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    At 12:01:54 PM on 4/20/2002, n_gardner637 said:
    Ugh...the award was just to movies that were acceptable not ones that were christians.

    At 1:29:35 AM on 4/14/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    Whoa, I really got off topic there. Sorry about that. JP3 rules!

    At 1:26:17 AM on 4/14/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    The concept of a "day" is a human invention, not God's. A day is simply an estimate of how long it takes the Earth to rotate once, which is roughly (but not exactly) 24 hours. Interesting side note: millions of years ago, a day was closer to 26 hours in length.

    I think God supercedes any knowledge of time that we have. We can't even stay consistant with our own time-keeping methods: there were 10 months in a year for a long time before we decided to add January and February. And then there's daylight savings time. And the readjustment of what year it is, when some folks in the dark ages trid to calculate when Christ was born.

    Time is a relative term. Time doesn't move; Time stands still, and everything else moves around it.

    So when the Bible says God created so-and-so on whatever day, "day" is meant to refer to periods of time of various lenghts, not actual 24-hour periods.

    At 1:38:31 PM on 4/13/2002, bigoledork said:
    Xennex: Where did you get that JP3 was being called a "Christian" movie? In your zeal to defend God, you misunderstood the story, and give credence to terms like "Christian radical".

    For anyone who is interested, check out That's the website of Bob George and "People to People Ministries". He is a very wise man, and he has helped me understand how much God loves us.

    At 6:32:02 PM on 4/12/2002, Xennex said:
    I'm am sorry but I have to put a comment in. I am a very coservative Christian. As for the last comment. If a day was shorter than 24 hours there would be no reson to put the word day in. Also the earth would be out of wack if that was different. I am a JP fan but as far as giving JP3 credit as "christian" is just wrong.

    The Christian belief:
    The inspiration of the Bible (both the Old and the New Testament)
    The creation of man by the direct act of God
    The incarnation and virgin birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
    His identification as the Son of God
    His vicarious atonement for the sins of man kind by the shedding of His blood on the Cross
    The resurrection of His Body from the Tomb
    His power to save men from sin
    The new birth through regeneration by the Holy Spirit
    And the gift of eternal life by the grace of God

    And I didn't see any of that in that movie.

    Psalm 14:1

    At 3:15:09 PM on 4/12/2002, JAW Rex said:
    True dat

    At 7:35:28 PM on 4/11/2002, Seba said:
    I think that God created creatures in steps, tweaking the species every few million or so years, and the "first week" ended when humans became civilized or something. I mean, in the Bible, they didn't actually say how long each day was.

    P.S. I'm a Christian.

    At 11:11:05 PM on 4/8/2002, PorterM7Z said:
    ::scratches head::
    (confused) I... I like ponies.

    At 9:43:16 AM on 4/8/2002, bigoledork said:
    As for evolution, what makes a movie "Christian" enough, the evils of Harry Potter and other issues like that, these aren't major issues for someone walking daily with Jesus. In life, we have to major on the majors, and minor on the minors, and loving God and your neighbor is the numero uno major!
    Sure you'll find plenty (maybe the majority!) of Christians argueing about those minor issues. Sometimes to their folly, they're majoring on the minors!

    At 7:33:15 PM on 4/7/2002, pj said:
    im not just Christian, im Catholic

    but i find some things hard to agree with in my religion

    i believe in evolution and creation

    but i believe that God created man, we didn't evolve...........but everything else did

    see, if God creates something, and it evolves...isn't it still God's creature?

    At 8:02:30 PM on 4/6/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    pteranofan, I agree with everything you've just said.

    At 5:44:19 PM on 4/6/2002, JAW Rex said:
    It's great to see some more fellow Christians on here!

    At 4:43:11 PM on 4/6/2002, pteranofan said:
    It's weird that a film that has evolution as an absolute truth would be considered for a religious award. I think it has to do with Grant's comment in the engineering building, after Mrs. Kirby says "Is this how you make dinosaurs?" then Grant replies, "No, this is how you play god." The comment has kind of an 'only let God make creatures' meaning to it. Plus, this film was less violent and had less language than the other 2. Also, there was the "Family Values" ending. Oh, and don't get mad about those ignorant people burning Harry Potter books, jurassiraptor. I did too, at first, until I realized that to get those books, they had to pay for them. They are fueling the Harry Potter machine that they are trying to eliminate.
    P.S.: Is this another joke post Dan?

    At 2:28:20 PM on 4/6/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian too. But I get pissed off at those radical groups that label anything and everything that doesn't agree 100% with them. Like those church groups that burn Harry Potter books without even reading them, or those magazines that tell people not to go to museums because it supports evolution, which the Church does not believe even exists.

    At 11:30:02 AM on 4/6/2002, bigoledork said:
    I love Jesus! He has changed my life!
    It gets confusing to everyone when you tag the word "Christian" onto groups or awards, etc. Ironically, that term was actually invented by 1st century "non-christians" to kind of poke fun at the followers of "that so-called Christ". It literally means "Christ people". I guess it kind of stuck as a term of endearment though. Followers of Jesus are glad to be associated with his name, whatever the intentions were of those early name-callers. Just like today, when dc talk makes a song about being a "Jesus Freak", and proud of it.
    I can say this though. As one who has had my life changed by the love of Jesus, I was glad to see the Kirby family re-unite and decide to let love back in! Maybe that's where the Christian awards people coming from.

    At 9:50:28 AM on 4/6/2002, Dan said:
    I didn't know slicing people with swords and such was Christian.

    At 8:58:25 PM on 4/5/2002, Kervanna said:
    I'm glad LorR won.

    At 7:42:37 PM on 4/5/2002, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Hey, I'm a JP Christian!

    At 10:08:31 AM on 4/5/2002, KirbyPaint&Tile said:
    Jp3 chrisitan, wierd man.

    <a <p href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" width="110" height="75" alt="Matt's Movie Page- movie reviews and more!" border="0"></a>

    At 8:15:50 PM on 4/4/2002, Cheetah167 said:
    Who in the fucking hell decided to put Pearl Harbor on that list? AUGH!

    At 2:26:47 PM on 4/4/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    This is odd, considering that same group (and ones like it) totally lambasted JP and TLW for "supporting evolution" and other values that contradict with the beliefs of some Christian radicals.

    At 1:23:45 PM on 4/4/2002, Neelis said:
    First! What's it about?

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