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    Spielberg reportedly began working on storyboards for Jurassic Park immediately after Crichton told him about the story, even before he knew he would direct. (From: 'eggy')
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    At 12:00:00 AM on 8/19/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I hope it is a Godzilla ride.

    At 3:56:57 PM on 8/16/2002, Isatari said:
    </font><font size=1 color=black><i><center>

    At 12:03:41 PM on 7/23/2002, hohoho said:
    Who is Bob Gault?

    (this is a joke, not an actual question)

    (if you didn't get it, it is an allusion to Atlas Shrugged)

    At 5:46:15 AM on 7/23/2002, underdog738 said:
    lol, yeh and im Steve Irwin

    At 2:34:50 AM on 7/23/2002, Aussie Embryo said:

    who cares

    this is speculation anyway... i could be the mummy 3.

    At 11:17:49 PM on 7/22/2002, JP Animal Control said:
    Is his name Bob Gault? If not, he is not the "head honcho" at Islands of Adventure. Ok, if he does know everything, what does he think it is?

    At 10:29:19 PM on 7/22/2002, PsychoRaptor said:
    what I mean by "head honcho" was a head guy at the park.

    At 10:28:49 PM on 7/22/2002, PsychoRaptor said:
    oh no, he's most definatley not a fan, belive me. He's been right on a ton of things. He knew about how they were changing Express, he always tells us of upcoming ride rehabs, and he is always right on the rumors.

    At 10:20:16 PM on 7/22/2002, JP Animal Control said:
    PsychoRaptor, I doubt a "fan" would know what they are doing. They haven't even announced it yet.

    At 7:25:47 PM on 7/22/2002, jp-freak said:
    I need a pie

    At 7:23:05 PM on 7/22/2002, PsychoRaptor said:
    oops, not www.dis.com, I meant www.disboards.com

    At 7:22:29 PM on 7/22/2002, PsychoRaptor said:
    yeah, one of the head honchos that hangs around the DIS boards (www.dis.com under the universal section) said that everyone wasn't even close on the JP4 ride, at least for now.

    At 7:09:17 PM on 7/22/2002, BrachioInGen said:
    Yea... I see the relivence of this childish brawl seeing how it has NOTHING to do with the jurassic park ride or any other type of ride at Islands of adventure you fruits... lol

    At 6:28:00 PM on 7/22/2002, jp-freak said:
    Yeah!!,Australia rocks!they have the best looking woman and everything!dont diss Australia.what if i dissed U.S.A?

    At 10:05:41 AM on 7/22/2002, Trev said:
    Dude, Australia, and Australians rule! You diss them, you can go fuck yourself.

    At 4:55:31 AM on 7/22/2002, underdog738 said:
    i just found that very interesting, Joey said Australia sux and everybody defends Australia. hehe, don't bag Down Under until you've been here.

    At 4:35:57 AM on 7/22/2002, Aussie Embryo said:
    the only guy who sucks here is you joey.

    At 1:39:03 AM on 7/22/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    what a stupid statement joey.

    At 11:20:30 PM on 7/21/2002, joey-trib said:
    Australians suck ass

    At 7:06:50 PM on 7/21/2002, jp-freak said:
    i hope u shut up. (i know that wuz lame but im tired and am not thinking strait)

    At 11:03:02 AM on 7/21/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Seems good I hope it is a good ride.

    At 4:48:53 AM on 7/20/2002, coder78 said:
    JP Animal Control...im not being hostile or anything but the Lord of the Rings trilogy had already been finished they're just dragging out the promotions so it will reel in more money. Hey, Jackson could already be working on King Kong.

    At 2:18:28 AM on 7/20/2002, BrachioInGen said:
    where would back to teh futre fit at islnad of adventure you moron...(lol) besides is there even a movie for it comming out in 2004?

    It's probably JP. It has the most room and It fits the standards... I dunno though, it could be something else...

    I'll sen dyou all pictures when I go next to the new ride... lol

    At 7:08:13 PM on 7/19/2002, underdog738 said:
    Back to the Future? It's an old trilogy, is it a universal piece? watever, but i sincerely doubt a BTTF ride. An aviary ride down a river would be good, Pteranodons pop out at you etc. It goes out into a lake where they could have an interactive attack by a spino and then into the marshes where u encounter raptors.

    At 5:53:15 PM on 7/19/2002, Evilgrnch said:
    Back to the Future you morons

    At 4:17:59 PM on 7/19/2002, JP Animal Control said:
    This article is talking about an IOA attraction, so it can't be The Mummy. I bet he is talking about Jurassic Park. Also, I think Kongfrontation is going to stay. Universal announced back in June that they are going to make a remake of King Kong with Peter Jackson directing after he finishes The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I bet they will keep it for the movie, or just redo it for the movie.

    At 4:03:27 PM on 7/19/2002, JonsMovies said:
    The new attraction is most certainly going to be one of two film franchises. Either The Mummy/Scorpion King franchise (that would probably be built in the Kongfrontation building at the Studios) or hopefully the JP franchise, which would be at the Islands. The latest rumor is that they want to build a flying style coaster that twists through the aviary seen in JP3. My bet's on that or the rumored T-Rex vs Jeep ride from the first film.

    At 12:41:10 AM on 7/19/2002, Stegasaurus said:
    Are you guys retarded!? It's the friggin' Jurassic Park 3 anniversary! morons.

    At 7:59:13 PM on 7/18/2002, jp-freak said:
    i dun care

    At 5:55:37 PM on 7/18/2002, DarthMaulSithLord said:
    Yup, i've heard that too. It would rule if they succeeded in making such an attraction.

    At 2:54:15 PM on 7/18/2002, JP Animal Control said:
    The article doesn't say the ride will be based on the sequel. It just says a sequel to the franchise may come out that year. I have always read that Universal wanted build an interactive T-Rex Vs. Jeep ride.

    At 12:22:25 PM on 7/18/2002, BrachioInGen said:
    well, I think we'd have to see the movie. I only hope it's alittle more indepth and longer than the current JP ride. Maybe have an aviary or something... I dunno... probably it'll be based on some of the scenes in the JP3 river sequence. A spino pop out of the water... that'd be cool. They already have a model of the front half of the spino there on display... I got pics... hehe

    At 5:23:35 AM on 7/18/2002, underdog738 said:
    Mmmh you americans r so luky to be able to ride the rides based on movies. In Australia we only have WARNER BROS., ugh! JP4 could be possible but what would be on the ride? Ideas r welcome.

    At 6:30:13 PM on 7/17/2002, BrachioInGen said:
    That would be cool! And it's true though, there is the most area around the Jurassic Park area and they, as far as I could tell, had some construction work going on there. I live in FLorida and have visited IOA many times, and I know that there is a big sand lot area with contrsction equipment right behind the IOA JP ride area... hmm... sooo coool

    At 3:52:33 PM on 7/17/2002, conor said:
    JP animal control, calm down i just made a guess

    At 3:47:10 PM on 7/17/2002, Sinraptor said:
    A JP4 ride!?
    Great! Yay!

    At 3:12:43 PM on 7/17/2002, JP Animal Control said:
    conor, it CAN'T be Spider-Man 2. Universal is not making the Spider-Man movies. Sure they have a ride, but they have nothing to do with the movies. Also, Disney and Lucas are teamed up for Indiana Jones attractions. That it why they have the Indiana Jones stunt show.

    At 2:27:13 PM on 7/17/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Indy 4 is not a Universal film.

    At 2:00:38 PM on 7/17/2002, Wes666 said:
    Maybe its Indy 4 ride?

    At 1:52:05 PM on 7/17/2002, joey_trib said:

    joey-trib not me

    who the fuck are you (sorry dan)

    At 1:09:02 PM on 7/17/2002, conor said:
    It's probably a spider man 2 ride, they know that that is coming out, so it's most likely

    At 12:31:36 PM on 7/17/2002, joey-trib said:

    At 12:22:17 PM on 7/17/2002, Ludacris said:
    thats phat

    At 12:21:15 PM on 7/17/2002, Evilgrinch said:
    That would be awesome.

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