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    Recent David Koepp screenwriting hits include the screenplay for David Fincher's "Panic Room" and Sam Rami's "Spiderman". (From: Dino_Dude)
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    "Best Way of Getting Dinosaurs Back Into Fiction"
    On 8/7/2011 at 9:56:53 PM, dieterstark started the thread:
    Besides our favorite amber extraction DNA cloning of the ancient antagonists what ideas do you have for bringing dinosaurs back to popular fiction in the form of literature or cinema?

    I'm going to go with a small isolated pocket found in Iran or Iraq where no film crew has ever been able to film or document because their government will not allow it. There is vast expanses of unexplored jungle and wilderness over there that no one has seen. And the ones that have seen it, aren't talking about it for one reason or another. Now I have to figure out how to get American characters/scientists/explorers/big game hunters? into this isolated pocket of prehistoric predators- the other middle eastern threat.

    Msg #1: On 8/17/2011 at 7:16:10 PM, Spino144 replied, saying:
    Did you pick that location because that is the where the Garden of Eden is believed to be? Is this another crack at Young Earth Creationism?

        Replies: 2
    Msg #2: On 8/19/2011 at 1:17:37 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #1, saying:
    No, I picked it because our western scientists and explorers have never been over there to see what is there. Due to war, border disputes, and dictatorships no one from America or any of the western world has been there. There have been no expeditions. There have been no documentaries made on the wildlife and vaste expanses of unexplored mountain ranges, forest, jungles, swamps and plains. There has been no National Geographic crews to film and document what is over there, so we have no way to know whats over there in the first place. No one knows whats there...no one without military clearance.

    Msg #3: On 8/24/2011 at 12:09:56 PM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    Why did you post this in one of the most unused sections of the message boards? I discovered this only because I clicked on the wrong link.

    Also, they should totally make Dino Crisis into a movie.

        Replies: 4
    Msg #4: On 8/24/2011 at 7:53:24 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #3, saying:
    With countless Resident Evil flicks I don't see why they won't. It'd be a great way to make an R rated dino flick, that can beat Carnosaur for quality.

    Too many dino movies for kids.
    Not enough dino movies for adults.

    I posted here because I'm a struggling writer and thought maybe you guys might have some interesting ideas.

    This thread wouldn't have lasted long in the regular board anyway.

        Replies: 5
    Msg #5: On 1/30/2012 at 3:37:32 AM, MartinRandle replied to Msg #4, saying:
    Why would dinosaurs survive in a region that happens to be politically unstable? If they had survived there - there would have been dinosaur meat appearing on the black market for centuries. if there are predators there has to be prey and if there is prey mankind would have had a go at it by now. Nothing can remain undiscovered in a country as small as Iraq.

    Have a look at Iraq and the middle East on Google Earth - see any Jungles? no! tracks and tracks of desert but no jungles. You want unexplored Jungles you have to look at either South America - or Africa.

    I think you need to think on how a single group of dinosaurs could survive the cataclysmic events that wiped out all others of their kind. And more so how do they survive the intervening millions of years of ice ages and the rise of modern man. How did they avoid being so inbred, what did they feed on assuming they were predators? how did they hide for millenia from mankind and if they didn't how come we have never heard of them?

    The biggest plot hole in thinks like King Kong and The Lost World - which is essentially the premise you are talking about, is that dinosaurs were wiped out globally. Through atmospheric poisons sudden changes of temperature,lack of sun light and plant life etc. Dinosaurs are not immune to everything the world throws at them - so why should your group survive?

    Alternatively you have to consider how you would recreate or respawn them - are there ways soft tissue could have survived? Unlikely but Crichton found a way.

    If you can answer all of those (and many more) logical problems then you have a solid basis for a dinosaur romp - if not then it will just be so much trash fiction.

    Good luck with it and let us know what you come up with. But Dinosaurs in Iraq? nah!

        Replies: 6, 7
    Msg #6: On 2/10/2012 at 11:01:33 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #5, saying:
    I appreciate that...

    Msg #7: On 2/16/2012 at 10:43:54 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #5, saying:
    I once thought I saw a dinosaur on my infrared out here in Afghanistan, but it turned out to be a camel.

    Fucker was huge, still.

    Msg #8: On 3/20/2012 at 11:38:15 PM, Maester replied, saying:
    Here's a good way to bring dinosaurs back into fiction.

    Alternate Dimensions. Parallel Universes, and the Multiverse Theory.

    There is time travel and the latest hit: Retro-Engineering. Retro-Engineering being a near reality.

        Replies: 9
    Msg #9: On 9/12/2012 at 6:25:21 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #8, saying:
    Thats the direction I'm taking, I'm doing some work for a friend of mine from L.A., he sends me Getty Images and asks me to write a scene for the 15 second getty clip. After I write the scene, I write the backstory for the scene, the story of how they got to where they are and where they are going after the getty image scene. Then we talk over which story (out of 6 getty image stories I wrote) are the strongest...turns out one of the best IHO is the one I put dinosaurs in. Then we did the dimensions for the characters, vehicles and creatures in the scene (i.e. weight, height, length, etc so he can put them in the image as CGI).

    I wrote everything, and he and his crew are doing the digital effects. The project will be finished soon, and I'll post the finished product.

    Any interested in the story, I'm happy to give some details and see what you guys think, I would love your opinion on it.

    Msg #10: On 4/29/2014 at 3:18:22 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    sounds gay

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