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    Even though Speilberg directed TLW, he has been quoted saying that sequels are nothing more than a "cheap canary trick" (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    At 10:02:08 PM on 9/27/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    that's bullshit

    At 5:49:57 PM on 9/27/2001, granger said:
    Here is the link to the website I found. It gives a list of other words that end in "gry" as well as some alternate versions to the question:


    At 5:44:24 PM on 9/27/2001, granger said:
    The version I read online said the answer was "three." It was the same basic question phrased slightly differently, so that would explain the different answers. In fact, I think this riddle has more alternate versions than any other I've read.

    A little piece of trivia I got from the same website: There are several other words in the english language besides hungry and angry that end in "gry" but are just not commonly used or known. I'll try to track down the webpage again to get the list.

    Oh, and that friend of mine who said the answer was "g-r-y" IS a highschool football player! The Irony!

    At 8:59:13 PM on 9/26/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    hey, im back. Sorry to not have posted the answer in such a long time but i forgot to. heh :) Granger came close to the answer, but he was wrong. His theory was correct however. I said what is the third word of THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Hence language would be the correct answer. I said there are 3 words in THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. The third word thereofore is Language. Feel free to spread the riddle around, because no one knows the answer and it is a very good one too. Please don't post after this saying "no vinsfeld youre wrong, thats not the answer" because you can kiss my ass, IT is the answer no matter how much you try to prove it. And granger, tell your friend that said the answer was g-r-y that he's an idiot with an iq of 5(slightly smarter than highschool football players)and....
    Have a good day, ill post more riddles on other message boards, and no cheating!

    At 7:21:27 PM on 9/26/2001, granger said:
    I just went online and found the answer. It's "three."

    I knew it was a trick question.

    At 7:16:01 PM on 9/26/2001, granger said:
    Somebody once asked me this question, and he said the answer was "G-R-Y" (not "gry"-read each letter seperately). I never got it. I don't know whether or not that answer is right, but I am aware of this twisted little riddle enough to know that it's *probably* a trick question.

    At 6:26:28 PM on 9/24/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    That's not a word bro, and like I said, there is no third word because he didn't reveal shit!

    At 4:52:42 PM on 9/24/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Is it ingry?

    At 1:47:51 PM on 9/24/2001, Evilgrinch said:

    Why has the new dried up?


    At 7:27:16 PM on 9/23/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I'm dyi'n to know the answer so post it. In fact, I bet there isn't even an answer and your just making think for nothing to piss me off!

    At 1:48:28 PM on 9/23/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    nope try again :)

    At 3:00:15 AM on 9/23/2001, PorterM7Z said:
    ermm.... "Gry"?

    At 10:03:07 PM on 9/22/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    this riddle has nothing to do with the post, but im betting no one will ever know the answer, here it goes:

    There are three words in the english language that end in "gry", one of them is hungry, another is angry. What is the third word? If you read it carefully, i have already revealed the answer.

    good luck, if you know the answer post it :)

    At 11:56:37 PM on 9/21/2001, KillerRaptor said:
    JP3 not being the way you wanted it to be is what you get Joe after trying to fit into Steven's shoes.

    At 11:22:04 PM on 9/21/2001, JAW Rex said:
    Speilberg makes great movies, especially Jurassic Park! If you ask me, JP3 was possibly the least of the JP movies. They should definitly have Speilberg direct the next JP.

    At 9:33:42 PM on 9/21/2001, Red Spitter said:
    None can fit into Spielberg shoes! never!

    At 7:59:16 PM on 9/21/2001, RaptorCrest said:
    I thought that Joe put just the perfect number of sox on to make the shoes fit right.

    At 7:00:22 PM on 9/21/2001, Chapter_11 said:

    At 5:58:55 PM on 9/21/2001, conor said:
    Maybe he is shopping at the wrong store

    At 4:33:22 PM on 9/21/2001, danoodleman said:
    Very easy storage, This one wil come in handy on my trip to LA. If only I could keep it cold long enough for it to hatch. Hmmm?

    At 1:47:13 PM on 9/21/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    I always thought him and stevie wore the same size...................

    At 11:14:40 AM on 9/21/2001, Compyraptor said:
    First. Poor ol' Joe. Can't fit into Stevem's shoes.

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