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    While TLW was released in Australia 6 days after the US release, JP3 wasn't released there until almost 2 months after the US release. (From: Adam)
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    At 8:25:06 PM on 8/29/2001, Amblin Ent. said:
    If Universal throws enough money at Sam Neill, no doubt he'll do it. And there WILL be a 4, look at how well 3 did despite doubts from everybody! Here's hoping it's called EXTINCTION or something to the like, end it with class!

    At 2:39:07 AM on 8/29/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Sam didn't say no JP4, just *HE* doubts it. I can say I doubt they'll add anything extra to the JP/// DVD. Doesn't mean it's now a confirmed fact. Spielberg got so excited about the JP serie,s he came up with the 4th's plot before 3 was even finsihed in post production, and his people and Johnston couldn't shut up about it. I doubt they'll go, Hmmm. JP/// not that hot, let's screw it all.
    Besides, the series cna't end with, Raptors get their eggs abck, flee in fear of the helicopters, Grant and co race to shoreline, get rescued by the military, who see no dinos, and just watch some Pteranodons migrate to other parts of Sorna. The End. JP ended witht he knowledge dinos would always live on. Even as their cousins the birds. TLW showed dinos will always live on, if left alone. JP/// shows Grant not caring where the Pteranodons go next. Boring. It ripped off JP's ending poorly, and seriosuly need the second bg dino battle, if only form the air. To remind mankind who rules the animal kingdom.
    But Grant could come back outside of a cameo, if the dinso are removed from Sorna, and posisbly just only if Universal doesn't contradict itself and keeps Nublar dinoless. As a matter of fact, I daresay that if Universal defies logic and TLW/JP///, and keeps dinos on Nublar all along, Sam won't be back (believably) shor tof a cameo. And no way will thye bring Grant back unbelievably "Oh, why not? Survived twice, I'm indestructable. Let's see who else is super smart and about to relly stick it to me."
    However, Grant and malcolm simply cna't be the main stars anymore. We need a woman star, really.

    At 2:31:14 AM on 8/29/2001, Dino_Dude said:
    i totally agree with the idea of Jp going out with a bang! that's what JP4 is gonna be for i hope, i dunno about you guys but i know that when i see JP3 tomorrow for the first time (I'm in australia) i am gonna be left wanting just that little bit more. Hey!! who could ever get enough of JP!! infact i am gonna go watch the original JP right now for the millionth time! and then i'll watch TLW for the millionth time! then i probably see JP3 about 5 times at the movies, then i'll get the video and watch it the other 995,000 times. ^_^

    At 1:07:42 AM on 8/29/2001, Kervanna said:
    I think the JP series needs to go out with a bang. A big huge climatic end. Much bigger then any of them combined. Although, how they might beat LW's end, I don't know.

    At 11:52:24 PM on 8/28/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:
    only one more, to resolve the pteradons and rex gettin revenge!

    At 10:43:00 PM on 8/28/2001, DeadGirl said:
    I don't mean to be a bad fan, here, but I'm with Sam on this. *shakes her head repeatedly* If they could all be as awesome as the first one, then it would be worth it! But now they're just slapping stickers on lunchboxes and... well, you've heard that line before.

    I have a theory that the JPs will just keep getting sillier and sillier until *poof* all of a sudden you have Carrot Top playing Alan Grant.

    Good God, you people liked Rocky? *proceeds to flip to the 'fandom' section of the Classifieds and is voilently bludgeoned to death by fellow JP fans while not paying attention*

    At 9:28:02 PM on 8/28/2001, Bishop said:
    Actually, I voted that JP3 was bad enough. And indeed, it was pretty damn wretched.

    I love the first two, however. If Sam Neill won't return (and how the hell would you get him back to the damn island anyway?), fine - Jeff Goldblum kicks ass.

    At 8:56:01 PM on 8/28/2001, Tyrannosaurus said:
    Dad gum it, Sam, of COURSE we need a JP4!

    And a JP5!

    Perhaps a JP6!

    I would not be distressed if there was a JP7!

    JP8...sounds okay to me!

    JP9 I have no problem with!

    And finally, JP10.

    Unless there's a JP11.

    Seriously, make a million of these things, I love 'em all.

    At 8:31:03 PM on 8/28/2001, Snap-jaw said:
    I want JP4 also, because if see T-Rex gets his revange or not.

    At 8:19:12 PM on 8/28/2001, ellersaur said:
    Ladies and gentleman, Neill is only speculating. He knows no more than anyone else. I'm guessing most
    Universal execs don't even know if there will be a JP4 yet.

    I personally wouldn't mind a fourth one, especially if they find a different screenwriter and possibly a different director. I do think it should be on the mainland somewhere - I like the Coasta Rica jungle idea myself.

    At 7:49:56 PM on 8/28/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    "Hell yeah, we need a JP5 too!" That was my vote along with many, many others. Why do most people on the message board trash talk about jp4? Is it just coincidence that the people that voted "lets end it gracefully with 3" post messages here? I think we have a bunch of hypocrits. Anyways, The 4th jurassic park film is going to have Biosyn in it, because thats who the man in the suit was at the end of jp3. They may not use the same character of lewis dodgeson as in JP, but it could be a perfect sequel directly after jp3. And incase no one knew this but the man in the suit was played by Frank Clems.

    * End Transmission *

    At 7:27:17 PM on 8/28/2001, Danno_the_dude said:
    Maybe they are just trying to keep it top secret and not let out so many things about the movie like they did for JP3. I mean I thought that they kind of spoiled JP3 with all the news about it. I think that if they are keeping it quiet that they should not let out anything about the movie untill like the super bowl when we all the see the first trailer for it and crap our pants. I think that would kewl.
    But that is just me. What do you think?

    At 4:18:03 PM on 8/28/2001, Oviraptor said:
    There'll be a JP IV some of you people including Neill are going to have to except that.

    At 4:16:19 PM on 8/28/2001, JSUChic said:
    Sam Neill was the only reason JP3 was good. I don't think JP4 would be any good without him. *sigh* he has to make another one!!!!

    At 4:00:18 PM on 8/28/2001, IKK_Viper said:
    It can't be true! It just can't be! The Jurassic Park seris needs to end on a high note.

    At 3:54:50 PM on 8/28/2001, The_Prowler said:
    No JP4... 3 is fine... JP3 was already cool enough, we don't need a 4th. Let the spin-offs begin...

    At 3:54:47 PM on 8/28/2001, The_Prowler said:
    No JP4... 3 is fine... JP3 was already cool enough, we don't need a 4th. Let the spin-offs begin...

    At 3:53:52 PM on 8/28/2001, Oviraptor said:
    Access Hollywood has already said JP4 is in production, what's Neill talking about?

    At 3:31:46 PM on 8/28/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    I want a Jp4. We need to finish the series on a high note.


    At 1:35:43 PM on 8/28/2001, Bishop said:
    Dear god, please stop JP4 at all costs. Unless Spielberg directs, and Koepp writes it.

    At 1:32:30 PM on 8/28/2001, Hans RM said:
    That is true

    At 1:32:00 PM on 8/28/2001, Gojirasaurus said:
    Didn't we use to have a news show here called A Current Affair?

    At 1:22:52 PM on 8/28/2001, Mighty T-rex said:
    No NO NNOO NNNOOO NNNNOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Universal, could you please pass the JP4? We really want it. You know Neill, you're wrong. I thought Rocky 4 was the best in the Rocky series, although Rocky 5 wasn't very good.

    At 1:19:02 PM on 8/28/2001, Hans RM said:
    Man,this brings you down.
    But Speilberg has a great Idea,and JP4 is most likely in the works.
    Damn you Neil,damn you!!!

    At 11:16:01 AM on 8/28/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    *By everyone???* that's what I meant to write

    At 11:14:34 AM on 8/28/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Why the sudden silence and denile about JP4??? Hmmm....

    At 10:41:23 AM on 8/28/2001, goldrex said:
    mabey but after 2 affars with dinos he is bound not to be in a 4th film

    At 10:37:47 AM on 8/28/2001, IanMalcom7 said:
    Maybe he's just pessimistic about JP4 because he knows that no decent story line would call for his character to be in it. I think JP3 was a bitter-sweet affair for Neil. While his character was great and fit perfectly, it was his last JP appearance ever and he knew it. Unless Spielberg decides to cheese out on a cool story and bring Grant back for the hell of it, I don't see him in JP4. I think Neil agrees to that and that's why he's skeptical about anything in JP4. I think if he knew that JP4 needed his character, he would be singing a much different tune.

    Just my two cents.

    At 10:35:38 AM on 8/28/2001, goldrex said:

    At 9:54:16 AM on 8/28/2001, BigChimpin' said:
    That was my suspicion too...

    At 9:29:04 AM on 8/28/2001, raptorhunter22 said:

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