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    The baby t-rex in TLW was an all-in-one animatronic (no wires), with 45 'points of movement'.
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    At 6:37:04 PM on 5/25/2002, mega-rex said:
    "you call that your face."I call it a piece of dog shit."

    At 1:51:13 PM on 5/25/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    "You call that diplomacy." I call in aggressive negociation."

    At 6:53:02 PM on 5/23/2002, mega-rex said:
    shut up Jimmy!!get back to sticking your copy of jp3 up your ass with all the other things u love.(your mom,your dad,Zippo,your fake dick,your copy of Internet For Dummies,copy of Barnie Goes Shoping,the mouse of your computer,the cream filling,the green stuff that grows on your cunt,Kurt Angle and one of your many coppies of playgirl.) jp1 was much better than the other 2 jp's.In AOTC Amidala was hot but if u knew anything about girls u would know blondes are best.Peace out

    At 1:46:56 AM on 5/21/2002, ellersaur said:
    Who's seen 'Changing Lanes'? Sam Jackson's lookin very Ray Arnold-ish, instead of Shaft, or Mr. Glass.

    No, that does NOT have anything to do with ANYTHING, but I was bored.

    At 9:41:39 PM on 5/20/2002, Ludacris said:
    does anyone remember that old cartoon "extreme dinosaurs"
    i never saw it, i hear it was pretty wack but i like the concept.

    At 9:39:17 PM on 5/20/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Conor has a problem with guys thinking girls are hot. That doesn't show much about his sexuality. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    At 8:36:43 PM on 5/20/2002, conor said:
    Jimmy, you can't even get a boner yet, so shut your face about girls being hot

    At 5:37:15 PM on 5/20/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Yes, I agree that Jar Jar's stupidity totally showed up in AOTC, but still, how was he supposed to know? Even the Jedi council couldn't tell, which shows that Jar Jar must not be a complete moron, though I think we all know the truth to that one.

    At 2:44:19 PM on 5/20/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Attack of the Clones was fantasitic. It was much better than The Phantom Menace which I liked alot. The effects were amazing, the story was perfect, the action was intense, and Padme is hot. I am not going to give it away but if you Jar Jar was an idiot before you haven't seen Jar Jar do something stupid until this film. My favorite part was the Yoda fight. Pure genius

    At 9:24:13 PM on 5/19/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Porter, I totally agree that this one was more like the original trilogy than I ever was. I really enjoyed it, and am excited to see the kind of twists that might be thrown into III for characters. Anything's possible, and you're right, Yoda's a pimp. No doubt about that now. Yeah, Boba kinda scared me at the end too, but whatever, kids will be kids. I can't wait to see the extras on DVD and all too. It's going to rock, but until then the theater experience of it is amazing.

    PS I don't really know who won the pissing contest. I stopped paying attention after 500 million stupid people posted, protesting their opinions.

    At 4:12:28 PM on 5/19/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Hey I just wrote what JPdatabase said. It was so long ago I barley remember the first time I saw it. It was in 1993.

    At 3:28:24 AM on 5/19/2002, PorterM7Z said:
    When I saw the original Jurassic Park way back when in theaters, Jimmy, the Rex did just appear when it ate the first raptor, no wall crumbling or entrance or anything. If we'd have seen the Rex enter it would have ruined the scene because when you first see the movie, and you see that raptor jump at our heroes, you can't help but think "Crap. They're dead." (Well at least I couldn't help it) If they'd have cut away to show Rexy busting in to save the day, that suspense and the cheering that followed as the Rex appeared out of nowhere to save our heroes would have been destroyed.

    On the Spielberg story, woowoo, go Steven! Yay! (Just to stay on topic) What's everybody's favorite movies that he's directed? Mine have to be Jaws, ET, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy and the Last Crusade, JP (of course), and Saving Private Ryan. He's had a couple misfires (Temple of Doom was like a bad acid trip at times) but he's still cool. Not my absolute favorite, but he's up there.

    Driveshaft, who ever won that pissing contest back in the video game debate?
    Oh yeh, and Yoda OWNED Clones. What a great way to redeem the Star Wars Saga.... still not quite up to par with Empire but I think this is as close as we're gonna get to original trilogy goodness. And who'd have imagined that Jar Jar was the real Phantom Menace??..... I'm dead serious!

    To Lil Orphan Boba: Kid.... There's a HEAD in that thing.... You realize that right? You're creeping me out.

    At 1:38:50 AM on 5/19/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    um...yah...whatever there roccon. i guesss you're the spiritual leader that knows all now aren't you? well then mr.calm cool and collective, are you suggesting that when people opinions are so blatantly stupid we should just look the other way and not say anything? if you are, then you obviously don't like confrontations [wussy]. everyone must argue. it's a way of life.

    At 12:56:16 AM on 5/19/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Yeah, so, um, how about Episode II?

    At 9:19:35 PM on 5/18/2002, roccon said:
    Relax. It's just his opinion. is the fact that someone else has a different opinion than you on the JP movies ruin your enjoyment of them? So what if he thinks JP3 and TLW were better? I don't agree, and think that his argument is wholly unconvincing, but getting in a heated argument is not going to change the other person's opinion, nor does it prove that your opinion is ther superior, correct one. This topic was about Spielberg's graduation(Congratulations!!!) not a malformed, irrelevent, irritating and downright ubsurd argument on the ratings of the movies.

    At 7:08:14 PM on 5/18/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Yah jeez. And he called me a psycho. DE you are one mentally deranged person. You defenitely show abnormal and violent social behaviour. And you seem to be a mentally and emotionally unstable person. Wait a minute!!! Those are all the things you need in order to be a psychopath!!! Congratulations.

    At 4:26:17 PM on 5/18/2002, Ambrose said:
    DE: Please... stop with his whole anger thing. Seriously you really need to stop getting so worked up.

    At 4:23:04 PM on 5/18/2002, Dark Element said:
    Spider-Man sucked horribly. It wasn't even close to JP, or TLW. Jimmy, shut up. Anyone that thinks JP3 is better than JP should just kill themselves.

    At 4:20:30 PM on 5/18/2002, Ambrose said:
    DE: Holy shit dude... Don't wish somone to die... that is very very very wrong! Jeez when are you going to learn to ignore the TLW haters?

    At 3:49:51 PM on 5/18/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I think it did

    At 2:42:51 PM on 5/18/2002, mega-rex said:
    i dont think it had better reviews than jp1

    At 2:28:25 PM on 5/18/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Um no. Spiderman had way way way way better reviews than TLW or JP3. I don't remeber the reviews for the first JP, so I don't know if it beat it.

    At 2:09:22 PM on 5/18/2002, mega-rex said:
    at least in my opinion

    At 2:01:49 PM on 5/18/2002, mega-rex said:
    and another thing that has nothing to do with this argument.when the spiderman thing was posted on djp3p(dans jp3 page) u said spiderman was better than all the jp movies.spiderman got 2 and a half stars.lost world got that and it is apperantly the worst jp movie(not that i agree).jp1 got i think 3 and a half stars(i think it should have gotten 4 and so do all the other people that are not complete dumbasses) and jp3 got 3 stars.what does that tell u?if u like spiderman more than the jp movies get off this page and go to a spiderman page with all the other marvel comic loving shitheads.i honestly do not know why u are even on this page!!everybody hates u and u keep saying stuff about are favorite 3 movies.especialy jp1,the best one in my opinion!!i feel like a stupid moron for even defending u against the good people on this site.i guess my I.Q just went up about 100 points a few days ago.so u can ither stop saying bad stuff about Jurassic Park and quit trying to act smart by disagreeing with what everyone on this page or u can leave this site forever!!!when u insult A.I im fine with that but when u insult a jp movie, especialy jp1, i think u are a fucking mama's boy that does not know what he is talking about because he has an I.Q of .1 and your balls are made of peach clay and your dick is made of a half eaten hot dog and it keeps on falling cause it won't stay in your 4 foot long pusy!!dont say bad things about Jurassic Park 1 and do not compare Spiderman 2 any jp movies because compared to any jp movies spiderman is nothing

    At 1:42:32 PM on 5/18/2002, mega-rex said:
    the raptors were making a lot of noise.and besides, nobody would really be paying attention to a small tremor in the background.would the people hear it with 2 raptors on both sides of u screaming at u. i just watched the movie less than 2 hours ago.i bet u have not even watched the movie in the last 2 years.

    At 1:15:08 PM on 5/18/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Still the scene would have been better if it should the rex coming in. I mean you don't even hear the thing until it bites the raptor. Something like that would be hard to miss.

    At 1:08:32 PM on 5/18/2002, mega-rex said:
    you see a drape behind the t-rex when he is killing the raptor and the others were running out.u see the drape was ripped and scratched.it was one of the same things the raptor that attacked the rex went through if u can understand jimmy345

    At 11:42:03 AM on 5/18/2002, Dark Element said:
    Jimmy, just shut the hell up. You obviously have no idea what your talking about.

    At 9:57:47 AM on 5/18/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I don't remember but JPdatabase has a list of cut scenes from all three movies and thats what it said.

    At 2:29:22 AM on 5/18/2002, Rexoraptor said:
    Wow! I had no idea he never graduated, though...the highest educational requirement to be a film director is a High School Degree (I think...)

    At 11:19:59 PM on 5/17/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    The T-Rex came through the plastic drape since the visitor center was still in construction. If you weren't lying, and if you had truly seen the movie in theaters in 1993, you'd remember. And you don't. So we'd preferably not make it to 100 posts. Ok?

    At 11:07:39 PM on 5/17/2002, HOJU said:
    and how would you even remember that little fact jimmy? i thought you were only 5 when jp came out.

    At 9:55:07 PM on 5/17/2002, Dark Element said:
    The T-Rex never busted through any wall, dumbass.

    At 9:40:28 PM on 5/17/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Another problem is the end. In the theater you say a scene where the rex burts through the wall. This scene is not in the VHS or DVD. They said it made it less suprising but it also made the scene make sense. I don't know what asshole deleted it but that was stupid. I am angry with that.

    At 8:22:20 PM on 5/17/2002, mega-rex said:
    the vision stuff about t-rex is probably not true but if they didn't give rex a WEAKNESS he would have eaten every character

    At 7:55:23 PM on 5/17/2002, Driveshaft said:
    Does anyone else think Episode II did a back flip and kicked Episode I right in the balls?? Eric (Padawan78), are you still out there??

    At 5:06:35 PM on 5/17/2002, Ludacris said:
    in this time of trial, let us hearken back the the word of mouf: "whos your house keeper? what you keep in yo house? what about diamonds and gold? is that what you keep in your mouf?"

    At 4:36:22 PM on 5/17/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    Oh god, please shut, just shut up - this is so unbearable, just ... go. I'll be ignoring this section from now on, it is impossible for me to stand you, Jimmy, just go.

    At 4:27:50 PM on 5/17/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    No they didn't need to give t-rex a weakness. They ruined the movie that way. If not for all that vision based on movement crap I would say the first is just as good as the two sequals. The first did have the best acting of the three. It is just such a retarded theroy and all paleontologists agree with me.

    At 1:55:09 PM on 5/17/2002, bigoledork said:
    Yeah, Attack of the Clones ROCKED!

    At 10:26:37 PM on 5/16/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    Oh, and Spielberg is an excellent director who deserves more acclaim.

    And some of you here need to grow up.

    At 10:25:38 PM on 5/16/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    I like all three movies. I think of it as one continuous story and not three separate ones.

    At 10:04:25 PM on 5/16/2002, HOJU said:
    Hey guys!!! I'm baaaack:) I've been reading some of the comments made for the different articles, and I've come to one conclusion. This Dark Element character is a real jackass. Talk about your no lifer. Just goes around insulting people. Stupid really.

    At 9:35:43 PM on 5/16/2002, Dark Element said:
    Jimmy, I swear, I hope you die, a <i>horrible, painfull</i> death. Your a complete dumbass, you have no taste in movies.

    At 8:45:32 PM on 5/16/2002, mega-rex said:
    the t-rex probably wouldn't smell em cause of the rain.i dont think rexes sight was based an movement but they had to give the rex some sort of weakness so the characters could survive.so jimmy, if u can understand, dont diss the best dino movie ever made!!next you will be complaining about movies like alien because u dont think the aliens,if any in outer space, look like that

    At 8:39:14 PM on 5/16/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    Does that make the movie bad? No. What about the raptors being smarter than daulphins in JP3, that's impossible.

    At 8:24:34 PM on 5/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    If action is not all that counts what about science. Vision based on movement is the stupidest idea in any dino movie. There is not a chance thats true. Why would the t-rex evolve an adaptation that would make hunting and scavergers hard. In a forest without wind the rex would hit its head on trees. Sure the scene was still cool but it would have made more sense if Lex and Grant hid behide the jeep instead of standing in front of it. Plus even if the 1% chance that it did come true the rex would still smell them there and attack anyway.

    At 7:55:26 PM on 5/16/2002, RaptorHiss said:
    My god, how could news like Speilberg graduating turn into a "jp3 vs TLW" post? The maturity here is truely sad, ::COUGH::Ovi::cough::

    At 7:52:10 PM on 5/16/2002, mega-rex said:
    and here are some famouse quotes from jp1
    Grant:its a dinosaur!!
    Hammond:welcome to jurassic park!!
    Ellie:dinosaurs eat man, women inherits the earth.
    Malcom:when u gotta go u gotta go!
    Genaro:were going to make a fortune with this place!
    Malcom:you crazy son of a bitch,you did it!!
    Malcom:life will find a way
    and my favorite line of any jp movie
    Malcom:now that is one big pile of shit

    At 7:42:50 PM on 5/16/2002, mega-rex said:
    when i had my old name that i will not mention because if i do tons of insults will be thrown at me, i agreed with jimmy 345 in lots of ways but now i must disagree.sure jp3 and TLW had more action than jp but it is not just the action that counts.i like Spielburg for making Jurassic Park and Jaws but almost everyone here has to admit TLW and jp3 are nothing compared to jp1. the action scenes in jp1 were great.t-rex destroying car and t-rex chasing car were great kitchen raptors rocked,dilopho was wicked(though wrong)and the end scene of jp1 when the t-rex came in the building and killed the 2 raptors was the greatest movie scene i have ever seen but its not just the action in the movie, its the comedy and the graphics and the story and the writing etc. the ending in jp1 was the best by far!!so for the first time i say get off this site if you are going to go around dissing jp1

    At 7:14:19 PM on 5/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I was 5 when I saw the first Jurassic Park. It was the first PG-13 movie I saw. Then I thought it was the greatest film ever now better films have come out. I am 14 not 12. I think Spielburg is a awsome directer he directed The Lost World.

    At 6:53:09 PM on 5/16/2002, Red Spitter said:
    Congratulations for Spielberg! He's the best director ever (I think so). And Jimmy, you´re probably about 12 years old, right? stop saying stupid things about Spielberg, he's the best!!!, and, by the way, the first JP was better, because it wasn't tought as a franchise, they just wanted to make a good movie (and they did), and of course had MUCH more innovative plot (scientifically and in the artistic way) than TLW and JP3.

    At 6:43:47 PM on 5/16/2002, conor said:
    Jimmy, you did NOT see jp at theatres, seeing as you were born afterward, and probably still wouldn't be allowed to get into the theatre. Shut the hell up you idiot.

    At 6:32:45 PM on 5/16/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    <font color=red>Jimmy, I've told Sam and I'm going to tell you *Deep Breath* STOP SPEAKING FOR OTHERS DAMMIT. Just stop. You don't know shit about what others think, nor did I, or any of us make a statement that it was better because it was made first. The only arguement you presented is that TLW and JP3 had more action. And I don't beleive you when you say you saw the first in theaters, either you're lying (You're too young), or you're acting like a pre-teen moron. Either way I'll back his opinion up; you're full of it, bastard. I'm sick of people who speak for others.

    At 3:54:00 PM on 5/16/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    I don't. Jimmy is full of shit, and he always will be. The original is better not just because it's the first in the series, but because it's a better movie. All Jimmy does is complain about really pointless stuff. Ohh boo-hoo the Rex's vision is based on movement. Waa waa me no like. There's slightly less action...noooo. me go cry now. Grow up Jimmy.

    At 12:30:34 PM on 5/16/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    I have to agree with Jimmy

    At 9:29:25 AM on 5/16/2002, raptor2000 said:
    dude jimmy shut the fuck up. you are the only one here he thinks that, so obviously you ARE living in the past. They all suck minus JP1 so get used to it. in TLW: actors SUCK, Ian is no longer funny as he was in JP hes trying to be a father/leader type character and it just doesnt go with the Ian from JP OR the character needed for a good action/sci fi/horror movie. JP3:Doesnt even have an original title. Spino vs. Rex scene, supposed to be best scene in movie, was only 1 minute long tops, the T-rex died, AND it was only in the first few minute of the film when i should have been at the end and the rex should have won. JP is original, and originals are always best, you just think you are smarter than all of us and i can tell you, you are not

    At 8:52:53 AM on 5/16/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    I saw the first when it came to theaters. I just liked the sequals even more. You guys are judging the sequals by when they were made. If the Lost World was first you would like it more. I don't live in the past I live in the present. The Lost World was very original and had much more action then the first. Jurassic Park 3 had even more action. All of your agruments that the first is better are entirly depented on when it was made. Like I said then I guess The Land Before Time is best it was made before that.

    At 1:46:14 AM on 5/16/2002, ellersaur said:
    Spielberg is one of the all-time greats, and we are lucky to have him.

    "It's a birdcage."
    "For what?"
    "Uhh..BIRDS, DUMBASS!"

    "Spinosaurus Aegypticus."
    "I don't remember that on InGen's List."
    "That's because it wasn't on their list, and it shouldn't be in this movie, because it's a hack dinosaur."

    At 12:35:39 AM on 5/16/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Spielberg rocks!!! For all you morons that think he sucks, I'd like to see you name a better director.

    At 11:53:49 PM on 5/15/2002, _jurassiraptor_ said:
    I agree, Dan.

    Congratulations Mr. Spielberg! (I guess my invitation to his reception got lost in the mail)

    At 11:28:28 PM on 5/15/2002, Dan said:
    Spielberg is the best director of our generation, kids. Get used to it.

    At 11:17:37 PM on 5/15/2002, Driveshaft said:
    I couldn't agree more. The sheer awe and magic found in JP is not palpable in any of the other sequels. They both couldn't live up to their original, and I think the reason the sequels have made it is because we are dino nuts, and will see it because it's dinosaurs. Couldn't they come up with an original movie, without the label of a Jurassic Park franchise thrown in there? You would think so. Jp clearly remains the best of the 3, and anyone who doesn't agree must not have been alive to see the first one when it was in theaters, am I wrong?

    At 9:56:48 PM on 5/15/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    I could understand if someone though TLW was compairable with JP in quality, but better? And JP3? Pfft - Get outta here.

    At 8:53:12 PM on 5/15/2002, Dark Element said:
    Jimmy, I would rather have a discussion about movies with a retarded chimpanzee than you. You actually think that TLW, and JP3 were better than JP? Your retarded.

    At 8:39:33 PM on 5/15/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    Oh my god, you missed the point so entirely. <i>Please</i> get out of this disscusion ...

    At 8:24:25 PM on 5/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    The Lost World had the best ending of the series by far. Jurassic Park 3 had the best battle. The sequals had less vision based on movement crap. Jurassic Park 3 and The Lost World had better and more special effects than the first. You can't judge a movie by when it was made. If we judged a movie like that then The Land Before Time is better than Jurassic Park because it was made before. Of course thats not true so you see my point.

    At 8:16:24 PM on 5/15/2002, Dark Element said:
    "Jurassic Park 3 and The Lost World were both better than the first. Spielburg is not a bad directer."

    Jimmy, shut your face. You have absolutely no taste in movies.

    "The length of the action scene is always better since it's long, that usually slows it down, like the Trailer scene in TLW."

    The trailer scene in TLW, is possibly one of the best action sequences ever put together. The shot of the Male and Female T-rex's was better than any shot in either of the other JP movies.

    "Grow up Dark Element."

    Psssssst. Your 23 and you go to JP and SW sites.... Not only that, you dissed the best director of all time.

    At 8:12:35 PM on 5/15/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    Nope. None of it's sequels surpass it, that's simply too clear. I mean ... there's <i>absolutely</i> no doubt about it.

    And while we're at it; JP has something both it's sequels lacked; not only the awe, but an ever increasingly intense climax and the fact that the ending is the best part of the movie. In TLW they had a lame dino-in-the-city stuff. And in JP3 they were too lazy and ran out of ideas, of money, or both, and there was no ending.

    At 7:18:28 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Better than Jurassic Park? LOL, I don't even think JP3 was better than JP.

    At 7:15:16 PM on 5/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Jurassic Park 3 and The Lost World were both better than the first. Spielburg is not a bad directer.

    At 7:11:16 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    "action scene is always better since it's long,"

    Sorry meant isn't not is.

    At 7:09:57 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    The length of the action scene is always better since it's long, that usually slows it down, like the Trailer scene in TLW.

    I admit most of the action scenes in JP3 are short but that's how I like them.

    At 6:52:54 PM on 5/15/2002, Jurassiclaw said:
    <font color=red>Ovi : You might have been keeping up on current technical stuff that said JP3 had "more shots than both first movies" together. Whatever if it's true. Also, you're only counting new CARNIVOROUS dinosaurs. TLW only had one new carnivore and one new reptile (pterosaurs), but it had a hell of alot of new herbivores, and actually gave them screentime, unlike JP3.

    As for the action sequences, I'm afraid you're wrong :

    Just look at it this way;

    Trailer scene; 12-13 mins
    Whole camp/village scene 17 mins
    San Diego Ending approx 15 mins


    Plane/Fight 6 mins
    Raptor part 4 mins
    Fence/spino 1-2 mins
    Ariviary 6 mins
    Boat 3-4 mins
    Raptor "ending" 2 mins

    It's an illusion, and I'm not even counting all those cool herbivore stamped scenes. Oh, and for the record, the Trailer scene is probably the best action sequence in the whole trillogy, after the Rex Jeep chase.

    At 6:46:19 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Grow up Dark Element.

    At 6:38:02 PM on 5/15/2002, Dark Element said:
    Oviraptor, the action scenes in JP3 licked homosexual-dog-balls. They were all rushed, and sucked horribly. The plot in JP3 was like they told two retarded 5 yearolds to come up with a story, and thats what they got.


    BTW: TLW was 30 times better than JP3, fat man.

    At 5:47:52 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Jp3 had alot more than what TLW had.

    JP3 had,

    Grant, thank God.
    More new dinosaurs with more screen time than TLW's new dinosaurs.

    Better Action Scenes.


    At 5:42:25 PM on 5/15/2002, raptor2000 said:
    bull Johnston made a purely action film, TLW sucks yes but has a far better written plot than JP3. TLW did not ruin the series, just that one movie. If you dont like TLW or Spielberg then dont watch TLW and dont go to anymore Spielberg movies including JP4

    At 5:38:04 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    After him directing TLW and ruining the JP series, he lost all of my respect, thank goosdness Johnston helped it.

    At 5:35:52 PM on 5/15/2002, raptor2000 said:
    I care, congrats Spielberg, now that you have your degree go back and remake TLW and this time stick closer to the book. I hope now your movies will be even better. Anyone who says spielberg sucks especially after JP1 and the Indy movies should be shot.

    At 5:29:24 PM on 5/15/2002, Oviraptor said:
    I'm with Jimmy, who cares?

    Spielberg SUCKS!

    At 5:20:10 PM on 5/15/2002, littlecubcub said:
    congradulations spielberg!I care!

    At 5:16:27 PM on 5/15/2002, Jimmy 345 said:
    Who cares

    At 4:42:50 PM on 5/15/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Good for him.

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