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    JP's Dr. Wu (B.D. Wong) appeared on Broadway in the 1999 revival of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". (From: Dr. Alan Dark)
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    At 9:56:13 PM on 12/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Nope. I do admit though I've been swearing on other sites but not here.

    At 7:15:23 PM on 12/1/2001, JAW Rex said:
    I exept the apology, Stegasaurus. One thing that Jesus always wants us to do is forgive eachother. Maybe we can learn to be friends.
    P.S.: I'm very happy to see you not swearing. Keep up the good work, dude!

    At 8:22:57 PM on 11/30/2001, Stegasaurus said:

    At 4:59:34 PM on 11/29/2001, JAW Rex said:
    No prob!

    At 1:10:03 PM on 11/29/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    I agree with you JAW. Some people just have nothing better to do. They're not worth bothering with.
    Thanks for being a good friend and sticking up for me JAW.

    At 10:51:48 PM on 11/28/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Stegasaurus, give me a break. It's sad if all you can do is act stupid and insult me and SpinoJP3. Forget you. I'm going to try to ignore you and not let what you say bother me anymore. At least SpinoJP3 is a good friend, doesn't swear, and is mature. He had the right idea not to let your insults bother him.
    P.S.: Host isn't cool at all.

    At 6:20:05 PM on 11/26/2001, raptorman69 said:
    Harry Potter was prtty good, but I liked the JP trilogy better.

    -Is it a streak of movement, or your life flashing before your eyes? The raptor returns for a second bite!-

    At 9:12:21 PM on 11/25/2001, pteranofan said:
    I personnaly liked Harry Potter Day, as well as the movie itself. It was really great stuff. Still, it's good to get back to some Jurassic Park related news.

    At 12:42:05 PM on 11/25/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    The only cool person that goes to this site right now is the HOST!!

    At 12:37:48 PM on 11/25/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    spino Jp3 and Jaw rex sleep together! You know, whatever happened to talking about JP4 rumors on this page. That's when everyone loved me. Now I just am trying to bring a little entertainment to this site and all of the gays go crazy. Whatever happened to Evilgrinch?

    At 9:56:43 PM on 11/23/2001, JAW Rex said:
    No problem, dude! What are friends for?

    At 3:35:29 PM on 11/23/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    Thanks JAW. Stegasaurus does not bother me at all. Got to feel sorry for people like that really. It's just sad that he thinks he's good and does not know what a fool he makes of himself.
    Thanks again JAW. It's good to know that there is someone cool on this site.

    At 1:06:52 AM on 11/23/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Leave SpinoJP3 alone! You're not funny at all! You just make yourself sound stupid by swearing!
    P.S.: I don't want any involvement with you, I wrote this comment to stick up for my friend, SpinoJP3.

    At 12:35:01 AM on 11/23/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Spinojp3, WHO THE FUCK ASKED YOU DICKCOCK ASSHOLE ANUS FUCKER!!!!????? I happen to be the funniest mother fucker in this world let alone this site so you can uhh yeah. Also, I'm not trying to outsmart anyone or anything I just like to show everyone that I'm a badass MOTHER FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 3:19:12 AM on 11/21/2001, Mattman said:
    How so?

    At 11:15:11 PM on 11/20/2001, JAW Rex said:
    You're the one who is acting like an immature idiot, Host. You're obviously not very bright if all you can do is immitate. Personally, I'm fed up with you, and I don't give a rip whether you like me or not. I'm tired of arguing. I've tried time after time to help you, but you're as blind as a bat, and this stupid HP witch craft thing has sucked you down deep. I don't care if you have a problem with me. If you won't listen, leave me alone. Just do me a favor and remember what I said when Jesus comes back.
    P.S.: The Bible is more than just a book-it's God's Word! It has more than enough evidence!

    At 8:07:12 PM on 11/20/2001, Dr.Grant's son said:
    Jurassic Park rules Harry Potter Sucks

    At 7:59:34 PM on 11/20/2001, Spino Man said:
    Got a question Hosts. If your fed up with JAW telling us all about this religous stuff, then log off. Its called common sense.

    At 7:14:55 PM on 11/20/2001, Mattman said:
    Since Jurassic Park supports evolutionary theory through natural selection and Chaos theory, I wonder why JAW Rex doesn't find JP to be Satanism since it leaves little room for God?

    At 7:05:59 PM on 11/20/2001, Mattman said:
    haha, careful, his head might implode as he attempts to interpret scientific terms. He has such a grand time arguing against fact that truth can only be a genuinely painful thing.

    Oh well, if he really thinks Harry Potter is Satanism then I guess it's 93 million take at the box office must be pretty frightening. There's a lot of Satanists out there! lol. At 8 bucks a pop, that's 11,625,000 Satanists!

    At 6:43:01 PM on 11/20/2001, The Host said:
    JAW, you have no idea what you're talking about. For the millionth time, you're being frustratingly annoying and altogether uncool. I don't need any more proof that you're an idiot. Just about everybody here agrees that you're an idiot. You'd have to be to think Harry Potter promotes witch craft and sorcery to kids. You admit to being an idiot freely! And there is perfect proof that you're an idiot -- your posts! Anyway, it's a gut instinct that you're stupid! Do you think you "evolved" into a homo sapien sapien? You couldn't have, because the quality of humanity presumes greater biological complexity than your average amoeba, and this is one trait you don't share. It's pretty clear from your posts. My comments are not baseless. How many times must I repeat myself? Think about this, please.
    P.S. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    -The Host

    [Gee, that was fun.]

    At 6:40:46 PM on 11/20/2001, Mattman said:
    Once again JAW Rex, you provided no evidence. Thank you for proving my point exactly. The Bible is a book, not evidence. Stories in a book written by humans are not evidence. What you say you feel in your gut has no basis in fact, it's just what you have convinced yourself of. If you tell me there is an invisible blue rabbit on your shoulder, I'm simply not going to believe you without proof. Centuries ago people knew in their gut that the Earth was flat. Evolution has plenty of evidence supporting it. It's all around us. And if you can't comprehend us coming from nothing, I ask you, where did God come from?

    Finally, why is kids flying on broomsticks satanism? Because you ascociate that practice with witches? If you knew what YOU were talking about, you'd know that witchcraft isn't always ascociated with Satan. You do know it's not real, right? Perhaps if you'd seen the movie or read the book you'd know that the kids in the story are mostly good kids who use their powers in a positive way, to save the world from evil. The bad kids are portrayed in a bad light, and bad things happen to them. How is that Satanism? It sounds like the same morals the Bible offers.

    Allow me to respond for you, because you've become quite predictable: "You're not making any sense! It IS Satanism because I say it IS. And that's FACT because I know it in my gut. BELIEVE IT."

    At 4:21:31 PM on 11/20/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Mattman, you have no idea what you're talking about. For the millionth time, I'm not intentionally annoying you or anyone else, or trying to sound cool, I just am trying to help you see who God is. I don't need any more proof that J.K.Rowling is a satanist. My parents and siblings agree Rowling is a satanist. You'd have to be to promote witch craft and sorcery to kids. Rowling admits to being a satanist freely! And there is perfect proof of the existence of God-the Bible! Anyway, it's a gut instinct that there is a God! Do you think we just came out of nothing into existence and "evolved" into what we are today? We couldn't have, because there is no such thing as evolution, and there is a God, who created all of us. It even says so in the Bible. My comments are not baseless. How many times must I repeat myself? And excuse me, but I did not spacifically say that all who read HP books will burn in hell. Those who repent and find the Lord and serve Him will have eternal life, but those who continue following Satan and the evil of the world, and refuse God, will burn. Think about this, please.
    P.S.: Don't say I didn't warn you, Host.
    P.S.S.: Thanks again, SpinoJP3! Sure can't blame you for leaving this place! I'm out of here to. It's sad so many of these people are so completely blind.

    At 3:53:36 PM on 11/20/2001, Kervanna said:
    At first I hated Harry Potter, and then I started reading the books. Then I loved it.I saw the movie on Friday and loved it but it will never be as good as the book.
    I don't think HP is witchcraft or demonic. I believe in God but I think there is no sin as to what we can and cannot read. All you so called christians on the board, you are just too damn serious about this. And I don't think that by making up a story about witches and wizards makes Rowling a satanist. You make it seem as if the whole book is nothing but learning witchcraft when really it's about so much more then that. It's more of finding yourself in a world you are just getting to know.

    At 3:37:52 PM on 11/20/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    I think alot of the people complaining are missing the point, it is Dan's page, and he can do whatever he damn-well pleases with it, I personally thought it was neat,

    -Drakk )))

    At 1:33:50 PM on 11/20/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    Excuse me but Harry Potter IS promoting witchcraft! Lets's face t "The Host" and "Mattman", if little children flying around on broomsticks isn't promoting it then I don't know what does.
    Harry Potter will NEVER have the legendary feel of Jurassic Park. JP has a far better meaning : Dinosaurs did live unlike spoilt children learning how to fly!

    Who said that the Harry Potter was going to be only on here for a day? Look, days later and it is still plastered over this page.
    We want InGenNET back. There were a few good people there unlike this site. Most of the comments here are just filth and Dan can't be bothered to delete them.
    I'm going to JP Database. It can't be any worse than this site.

    At 12:59:10 PM on 11/20/2001, Mattman said:
    JAW Rex, one more thing. You implied in one of your statements that those who read Harry Potter books will burn in Hell, and that you can't stop them. So, I ask you, how do you know that the books contain evil if you yourself have never read them? Surely you've never read them, because if you had, by your own standards you would burn in hell.

    I'm sure that when and if you respond you will do so with more baseless assumptions, but logic is much more powerful.

    At 12:48:16 PM on 11/20/2001, Mattman said:
    Ok, JAW Rex, apparently the Christian thing to do is pretend you're not angry while intentionally annoying everyone else. Btw, maybe you should provide some actual proof that the author of Potter is a Satanist before hurling such a ridiculous accusation. Maybe a little more proof than simply, "because I say so." For one, there is no scientific proof of witchcraft, God, or Satan, therefore all your comments have been baseless. Harry Potter is fantasy, which you seem to have confused with reality.

    Now, on to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. What a great movie! I've never read the books but I had a splendid time with this film! It's got a great morals for children and remains highly entertaining for adults. It was a hefty 2 and a half hours but I never noticed the time! I recommend it to the open-minded people on this board (who thankfully outweigh the minority of close-minded people on the board).

    At 10:15:05 AM on 11/20/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Why does nearly 50% of anyting posted on this website have to end up eventually as a religious argument? Can't we all just leave these out of certain posts?

    <font color=gold> To have an opinion may make us human, but it is wise not to let these opinions rule or corrupt your judgement.</font>

    At 8:20:41 AM on 11/20/2001, The Host said:
    So if you're not with God, you're against him? Don't tell me he's taking his cues from George W.

    As I've said before, believe what you want. But if you try to force your belief on me once more, I'm going to become rather angry. I'm already annoyed. I want you to say something with me now: 'We live in a free society and as such I respect your beliefs.' Can you do that? Please? And then stop trying to dissuade me from the path I've chosen of my own free will, and stop lambasting people for reading a book. Seriously, dude. We can do what we want whether you agree or disagree, and you, of all people, are not going to persuade us one way or another. So, please, stop your clucking, because we don't want to read it: as entertaining as it is, it's also rather insulting and just a little infuriating.


    At 7:45:15 AM on 11/20/2001, Spino Man said:
    Wht doesn't every body lay off Harry Potter. If you don't want to see it, go see another movie. I've been reading these posts and damn! Your all a bunch of babies!

    At 12:52:48 AM on 11/20/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Not well worded! Listen up, Host, you can throw insults at me, and I'll try to deal with it, but you will not I repeat will not insult the living God and have me take it well!!! You have no right to do that! There is a hell, and there is a heaven. And it sadly looks like you're headed to hell, whether you want to believe it or not! Witches do sadly exist, I do not believe in fairies and such, and I only believe in the God of Israel, because there only is one God! I was only trying to help you see the truth! I'm not making you do anything! And by the way, I am not trying to save your soul, because I can't, and you sure as you're alive can't save your soul, only God can! He created you and me both for goodness sake! I'm not trying to be all cool and "bloody righteous and judgemental" as you put it, I'm just trying to make you see that God exists, and the only way to heaven is through Him! He is not a "so-called god", He is God, the one and only! Will you ever see the truth? He is not trying to cast people to eternal flame, He wants all of us to live in heaven with Him forever! He loves all of us, even you! "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."-John 3:16. Please listen to me! He watches over each of us every day! I'm not trying to be "righteous and judgemental", I just want you to see who God is! I will never betray Him, there is only one God! Trust me, if you're not serving God you are serving Satan! I will keep you in prayer, and hope someday you find the Lord, and repent of insulting Him. I don't want to have anything more to do with you, unless you find God.

    At 11:56:05 PM on 11/19/2001, Trespasser said:
    My Thoughts exactly, The Host. Very well worded, although I somehow doubt he'll ever read that.

    At 11:41:48 PM on 11/19/2001, The Host said:
    Just for the record, I'm not against God. For me to be against God, he'd have to exist, wouldn't he? Oh, yeah, and being as there's no hell, I fear no burning.

    Look, in utter seriousness, I'm atheist but not antitheist. As I've stated before, if you want to believe in gods and witches and faeries and the like, you go ahead. But do not presume to show me the light. Do not presume to save my soul. If my soul needs saving I'll do it myself, thank you very much. I'd ask you not to be so bloody righteous and judgemental.

    And if your so-called god is ready to cast people to the flames of eternal damnation for reading a children's book, then I don't see what's so admirable in him. Maybe it's time to find a less mercurial god.


    At 11:18:07 PM on 11/19/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Even though alot of you are talking trash about me, I'm going to try not to let my anger get the better of me. It's not the Christian thing. But are you people ever going to learn? Conor, the way I see it, you are not only insulting me, but God. I am not "overly-religious", I'm just a believer in the true God. If you'd read the Bible and believed it, maybe you'd understand why HP is so incredibly evil. The same goes for you Host, and everyone else who is deceived by HP. I am certainley not misguided-J.K. Rowling is I repeat is a satanist. I honestly don't see how you can't see the evil of sorcery. I'm not insulting you, but HARRY POTTER IS DEMONIC. I can't stop you from reading HP books, or having interest in anything else involving witch craft. But I want as little people to burn as possible. Please, no more insults. I don't want a fight, I'm just trying to help you guys see the truth. When Jesus returns, then see if I'm right or wrong. Please repent beore it is too late.
    P.S.: Yo thanks for sticking up for me SpinoJP3! It's nice to have someone on here who agrees and acts like a bud (along with my bud Cole, who seems to have left this site, though I can't say I blame him.)
    P.S.S.: What has happened to this page, anyway? It used to be cool, now there are all of these people swearing there mouth off (like Stegasaurus), and people who are against God (like conor and Host). If it weren't for a couple of buds and news updates, I'd be out of here.

    At 7:21:25 PM on 11/19/2001, Overaptor said:
    Harry Potter Ruled

    At 9:34:32 AM on 11/19/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Well it is nice to see it back to the JP3 ways again, but to be honest i kind liked the Harry Potter Day on the page it was kinda cool and also brought up some intresting points and counterpoints. To bad it only lasted one day :(. Oh and Dan, Despite how everyone felt about what you did, ignore them, its your website and whatever you say goes. Hell I take some considerations on my website and sometimes i take them into consideration and sometimes they make my site better than it was.

    <font color=Gold>Knowledge is the ultimate power! </font></font>

    This is JP Manaic signing off.

    At 12:33:49 AM on 11/19/2001, The Host said:
    SpinoJP3: Dude, trust me, there's a difference between holding a belief, expressing a belief, and forcing a belief on others. If JAW wasnt to believe J.K. Rowling is a Satanist, misguided though that might be, I say all the power to him. It's in keeping with this whole freedom of thought thing. If he wants to say J.K. Rowling is a Satanist, stpid as that might be, he is entirely within his rights. I can disagree with him, but I cannot deign to take that ability away from him. It's in keeping with this whole freedom of speech thing. But the very instant he insults me or anybody else for reading a book by a 'Satanist,' thus stepping on my right and everybody else's to read whatever the bloody hell we want to read, he rescinds any protection his feeble justifications might lend him. Long story short: if you're going to challenge my taste in reading, I'm going to make fun of you, and you're going to deserve it.

    I furthermore claim the right to misname anybody however I may see fit. All right, that bit might be less justified. But you can't really expect one as lazy as I to proofread, now, can you?


    At 12:13:01 AM on 11/19/2001, Joey_Joe_Joe_Jr said:
    All i see here is people whinging about nothing.

    You have to respect others opinions. I did notice somehting quite intresting thou, not one single person has given a logical (promotes witchcraft...hahaha) reason to why they hate it, all they do is go Fuck, Shit, Arse, Dick monkey and they think that stands as a statement or an argument of some kind.

    VIVA LA JP3!

    At 11:01:25 PM on 11/18/2001, Bling said:
    some insane comments dudes

    At 10:23:22 PM on 11/18/2001, conor said:
    shut up man. I agree with the host. JAW should take his overly- religious ass back to church.

    At 5:56:51 PM on 11/18/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    Excuse me 'The Host' but by the way you are talking you don't even know the meaning of "respected".
    There is nothing wrong with JAW (or Jaws as you stupidly called). Leave everyone to their own believes.
    Nobody cares that you are trying to outsmart everyone. (and failing)
    That goes for you too Stegasaurus (or Stegosaurus if it was properly spelled!) with your foul mouth. Nobody thinks you are funny or smart. Just a pathetic fool who has nothing better to do.

    How would people who visit a Harry Potter website like it if they turned that site in to a JP3 one for the day. I can tell you they would not be best pleased.

    Dan made a separate webpage for JP3 and TLW and it's the same series. But it seems he can't make one for an entirely different movie!

    At 5:32:18 PM on 11/18/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Alright I can't take it, Shit Bitch Whore Fuck Ass slut dick Cock!!! I'm sorry faggots but I have to swear!

    At 5:30:46 PM on 11/18/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Ok all of you faggots that don't like swearing, I keep to a minimum.

    At 3:16:20 PM on 11/18/2001, The Host said:
    I'd almost reccomend dismantling this page if I could be so bold. I've been visiting here regularly since December of 1996 (since, from the looks of it, most of you were in diapers), and I've always respected what I've seen and read. But I haven't worshipped it.

    Good grief; for people to become so incensed over the reference for *one day* to another movie on a site dedicated to a film long-past is bloody disgusting and entirely disheartening. People, please: grow up; buy some sensibilities; learn to live a life that doesn't revolve around Jurassic Patrk and this website.

    Jaws, I'm surprised you haven't yet decried the obvious idolatry rampant around here.


    [Harry Potter promotes witchcraft? Sheesh. You're four-hundred years late, my friend. Take a train back to Salem and brandish some torches. Let's see your damned soul saved as you cast judgement on others; as you cast them to the flames.

    Ah, the joys of atheism, once again circumvented by the scourge of fanaticism.]

    At 2:33:54 PM on 11/18/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Dan, how can you be so blind? Obviously you're more pulled in than I thought. This stuff has really blinded you. It's very dissapointing. And I don't care what you say, the author of the HP books IS A SATANIST, nuff said. It IS promoting witch craft and satanism. Commercials for HP have even used the term witch craft. It is VERY evil, with an innocent covering. Please listen up! HP is like poison with a sugar covering! Please do not get any more pulled into this! The only way is God!
    P.S.: I am SSSOOO with you, SpinoJP3!

    At 6:52:27 AM on 11/18/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    Another thing Dan. You said the site would be getting back to normal after a day and it would be back to JP3.
    It's not back to normal because you have taken some of the info such as the 'Survival' information off the main page and stuck 'News from Potter day' there instead. Yeah right! Back to normal(!)

    At 9:36:14 PM on 11/17/2001, Trespasser said:
    Oh yeah, and there's a difference between criticism and IMMATURE INSULTS.

    At 9:35:32 PM on 11/17/2001, Trespasser said:
    I agree with Dan... What happened to the *normal* people that came here? Why can't people figure out that you CAN like more than one movie? I saw Harry Potter today, and I must say that WOW it was really really really cool... I was really surprised. I hadn't read the books, except for part of the second one... and I honestly believed that the movie would be a dumb Disney-esque kid's movie but it wasn't at all. It's so good. I just wish people would stop being such immature wierdos and quit judging things by their outside appearance...

    Dan, keep up the great work, the site is fantastic!

    OH and to all those people that thought that dansHppage was gonna stay, why don't you try READING all the news next time? It said right there under "pottermania" that the JP stuff was gonna be back the next day. Gawd... It's pretty sick the way people treat Jurassic park, like it's some kind of god or something. Pardon me, but JP IS my favorite movie, but i like other movies too. Geebus...

    At 7:55:45 PM on 11/17/2001, Gremlin said:
    I thought it was a sort of hint that a dansharrypotterpage.com was about to hit the 'net. Maybe not, factoring the demographic.

    I haven't seen the film, or read any of the books; if I see it at all, it'll be to see how they handled the effects, I suppose.


    At 7:43:49 PM on 11/17/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    mmm kentucky fried chicken...

    At 7:33:20 PM on 11/17/2001, SpinoRaptorRex said:

    God people settle down. He changed the page for one bloody day!! Are we going to die now? No! Who cares if you love or hate HP, Dan did it. And I'd rather get a lot of news on one day, then get no news one day and some the next.

    At 7:24:09 PM on 11/17/2001, Dan said:
    J.K. Rowling is not a Satanist. The Harry Potter books are not promoting witch craft. Out of all the dumb things people told me yesterday, those two are the dumbest. And POTTER ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 6:59:48 PM on 11/17/2001, Reddog2002 said:
    SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!! Like I said Dan only left it for one day and he turned it back to normal. Be happy!!!!! Let it by!!!!!

    At 6:53:37 PM on 11/17/2001, SpinoJP3 said:
    I agree with JAW. I hate Harry Potter. The SFX in it will never live up to the standard of the ones in JP 1, 2 & 3. Also Dan should have made a SEPARATE webpage for Harry Potter and not DISGRACE Jurassic Park 3. It was an insult.

    P.S What is it with you guys with swearing on this page? Sure we all like to express our opinions but it can be done in a respectful manner. You are not impressing anyone.

    At 6:29:57 PM on 11/17/2001, Smartbastard said:

    At 6:05:18 PM on 11/17/2001, JAW Rex said:
    I did not enjoy HP day on here one little bit. I was very dissapointed to find this page the way it was yesterday. HP is very evil, it was written by a satanist for goodness sake! I did not like what I saw yesterday on here. I'm glad this page is back to normal, and I hope this never happens again. And Dan, if you and you're ego can't stand negative comments, then you shouldn't have a commenting system.
    P.S.: I totally agree, mr.elliesattler!
    P.S.S.: Darn it Stegasaurus, are you ever going to learn? Stop being so filthy! You're not pleasing God one little bit, by using this filthy language you just make yourself sound like an idiot! Repent of this stuff! Think about that will you? People like this should be kicked off the page.

    At 5:34:16 PM on 11/17/2001, butterhook said:
    At first glance, i hated harry potter. Now im just dying to see the film. I must admit that i was a little worried that JP3 was crossed out, and HP was put over the top. Dan, if you're gonna do something like this again, i would recomend that you inform people of the time limit of the change.


    At 4:41:11 PM on 11/17/2001, Reddog2002 said:
    Hey, hey ppl, He just left the site special only for one day. We can understand Dan is a HP fan. But hey, everybody hates HP, everybody loves HP.

    At 4:20:33 PM on 11/17/2001, ToNy tHe T-ReX said:
    I can't stand Harry Potter, the reason I was so pist was because I thought it was PERMENANT! One day wasn't too bad...

    At 4:07:23 PM on 11/17/2001, Vegeta said:
    Dan, I never thought I'd say this but... you are an idiot if you liked that pile of cinematic crap.


    At 3:09:26 PM on 11/17/2001, Hans M said:
    Jesus christ!

    At 2:46:12 PM on 11/17/2001, mr.elliesattler said:
    I'm just glad this sight is rid of devil worshiping wizards. Thank GOD!!

    At 1:07:09 PM on 11/17/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Fuck Harry Potter and Dan, I love you, but you got a little less love for what you did from me and all of the other JP fans that think Harry Potter is an assfucker!!! Who's with me??

    At 1:05:22 PM on 11/17/2001, Stegasaurus said:

    At 12:58:31 PM on 11/17/2001, The Host said:
    Just to point something out:

    You can like Jurassic Park and like other movies too, you know. Harry Potter and Jurassic Park are *not* mutually exclusive. I, for one, was enchanted by HP in a way I hadn't been since I saw the original JP on the big screen. But you know what? I still love Jurassic Park.

    Christ, the devotion to JP of some folks here is downright frightening.


    At 12:26:33 PM on 11/17/2001, General Rancor said:

    Ok, if I really have nothing important to post, I shouldn't post, but ah, what the hell.

    At 12:05:29 PM on 11/17/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    I hate HP to. But one day was not bad and, as others said, it distracted alittle.

    At 11:51:32 AM on 11/17/2001, Dilo Dude said:
    Well I thought it was perrement sorry Dan.

    At 11:29:17 AM on 11/17/2001, Dragon Slayer said:
    I loved Harry Potter. I have all of the books and I can't wait until the second one comes out. Don't worry, I am still a devoted JP fan.

    At 2:54:38 AM on 11/17/2001, Anusaurus said:
    Harry Potter is an asshole and I hope he turns his genitalia into vegetables.

    At 2:41:03 AM on 11/17/2001, Sinorsis said:
    HAHAHA, i had some two year old kid behind me whispering "oh shit, oh shit!" everytime it got intense.

    At 1:57:03 AM on 11/17/2001, Majestic-1 said:
    I liked it. It made the place more interesting for a day.

    At 12:45:13 AM on 11/17/2001, Cyrus said:
    Sure, even though I really really dislike Harry Potter, having a part of the site not devoted to JP is a good idea. Its a good way to draw lots of other people's attention.

    At 12:35:46 AM on 11/17/2001, RaptorHiss said:
    ya but I think this site needed a little boosting up, it added a little flavor to the site:)

    At 12:28:59 AM on 11/17/2001, jurassiraptor said:
    Tough crowd here. I for one thought "Dan's Harry Potter Page" was a unique distraction from the usual, though it seemed (unintentionally, I'm sure) a little "anit-JP."

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