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    Two scenes that were cut from TLW (including a bar fight with Tembo and a inGen boardroom scene with Ludlow) are included on the TLW DVD.
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    At 6:08:59 PM on 10/24/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Creationists are assholes.

    At 5:56:36 PM on 10/18/2002, Mallon said:
    Alright. How about, "tsk tsk." Or maybe a "Grow up, child."

    At 4:54:18 PM on 10/18/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Respond you creationist assholes.

    At 4:33:01 PM on 10/17/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Yes Raptor Strike there were modern homo sapians 100,000 years ago. The first upright apes appeared 4 million years ago. The first homo erectus appeared 1.5 million years ago. The first complex civilization started 5,000 years years ago but year were modern humans long before that.

    At 8:50:24 AM on 10/17/2002, Mallon said:
    "They date rocks by measuring the amount of Carbonic half lives. All living things have carbon in them. A carbon has a half-life every 5,450 years or something very close I am not sure the exact number but it is in the 5,000s. By measuring home many half lifes scientists can detirmin the exact age of fosscials."

    Meh. To an extent, you're right. That's how they date fossils; not necessarily rocks, which is what you originally said.

    "believing in God is as ignorant as believing in Creationism.
    People say God created people. well they're wrong, people created God."

    Sounds very philosophical coming from someone who's never seen the other side of the fence.

    At 9:56:17 PM on 10/16/2002, suchoswimmer said:
    jimmy...im glad we now understand each other, my beliefs are around the same as yours...lets all drop the religon topic now, we dont want to start a jihad!

    At 8:36:32 PM on 10/16/2002, The_Shniz said:
    Jimmy you're the worthless piece of shit lifeform here, dissing a person because of his beliefs, even if they are farfetched. You're no better than Hitler.

    Gonna go gas him later today, Jimmy?

    At 7:23:27 PM on 10/16/2002, Vinsfeld said:
    jimmy, youre thinking of homo bones, ones that you are accustomed to, queer!

    At 7:13:48 PM on 10/16/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Are you sure that they weere Homo sapien bones? They could have been bones from a less developed form of human.

    At 6:55:27 PM on 10/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    You to modern civilization didn't appear till 5,000 years ago but there were people long before that. In Africa we found modern homo sapian fossils that dated to 100,000 years ago.

    At 6:50:34 PM on 10/16/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Hahaha. No Jimmy. Modern humans haven't been around for 100,000 years. They've been around for around 3,000 to 5,000 years.

    At 6:49:37 PM on 10/16/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Hahaha. No Jimmy. Modern humans haven't been around for 100,000 years. They've been around for around 3,000 to 5,000 years.

    At 6:48:23 PM on 10/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I made two typos sorry.

    At 6:41:38 PM on 10/16/2002, RaptorVinny500 said:

    believing in God is as ignorant as believing in Creationism.
    People say God created people. well they're wrong, people created God.

    At 6:32:29 PM on 10/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I believe in God. I believe in the Evolutionary process but believe it is to complex to happen by itself. It must be guided by some kind of intellegent force. They date rocks by measuring the amount of Carbonic half lives. All living things have carbon in them. A carbon has a half-life every 5,450 years or something very close I am not sure the exact number but it is in the 5,000s. By measuring home many half lifes scientists can detirmin the exact age of fosscials.

    At 5:47:20 PM on 10/16/2002, suchoswimmer said:
    hey jimmy, your telling us to burn while you dont even believe in god...thats just stupid.

    At 5:37:35 PM on 10/16/2002, Mallon said:
    Do even know how rock dating works? No? Then you don't have the right to judge. If you don't know what motivates scientists to conclude what they do, then how can you say anything about what people of other religions believe?

    At 5:35:22 PM on 10/16/2002, suchoswimmer said:
    ok...lets all drop the religous subject

    At 5:28:14 PM on 10/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I believe in scientific facts over religous histaria. All of our radioactive dating methods and rock layers say the Earth is billions of years old. You people believe in the writings of ancients who didn't know any better. Where is the prof that the earth is that young where is it fuckers.

    At 5:19:18 PM on 10/16/2002, suchoswimmer said:
    jimmy, two words for you : confirmation class

    At 4:46:34 PM on 10/16/2002, Mallon said:
    You know what I find funny? The fact that you're just some kid who beleives everything he's told. Kinda reminds you somewhat of >some< of the Christians you're bashing, no?

    At 2:39:17 PM on 10/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Modern Homo Sapians have exicisted for 100,000 years. Dinosaurs did excist between 240 and 65 million years ago. Anyone who thinks the Earth is 5,000 years old is a shit head worthless human being. God should curse the sole of anyone who thinks that way.

    At 11:46:36 PM on 10/15/2002, PorterM7Z said:
    I agree with Suchos. And, Jimmy, Suchos isn't being a jackass; the guy was just explaining what he believes in a very diplomatic fashion. Nowhere in there does he say the Earth is only 5,000 years old. He just says life as we know it (Homo sapien, domestic pets) is, which, although I don't know if I agree with a number as small as 5,000 years, is a decent estimate.

    At 10:44:00 PM on 10/15/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Holy shit, calm the fuck down Jimmy. They can believe whatever they want to believe even if it isn't true.

    At 10:25:46 PM on 10/15/2002, Mallon said:
    It's becoming more and more obvious who the real jackass is, Jimmy 345. You sound about as biggoted as grantsucks.

    At 9:51:01 PM on 10/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Your a Jackass to. All our radioactive dating methods, geological rock layers, and ancient bones indicate the Earth is around 4.6 billion years old. Believing the earth is 5000 years old is so ignorant then anyone who believes it is a Jackass, worthless, shithead who should burn in Hell.

    At 8:37:10 PM on 10/15/2002, suchoswimmer said:
    look...im religious to...but dinosaurs existed, we have to belive it...but maybe god made the world we klive in now(people, dogs, cats)in 5000 years, forget this comment, we dont need a religous argument on a jp site

    At 7:06:07 PM on 10/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    The earth is 4.6 billion years old. Made up by anti christians you are the fucking dumbest person alive. Get of this site you religous zalot. 5000 years where is the evidence creationist scum.

    At 6:57:43 PM on 10/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    I believe Rex was both a scavenger & hunter, Rex wouldn't pass up a free meal that's for sure.

    At 6:53:48 PM on 10/15/2002, RaptorVinny500 said:
    portrayed as a scavenger?! the rex was in it for like 2 minutes! and he didn't scavenge at all. for all we know, the rex killed that animal! (forget the name, it was mentioned in the JP3 novelization though)

    At 6:25:37 PM on 10/15/2002, ToNy tHe T-ReX said:
    The T-Rex runs in JP1, when he's chasing the jeep, and he also runs in TLW when he's chasing the group into the waterfall.

    At 5:01:06 PM on 10/15/2002, Carter said:
    "Q: Were there any dinosaur characteristics that you did not like or had a problem with in the JP trilogy but were still used because Spielberg/Johnston wanted them?
    A: T-rex runs too fast"

    What a suprise. No mention of his precious Spinosaur, the Raptors, Dilo etc, just the Rex. Nevermind the fact it has by far and away the least artistic liberties of any carnivore in the series.
    And where in the JP series does a T.rex "run" exactly?!?

    At 4:56:54 PM on 10/15/2002, Cryolophosaurus said:
    If charging into battle against a spinosaurus is the behavior of a scavenger, then I'm.. uh, Dan Finkelstein.

    At 4:39:23 PM on 10/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    You're an idiot, and so is your name, Grant doesn't suck he ROCKS!

    At 3:50:19 PM on 10/15/2002, grantsucks said:
    God only made earth 5000 years ago. Dinosaurs are made up by anti-christian people. The movies are still cool.

    At 3:46:43 PM on 10/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    grantsucks you are a Mother fucking cock sucking Son of a Bitch. Of course dinosaurs exisited thats a proven fact you worthless piece of shit. The Bones what do you think they are.

    At 2:51:51 PM on 10/15/2002, grantsucks said:
    The frill kicked ass. Horner sucks, he doesn't know what he is talking about, dinosaurs never exsisted.

    At 2:49:04 PM on 10/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Horner shouldn't have allowed that stupid frill. I hated that frill it is totally wrong.

    At 1:16:58 PM on 10/15/2002, ToNy tHe T-ReX said:
    T-Rex isn't a scavenger! BuLLshYt!

    At 12:07:26 PM on 10/15/2002, Dinosaur_neill said:
    Darn...I figured i'd get a better response for that Dilo question...

    <a href="http://www.geocities.com/dinosaur_neill">

    <img src="http://img1.ranchoweb.com/images/dinoboy/dansad.jpg"></a>

    At 10:29:01 AM on 10/15/2002, Mr Goodbytes said:
    I don't think he meant that they didn't have forked tongues, but that they couldn't flick them out like snakes.

    At 8:58:14 AM on 10/15/2002, Mallon said:
    Uhhh... how do we know that dinosaurs didn't have forked tongues? There's more evidence saying they didn't have neck frills than saying they didn't have forked tongues...

    At 12:03:38 AM on 10/15/2002, Aussie Embryo said:

    At 11:59:48 PM on 10/14/2002, Chaotician said:
    If I was conducting the interview, I would have asked him if he's been contacted about a Jurassic IV.

    At 11:50:43 PM on 10/14/2002, Sinornis said:
    blah, that's lame (his responses)...i'm not surprised.

    At 11:12:49 PM on 10/14/2002, Reddog2002 said:
    First. Though its funny that the rex still be chasing ppl. LOL

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