Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    At the end of TLW, you can see Steven Spielberg sitting between Ian and Sarah in the television reflection.
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    At 9:44:15 PM on 11/14/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Really? Tight!
    P.S.: I would really like to see T-Rex in 3-D, though. That'd be 'da bomb!

    At 5:31:46 PM on 11/14/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    25 grand? Chunk change.

    At 3:31:40 PM on 11/14/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    You ruffled my feathers, now how am i gonna fly away? ok sorry, that was pretty gay. *crash and burn*

    At 1:31:41 AM on 11/14/2001, ellersaur said:
    Not the full length one. I'm sorry, I meant ILM dinos - I should have clarified that better. There was a shot of the Spino's legs, and the herd, and the rest were animatronic. The pteras weren't even in it at all (look at the part where Grant and the Kirby's are falling with part of the cage - no bird yet).

    I was thinking perhaps the 3D thing would be more in effect with digital animals, but I don't really know if that's accurate.

    I hope I didn't ruffle anyone's feathers.

    At 10:51:06 PM on 11/13/2001, Jerm said:
    I remember seeing lots of dinos in the JP/// trailer. There were raptors, pteranadons, and the spino.

    At 10:20:45 PM on 11/13/2001, ellersaur said:
    But there are no dinosaurs in the JP3 trailer, except for the herd scene.

    At 7:35:21 PM on 11/13/2001, Oviraptor said:
    DAMN, they don't want much do they? I can get me a nice vehicle for that much.

    At 7:35:19 PM on 11/13/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    Dude, Dinosaurs and Britney Spears in 3-D!?!?! All in one day??? coooool. I'll bet I can afford one when I am 50.

    At 5:20:30 PM on 11/13/2001, DarthMaulSithLord said:
    I'm saving my dough for a smell-a-vision set.

    *big grin*

    At 5:05:25 PM on 11/13/2001, Panos said:


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