
There is an excellent "web feature" (for lack of a better term), on the American Cinematographer webpage entitled "Chase, Crush, and Devour", which features an in-depth interview with Janusz Kaminski, JP2's cinematographer. An excerpt: (thanks to Ron Toekook)
The article also includes several dozen exclusive storyboards from the infamous "Trailer Sequence":

Click an image to enlarge
And if that's not enough, the feature also includes several pictures from the production of the movie, including these two. That white globe in the second picture uses gyroscopes to balance the camera so it doesn't shake around during filming.

Andy Rattinger got to go to the press screening of JP2 in Mexico last week (it will be released June 27th there), and was given a cool 3-D pin, as well as a Lost World mousepad. (if anyone sees the mousepad somewhere in the states, please tell me where you found it!)

The daily merchandise report: Scott Smith found the large and smaller die-cast JP2 vehicles in his local Kay-Bee (the M-class and Hum-Vee), and some "really cool" t-shirts at his local Target: A T-rex t-shirt which glows in the dark, for $9.99 and a Tie-dyed shirt for $12.99. Charles Cortez spotted a Lost World Super-Soaker (water-gun)!

Steve wanted everyone to know that he added a few new LW .WAV files to his LW Sounds Page.


Here are two new tid-bits of information about JP3. Right now, JP3 in itself is a rumor, so any info about it should be regarded as such:

Some new video clips from the one and only, Chris:

"Dateline" Clip from last Thursday, with a segment on the special effects in TLW
[ 16mb .MOV file ]

"Entertainment Tonight" behind the scenes look at the movie, including special effects, etc. (Sound clip from the segment can be found in yesterday's news)
[ 6mb .MOV file ]

Chris also made a .MOV of the new Bond Film, Tomorrow Never Dies. You can get that (6mb), here.

A new Lost World commercial has been spotted on television. According to Chris Baker, the new one has the narriator saying "This weekend, see it again....This time ... with your eyes open". It's proceeded by the "T-rex eye" scene from the film, then some other shots.

Talking about commercials, three new ones have been seen advertising various JP2 merchendise: A "Kodak Lost Roll" commercial features a woman running from a T-rex, only to spill her bag, which happens to be filled to the brim with film canasters. The narriator goes on to explain the contest and prizes (a trip to New Zealand). A interesting commercial for a "Raptor 'Karate Fighting' Game", has two button-controlled raptors which spin and try to knock each other out of their respective spinner thingies. (Okay, so why don't you try to explain it better!) A third new commercial features some of the new JP2 toys, including the stegosaurus, ground tracker, and the T-rexes. [thanks to Charles Cortez, Chris Baker, and Agent_C]

And on the subject of JP2 merchedise, Hobbes reports that he's seen a few new products at his local Toys 'R' Us: A "Play-Dough"-type product has molds to make your own hunter or dinosaur, which can be painted, then for even more fun, can be dropped out of a high window. Also spotted were two types of JP2 Backpacks (One of which has a cool hologram-type picture of Raptor on the back), an electronic pinball game, as well as dinosaur erasers, pencil cases, and rulers.. And don't forget the Indoor sleeping bag and playhouse, which looks like a cage with a dinosaur inside. Whew!

By the way, I can not find the JP2 underwear and/or boxers. : )

I have a total of two hours left to go (tomorrow) in my High School career. Woo Hoo!


Here's a Real Audio clip of yesterday's Entertainment Tonight segment on the special effects of The Lost World. Stream it here. Hopefully, a video clip of the same segment is coming tomorrow.

According to this Entertainment Wire press release, Robert Zemeckis announced today that he would be starting his own movie production company, called ImageMovers, which would be producing movies for Spielberg/Geffen/Katz's company, Dreamworks.

Here's an interesting interview with Stan Winston, from this month's issue of Dinosaurus Magazine (apparently an Australia-only publication). Thanks to Aussie.


Some new merchandise info from Chris Baker: JP2 Crazy-Straws have been spotted, as well as the JP2 Kite mentioned awhile back. He also adds that the really cool Gurgilin' Eggs have several different versions: baby Raptor and Pachy in a half egg shell, and a baby Rex curled in a ball.

The total box office gross of The Lost World is actually $191 million, when you take into account the Monday to Thursday receipts. (thanks to Dan Cohen)

Here's a picture of two of the Burger King watches, thanks to Babi30930. If you haven't gotten a watch yet, hurry up -- the BK near me is already sold out:

The website "Classic Insites Performance Center" has a section about the Lost World soundtrack, complete with comments and audio clips. Visit it here.

According to Chris Baker, the new issue of GamePro has some new screenshots of the upcoming JP2 game for the Sega Genesis. (Other pictures can be found in the Media Gallery)

By the way, have you visited The Shop lately? It's the best place to find JP2 merchandise for discount prices. Amazon.com has just lowered their price on "The Making of the Lost World", so now's a great time to order.

Last night's Dateline, and tonight's episode of Entertinament Tonight both had segments on the special effects in JP2. I'll have the audio from the ET clip tomorrow, and Chris says he'll get the video from the Dateline segment as well.

Talking about groovy books, baby, check this shagadelic one out. And for $8, it's cheaper than a Swedish Penis Enlarger! Yeeeeeeahhhhhh Baby!!!!!!!!


Last week's box office results are in. It's disappointing not only because The Lost World dropped down a spot since last week, but also because such a crappy movie like Speed 2 is in first. (thanks to Elhiu Dominguez): That brings the estimated total of JP2 up to $183 million.

Chris, the guy with the video capture card, has digitized the funny JP2 spoof from Thursday's MTV's Movie Awards. It's 17mb, and can be downloaded here.

Here are some new release dates, courtesy of the Internet Movie Database: Poland, Finland, and Sweden - September 5th, Estonia - September 12th, Denmark - September 19th, Hungary - September 25th, Portugal - September 26th, and France - October 22nd.

Last Week's Poll Results: In this poll, I asked you to give The Lost World a rating of 1 to 4 stars. Well, the results were interesting: The majority of the people who saw the movie (57%), loved it, giving it Four Stars. The votes basically went down from there, with 3 ½ getting 19% of the vote, and 15% giving it 3 stars. Only 6 people (1%) gave the movie one star.

This week's question: Who was your favorite character in JP2? Vote Here.

Just heard this interesting tid-bit about Jim Cameron's epic movie, "Titanic", currently to be released this December -- supposedly the cost has risen to an estimated $210 million with several special effects shots left to be completed. At one point, Cameron ordered the Sfx crew to re-do a shot, simply because the famous ship was going down with it's rotors turning, something historians think was false. Is it just me, or this movie going to be the largest bomb ever? I don't know about you, but I'm not sitting through a three hour movie when I know what's going to happen in the end (hint: the boat sinks).


Thursday's MTV Movie Awards, the music television network's gallant attempt at a pseudo-awards show, had a hilarious JP2-related sketch with Mike Myers, Ben Stiller, and Janeane Garofalo in a remake of the "trailer scene", except with Jay Leno as the T-rex. The awards will re-air today at 12:30pm, 4:30pm, and 11:0pm EDT. The sketch is at the beginning of the show, before the opening credits. Also be sure to check out Myers' parody in "Lord of the Dance", and of course, the Austin Powers sketch (Yeah Baby!)

The summer movie issue of Screen Scene (Published by Scholastic), has a short article on The Lost World. The cover: (thanks to Kid4N64)

If you haven't been to the official Trespasser website in awhile, check it out. They've started to update the "News" section daily, so you can check out the progress on the game. They've also got some cool new screenshots:

Here's a picture of those "Dino Hatchlings" that were mentioned awhile back. (thanks to Compy):

[ June 5th - June 12th News ]