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    At 2:43:48 AM on 9/5/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    You guys are hopeless, last time I am going to explain it, it does NOT cost $1 million to get in!, you go there, pay probably around $20, get in, if you want to have TOTAL RUN OF THE PARK OVER THE COURSE OF AN ENTIRE NIGHT, you can pay $1 million, and get that, the $1 million option is if you have the $, and want to have more control over the park than a regular visitor would have, and for the whole night, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY THAT MUCH SIMPLY TO GET IN, YOU CAN, REPEAT, CAN, AS IN OPTIONAL, PAY $1 MILLION FOR RUN OF THE PARK OVER A WHOLE NIGHT, understand?,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:18:50 PM on 9/4/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    I think I'll stick to waiting for a coupon day as well.

    At 9:34:23 PM on 9/2/2001, JPJairus said:
    I think I'll wait until they have a "coupon day, or something."

    At 7:30:34 PM on 8/30/2001, goldrex said:
    id pay for al dat if i had the money

    At 3:17:13 PM on 8/30/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    You people DON'T get it, do you?, THE ADMISSION PRICE IS NOT A MILLIONS $'S!, is it THAT hard to understand?, think of it this way, you go to Disney World, right?, does THAT cost you a million $'s?, of course not, now, let's say the President of the Walt Disney corporation offers you the ENTIRE park to yourself, and 19 friends/family, you can do whatever you want, for $1 million, do you understand now?, damn,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:45:06 AM on 8/30/2001, Dan said:
    22 :)

    At 10:42:23 AM on 8/30/2001, goldrex said:
    still say two hundred dinos and itll be perfecto

    At 2:18:03 AM on 8/30/2001, anti-comp said:
    ok ok, nevermind. i understand now.

    At 2:16:35 AM on 8/30/2001, anti-comp said:
    so,... what?? there's a whole jurassic park island made now?? where is this? what is it exactly?

    At 1:41:22 AM on 8/30/2001, ReticMaster said:
    That sucks, a park only open to rich snods. I wish everybody do somthing about that. No theme park should be only open to the super rich. Everybody should enjoy it. That makes me very mad!!

    At 12:49:22 AM on 8/30/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    seriously though, what does it mean?

    At 11:16:05 PM on 8/29/2001, KirbyPaint&Tile said:

    At 11:09:26 PM on 8/29/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    My God, you guys have obviously never heard of Islands of Adventure, have you?, hell, I have never even been there, and know what it is about, it is a THEME PARK IN FLORIDA, built on man-made "islands", in the shape of Isla Nublar, it has a Jurassic Park section, with the Jurassic Park River Adventure ride, and several other Jurassic Park rides, it is not an exact recreation of Jurassic Park, but pretty close, I hear, and Vinsfeld, it is already completed, they are not raising $ to finish it, it has been finished for quite some time, the price tag is quite steep, but they are trying to make $, and I did think about what Hammond and Gennaro said, lol, but it is not like you have to pay $1 million just to visit it, geeeez, that is for run of the place ALL NIGHT LONG, and Vinsfeld, "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" is written that way on purpose, if you do not know what it means, do not ask,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:00:48 PM on 8/29/2001, Reddog2K43 said:
    Dan will be 23 this Friday! Cool!

    At 9:31:54 PM on 8/29/2001, KirbyPaint&Tile said:
    IOA is destroying the dream of JURASSIC PARK realized by John Hammond!!!

    At 8:04:56 PM on 8/29/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    Wow, only a million dollars? I'm glad i'm a multi- billionaire and can spend insane amounts of money on something thats probably crappy animatronics. Sure i'd never forget the night after spending $1,000,000. I wouldn't pay a million dollars to see REAL dinosaur's (or theme park monsters- Alan Grant)This is a big mistake for universal studios, because let's as an example say, it costs $800,000 to pay for one night (its pretty high but it's just to make a point, so Universal would make a profit of 200k. This would not be enough to keep the attraction going, and they would probably benifit more if they opened it publicly. I think the regular price for one day admission to disneyworld, $100, is outrageous, let alone a million? haha good joke Universal Studios. I think the only one that can afford this is Bill Gates, and maybe Micheal Jordan. And the 19 friends? maybe if it were 20,000 friends, i might be able to afford it. I am betting ten dollars that noone on this page can afford to pay the ridiculous amount, not even...... Dan! Hell, i don't even know if Joe Johnston can afford it lol. I don't know how you people say it'll last 6 monthes or more, i think it'll bomb in the construction IF it's on an island. I hope it rains and the machines go haywire and start rampaging people and eat all the rich snobs that actually go there. Now that im done with my essay, i have a question to whoever can answer this. At the bottom of this webpage in the disclaimer, it says "all your base are belong to us". What the hell does that mean? it's not even gramatically correct unless it was intentionally written that way. I know that sounds corny but for some reason i can't stand grammatical errors even though i do it too :)

    P.S. Dan, i think you shoud add another section to this webpage. "JP4" and have people post what they think jurassic park 4 will be about. It will give people like me something to do rather than look at nude pictures of women while reading this site lol.


    At 8:04:05 PM on 8/29/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    That's really stupid. Maybe if it cost $950,000 less than I would go, but a million bucks!!!! Yeah right. Why would you even consider doing that for a million bucks. I mean that has to be a joke, nobody is gonna go if it's that expensive.

    At 7:45:49 PM on 8/29/2001, Snap-jaw said:

    At 7:09:18 PM on 8/29/2001, Darknodin said:
    oh shit! I dunno... but if it's good, I'll do anything to go!

    At 6:18:47 PM on 8/29/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Just try telling all your buddies at the country club about that:

    "Oh yea, well I spent an obscene amount of money to sleep in an amusement park for one night, got piss drunk, and ended up breaking a fake dinosaur. So there!"

    At 6:12:44 PM on 8/29/2001, Overaptor said:
    oh, sorry, someone already said that, damn

    At 6:11:26 PM on 8/29/2001, Overaptor said:
    Yeah, sounds fun, but I think I will go and buy a yacht... And a house... And some tennis courts... and...

    "...Donald, this park was not made only to cator the super rich...." - John Hammond
    <p align="center">
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    At 6:03:39 PM on 8/29/2001, Chapter_11 said:
    hmmm, buy a house or a trip to jurassic park. hmm....

    At 6:03:37 PM on 8/29/2001, Chapter_11 said:
    hmmm, buy a house or a trip to jurassic park. hmm....

    At 5:22:45 PM on 8/29/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    "Well I was planning on buying a house, but, what the hell."-Richard Hatch

    At 4:55:01 PM on 8/29/2001, KirbyPaint&Tile said:
    mmmmmmm, cool. If i win the lottery I'll
    use it on that.

    At 4:28:15 PM on 8/29/2001, IanMalcom7 said:
    Doesn't this scenario sound familiar?

    "We can charge whatever we want. Two thousand a day, ten thousand a day, and people will pay it."

    "Donald, Donald, you're missing the point. We're not out only to cater to the super rich. Everyone in the world has the right to enjoy the island."

    "Right, we'll have a coupon day or something."

    I don't know if that is word for word from the movie, but it's the best I could do sitting in my college's library.

    I'm still a bit confused on the subject, though. When they say "island", do they mean an actual island recreated the very same way JP was in the first movie? Or is it Universal's already open and functioning Islands of Adventure park? If it was a newly created park, with only JP stuff in it, and built the very exact same way the park was in the first JP movie, and if I had a million dollars, then I'd do it. But even if I had the money, I wouldn't spend a million for one night to wander around Islands of Adventure. I've already been there, it sucked terribly, and I don't want to go back as it is. Like many of you have said, I would be very surprised if this lasted past a year. Heck, I give it six months. Who the hell would pay a million dollars to wander around Islands of Adventure for a night?? Sure, there's no lines, but there's also nothing really worth seeing. The problem with Universal Studios, and the reason why their sales are sucking bad right now, is that there is no replay value to any of their attractions. Even the JP stuff I was sorely disappointed with. Sure, some of the shows and rides are cool the first time but none have left me with the feeling of "I have to do that again!"

    Maybe it's because I don't have a million dollars, but I'm gonna have to pull a Sam Neill on this one: I'm very skeptical about the whole thing.

    Get it? I know it sucked, but so what.

    At 2:10:16 PM on 8/29/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    I wish I had a million $'s right now, lol, as for butlers?, bah, give me a night in the movie, have visitor's locked into the park, have the power go off, maybe have a rain machine, have fun, lol,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:24:03 AM on 8/29/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    If I won the lottery that would be the first thing I'd spend my money on.

    I'd take the 19 best Dans Jp3 page veterans with me.


    At 9:50:42 AM on 8/29/2001, goldrex said:
    damn anyone gots a million bucks

    At 2:12:10 AM on 8/29/2001, ellersaur said:
    This is not something that needs to make a lot of money, I'm guessing. It's probably just there to make whatever they can. Therefore, why would it end?

    At 2:04:13 AM on 8/29/2001, Utahraptor said:
    This will ultimately fail. If you take into account eveybody worldwide who can afford the price tag, even in a group of 20, let alone those with fewer people in their group, factor out the high number of dino haters, as well as those who would ever wnat to spend money again for a repeat trip, and taking into account only 365 nights to do this, plus less time during fall and spring, the result is a number of willing people so low, that this will close in a year or two. Maybe with a coupon day it'll make it to JP4.

    At 1:58:24 AM on 8/29/2001, LifeSucksDie said:
    'eff universal studios!!!

    At 1:57:14 AM on 8/29/2001, ellersaur said:
    They need to have virtual reality. You would be out camping, and dinos would start chasing you. It could start with a power outage of some kind. That would be terrific! Think it can't be done?! BUAHAHA, anything can be done!!! The real miracle workers of Universal can do anything!

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