
Check out this Universal press releases about the upcoming Islands of Adventure attraction, due to open next year, which details the various rides in the "Jurassic Park" area at the new park. (thanks to Brandon C.)

Two new Kenner toy pictures, thanks to Krunker418. Collect All 50!

Various Kenner toys.

More Kenner Toys.

Here's an interesting tid-bit. Supposidly there's been some confusion over two dinosaurs that appeared in JP2: the dinosaurs in the "round-up" scene that are refererd to as Mamenchiasaurus are really Apatosaurs. Here's info that Compy saw on the 'Net:

Well, I'm back from my college orientation at UMCP, which was kinda fun, despite being around 115 degrees at night inside an non-air-conditioned dorm.... Get this: I only have one class before 12 o'clock! Hahahaha! I noticed that the Message Board and Fan Fiction have been acting up again -- it's a different problem this time -- hopefully I'll get that fixed by the end of the day.


Chris Baker spotted another JP2 Puzzle: this one pictured a human stealing a Rex egg from the nest while an adult Rex stands in front of him.

Here's an excerpt from an article on the Mercedes AAV from a promotional magazine from Mercedes. (thanks to Adam):

MTV Europe has reportedly started to air a commercial for The Lost World, it preparation for the July 18th release of the movie in England. (thanks to sHaRpKlaY)

While box office receipts are still rolling in, TLW has already become one of the most successful movies of all time, sitting in the 17th spot on Mr. Showbiz's "All-Time Box Office Leaders" list. Directly above it is "Mrs. Doubtfire" (219 mil), "Ghostbusters" (220), "Beverly Hills Cop" (234), and "Twister" (241) to name a few. At the top of the list is "Star Wars" (460 million), "E.T." (399), and then "Jurassic Park" (356). Although J.P. really deserves the first spot, considering the grosses for Star Wars and E.T. also include reissue grosses. (thanks to Adam)

I'll be gone until Wednesday at my college orientation at University of Maryland, College Park, so don't expect an update until then. : )


According to a Dreamworks Interactive source, it looks unlikely that Trespasser, the Lost World game for the PC, will make the December '97 release date. The problem does not have to do with the development team, however, but with the publishing company, which is none other than Chairman Bill's small company named Microsoft. According to them, Trespasser is a 1st Quarter '98 release.

Some more exclusive "inside info" about the "San Diego" scene in JP2 and how it relates to JP3..Here goes: Supposedly, Steven Spielberg knew that Universal would want to make a third Jurassic Park film, just for the fact that it would make a lot of money, and knew he wasn't going to direct it. He figured that if there was a third one, there would probably be a scene like the infamous "San Diego scene", and "selfishly" (his word) put a similar sequence in TLW.

While this inside source hasn't heard anything about a third movie and/or book yet, he did say that Universal "knows the power of the almighty dollar" and "would be stupid not to do another one sometime in the future".

A few new toys have been spotted: A new Roland Tembo action figure with a "Dino Auto Restraint Transport" (looks like a moped), as well as a Nick Van Owen figure, that comes with a High Hide. (thanks to Malcolm144)


The Lost World dropped another two spots this weekend, in it's 7th week of release, down to 8th place: This brings the total box office gross for JP2 up to $218.3 million. (Playing on 1,951 locations for an average of $1,335 per location.)

Attention Spielberg fans! You will no doubt be interested in a new biography of the man, the myth, the legend - Steven Spielberg, which includes 480 pages of memories, including how frequent moves, his parents' unhappy domestic life, as well as the anti-Semitism he encountered as a teenager, drove the introverted Spielberg to seek approval through filmmaking.

You can order this book through Amazon.com for $21.00, a 9 dollar savings off of the book's list price, right here

If you haven't checked out American Cinematographer's excellent story on JP2 yet (which features storyboards, pics, and movie info), do it now, as it may be going off-line very soon.

Last Week's Poll Results: The question, "Which ending to The Lost World would you have liked best?" garnered a few interesting results. While the majority (59%) felt that the "T-Rex in San Diego" was the best, a few (25%) thought that a "longer Raptor chase" would be cool, and even less (16%) thought that the "Pteradons attack the helicopter" would have been better.

This Week: "What is your favorite track on the Lost World soundtrack?" Vote Here.


According to Chaos28's local Barnes and Noble bookstore, Michael Crichton will be releasing a book entitled "Jurassic World" in October. Most likely, this is not a third JP book, but just a compilation of Jurassic Park and The Lost World, considering it is 816 pages.

Krunker418 spotted the "Dino Tracker Adventure Set", which consists of a "dino tracker" action figure, and two cancelled JP animals: Scutosaurus and Estemmenosuchus. It sells for $15.95.

The official Godzilla website is already up and running, with enough java, shockwave, and blinking text guranteed to crash Netscape multiple times. Check out the movie trailer, in streaming RealVideo format, here. (thanks to Kid4N64)

Have you seen the latest image from the Mars Pathfinder? Check it out:

After receiving this transmission, scientists at the JPL facilities in Palo Alto were heard by reporters as screaming and yelling, frantically trying to confirm the fact, that, indeed, several giant creature's, one of which looks suspiciously like Hollywood movie-star Jeff Goldblum were spotted wandering the surface of Mars.


A few new rumors about JP3 have surfaced: Supposedly, the next Jurassic Park movie will be entitled "Jurassic Park: Icefall", and the people in charge are already on their third draft of the screenplay. Keep in mind that whether this info is true or not still remains to be seen. (thanks to Brent)

Supposedly the new Godzilla trailer (seen before Men In Black) has a lot of little "JP influences", like the familiar impact tremor and music that sounds very Williams - like. (thanks to Bunuelo)

Agent_DN reports seeing some JP2 Puzzles at his local Target store. One is of two fighting raptors, while the other is of a few trikes with the High Hide in the background.

Some more info on the Playstation JP2 game from Chaos28: You play as a compy for the first level, a hunter for the second, a raptor for the third, and a rex for the fourth. You play as Sarah Harding for the last two levels -- The last one is the San Diego scene, and you have to avoid the rex on the boat, multiple times to win.

And talking about JP2 video games, a few Trespasser (the PC game) webpages have sprung up, and deserve to be mentioned: Keep Out! JP : Trespasser is probably the best I've seen. Reign's 3D Gaming Studio covers a wide array of 3-D computer games, including Trespasser.

Hope everyone has a great Independence Day!

[ June 22nd - July 2nd News ]