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    At 3:02:14 PM on 11/4/2001, Bastard101 said:

    At 5:41:36 PM on 9/3/2001, Jurassiclaw said:

    "Really big animals are terrible at being fast. Look at the elephant — they're not capable of running," said Carrano. "It's one of the prices they pay for being larger."

    Sure Carrano, sure. Have you ever heard of elephants running at over 30 MPH ?
    Well, even I did.

    And, Allosaurus weighted between 1 and 3 tons, witch is similar to a rhino's size, witch can exeed 35 MPH.

    If you look at an allo's skeleton, you'll see it's just an oversized bird.

    "Theropods, he says, were likely just slow-movers. The evidence is in modern-day models."

    Let me give you a recap;

    1-Otriches = 45 MPH

    2-And most birds are fast too.

    3-A crocrodile can outrun any human on short distances, man.

    4-I saw your model of Allosaurus, and I gotta say it's TOTALY impossible that it walked like that. If it did, it would fall over, since it would'nt even have a balance.

    If the guy's so sure about that, well I'd test his theory by placing him on a 300ft. long race track. He would start at 200ft. and the Allosaur at 0ft.

    Result : I'm 99,9999% sure the allosaur would catch up with him BEFORE the guy reaches the 300ft. mark.

    Understand my point ?

    At 4:03:45 AM on 8/29/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Oi Vey. So, two pieces of wood stuck to your side equals a theropod body. Right. And under no circumstances could they bend. Sure, wood can't, but that's based on fossils. Real animals are quite different form their fossils. Myabe their necks and tails had some cartelidge or such that could allow them to twist and turn in segments, and when they didn't fossilize, scientists just connected the bones together. And as stated, humans and dinos are not the same. Bad example. That's like Maloclm's weather chaos example. Sure,t wo bowling balls of nearly identicla proportions land near eahc other, but as for the weather, liek humans to dinos, thsoe changes cna change alot.
    Me, I see the big therapods as walking sorta hunched over. Running all horizontal like a T, and then rearing up to near erect (not fully erect) height to intimadate prey. Then probbaly swiping with their arms, or for T-rex, with it's head, as seen in JP/?TLW, attacking vehicles. Knock you down, tear into your soft underside. MMM. MMM. Now that's mighty good you.
    If his experiment was accurate, then Giraffees are evolved sauropods, because they look alike.

    At 3:52:33 AM on 8/29/2001, Utahraptor said:

    At 11:31:49 PM on 8/28/2001, Drakkenfyre said:

    -Drakk )))

    At 11:30:46 PM on 8/28/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    Trying to base how an Allosaurus walked by studying HUMANS wearing a backpack that simiulates how an Allosaurus walked is stupid, rm0918 is right, a Human's and a Therapod's backbones are built entirely different,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:21:06 PM on 8/28/2001, rm0918 said:
    I don't agree with the guy but you need to refine your argument. We have no elephant sized birds around and the largest extinct birds we know of {from Madagascar, Australia and New Zealand (500 to 1000 lb. range)} are all considered plodders, but that was probably due to an absence of predators.
    By comparing a dinosaur to an elephant, the biologist is using the only extant example he thinks he has. Structurally, the heavier an animal becomes the bigger and thicker its legs will become and the slower it will be able to move them. A tall creature will be able to counteract this with an increase in stride (which is why an elephant is faster than a human).
    But where he screwed up was by not taking into account that allosaurus was not elephant sized. At 2 to 3 tonnes he was closer to hippo and rhino sized and both of those creatures can and do run.

    At 9:54:07 PM on 8/28/2001, Darknodin said:
    true... but the fact is... elephants aren't built like dinosaurs... they are close to birds and birds move fast (fly or swim or run)...

    At 8:35:12 PM on 8/28/2001, rm0918 said:
    Elephants can outrun a human, but they technically don't run as they never have all four feet off the ground at the same time and that is what he is referring to.

    At 8:27:56 PM on 8/28/2001, Darknodin said:
    Really big animals are terrible at being fast. Look at the elephant — they're not capable of running," said Carrano. "It's one of the prices they pay for being larger."

    elephants DO run fast...

    this guy is making assumptions with the wrong arguments...

    At 8:06:54 PM on 8/28/2001, rm0918 said:
    He should stick to his field.
    A human backbone is constructed for upright walking, a therapod's definately isn't.
    Raptors have ossified tendons that would keep them from assuming that position and what does the dummy think that tail was for. The dinosaur moved its tail to help it turn at speed, just like a rudder.

    At 7:15:32 PM on 8/28/2001, Krabby Jo said:
    Stability is much more important than agility. This reconstruction is ridiculous, and proobably wouldn't evolve naturally.
    I remember watching a dinosaur special on how some dinosaurs' tails could not drag, and the reconstructors` had to break the bones to make them look like that.
    If you at the Allosaur reconstruction, the tail looks more flexible than the fossils indicate.

    We'll see what the fossils have to say...

    At 3:29:49 PM on 8/28/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    I'd like to have one of them.

    I'd go and kill my old headteacher.


    At 2:00:48 PM on 8/28/2001, eggy said:
    Interesting. Though human bones are way out of proportion to an Allo's bones, it does make one think...
    *head explodes* :D

    At 11:43:46 AM on 8/28/2001, goldrex said:
    ok fine mabey he did but i think they walked like birds do

    At 11:29:56 AM on 8/28/2001, danoodleman said:
    I think Goldrex is on to something. He's right with no explination and the researchers at the University of Utah are wrong. :)

    At 10:05:02 AM on 8/28/2001, goldrex said:
    allosaurus didnt waalk like that

    At 9:53:32 AM on 8/28/2001, BigChimpin' said:
    All the rage for back to school!

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