

    In the end, I don’t think it should matter that much. Jurassic Park movies aren’t about death, and they shouldn’t be. Yes, the plot material is such that some characters are going to die, but that’s not why people go to see them. So what difference is it that each segment of the population get eaten in equal amounts? So far no Asian people have been killed in the movies either, quick decapitate one!

    Personally, I would rather not watch children and woman die. For one thing, I teach 5th grade elementary and am rather partial to kids not getting massacred. As for the females, I happen to like woman. In fact, I like woman much more than dinosaurs. And while I would not be dramatized for life if Elle Sattler or Sarah Harding became raptor chow, I would kind of like to avoid it.

    Jurassic Park is a fantasy, pure and simple. It’s unrealistic from the start. If you’re going to bicker about realism there are a great number of other battles more worthy to fight than male/female death ratios. (Besides, I think the real reason woman and children keep surviving has more to do with the fact they’re the lead characters, and it’s only the supporting players, who are entirely male, who meet the reaper.)

    That’s it. I apologize for the rant, but I wanted to say it, damn it! If anyone agrees with me, please speak up. I’ve got the sinking sensation I’m going to get ripped for this.

    At 5:40:24 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    They can't use this kid as Miles cause Miles is 12 this kid is 14.. so it's bogus news.

    At 5:38:57 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    He's basically PeeWee Herman in a stupid looking dinosaur costume..

    At 5:30:57 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Barney is hardly a dinosaur..

    At 5:24:50 PM on 8/3/2000, JeffH said:
    Actually, he's already worked with dinosaurs. Any parent can tell you he was Cody in Barney's Great Adventure.


    At 5:18:10 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Whats so special about women and kids??? I don't understand that..

    At 4:55:36 PM on 8/3/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    Morgan is the kid in the Sixth Sense who was in the cough syrup commercial. ( He was also the bully ) He was Nathen Martin in The Patriot also. Did any body see The Patriot? Boy, you should see what the cannon balls do! Wuwee!! Also The Patriot is rated R. A lady gets locked in a church and the church is burned and she dies. But the movie is rated R for other reasons. JP Animal Control over and out! (c) 2000

    At 4:50:05 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah kids on a dinosaur infested island.. HELL they'd be the first to be killed..

    At 4:47:21 PM on 8/3/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Boy, you guys don't like kids do ya? And I've never heard of him. I seen The Sixth Sense, hey wait, was he like that kid who was the bully in the movie? Anyway, I still think he should be eaten too. Enough of this fairy tail kids, woman and main charactors always survive crap. C'mon! I wanna see something realistic.

    At 4:46:26 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    yeah Sucho it's just stupid.. and kinda sexist to us guys.. don't u think?

    At 4:37:09 PM on 8/3/2000, sucho1 said:
    no, did you notice if a women or kid dies in the movie its R but how can they show a man ripped apart in the air by two rex's, a man dragged under the foot of a rex an inoccent man being eaten alive on the street by a rex, oh air force one everyone thinks should have been pg-13, but wait you hear a women bieng shot, crap, automatic R, i think unstead of a car being pushed off a cliff the kid should be thrown off it

    At 4:24:14 PM on 8/3/2000, Oviraptor said:
    It'd be alright if they put a kid in Jp3 if and only if they let a dinosaur kill him , but they surely aren't gonna let that happen which sucks , it's like both kids and women are immune to dinosaurs in the JP movies..

    At 2:56:18 PM on 8/3/2000, dingodonkey said:
    yeah, damn kids! I was so hoping not to see them in JP3, but we knew from the very start they would be there

    i think morgan is a dumbass, personally. i hate his acting, and hes not lovable either, hes an ugly kid.

    he was probably and ugly baby too.

    At 2:46:04 PM on 8/3/2000, JP Animal Control said:
    It's gota be true because they are running out of time to cast people! He is an ok actor. I hope they start putting posters up in movie theaters soon. Is there going to be a preview during the Super Bowl? JP Animal Control over and out! (c) 2000

    At 1:56:21 PM on 8/3/2000, Tango said:
    Hmm I dunno. I don't think he's very "likeable" for the kid's role. Kind of looks like a brat to me. Haley Joel Osment on the other hand is king of the little people.

    At 1:22:09 PM on 8/3/2000, EVA01 said:
    DAMN KIDS!!!!!!

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