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    Only one dinosaur in all three JP movies has been killed by a human -- a raptor was killed by Kelly's devistating kick in TLW. (From: Cloner)
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    At 10:52:52 PM on 8/2/2002, underdog738 said:
    JP3 was perhaps MY favorite of the three but all in all i liked jp1 better than TLW. JP1 had me waiting and i loved the suspense! Roll in JP4 but please do not show me any such trailers when it is decided for i tend to go crazy because the music in trailers always seem to match the footage and i become enthralled in it.

    At 12:09:19 AM on 7/28/2002, Jimmy 345 said:

    At 8:07:46 PM on 7/11/2002, lickmaster said:
    Jurassic Park 4 needs u to shut up

    At 4:27:35 PM on 7/10/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Jurassic Park 4 needs less talking more dinos.

    At 2:24:07 PM on 7/2/2002, lickmaster said:
    its a good thing i dont know what that stands for

    At 11:18:58 PM on 6/28/2002, GenRptrVinny500 said:

    jimmy only has FIVE FRIENDS!! hahahahahahahah!!!

    At 3:12:00 PM on 6/22/2002, lickmaster said:
    Yeah, more like the original jp

    At 12:52:50 AM on 6/22/2002, DieHard485 said:
    If speilberg doesn't direct this 4th Jurassic Park film, Peter Jackson should. And he should do it his way, like all his classic work. Maybe a little less violent. With more action and less running, and with some cool gore effects, something like Bad Taste.

    At 1:39:44 PM on 6/15/2002, mikeymike said:
    red spitter.

    i know there is know way of talking to steven.

    p.s. i think u can email or mail his company u know dreamworks SKG

    At 1:38:15 PM on 6/15/2002, mikeymike said:
    mega-rex ur right.

    go home jimmy

    At 10:04:38 PM on 6/14/2002, mega-rex said:
    no they wern't.by the way,i have 2 questions for u Jerky 345.first of all where did u get your crappy insults and secondly do u know what a period is?u connect all yer sentences by not putting a period!!and dont swear.it sounds bad coming from a bag of cum soaked turd balls.u only say the special effects are better in the latest 2 movies because jp1 was made first.u dont even know how to spell pray properly u ignorant she-bitch!!u are a fucking nerdy cum head Jerky 345.

    P.S who ever heard of a nerd who gets strait F's in school?must be a first!!his dad was probably a nerd and his mom was probably a homeless bum.

    P.P.S Jimmy, go back to watching Barney u nerdy dumbass prick!!

    At 9:02:20 PM on 6/14/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    You are a fucking idiot the two sequals had much better effects then the first.

    At 8:25:09 PM on 6/14/2002, mega-rex said:
    Jurassic Park had a way better ending then the lost world.when the T-rex charged in the building and killed the 2 raptors was great!!And when the banner fell and the rex roared was the greatest thing i have ever seen!!

    P.S i would have to say the special effects in jp1 had better special effects then the other movies.

    P.P.S Jimmy is a flaming cum soaked sponge

    At 2:51:45 PM on 6/14/2002, Red Spitter said:
    I've got a really good idea for the JP4 plot, it's a pity we can't communicate with Spielberg directly.

    At 2:03:51 PM on 6/14/2002, mikeymike said:

    At 2:03:47 PM on 6/14/2002, mikeymike said:

    At 2:03:29 PM on 6/14/2002, mikeymike said:
    jimmy i meant

    im going to do my own poll.

    if u think jimmy should go put yes at the end of comment or if u think no put no at the end of ur comment.

    if the yes goes above 100 then u have to go ok

    At 2:00:09 PM on 6/14/2002, mikeymike said:
    if u dont shut th hell up ill kill u

    At 8:52:40 PM on 6/13/2002, Dark Element said:
    Jimmy, stop being a flamer for just one minute, and listen to me:

    Action does not make a movie. Plot, acting, and good directing make a movie. You choose action movies, because your stupid, and enjoy watching things get chased, instead of human drama. Your oppinion means absolutely nothing, because your a dumbass. JP is not better because it was made before, its better because ITS A FUCKING BETTER MOVIE!

    At 6:25:49 PM on 6/13/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Exactly you guys only dislike the sequals because they were made after. The Lost Worlds ending was the best. "If we can just step aside and trust in nature life will find a way.

    At 5:26:37 PM on 6/13/2002, mikeymike said:
    jimmy listen to me.

    the reason i think jp was better than lost world and jp3 was:
    jp was something new, something not slow but just right,

    the lost world was crap for 1 reason. it did not have amagination, and it was not new. ad the ending sucked ok.

    jp3 was a bit bettr the lost world because. it was pure action and not a lot of boring bits catch my dirft

    At 5:14:14 PM on 6/13/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    No movie view is a fact. There is simply no reason why the first is better. The sequals have more special effects, better effects, more action, less vision based on movement. All the first has is better acting but who cares the dinos are what matters not that other shit. More dinos better movie. It isn't rocket science.

    At 4:38:21 PM on 6/13/2002, Dark Element said:
    "I don't understand why everyone thinks the first is better just because it was made before the sequals."

    Nobody thinks that way, your flaming homosexual. Jurassic Park is just by far better than TLW, and JP3, it's not even oppinion, its fact.

    JPIV so far looks promising. If they get a different director, Spielberg writes a decent script, this could be a pretty quality movie.

    At 8:59:58 PM on 6/12/2002, mega-rex said:
    Go away Jimmy!!I hate U!!!Go to a Marvel fan site or something!!

    At 4:19:03 PM on 6/12/2002, mr elliesattler said:
    mikeymike is right Jimmy. The other two just don't live up to how amazing JP was. TLW sucked and JP3 was 2nd best.

    At 2:39:10 PM on 6/12/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I don't understand why everyone thinks the first is better just because it was made before the sequals.

    At 10:11:39 AM on 6/12/2002, mikeymike said:
    jurassic park is way better than the lost world and jp3.
    jp3 is second best. and the lost world is the worst

    At 9:51:11 AM on 6/12/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 were better then the first. I hope this will be even better then them. Jurassic Park 4 will probably be good. Jurassic Park films just keep geting better and better.

    At 6:09:28 AM on 6/12/2002, Sinornis said:
    spielberg had originally said the same type of thing about jp3--how it would be the darkest installment of the trilogy and whatnot. If you ask me, this is a bunch of bologna, don't get your hopes up, even if there is a jp4 i doubt it'll be any better than tlw or jp3. Let's face it, part of JP's whole mind-grabbing aspect was the shock value. It was the driving force behind the people attending jurassic park and it was the same for the people watching the movie. Shock value is close to being extinct in this case.


    At 9:38:45 PM on 6/11/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    high on something? you don't even know what you were high on? odd.

    At 7:01:51 PM on 6/11/2002, mega-rex said:
    me and black raptor are not the same person.he just let me type the first few messages for him.and i was high on something.jp4 will rock and so far jp1 is the best jp by far!!

    At 1:18:42 PM on 6/11/2002, CarnaRaptor said:
    JP///? Best In trilogy?

    oh jesus

    At 12:51:24 AM on 6/11/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Haha...whoops. *Fell short.

    At 12:50:59 AM on 6/11/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Yeah, Coder, I don't know what you're thinking. JP3 was definitely NOT the best of the trilogy (for those of us who were alive when the first one was released - blah), and number 3 had the least bit to do with the entire continuing storyline than 1 and 2 did. 3 falled short. Waaaaaaaaaaay short.

    At 12:32:23 AM on 6/11/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Uh have you even read the books? They try to be very detailed and it takes 100 pages for the characters to get to teh island. Sure there is a lot of action in them but it's not non stop. Don't get me wrong, I love the books...but JP3 had the least to do with them.

    At 12:11:48 AM on 6/11/2002, coder78 said:
    No one get snappy or anything but what have you noticed about all the Jurassic Parks?
    They've always had an old character to return! Obviously other people get stuck on the island other then them, look at the girl from TLW intro. Bring new charisma to the screen damnit. JP3 was probably the best one in the trilogy, it was closer to what the books tried to do and alot more action packed. Less talk more chomp.

    At 10:11:18 PM on 6/10/2002, np said:
    fhfhfhfffhfgdfgdgdfgdgdgfg! RRDGDEATAPUSSYFFSFSFFSFS!
    <font size="10"><Marquee> It tastes good!</marquee></font>

    At 8:51:09 PM on 6/10/2002, MCHammer said:
    Why on Earth would Biosyn or Ingen go looking for Nedry's embryos? Ingen didn't even know about them. The canister only had enough coolant in it to last thirty-six hours. The embryos were as good as dead by the time they left the island. And don't tell me the mud would have saved them. Mud dries, and it gets hot. So therefore, any attempt at retrieving the shaving cream can would be useless.

    God, we're losers.

    At 8:08:35 PM on 6/10/2002, I Love Mrs Pots said:
    well not muyah per se, but phenetically I think its more of a "mwonahh". But I can say this in French "Jis fee lagen sfee"

    At 7:26:11 PM on 6/10/2002, Red Spitter said:
    Maybe Biosyn (or InGen) will organize an illegal expedition to Nublar to recover the embryos that Nedry left there, and they would force someone who was involved with the first accident to go with them. Or maybe it will be a kind of "race" to see who gets the embryos first.

    Anyway, a prequel would be really cool also. With Crichton writting the script, I wouldn't worry about corny lines or a bad story.

    GO JP4!!!!!!!!!!

    At 7:13:44 PM on 6/10/2002, conor said:
    oh my god, you thought me in french was muyah?? you're pathetic

    At 7:12:15 PM on 6/10/2002, raptor2000 said:
    black raptor and mega rex, who are the same person, are both high on something(s)

    At 6:59:20 PM on 6/10/2002, Black Raptor said:
    Truly a moron among morons

    At 6:58:18 PM on 6/10/2002, Black Raptor said:
    Jp4 will rock!!Im mega-rex's friend and he rocks!!My fave dino is a raptor.my least favorite is all types of duckbill dinos.my fave jp movie is jp1.Jimmy 345 sucks

    At 6:54:13 PM on 6/10/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    i was actually talking about mark. and it's moi not muyah.

    At 6:48:43 PM on 6/10/2002, mega-rex said:
    Jimmy is pretty stupid!!i guess he isnt yhe dumbest person alive!!I hpe jp4 is good which it will be!!T-rex will kill spino!!Spino is Rosey Odonald

    At 6:43:59 PM on 6/10/2002, I Love Mrs Pots said:
    Well, Raptor Strike are you referring to muayh? (Thats me in french!)

    At 6:21:59 PM on 6/10/2002, Powerhouse said:
    This is too cool! I just found out Friday that AvP: The Movie is underway and now this. Does it get any better??

    At 6:13:22 PM on 6/10/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Wow! Somebody that has worse spelling and grammar than Jimmy! I didn't think people that stupid were even alive.

    At 4:42:18 PM on 6/10/2002, Mark said:
    Finnaly some real major news all the news reported in the past that i dunno if some of you remember the bit a while back during filmsing of jurassic park 3 the spielberg got an idea finally he has said something about it i dont wanna get all excited because it could still not happen but i cant help but feel summut inside me that says if stevens on board then the film is gonna happen true if he dosnt direct it it wont be as good but i think joe did a great job with JP3 and should be happy with what we got true it was probably the worst in the trilogy but it was still good.
    ROLL ON JP4!!!!!

    At 3:58:11 PM on 6/10/2002, GoldblumRules said:
    Cool news.... it sounds like Spielberg wasn't completely blind to the fact that JP3 didn't have all that great a story. Maybe Johnston, if hired, will actually have a finalized STORYLINE before they film this time?

    At 2:14:41 PM on 6/10/2002, jpvengends said:
    I rather condemn Jurassic Park 4 if Joe Johnson is a part of it. Any self respecting fan of the series should.

    At 2:10:53 PM on 6/10/2002, Varan101 said:
    A mind is like a parachute: it works best when open.

    To condemn Joe Johnston is to condemn JP4.

    At 12:46:33 PM on 6/10/2002, jpvengends said:
    I don't think that Joe Johnson is going to direct Part 4. The E online article all but Confirm it, and judging by Spielberg’s comments, Jurassic Park 4 will by pass part 3. Anyway, if by some miracle of chance that Joe is involve with part four, I will boycott it. No matter what the story of the film will be.

    At 11:22:24 AM on 6/10/2002, Dan said:
    You'd pay $17 or so bucks for a coaster or food tray? wow.

    At 10:17:55 AM on 6/10/2002, I Love Mrs Pots said:
    This is gonna be crap im pretty sure! There's not any action. I am so not gonna buy it unless someone gives it to me as a present. In that case I'll use it as a coaster or a food tray. I guess then the DVD will come in handy!

    At 8:23:04 PM on 6/9/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Well lets get back to JP IV, that's what we're suppose to be commenting on.

    At 9:07:10 AM on 6/9/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Jurassic Park 4 should come in 2005. 2005 would fit the 4 year between movies. My the hell would anyone want it later then that. 2005 may be the best tons of good movies. Jurassic Park 4 will probably have alot to compete with. My guess Indiana Jones 4 won't be out till 2006 because of since George Lucas will be busy with Star Wars Episode 3. At the time they are going for 2005.

    At 8:37:54 AM on 6/9/2002, mikeymike said:
    jp4 should be 2005 realse because. it would fit the 4 a year thing and aloso it will give them lots of time for . e.g. script to be written. and not a lot of films is due out that year with the exeption of star wars ep. 3. also spiderman 2 is out in 2004 because filming is due to srat in 2003 ok..

    those films had the were the most hyped that year ok. and i would like to say i hate planet of the apes and zoolander.

    At 11:38:55 PM on 6/8/2002, Spino Will Die said:
    ya know what i think would kik ass??? I would want the JP4 logo to have the skeleton of the T-rex and the spino battling with the spino slightly falling. That would kik some serious ass

    At 11:23:29 PM on 6/8/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Actually, Jurassiraptor, if the movie year sequence would be broken, that would be the essence of Chaos Theory. I say, bring it in 2006!!!


    At 11:02:24 PM on 6/8/2002, ellersaur said:
    Don't fear other big movies. If JP4 gets good reviews and has good fan buzz, then it will be fine.

    But damn, this is exciting. I remember the third film was announced in June of 98, so let's hope history repeats itself in June of 2002. Once that announcement comes, the party begins.

    At 10:01:11 PM on 6/8/2002, Chaotician said:
    YIPEE !
    Life is damn good. :)

    At 9:57:02 PM on 6/8/2002, raptor2000 said:
    and im betting JP4 will come out like the rest, 4 years later, and of course another fourt movie, Indiana Jones 4, must be completed first, since Spielberg and Lucas will prob. start on that next, and it comes out in 2004, so it will probably be out in late 2005 or early 2006

    At 9:54:42 PM on 6/8/2002, raptor2000 said:
    Ian sucks as a main character, but like in JP, hes good as a secondary character, so if they have, oh say, Ellie, Grant, Nick Van Owen ;), Hammond, etc. he would be ok back in again, and Nublar was destroyed in the book but the movies are NOT the books, so maybe a trip back to Nublar is in order.

    At 9:30:44 PM on 6/8/2002, coder78 said:
    2004 would be good, production would probably start in the end of 2002. If it were released in 2006 it would be worst, JP3 was meant to have about 3 different ending and they chose the worst one because it was the last one to be thought of. Spider-Man is to be a trilogy but will take a while to do, aimed for release 2003 and 2005. By the way, if you suggest storyline ideas, then your an idiot. It's unlikely its going to get to Spielberg and they have already got a script and story.

    At 9:27:59 PM on 6/8/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Um dude...Fast and the Furious, Planet of the Apes, and Zoolander all blow chunks.

    At 5:32:45 PM on 6/8/2002, mikeymike said:
    number 1.
    spiderman 2 is out summer of 2004 with filming 2003

    number 2.
    when jp3 came out in 2001 lots of hyped up movies came out last year take a look at the best. fast and the furios, planet of the apes and zoolander. plus many many more.

    number 2.
    in order of jp4 coming out in 2004. this means a copouple of things 1. theve writen the script, got the story and got at least one of the mainstars.

    number 3.
    jp4 would be best suit a 2005 realese if it were to choose the perfect week end. e.g. a mounth a head of starwars. for exaple.

    At 5:25:39 PM on 6/8/2002, mega-rex said:
    anywho,this is gonna kick ass!!i hope in jp4 t-rex gets revenge on spino.i would also like to see the t-rex go back to being grey-brown instead of green.makes him look bigger and badder.the raptors were great in jp3 but so were the raptors in jp1.the raptors in jp3 look a lot like the raptors in jp1 except for the color.jp4 could have a full size pachycepholasaurus and a big allosaurus that kicks a spinos ass.a trike could stab another spino but not before spino ripped trike up with its claws a bit.keep the pterasaurs and get some water dinos.get the stego back and get some long necks.do not base the movie completely on action.put more of a story behind the movie and i see a great sequel to a great trilogy.

    P.S u probably do not agree with me but i do not like the idea of a prequel staring Nick Van Owen.i personaly did not like his character all that much.just my opinion.please do not insult me for saying it.

    At 5:13:32 PM on 6/8/2002, mega-rex said:
    Jimmy,why the FUCK are u looking forward to Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire?!

    At 4:58:38 PM on 6/8/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    BUT, a 2005 release would stay consistant with "a new JP movie every 4 years." I like patterns. The essense of chaos theory.

    At 4:52:22 PM on 6/8/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    In order for a 2003 release, it would have to start filming right now, and they aren't that far along in the process.
    2005 is already over saturated with hyped-up movies and sequels which will only take away from (if not totally bury) JP4.
    That leaves either 2004 or 2006. 2004 would be cool because it is sooner, but a 2006 release would give them more time to work on it (and theoretically produce a better film).

    At 4:21:33 PM on 6/8/2002, pj said:
    IT's 2002, SO not 2003. Hmm......If it came out in 2004 I don't know if it would be so good. I think that they should wait.

    I want it in 2006. THat's right. All the big movies, (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings) will be done. Maybe another Spidey movie will be out.

    Then JP4 can be concentrated on, and end the story.

    At 3:11:57 PM on 6/8/2002, Varan101 said:
    Anyhow, I would be very surprised if Universal made an announcement this summer. I would personally look for something next year.

    Jurassiclaw, I disagree with you on the suspense thing. In my opinion, JP3 had one of the most suspenseful moments in all the films, and that was where Grant was running through the hole in the fence, and just barely made it. You knew Grant was going to live, but a lot of people jumped out of their chairs on that one.

    At 2:59:49 PM on 6/8/2002, peng said:
    nice one :)

    At 2:08:47 PM on 6/8/2002, Ludacris said:
    i heard in JP4 Alan Grant is bitten by a radio active dilophosarus and becomes able to shoot venom ropes out of his wrists! he soon makes a red and blue suit and goes around fighting crime. You cant fail with a quality story like that!

    At 2:02:42 PM on 6/8/2002, IngenRaptor said:
    This Should Be Good
    I Hope Joe Does Direct Because This Time He will Have alot more TIME

    At 1:49:39 PM on 6/8/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Conor Indiana Jones 4 is already in pre-production and is even more likley to come out then Jurassic Park 4. Fox said that there will be an X-men 3 in 2004 or 2005 (2005 more likley) if X-men 2 is succesful. It is most likly to be successful.

    At 1:38:51 PM on 6/8/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    All of 'em.

    At 12:25:16 PM on 6/8/2002, Illiteration said:
    joe jonston to direct....see i don't know about this one....was it his directing, or the script, or that acting...that made jp3 fail in my opinion...I'm don't know

    At 12:12:04 PM on 6/8/2002, conor said:
    Jimmy, they dont know yet about indianna jones 4, you pulled it out of your ass that jp4 would be out in 2005 and X-men 3 hasn't even been announced yet. You're an idiot.

    At 12:08:57 PM on 6/8/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    Yep, but he's to balme for the lack of suspence and tension.

    Anyway this is good news.

    At 11:36:36 AM on 6/8/2002, Varan101 said:
    Joe Johnston did a very admirable job with JP3 considering there was very little script.

    The script writers were to blame for some of the "bad moments" of JP3, not Joe Johnston.

    Besides, Episode II now has the title of "Most Corny Lines in One Movie" :D

    At 10:11:14 AM on 6/8/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    It will probably be out in summer 2005. Wow Star Wars Episode 3, Indiana Jones 4, X-men 3, Jurassic Park 4, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire all in one year. 2005 will rock.

    At 9:52:31 AM on 6/8/2002, Evilgrinch said:
    I remeber after JP3 saying that I wouldn't like them to do a Jp4, but on second thought....f**k that.

    Roll on Jp4!!!


    At 9:26:59 AM on 6/8/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Yeah this rocks. Id say its all but offical now. I really hate all those rumors but this sounds like it real.

    At 9:06:54 AM on 6/8/2002, Spino Will Die said:
    please excuse the damn typos

    At 9:06:03 AM on 6/8/2002, Spino Will Die said:
    I think this film will bring Joes capability level much higher although he dd a wonderful job with JP3, since they actually have a story (presumably,he best one yet, i will have high exectations for this fourth installment)Lets see some action Joe!!!!

    -Spino Will Die

    At 7:22:11 AM on 6/8/2002, whocares said:
    JP4 will be better than 3 it sounds like.

    At 4:09:18 AM on 6/8/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    This news, just four days shy of the 9th anniversary of the first JP, is the best anniversary present we the fans could have wished for.

    At 3:25:13 AM on 6/8/2002, Dino_Dude said:
    Yes, confirmation! I must admit I'm getting a little excited but I won't go nuts until someone here at this site has officially bought this magazine and confirmed the article!

    Well this has made my day! Let's hope it is all true!



    At 12:44:50 AM on 6/8/2002, darthbane2004 said:
    I'm really hoping that Steven isn't kidding when he says it's the best story since the first! I'm mostly just ecstatic that Jurassic Park IV is pretty much going to happen! (or so we think, does anybody actually have this issue of this magazine yet? Confirmation would be great)

    At 12:34:25 AM on 6/8/2002, Aussie Embryo said:
    I've not posted here for half a year, but this little bit of news is enough to make we go CRAZY!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! JP4 IS GONNA ROCK!!! Sounds like SPIELBERG really wants to be involved in this one, and I get the feeling the chances are, we'll see it before 2005, because they DID NOT have a story for JP3 when they were talking about it in 1998 (heck, they didn't have one 1 month before filming!), but they have a story for JURASSIC 4 and it's 2002. Also, Spielberg will be busy with Indiana Jones 4 in 2004... I hope he doesn't end up torn between the two like he did with AI and JP3.... Hopefully JP4 can have a 2003 release, which would mean JJ won't direct, due to "Hidalgo". It's a shame, I think JJ did an excellent job with JP3, but the script was far too short, and the story was a little rushed. Hopefully if they have a story NOW and they do decide to wait until 2005, then maybe we will get a brilliant movie. Hopefully Steven will be more involved with the production this time, he certainly was involved in the pre-production of JP3 but wasn't with filming and post. Anyway, cheers to Spielberg for making a forth!

    PS. Am I the only one who seems a little worried that he said he'd rather the 4th movie have been the 3rd?

    At 12:07:05 AM on 6/8/2002, MegaRaptor500 said:
    Thank god!
    - They better not mess this one up.

    At 11:44:42 PM on 6/7/2002, Driveshaft said:
    I think it'd be sweet to see Sam in both. Sam's a pimp.

    At 11:40:59 PM on 6/7/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    This kicks major ass!!!! I hope that Steven is more involved with this one. If the story really is as good as he says it is we should be in for a great movie.

    At 11:36:31 PM on 6/7/2002, Jerm said:
    You guys! I think we can start getting our hopes up for a definite JP4! I mean, Speilberg said it himself: "at this point I've pretty much decided to do a 'Jurassic IV". And even if Johnston directs it should still be good. He just didn't have a good story ready for JP3 an it was rushed. But they've already got what sounds like a great story! What the hell would stop this movie from being made?!

    Jurassic Park 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 11:15:42 PM on 6/7/2002, Oviraptor said:
    We've gotta wait for the Official Press Release for that.

    At 11:14:24 PM on 6/7/2002, Gnawgahyde said:
    dansjp4page.com :)

    At 11:07:26 PM on 6/7/2002, Oviraptor said:
    YEAH! Sam da man.

    At 11:03:08 PM on 6/7/2002, Dan said:
    All I have to say is that they better snag Sam before Spiderman 2 gets him! ;)

    At 10:56:01 PM on 6/7/2002, yvonne said:
    Four words: It is about time!

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