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    Velociraptor is just one of the dinosaurs in the "raptor" family of dinos. It is actually the smallest of the group, consisting of Velociraptor, Deinonychus, Dromaeosaurus, and the recently discovered Utahraptor. (From: Irusha S.)
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    At 2:15:32 AM on 2/9/2002, Rictor said:
    Imagine a world where there would be no gay people... do you know how boring it would be? I mean come on, you wouldn't have Hollywood or dance music, or sons and daughters.

    You would instead have bad hairstyles and no art or beauty.

    I made it so that Mr. Spielberg was aware of this forum and the response given to me was, "Just wait til you see who or 'what' will be in Jurassic Park 4."

    At 7:44:41 PM on 2/8/2002, Excel said:
    If you ever see this messege Ceratopsian than let me tell you something. You said that you should be aloud to voice your opinion. And you should. I see no problem with that. But critisizing others opinions is absolutley horrible. And that is what you have been doing. And this is not an argument between just you and Richtor, its an argument between you and the entire gay/bi community. So I am not critisizing your opinion, just asking you not to critisize anyone else's.

    At 5:39:07 PM on 2/8/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Ceratopsian, it's not a 'life choice' as you put it, homosexuality is not a disease, and it's not a choice or prefrence. if someone said to you, you have to like guys, would you? no you wouldn't. Think about it the other way around. someone who is gay does not feel attracted to or feel any connection with the opposite sex. So that's why I am pissed off at you, because you assume things like it's a choice. that's all!

    At 8:30:19 PM on 2/6/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Fine, get the hell off this site. Nobody cares. You've only started posting a little while ago so nobody will miss you. Hell, nobody would miss you anyway even if you had been going to this site for a long time. But now that I think of it, I doubt you will go. You've said that before but you cameback.

    At 6:50:33 PM on 2/6/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Fine. You know what, it's quite obvious that I cant win anything here and I'm going to be told I'm wrong and or ignorant no matter what I say. I could say the sky is blue and one of you little jerks would say it's red with green spots and everybody would side with him. To Hell with all of you. You've won you're little battle, I'm out of here and I WILL NOT BE BACK. EVER.

    This site was supposed to be about Jurassic Park and dinosaurs, not Who's wrong and whos right in terms of homosexuality. Congratulations, you've ruined a great site.


    At 6:16:53 PM on 2/6/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Hah! Not every opinion in America matters. That's complete bullshit. Would some person's opinion that you've never met mean anything to you. Probably not. I mean come on, if you approached Bill Gates and said, "Your haircut sucks!", do you think he would care? Not a hope in hell he would. The truth is that very few opinions matter.

    At 9:40:52 AM on 2/6/2002, The Host said:
    I'm sorry, but if my opinion -- for example -- is that Jews are inferior peoples and don't deserve to live, then my opinion is invalid. And if my opinion is that homosexuals are inferior and homosexuality is evil, then my opinion is invalid. You're flat wrong.


    At 5:54:56 AM on 2/6/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Well, Host, You can just go straight to Hell. Oh, thats right you dont believe in an afterlife. You'll not to talk to me or anybody else here like that again. I dont know where you're from, nor do I care anymore, but in America everyones opinion matters.

    Notice how I've not insulted you.

    At 12:56:51 AM on 2/6/2002, The Host said:
    Understand one thing:

    The notion that everybody's opinion is valid is bunk. Utter tripe. When your opinion arbitrarily casts judgement on an entire group of people -- when your opinion embodies intolerance and hatred and fear -- then your bloody opinion is wrong. Get it? W-R-O-N-G.

    You are not in any way whatsoever entitled to the opinion that homosexuality is wrong, because your right to hold an opinion ends at homosexuals' right to live free from scrutiny and fear and, in short, be as they are.

    I'm a straight male, and I personally think the whole Alan/Billy thing is pretty silly. But it is not so nearly profoundly stupid as your justification that this is your opinion, after all, and (implicit in your statements) everybody's allowed to have an opinion.

    I, sir, would beg to differ.


    [Allow me to add one more thing: I am far more justified in calling you a 'fucking moron,' being as you've displayed here obstinate idiocy. You, on the other hand, are in no way justified to insult or offend people you don't even know simply because of a lifestyle choice you don't agree with.]

    At 10:14:22 PM on 2/5/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    You guys are unbelievable. You expect to be treated fairly and be respected for your views and yet when someone like myself comes along who doesnt agree with your views and voices his views, you jump on him. Like I said before, I was totally willing to be open-minded and not as vocal. Then as I stated my view, good ol' self-rightous Rictor comes along and attacks me. If this was a fight, which you all certainly made it out to be, it should have been between me and Rictor. I cant help but think the rest of you showed up when you smelt blood in the water, hoping to get a peice of me for yourselves. I'm not the only one who disagrees with you, but I'm the only one who's been singled out. Aqua Raptor what the hell did I ever do to you? Oh, thats right, I voiced and stood by my opinion. I'm sorry I'm not as open-minded as you all might like but I do stand by my beliefs. Where I'm from, that lifechoice is not accepted and we must certainly operate on a different set of values than the rest of you.
    Host, I'm sorry you hate me and wish I'd crawl back under my rock. I'm sorry you don't believe in God, but I'm not going to judge you the way you did me. Cant we all just agree to disagree and leave this damn topic alone. You all cannot be swayed from your view and I wont be swayed from mine.

    The Hated Ceratopsian

    At 12:49:33 PM on 2/5/2002, The Host said:
    Ceratopsian, you make me wish I believed in God, just so that I could imagine there was a hell in which you might burn.

    My only solace is that your anachronistic prejudice, utter stupidity, and sad ignorance will probably leave you alone and laughed at as this human race moves on and grows up.

    I'm glad not everybody is not so shockingly narrow-minded as you. Go back to your cave and crawl under your rock: that's where you belong.

    Fucking moron.


    At 6:52:49 PM on 2/4/2002, Velociraptor87 said:
    well said, Excel

    At 7:17:15 PM on 2/3/2002, Excel said:
    You know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with people being gay, bi, lesbians, or whatever. It is the way people are. Everybody is different, not everyone is straight. I think that everyone has something about them that makes them unique. For me, I can sing good. For them, they have a different way of looking at the same sex which I think there is nothing wrong with. And for you guys... its obviously to critisize people on those qualities. That writer used Jurassic Park charactors in her story so non-straight people who are reading would have a role model to look up to and not feel lonely. Maybe its not the way Michael Crichton envisioned his character Alan. Maybe it didn't cross Joe Johnston's mind that Billy would be gay, (or bisexual because he did look like he was hitting on Cheryl) but no one said they weren't. So I think that anyone who makes fun of those individuals are the ones who need to open there eyes and see that there are so many people in the world that are different. I grew up in a straight community and was a little prejudiced. Then I moved into the city and was hit with the realization that there are so many different people in this world. OK I'm done.

    At 4:00:25 AM on 2/3/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Sorry, just got angry there for a second!

    At 8:44:03 PM on 2/2/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    You're all nuts.

    At 8:26:14 PM on 2/2/2002, Velociraptor87 said:

    At 6:12:18 AM on 2/2/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Josh Turner, go to hell

    At 6:10:02 AM on 2/2/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Ceratopsian, you should never come back. No one wants you here with that attitude. I thought you were slightly understanding of people different from you. But you aren't. and nor do you want to be. Gay people are human too, and just like everyone other person on this planet they need some respect. So don't you dare come back here and post your ignorant, hateful comments about people you don't know. I have a feeling you are Gay, and just bitter that you couldn't be straight, or something to that effect. Grow up, you arrogant, Homophobic C**t

    At 3:10:11 AM on 2/2/2002, Rictor said:
    Ceratopsian, get over yourself.

    You speak as though you are God's gift to women. Once you finish puberty and get out of high school, you'll realize you're in for a rude awakening. The gay community will be there for you when you decide to come out.

    At 1:42:02 AM on 2/2/2002, Velociraptor87 said:
    I rest my case.

    At 1:42:02 AM on 2/2/2002, Velociraptor87 said:
    I rest my case.

    At 1:39:51 AM on 2/2/2002, Velociraptor87 said:
    One...Question- (im not saying this to any specific people..im just saying it) Why are there so many hateful people in the world?

    Answer- They get too many idea's from reading weird books or watching weird stuff on TV. This may not be true, its just my opinion.

    Two... Here's a little analogy for you. CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT. All of you are just wasting time debating whether or not Alan and Billy are gay over some stupid curiosity its killing your interest in the movie.

    At 8:26:00 PM on 2/1/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    How am I a SOB Rictor? You gave your opinion and I did'nt make objections or make fun of or attack you, I merely offered my own opinion. If anybody here is an SOB, it's you.Hell, I was even going to try and be nice to you. I was also going to try to be a bit more understanding, but, because you choose to attack me unprevoked, all bets are off.

    To partially borrow from your remark, it's funny how you queers always try to inflict your biologically backwards ways on movie characters and other such individuals. The JP films were about dinosaurs and human interactions, not about putting characters in films and having audiences try to figure out whos straight and whos not. So they were the only ones with accents, that doesnt make them fruits. James Bond had a accent and he certainly wasnt one of your "people". Don't even bother coming back at me with one of your failed attempts to be funny. You're not funny, the only thing funny about you is your messed up, sad little lifestyle. This is the last time I'll post on this topic, no matter how much you try to gode me into coming back.

    In closing, let me offer you a suggestion. Try the straight lifestyle, because girls are prettier than boys and you wont get picked on nearly as much. Hope I did'nt offend you, as the opinion of homos means SOOO much to me.

    At 6:28:43 PM on 2/1/2002, Rictor said:
    Ceratopsian just when I start to think you're okay, you say something that makes you look like a total SOB. Now why can't there be a gay character? BTW people, Roland the T Rex hunter and his associate were gay in JP2. Funny how you dorkos never noticed it.

    At 4:09:13 PM on 2/1/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    there maybe no have been gay characters, but there were gay actors in the JP series

    At 8:15:09 AM on 2/1/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    No offense, but we did the first three without homosexuals, and the fourth film should also follow suit.

    Bring back the Dr's Grant, Malcolm, S. Harding and a newly single Ms. Sattler. Aso Tim, Lex, Tembo, Van Owen and the Kirbys.

    At 1:59:58 AM on 2/1/2002, Rictor said:
    Do you think Sarah Harding would return to the island? Which characters do you see returning? Perhaps Amanda Kirby would return to pay off the debt to Alan Grant... since the check her husband wrote was bogus. Perhaps a TV crew for a "Survivor-like" show would be the idea? Talk about Real TV! It should be interesting never the less. And of course, we need a gay character this time! LOL Nathan Lane running from the dinosaurs, or better yet, Harvey Fierstein! Talk about priceless!

    At 11:52:39 PM on 1/31/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Captain Dinobot, you are forgiven. I don't hold grudges. and sometimes i understand that people find it hard to accept people different than them. I know I do sometimes. so thanks for the apology. It shows that the world isn's as intollerant as I once thought.

    At 10:02:53 PM on 1/31/2002, EVA01 said:
    OMG people you guys are looking WAY into it (like those hentai sites about the gundam wing boys). PUH-LEASE they are NOT homosexuals they are FRIENDS nit homosexual lovers for crying out loud! Ok I'm done. But this is some peoples wildest fantasies that's all.

    At 8:14:59 PM on 1/31/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    I also agree with that let's get back to dino-related info and put this behind us. I'd like to apologize to Aqua Raptor and any of your friends who were offended by me and any one else offended. I hope even if you don't forgive me that at least you understand that I wasn't directing those comments to any group of people but the individuals who made that site and I should not have said that any person should die for doing things of that degree. If I thought it was so stupid then why did I make a big deal out of it. JP3 is still cool no matter what other people "make up" about. My comments were horrible but not with any real intent to harm or intelligence behind them. I am sorry Aqua Raptor and I don't need or deserve an apology from you for what you called me. To all I have offended I am sorry. Otherwise I'd like to see a JP4 that has alot of Dinosaurs in it like Utah Raptor, Oviraptor, Allosaurus, and Gigantosaurus. And don't forget Trex, Raptor, and Spinosaurus, and Dilophosaurus who hasn't been in it since the first one.

    Captain Dinobot signing off......

    At 7:28:34 PM on 1/31/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    I'd like to see all Hell breaking out at the first half of the movie and then things are gradually taken under control, ending with the sucessful opening of a new Jurassic Park

    At 6:17:05 PM on 1/31/2002, Rictor said:
    But... but... this is fun! Debate is fun!

    So since you all wanna talk about Dinosaurs, what do you think happens in JP4?

    My thoughts... I'm kinda hoping we see a T Rex geneticaly enginered with Canine dna... making him man's best friend! Kids would love a friendly T Rex...

    At 5:45:35 PM on 1/31/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Good idea!

    At 5:10:32 PM on 1/31/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    I'd be upset, but I'd get over it. He was right in saying those eggs would be worth a fortune. One can only wonder how baby velociraptors might fare growing up outside of Isla Sorna.

    Rictor, while I'm not going to apologize for or change my view on that issue, I'd like to apologize if I offended you or anyone else. My remarks are merely my views and nobody else has to follow them. In actuality it was my sense of humor which caused me to return. Lets leave this issue alone and get back to dino-related stuff.

    At 12:58:10 AM on 1/31/2002, Rictor said:
    I would be happy. In fact I would be so happy I would kiss him! Heh heh

    At 6:48:42 PM on 1/30/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Dude, wouldn't you look distaught and torn if you lost a friend? Or would you just go " Oh well, no biggie." like some heartless monster? And not very many people would go" Get over it. I took the eggs, so what." And if you thought your friend was killed but you found him/her alive later wouldn't you be happy?

    At 6:33:58 PM on 1/30/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    N'Sync is the worst band in the history and bad bands. I listen to Linkin Park, Gorillaz, Alien Ant Farm, Sum 41,etc

    At 2:24:44 PM on 1/30/2002, Rictor said:
    I watched JP3 again last night to see if there was any validity to the possible homosexual reference.

    Billy does look at Alan in a "sincere" way in many scenes and when he was scolded in the bird cage for taking the eggs, he looked like a puppy that just got punished. Any other dude would have said to Alan, "Get over it. I took the eggs, so what?" Instead we have Billy looking like the life force was just taken away from him. Then after the group escapes and are on the little boat, Alan seems to be quite distraught and torn over losing Billy. And when they are reunited at the end in the helicopter, look at the way Billy looks at Alan when he leaves him to sit in his chair... There is some validity here. Granted it maye just be a crush, but I think it's apparent.

    Ceratopsian, I'll get a life if you get a sense of humor.

    At 11:41:20 AM on 1/30/2002, JP SUPERFREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:
    Well heres my two cents. I honestly think all of you who are posting gaybashing messages are repulsive. I have a friend who happens to be gay and I showed him the messages. He got a good laugh over your subintelligence.

    Also, regarding these stories, this phenomenon all started with K-S zines 20 years ago. These were fanzines written mostly by horny middle aged housewives and they were homosexual fan fics about Captain Kirk and Mister Spock with eachother. Mostly it was women who subscribed to these magazines because they wanted to read sexual stories about these characters, but didn't really want to read about them with other women (same thing as guys reading steamy fiction about lesbians). This spawned a whole genre of pornography. Picard and Riker, Frodo and Sam, Indy and Marcus Alan and Billy, just to name a few. In all cases its a few gay people who read them and a LOT of middle aged women who write the fiction. Strange but true.

    Just for the record I am not gay nor a middle aged woman (I'm an 18 year old straight man, If any ladies reading this are interested) and I have never actually read any of these odd fan fics.


    At 7:50:53 AM on 1/30/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Ooh that was SO funny and it hurt my feelings SO bad.....

    Get a life Rictor.

    At 2:08:21 AM on 1/30/2002, Rictor said:
    Oh and I used the name "Dan" as an homage, out of respect. :-) Not to make fun of. Like I said, my proof reader was unavailable. By the way Raptor Strike, Do you listen to N'Sync?

    At 1:54:36 AM on 1/30/2002, Rictor said:
    Sorry, my proof reader, Ceratopsian, was busy in bible study and couldn't read my work in time for the deadline. LOL

    At 12:01:06 AM on 1/30/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Hahahahah!!! I can't believe some people don't know what a fanfic is!!! Ah sigh....

    At 11:59:15 PM on 1/29/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Nice story Rictor but it had mistakes. For one Alan and Dr. Grant are the same guy. And were you trying to make fun of Dan by saying that he's gay???

    At 11:28:54 PM on 1/29/2002, arvingeddon said:
    you know, if somebody made like a fan fic about lex and ellie or sarah and ellie getting it on there'd be a LOT less complaints. i personally find "fans" that would lose faith in their favorite movie just because their favorite characters were homosexual (not saying that they are, but if there's a site about it, there must be some evidence to it).

    what if it was true? what if crichton or spielberg or neill goes and says "grant and billy are gay lovers," would it really take away from your enjoyment of the movie? well, i got news for you, they never said they were flat-out straight, so that possibility has always been there. you having a problem with it is just that, a problem with you.

    At 10:49:08 PM on 1/29/2002, Rictor said:

    Okay... here goes. We'll call you Certa.

    Our story takes place at a Marine Base, Camp Pendelton, in San Diego. Amanda Kirby, still sore and dirty from her adventures on Isla Nublar, over heard a young man making gay jokes about Billy and Dr. Grant. Still filled with adrenaline from her fight for life on the dinosaur island, she grabbed Certa by his collar and dragged him against his will over to her just landed helicopter.

    "You think making fun of gay people is funny? I'll show you whats funny!"

    Certa struggled to break free from the Oklahoma woman's grip. "Let me go," he yelled.

    Eric Kirby, Amanda's young teenage son, came running over. "Mom what are you doing to him?"

    Amanda threw Certa into the helicopter and locked the door shut. She backed away from the helicopter and gave the military pilot the thumbs up to take off. Certa was on his way to an island off of Costa rica.

    Eric walked over to his mother who was out of breath. "Mom, whats with Alan and Dr Grant?" He pointed to where both men were standing.

    Amanda glanced over and saw something she did not expect. "Um, Eric, just drop it. It's none of our business."

    "But mom, they're kissing!"

    "So? Your uncle Dan is gay. What do you think those kind of poeople do? listen to Madonna all day long? Come on, lets look for your father."

    At 9:31:06 PM on 1/29/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Go ahead

    At 9:24:34 PM on 1/29/2002, Rictor said:
    Ceratopsian, being straight does not give you character or class or an automatic intelligence (apparently).

    I think I will write a fanfic featuring Alan and Billy finding a little 12 year old that runs around with the name Ceratopsian and have him get beaten up by Eric. Worse yet, have Amanda Kirby kick Ceratopsian's butt. LOL And then Ceratopsian wakes up hanging upside down on Isla Nublar from a tree with 2 raptors jumping up at him...

    Just kidding.

    At 5:38:48 PM on 1/29/2002, mr.elliesattler said:

    At 4:56:15 PM on 1/29/2002, Bling said:
    hey i lived in georgia

    At 4:46:46 PM on 1/29/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Hey, I happen to like Georgia VinGens. Oh, I may be arrogant Rictor, but at least I'm straight.

    At 3:54:56 PM on 1/29/2002, VInGens said:
    WHY must everyone hate on Georgia so much? That bothers me :P

    At 2:49:50 PM on 1/29/2002, JohnHammond said:
    We are all a little shocked, and, for lack of a better word, appauled at this perversion of two JP characters, but let's be realistic here; who's to say that Dr. Grant is or is not gay, and that goes for Billy as well. Let's not start gay bashing just because we're upset about this, I mean, no where is it written in Jurassic Park or Jurassic Park /// that Alan Grant is a heterosexual. I'm not condoning this kind of behavior, all Dan meant to do was open us up to th influence that the Jurassic Park franchise has had on people. But again, let's not "nuke the fags" or w/e you people have been saying, because like Dan said, thinking that small-mindedly will not get you very far in today's society, unless you plan on livnig in Georgia as a mechanic.

    At 12:48:57 PM on 1/29/2002, danoodleman said:
    Maybe Grant has some frog DNA.

    At 12:29:20 PM on 1/29/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    If you read my comment "The people who made that site should burn." you'd see that it was not directed at gay people but at the people who create these sick websites insulting characters from movies or from TV shows or anything for that matter. I didn't read the site or visit it so I dont know for sure, but how do we know the authors of that story or stories are gay, maybe they are perverts or anti JP3. People shouldn't create sites like that. Like Evilgrinch said it is hard to look at things the same way after hearing this. If you can be offended by what I said then how come I can't be offended by a story that seems to be saying JP3 is gay.

    At 9:40:13 AM on 1/29/2002, Matthew said:
    You didn't HAVE to post that story, Dan. Nobody who visits this site would be interested in it.

    At 9:29:00 AM on 1/29/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Survivor is a little bit different than Jurassic Park, so different in fact that I think most comparisons are invalid. I did'nt see any dinosaurs, aside from a few birds on Survivor. Get off it

    At 5:23:48 AM on 1/29/2002, SuperJonk said:
    No, I agree with Capton Dinobot... I think the people who made that site should burn!!

    lol that's hilarious though. Can you believe the length of these stories??? Man, if you make a discussion and tons and tons of stories about a supposed gay relationship between two characters on the internet, then you my friend, plainly have TOO MUCH TIME!

    But if its something awesome like this awesome site, then thats a different story. (not trying to kiss boot lol)

    I will quote Evil Grinch in what he said "I will never be able to watch Jp3 in the same way again.

    This is a sad day."

    Anyhoo -- hey Dan!! Everyone else! Do you guys remember me? I stopped reading the comments because I couldn't see JP/// because I was out of town working. I came back in November, and at 12:00am on December 11th at KMart, I finally bought Jurassic Park/// on DVD and was finally able to watch it! I'd say its more for JP-freaks like us, but it's awesome!

    Joe did a great job with what he was given.

    Thanks everyone!

    *My mom bought me the trilogy set the other day too, so that's cool.

    Thanks for the awesome site to come to, Dan!

    At 12:08:20 AM on 1/29/2002, Rictor said:
    Maybe Billy isn't gay, but instead a total player? We saw the way he was working that girl at the dig site! Dr. Grant seems like a lonely man and would probably take any kind of human compassion and warmth if it were offered to him. I'd give it to him.

    And I think a "gay" can last longer than 10 minutes on the island. Look at that original "Survivor" winner, Richard Hatch. He wasn't into the ladies and he made it out on the island! So much for that arrogant ignorant comment by Ceratopsian.

    At 10:28:59 PM on 1/28/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    That's really pissed me off now! Dan, great page, it's awesome, I have really enjoyed coming here for the past year or so, but I'm not coming back with ignorant jerks crusing the place.

    At 10:25:40 PM on 1/28/2002, Aqua_raptor said:
    Yeah good on you Dan,

    I just have to say that I personally don't care what people think of Bill and Alan when it comes to their relationship. It's odd i agree. But i would like to say to Captain Dinobot, you are an arrogant prick! I can't believe you would ever wish that upon any human being, gay, straight, black, white, tall, short.. whatever! Maybe i am the only person left that has an open mind and is no prejudice. It makes me sick really. I have friends and also family that are gay, and seeing your comments, makes me want to leave the site, and never come back!

    At 10:20:16 PM on 1/28/2002, Dan said:
    I think the point of this news item is not to start a debate over whether Alan and Billy are gay, but just to educate everyone that there are people out there on the Internet who think this way. I personally find it quite odd, but then again, whatever floats your boat....

    And I should add that words like "queer" and "homo" are insulting to people who are gay. For those of you who think gay people should be "nuked".. well, all I have to say is that if you have a hard time grasping the concept that there are people in the world that are different than you, you won't get very far in life.


    At 10:07:03 PM on 1/28/2002, JurassicRaptor said:
    Ya'll are homos.

    At 10:05:31 PM on 1/28/2002, JurassicRaptor said:
    Jeeze Dan,
    Are you off visiting these pages when your not updating the Fanart???

    At 9:03:58 PM on 1/28/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    Once again, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course they're close, they're scientist and protege. Dr. Grant is a father figure to Billy, not his queer lover. And is it just me, or did Billy seem really into that brunette at the dig-site?

    If you're gonna say these two classic characters are gay, what about other movie characters?

    Maybe Malcolm's a pedophile because he hugged Lex and Tim?

    Maybe Han Solo goes inter-species because he spends most of his time with a Wookie?

    Maybe the Blues Brothers arent even brothers but just use it as a front to hide their queerness?

    Maybe Luke Skywalker is into incest because he kissed his sister?

    This entire thing is stupid. We shouldnt try to insert hidden meanings to make it look like a film is trying to make some bold statement, we should just enjoy it as a good story and leave it at that.

    Oh, and for what it's worth, I doubt a gay would have lasted ten minutes on Isla Sorna.

    At 7:34:59 PM on 1/28/2002, Rictor said:
    Okay people, first of all lighten up.

    Second, I kinda suspected something was up with Dr. Grant and Billy. I mean, Alan's breakup with Ellie was not mentioned nor explained in the movie and they seemed to be really good friends now. Billy is Alan's new "assistant" and they seemed to be a little too close.

    Granted it's all into interpretation. For example: It's like that scene in Gone With the Wind when Rhett carries Scarlett against her will up the stairs. Did he rape her? Because the next scene shows her yawning in bed and happy as can be. You decide.

    We will just have to wait and see what happens in JPIV. Steven Spielberg is very pro gay (he stepped down from the Boy Scouts Honorary Committe because of their lack of tolerance on the issue) so who knows. I'll ask him when I see him next.

    At 6:37:19 PM on 1/28/2002, Carter said:
    I'm gonna stick my neck out here, I DO think Grant is Gay. My older sister brought it up after she rented JP///. Grants odd relationship with Ellie in JP/// made it seem pretty clear.

    At 6:18:42 PM on 1/28/2002, Vinsfeld said:
    oh ok

    At 6:04:30 PM on 1/28/2002, pteranofan said:
    As if the internet wasn't sick enough already! They aren't gay. Besides, who opens a site just to discuss the "status" of two fictional characters. Again, sick!

    At 5:09:13 PM on 1/28/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    No, I only posted that because you seem to keep picking on people and I think it should stop.

    At 4:49:26 PM on 1/28/2002, Vinsfeld said:
    was that aimed to attack me?

    At 4:16:44 PM on 1/28/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    Coming up next: Tips by Vinsfeld on how your dad can screw you.

    At 3:54:58 PM on 1/28/2002, Ceratopsian said:
    In the words of the immortal Robert Muldoon, "They should all be destroyed."

    At 3:10:34 PM on 1/28/2002, Evilgrinch said:
    I will never be able to watch Jp3 in the same way again.

    This is a sad day.


    At 2:57:08 PM on 1/28/2002, Vinsfeld said:
    Wait, whats next? Jimmy 345 and HOJU's page.
    * Stares menacingly at Jimmy 345 *
    *throws large frying pan at Jimmy 345*

    At 2:52:17 PM on 1/28/2002, Darknodin said:
    Frodo and Sam?

    At 2:25:22 PM on 1/28/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    BURN THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!

    At 2:25:04 PM on 1/28/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    BURN THEM!!!!!!

    At 2:24:47 PM on 1/28/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    BURN THEM!!!!!!!

    At 2:24:20 PM on 1/28/2002, Captain Dinobot said:
    The people who made that site should burn.

    At 1:49:01 PM on 1/28/2002, Raptor Strike said:
    That's nasty. Why would anyone ever make a site like that? They're all freaks.

    At 1:12:58 PM on 1/28/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Have = having

    At 1:12:30 PM on 1/28/2002, Oviraptor said:
    And Ellie's have an affair with Grant.

    At 1:12:00 PM on 1/28/2002, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah Billy and Cheryl are together.

    At 1:10:57 PM on 1/28/2002, jurassiraptor said:
    Alan and Billy aren't gay!

    At 12:50:43 PM on 1/28/2002, beno_yo said:

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